Payton Wrassle

21-year-old Human female

Face Trainee Squeezer Squeezetoy


  • Arms10
  • Chest5
  • Abs8
  • Legs10
  • Ass5


  • Height5'3"
  • Biceps12"
  • Chest34"
  • Waist27"
  • Thigh19"

A newcomer with a fascination for wrestling trying her luck!


Hi, hi! As you can hopefully tell and assume, I'm Payton and I adore wrestling!

I grew up with three three older sisters, so my childhood was spent many bored times wrestling with each other by default and I've had a few girlfriends into the pro TV stuff, so needless to say, there's always been an absolute curious fascination with the whole thing.

And ironically enough, wanting to explore said fascination in a more...personal way...I've stumbled onto here and a few other sites with like-minded communities, I just knew that I was bound to make an account and try my hand out here!

So! Let's start with the basics- well basics about me should be first, I suppose- 21 years old, 5'3, 110 pounds, and a pure desire to kick some ass or even if it's fun in the end, have my own ass kicked!

That being said, for the basics on how I like to 'fight' (mostly wrestle, go fucking figure) I am really adaptable. I won't limit myself to just wrestling, even though the brackets say otherwise, it's more so that I like fights to include a part of wrestling in it. So we can get catty and box and the like, but mix into it a suplex, pin, submission hold, dropkick- and I'll be just as happy as getting into a ring as well!

But, if you're like me and you enjoy wrestling more than most styles of hurting someone. That itself can have a whole amount of ways we can do things. We can do full on flashy TV Pro. Ring, audience, ref, crowd, pyro, theme songs. All that nonsense to really fall into a fantasy with each other. Or we can go the more 'realistic' approach of something like a private ring and just use the ropes to break each other in by ourselves and for only ourselves. And of course, sexual wrestling sounds like fun. I mean, not to give my ideas away or warn you of them in advance, but scissors and fingering can go a very loonnnggggg way!

More so, I really don't care why we fight. Not in the sense I don't like a story, but it's more so what *you* like. If you wanna just say one of us invited the other over so we can get dirty, cool! If you want to do 2-3 paragraphs on just why this bitch has to go down, cool! If you wanna do the cliche tropes of like neighbors butting heads, classmates having enough of each other, me being the cunty student to your fed up Professor, cool. I will admit, considering how I grew up, family fights can be fun too!

With all of this said, just message me about anything you'd like! Yes, anything. Quiz me on the history of Rome if you're so inclined. But unfacetiously, just talk or ask about anything and I'll tell you how I feel about whatever you're thinking about when you read the profile!

Last login: 2024-03-23
Start of membership: 2024-03-21

This character's local time is 03:09
Time zone: [UTC-4]
