Yusha_SentoCynniViolettaFaith_JefferiesRed_for_troubleKeira_wUgahitta_BoneAidenMax_the_FighterDannyWinsBiff_the_BruiserArteyRosita_MoralesVexTexLadyBoxingSophia_KnightSteveS32123ItachiSapphireЕленаRimuru_Tempest+-Yusha Sento Expand Collapse Cynniis Weaker thanis Friend ofis Trainee ofis Bodyguard ofwas Defeated by Yusha SentoViolettais Stronger thanis Opponent ofhas Defeated Yusha SentoFaith Jefferiesis Opponent ofis Friend ofwas Defeated by Yusha SentoRed for troubleis Stronger thanhas Defeated is Opponent ofYusha SentoKeira wis Stronger thanis Opponent ofhas Defeated Yusha SentoUgahitta Boneis Lover ofis Friend ofhas Defeated is Opponent ofYusha SentoAidenis Stronger thanis Opponent ofhas Defeated Yusha SentoMax the Fighterhas Defeated is Stronger thanis Opponent ofYusha SentoDannyWinsis Opponent ofis Weaker thanwas Defeated by Yusha SentoBiff the Bruiserwas Defeated by has Defeated Yusha SentoArteyis Stronger thanis Opponent ofhas Defeated Yusha SentoRosita Moralesis Stronger thanhas Defeated is Opponent ofis Butch ofYusha SentoVexTexis Idol ofYusha SentoLadyBoxingis Rival ofis Opponent ofwas Defeated by Yusha SentoSophia Knightis Opponent ofis Enemy ofis Rival ofYusha SentoSteveS32123is Opponent ofhas Defeated was Defeated by Yusha SentoItachiis Friend ofYusha SentoSapphireis Tag team partner ofis Friend ofis Lover ofYusha SentoЕленаhas Defeated is Opponent ofis Stronger thanYusha SentoRimuru Tempestis Friend ofhas Defeated Yusha Sento