
Dear All,

We are happy to announce significant updates to our new chat, a fix for the messaging blocking issue, and the launch of our new content creator website,

1) First, our chat now includes many new themes, including a detailed light mode:

  • Enhanced Text Sizes: Choose freely from sizes 9px to 40px, doubling the max size.
  • New Light Mode: Enjoy a bright, clean look with our new Light Mode in the chat.
  • Additional Themes: Explore more than a dozen fresh themes in both Light and Dark Modes.
  • Bug Fix: The mute button in rooms now works as intended.

2) Additionally, the issue where blocked members could still send messages outside the chat has been resolved.

3) In addition to WatchFighters we have launched HardcoreFighters this weekend. The motivation behind this launch is explained in detail in our news post here.

Happy, fighting!

Best regards,

Last edited on 2024-07-22 13:18 by Admin; 0 comment(s)

Dear all,

Updated Terms of Service:

Based on recent developments, we have updated our Terms of Service to better protect our community and clarify our policies. Notable additions include Section 5, prohibiting real financial incentives, and the new Section 11, giving us the authority to terminate accounts or remove content for any reason.

By continuing to use our services, you agree to these changes. Please review the full terms to understand your rights and obligations.

Best Regards,

Last edited on 2024-06-26 10:52 by Admin; 3 comment(s)

Hello ChatFighters!

Video introduction, click to play:
Introducing the new Chat

NO, the site hasn't been hacked! Please, everyone, stay calm. The Chat feature on the site has been updated, and I'm writing this of my own free will. Nobody is pointing a gun to my head and kidnapped my family.

It's been a while since our last official update, but we've finally mustered the courage again to introduce another major change to *gulp*

What's New?

We're updating the core of ChatFighters – our Chat! You might have noticed our team collecting your feedback if you've been active recently.

  • Today, we're switching to the latest version of the Chat.

We know change can be challenging, so we've added some goodies to make it worth your while:

  • New User filters: Search for users; Pro tip: The filter also searches your federation badges and Chat Status text! Giving your status another reason.
  • New Room filters: For room lists and conversations find rooms quickly. You can search room tags, too, such as federation, roleplay, or ring.
  • Draft: Conversations with unsend text are highlied as draft.
  • Avatar icon: added to the conversation list.
  • Longer context windows: Now 2000 characters instead of 1000.
  • Extended edit time: 5 minutes instead of 2 minutes.


Customizing Your Chat Experience

To make the transition smoother, we've added new customization options - to get 'old chat look and feel follow the steps below:'

  1. Clear beta cache: If you joined the beta, close and reopen the Chat or press CTRL+F5 to hard reload the Chat.
  2. Themes: Choose "legacy combat" under settings to mimic the old chat colors.
  3. Default Scaling: Reset your browser zoom to 100% if you adjusted it for the old Chat.
  4. Adjustable Settings: Text size, channel layout, and panel size can all be customized under settings.
  5. Quick Start: Go to settings in the chat, then click on Quick Start and Useful Hints for a quick reminder and introduction.

Design Philosophy

Note: This isn't just a chat update; it's a complete re-creation from the ground up. We've tried to stay as close to the original design as possible while incorporating modern best practices. And based on your feedback, we added Chat Themes, which was not originally planned.

Designs, fashion, and art are constantly evolving and repeating, even if we are not. While recreating the chat, we followed best practices in current layouts and designs. We know designs were different 5 years ago and will be different again in 5 years, but as we created the chat now, we used what is considered modern today. Our main expertise isn't in design, so we focus on best practices.

For the devs out there, only the front end was changed, and the back end remains mostly the same. This recreation allows us to add the chat to our native app without any extra work. Which was not possible with the old front end. Understandably, we don't want to support two front end chat versions forever. But for now, we do.

Some might say, "Don't fix what's not broken." But here's why we did it:

  • Progress is essential – we don't want to live in the stone age.
  • The old chat couldn't be ported to a native app. This new chat is designed to work seamlessly on mobile, providing a significantly better experience and making it possible to add to an app.

Important: The old Chat will still be accessible, but it won't receive any new updates or maintenance and might be turned off at any point without warning.

Your Feedback Still Matters!

While our beta testers have helped us fix many bugs, we need your help too. If you encounter any issues or feel something is missing, please let us know! Constructive feedback is invaluable. You can reach out here or via tickets.

We hope you find the new chat attractive. If not, you can adjust it back to the old layout using the settings.

Shoutout: If you are a content creator or video editor, we would love it if you want to create a short tutorial or introduction video for the CF or the chat - get in contact with us. And discuss details and compensations.

Have fun, stay safe, and happy chatting!


Last edited on 2024-05-26 23:59 by The Tech; 17 comment(s)


We'd like to address the recent issue where some chat conversations were unfortunately lost. This happened because our server, Venus, was operating beyond its capacity. We've taken immediate action and have now doubled all server specifications to ensure this doesn't happen again.

While we regret that we can't restore the lost chats, these upgrades mean a more reliable and robust experience moving forward.

A big shoutout to our donating members! Your monthly contributions play a crucial role in supporting these necessary upgrades and in keeping our Server strong.

Wishing everyone happy holidays and fantastic matches ahead!

Last edited on 2023-12-27 20:33 by The Tech; 7 comment(s)

New Text Editor


Today, we are releasing the first version of our new text editor.
For now, the new editor is only active for NEW stories.
Compared to the old editor, this one follows a WYSIWYG ( model.

That means you can see what the finished story looks like inside the editor.

More importantly, it also comes with many formatting options (text size, text- and background color, alignment, and much more), all much simpler to use within the editor. You can even post formatted text into it to a certain degree.

We tried to test as much as possible, but with the number of different devices and browsers, please expect to find some bugs or rough edges. If you find them, post them below or open a ticket so we can fix them.

We also ensured that we did not remove any functionality of the old editor, but if we overlooked something, please let us know too.

Once we polish the new text editor, it will replace the current editor for all parts of our site (forum, comments, profile introduction, etc.)

As always, with these updates, you can expect us to closely monitor things and push fixes as fast as possible.

We hope you like the change and are looking forward to your feedback!

Best Regards,

Last edited on 2023-10-06 18:46 by The Tech; 15 comment(s)