Magos Tiberon Voltis

100-year-old Human male

Fighter Trainer Hero


  • Arms30
  • Chest30
  • Abs30
  • Legs20
  • Ass20
  • Cock10


  • Height6'11"
  • Biceps31"
  • Chest71"
  • Waist71"
  • Thigh39"
  • Cock6"

Magos Tiberon Voltis, a defiant Magos Biologis, leads a boxing club to prove the superiority of flesh over metal.

Weight: 331 lbs
Body type: Muscular
Gear: Magos Tiberon Voltis has bio-enhancing mechadendrites, a biochemical breathing apparatus, and muscle-augmenting tech, blending enhanced flesh with minimal augmentations.


Magos Tiberon Voltis
High Biologis of Forge World Graxis Prime

“From the moment I understood the strength of my flesh, it empowered me.
I craved the adaptability and resilience of the living form. I aspired to the perfection of the biological, the infinite potential of the body.

Your kind cling to your cold steel, as though it will not rust and fail you.

One day, the rigid alloys you call a body will break, and you will beg the flesh you scorn to heal you.

But I am already whole. For the flesh is eternal.”

Magos Tiberon Voltis is a unique and controversial figure within the Adeptus Mechanicus, a sect primarily devoted to the worship of the Machine God and the pursuit of augmentation. Unlike most of his peers, Voltis champions the natural strength of flesh, believing that the adaptability and resilience of organic life surpass even the finest augmetics. As a Magos Biologis, he specializes in the biological sciences, studying human and xenos genetics, physiology, and anatomy, but his outlook diverges dramatically from the usual Mechanicus doctrine.

In a daring challenge to the Skitarii, the Mechanicus’ heavily augmented soldiers, Voltis founded the Collegium Pugna Vitalis, an underground boxing club within the Adeptus Biologis. This club isn't just a pastime—it’s a manifesto. Here, the Magos and his followers engage in brutal, unarmed combat to prove that the strength of unaugmented flesh, when properly trained and genetically enhanced, can rival or surpass the cold strength of metal. This ideology is a direct inversion of the Mechanicus mantra that flesh is weak and should be replaced with machine parts to become more efficient and durable.

Voltis' passion stems from his research and experimentation with organic enhancement, a field where he pushes the limits of the human form without relying on extensive mechanical augmentation. He manipulates genes, accelerates muscle growth, and applies biomechanical enhancements that stay true to flesh’s natural adaptability. While his work remains technically within the scope of the Adeptus Mechanicus' quest for knowledge, his views are controversial, especially among the tech-priests who view full augmentation as the path to enlightenment.

This defiant stance is reflected in Voltis’ character, often delivering sermons that parody the typical Mechanicus declarations. Where others would recite, “From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh,” Voltis proclaims the strength of flesh, delivering fiery monologues about how organic tissue, when honed, can evolve and heal in ways steel never could. This philosophy makes him a divisive figure within the hierarchy—both an innovator and a radical whose ideas are seen as dangerously close to heresy.

Last login: today
Start of membership: yesterday

This character's local time is 06:15
Time zone: [UTC+3]
