Tall_Bitch_LauraMixtko8910CristinaVelvetOld_School_ReeseWellsOzy90StaceyHardbodWrestlesJack_the_ladHenry_HillRingerAlex_the_Femboy+-Tall Bitch Laura Expand Collapse Mixtko8910is Follower ofTall Bitch LauraCristinaVelvetis Opponent ofTall Bitch LauraOld School ReeseWellsis Opponent ofTall Bitch LauraOzy90is Friend ofTall Bitch LauraStaceyHardbodWrestlesis Opponent ofTall Bitch LauraJack the ladwas Defeated by Tall Bitch LauraHenry Hillis Opponent ofTall Bitch LauraRingeris Admirer ofTall Bitch LauraAlex the Femboyis Opponent ofis Rival ofTall Bitch Laura