
32-year-old Human male

Fighter Jobber Trainer Hero


  • Arms16
  • Chest15
  • Abs15
  • Legs16
  • Ass13
  • Cock13


  • Height7'3"
  • Biceps20"
  • Chest55"
  • Waist35"
  • Thigh28"
  • Cock10"

True artistry lies in connecting with your audience on a deeper level.


Name: Moon-Age
Age: 32
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: June 15th
Job: Musician (Guitarist)

Appearance: Moon-Age is a black male with a muscular build, standing tall with a commanding presence. His dark skin contrasts with his striking white smile that lights up his face. He sports a sharp jawline and expressive eyes that seem to hold a world of stories. Moon-Age's hands are calloused from years of playing the guitar, and his large bulge is a testament to his powerful musical abilities.

Personality: Moon-Age is charismatic and confident, exuding a magnetic charm that draws people to him. He is passionate about his music and carries himself with a cool, laid-back demeanor. Despite his alluring powers over females, Moon-Age is respectful and kind-hearted, always treating others with dignity and compassion.

Goals: Moon-Age aims to make a lasting impact on the music industry with his unique blend of talent and charm. He dreams of performing on stages around the world, sharing his gift with audiences far and wide.

Motivations: Moon-Age is driven by his love for music and the desire to connect with others through his art. He finds inspiration in the emotions that his music evokes in people, fueling his passion to create and perform.

Strengths: Moon-Age's strengths lie in his exceptional musical talent, his ability to captivate audiences, and his unwavering dedication to his craft. His powers of bringing females to arousal through his music give him a distinctive edge on stage.

Abilities: Moon-Age possesses the supernatural ability to bring any female listener to a state of arousal through the power of his music. His guitar skills are unparalleled, and his performances are electrifying, leaving audiences spellbound.

Quirks: Despite his confident exterior, Moon-Age is known to be a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to his music. He can be extremely focused and intense during rehearsals, striving for excellence in every note he plays.

Personal Views: Moon-Age believes that music has the power to transcend boundaries and unite people from all walks of life. He sees his talent as a gift to be shared with the world, spreading joy and passion through his performances.

Sayings: "Let the music speak for itself."
"True artistry lies in connecting with your audience on a deeper level."

Overall, Moon-Age is a formidable musician with a captivating presence and a heart full of passion for his craft. His ability to move listeners with his music sets him apart in the industry, making him a rising star to watch.

Last login: 9 days ago
Start of membership: 2024-06-01

This character's local time is 22:03
Time zone: [UTC-4]
