Takaiji_the_TitanYoohei_TakahashiTiny_TonyCherry_BosomCassandra_the_CrusherOddToddGizeleEmily_FightsDella_DarlingBitchBreakerGeorgia_fit_Catfighter+-Takaiji the Titan Expand Collapse Yoohei Takahashiis Opponent ofTakaiji the TitanTiny Tonyis Weaker thanTakaiji the TitanCherry Bosomis Opponent ofTakaiji the TitanCassandra the Crusheris Rival ofhas Defeated is Stronger thanTakaiji the TitanOddToddis Opponent ofTakaiji the TitanGizeleis Admirer ofis Weaker thanTakaiji the TitanEmily Fightsis Admirer ofTakaiji the TitanDella Darlingis Opponent ofTakaiji the TitanBitchBreakeris Rival ofTakaiji the TitanGeorgia fit Catfighteris Rival ofTakaiji the Titan