Esmeralda van Cavarates

23-year-old Human female

Fighter Villain Squeezer


  • Arms10
  • Chest14
  • Abs8
  • Legs13
  • Ass12


  • Height5'3"
  • Biceps15"
  • Chest37"
  • Waist31"
  • Thigh20"

Queen to The Kingdom of Cavarates

100% gay
60% top
60% dominant


Esmeralda van Cavarates. The Gal of Green. The grand monarch to The Kingdom of Cavarates.

A smile on the outside. A grin on the inside.
Esmeralda is a woman who has mastered the term 'Two-Face'. To her people, a kind and courageous woman, that would stand against the tyranny of the world that had wronged them for oh so long. A charm for the public, a darling for her allies, a Queen the common folk could respect. Though hidden away, underneath all that a deceptive and sly woman that prefers to keep her true nature and deeds away from the public eye. don't get far without some...underhand tactics~

At just 17, her grace has inherited and expanded the glorious nation of Cavarates, providing it's people much of the honor it lacked for so long. Before? It was fragile. Suffering from political issues, famine, and constant territorial losses to it's hostile neighbours in exchange for mercy. The Kingdom of Cavarates was the laughingstock of the land...though everything changed once she arrived.
With Queen Esmeralda in charge, the Kingdom had never seen a brighter future. The economy was skyrocketing, the territorial losses being earnt back slowly but surely, and the people were happier than they were for years. Her swift yet effective changes single handedly turned the once sick nation into a prosperous and proud Kingdom, united under the crown of Cavarates. A martyr for the people.

Though of course...the reputation would forever have been tarnished. The years of weakness and cowardly decisions prior had caused The Kingdom of Cavarates to hold a certain...stereotype to it. Weaklings. Pathetic cowards that wouldn't dare raise arms to defend itself, instead allowing the decay of its own existence. Queen Esmeralda grew up with this shame...and swore to cleanse it from her bloodline and the Kingdom...and so she built the 'Principles of Cavarates'...

1. Never again shall foreign powers disrespect our natural right to rule.
2. All that have dared wrong us in the past shall repay what is due
3. Those that stand before our success are out to watch us fail.
4. Stability is Strength, and Strength is Stability.
5. Trust in the Crown.

Last login: 2025-02-15
Start of membership: 2024-10-06



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