The Lawless Ladies

26-year-old Human female



  • Arms5
  • Chest5
  • Abs3
  • Legs4
  • Ass3


  • Height5'4"
  • Biceps10"
  • Chest31"
  • Waist30"
  • Thigh17"

The ruthless cowgirl sheriffs who enforce their own brand of justice in the ring

Weight: 132 lbs
Body type: Slim
Gear: White and black ring gear attire


"We are the Lawless Ladies, the sheriffs of this ring, and we enforce our own rules. Step outta line, and you'll be face down in the dirt faster than a rattlesnake strike!"

Diamond Dallas: "Yeehaw! I'm Diamond Dallas, the young gun in white, ridin' into the ring with a sparkle in my eye and a lasso full of tricks. I'm here to bring a new kind of justice to the ring, and trust me, you'll wish you never crossed paths with this rookie cowgirl!"

Black Belle: "I'm Black Belle, the veteran outlaw in black. I've been breakin' hearts and bones in this business for years. When the Lawless Ladies ride into town, we ain't here to play nice. We're here to lay down the law, our law, and there ain't no one that can stop us."


Mooveset :

  • Desperado Drop A tag team finisher where Black Belle sets up the opponent for a spinning spinebuster, and as the opponent lands, Diamond Dallas follows up immediately with a high-impact leg drop, sealing the opponent's fate.
  • Double Lasso: Both wrestlers each take an arm of their opponent, whip them into the ropes, and on the rebound, deliver simultaneous clotheslines, knocking the opponent off their feet.
  • Sheriff's Slam: Diamond Dallas lifts the opponent in a fireman's carry, and Black Belle delivers a running knee strike to the head, followed by Dallas slamming the opponent to the mat.
  • Cowgirl Constriction: A submission finisher where Diamond Dallas locks in a Texas Cloverleaf while Black Belle applies a crossface, ensuring the opponent has nowhere to go but tap out.
  • BBR (a.k.a Booty Bang Rampage): Diamond Dallas and Black Belle charge from opposite sides, delivering simultaneous hip attacks with their strong hips and developed butts. The impact creates a loud "bang," leaving their opponent reeling and ready for the pin.

Last login: 2024-07-17
Start of membership: 2024-07-14
