All-Asian Association (AAA)

Public Restricted

Established: 2021-12-18

  • No holds barred
  • Pro wrestling
  • Submission
  • Boxing
The Triple A League exists to gather Asian fighters from across the globe.
39 members
38 stories
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Hayate vs Scorpion

Scorp (deleted member)
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11:46 Hayate: I heard about the illegal and infamous underground fighting arena in the sin city. The brutal and hot tournaments are held monthly, and each fighter can sign up for their money and fame. Just in last month, the BLACK SCORPION destroyed BURNING THUNDER badly until his hot tattooed muscles soaked with his loser cum and KO his THUNDER HAMMER once again. But this time, he will meet the real power. I tighten my headband and black belt in the locker room. A surprising match will be ready, I am sure.

11:52 Hayate: From the small broadcast in locker room, I can hear the announcer is warming up for the coming match. The powerful and swift HAYATE have beaten one after another fighter and come to the final round. Tonight, the young and hot-blooded fighter will meet the final nightmare, BLACK SCORPION in the ring! "So, will our HAYATE bring some surprises to us, or just be another prey of the cruel SCORPION? Let's wait and see! But now, welcome to our challenger, HAYAAAAATE!" As the voice goes, the music comes and the door opens. I walk along the aisle without any stunt and jump into the ring. Then the highlight shines down on my body. White GI coats and pants with white taped fists and feet, The black long headband and belt are prominent. The GI and belts are spirits of me, and I am sure that the pure white will defeat the devil black!

11:56 Hayate: After a small move of kicks, I bounce my toes on the canvas to keep my body warm and active. The temperature in the underground arena is really high and soon a thin layer of sweat covers my body. I do some warming up move around my shoulder and neck, then loosen my belt and take off my GI coats. A perfect hot muscled body is shown to every audience around the ring! My ridged pecs and abs shine with sweat under the light. I step to the edge of the ring and hang my GI coats to the ref. "Keep it carefully. When I step on the loser SCORPION's limp stinger, I will put on it back to show my victory!" yt

12:07 Scorp: I knocked on the front door now and a small window opens and as soon as They see me they close the small window and the locks click open immediately, CLICK CLICK KRINKKK CLICK, and the door opens for me and I step in to the silent lobby, and look to my side seeing a young man big and huge muscular bouncer opening the main door for me, he bends low welcoming me inside, and I tap on his shoulder to show him my dislike of being served, he raises up and we bump our fists together and hug, “so who am I face today Ryan” I ask “ some hot Asian dude again he’s a famed guy dangerous his base is muai thai and he’s got some mean kicks, broke the punching bag with those slim legs of his, I would stay away from those if I were u, but if I were u I would be destroying legends down stairs” and I smirk at his joke and shake my head moving down “checkout the beating later Ryan” I say now thinking of ur name thinking where have I heard it before, and I move into the locker room now…

12:13 Scorp: I quickly undress and get into my black mma compression shorts and bandage my knuckles and wrists and my ankles then get my gloves out and do some stretches and workout a bit, breaking some sweat, my victory tattoo looking hot in my arm, with another tattoo added to the list, I now hear the door open and in walks the medics with a fallen warriors body, it’s all bloodied up and broken and I shake my head looking at the screen now in the locker room and see his opponent another beat him up really well slamming punches into ur his face until he was all bloodied and dazed and suddenly my cock gets hard now and bulges in my shorts, the guard pushing out tenting the golden Scorpion as the blood lust takes me over, I move to the fallen warrior and scoop two fingers of blood and smear it over my lips now and my eyes flutter with lust and need, and I dip my fingers in my mouth tasting it sucking on it, then the door open and I am shocked and get back in my normal stance again…

12:21 Scorp: The medic coming in says “ur name is announced dude and don’t go over drive on him, or urself u freak” and I smile and grab my robes and walk out of the room, I enter the arena slowly walking as my music is played hooded in black robes with a golden scorpion logo on the back of the robes, I move in slowly as the audience cheers for me and the announcers get crazy with my name and introduction “THE INSIDIOUS BLACK SCORPION” they call my name over and over and all I could feel is the blood of that guy in my mouth the metallic taste and the lust that follows as I enter the ring in a trance and get my robes off and flex for the crowd as if on mechanical reflexes and then I move to the centre looking at ur handsome face, imagining how to paint ur face with blood, the referee checks both of us now for metal bracing and cheats and explains us the rules of the match, ignoring him I look at u only “I hear u r a muai boy, where’s ur soul hayate? Am gonna wipe ur blood over it and take it with me as my trophy for tonight” Yt

12:32 Hayate: When the silent crowd began to boil, I took a glance of the lateral door and a muscled fighter appear in his black robes with music rising. "THE INSIDIOUS BLACK SCORPION" The crowd cheered for your nickname again and again. When you came closer, I could have a whole view of the infamous fighter. The brown oiled muscles are hot and tough in the robes and the devil STINGER shows its cocky shape and size in your black MMA compressions. "I hear u r a muai boy" Your voice is cocky just like your appearance. I tighten the black belt on my waist and show you a kick pose with my leg pointing to you. "You should have a closer look about my gear, you silly!" My slim but muscled legs are powerful and undefeated. "My Taekwondo will finish your infamous fighting career and soon you will know the strength of HAYATE and kneel down under my foot!" My young and handsome face is full of steadiness and the fighting spirit inside my body burns. "The young Korean fighter shows no fear to our champ!" yt

12:42 Scorp: As u point ur kick at me I do not budge or move and the smile is just steady on my face looking cool and calm I crock my face to the right and look into ur eyes again, raise my two fingers up to ur foot and lower it down now “ Impressive muai boy” I smile now an evil grin appears on my face now and I let out a small quite laugh as ur leg is down now “wow the champ is not afraid of the pain is what he showed us today guys” and I move back a little as the referee shoved us both away and places an arm in front of us, “now boys let’s begin the fight” and I smile and raise my arms up and say “ LET’S DANCE HAYATE” and DING DING DING YT

12:51 Hayate: "I will kick you rude man down and let you know the power of Taekwondo!" I tighten my black long headband again and step forward a little. "READY? FIGHT!" DING DING DING... As soon as the bell rings, I bounce with my feet and suddenly rush to you quickly. I will show my brilliant kicking skills and beat down their champ to surprise everyone in the ring! When my distance is close enough to deliver my kick, I twist my waist to charge and change into an exact position then WHACK!!! The first high kick comes directly to your head, and then I exchange my attacking leg to add up to another front straight kick to your chest WHAM... "Great move! The young HAYATE shows his matured skills!" The announcer cheers for my moves. yt

12:58 Scorp: As the bell has just rung I simply stand there with my hands to the side now, small grin on my face when u come in super fast and slam a kick on my head, I take the kick not moving an inch my face turned to the side a little and then WHAMM I hold my breath and flex my chest taking in ur kick now moving a few steps back, I let out my breath now, the grin getting wider and wider now “I like how I dance hayate” and then I move in super fast into ur body space and shove a left uppercut to ur navel at ur solar plexus followed by a hard right uppercut to ur chin now BOOMM!! Followed by a roundhouse kick to ur chest my heel going in to ur chest now yt
13:06 Hayate: You really act as fast as a scorpion and use the smallest movement to dodge my first powerful kick! Then my second kick hits your chest, but your tough pecs are tough enough to resist it. "I like how I dance hayate" You talk some trash to provoke me, but I won't disturb by your tricks. A fast left uppercut comes as my thought, and I notice your arm is coming to my abs. I lift my right leg to block it soon and then your fist changes its track and goes up! Crossing my both arms, I guard up in time to prevent from being punched and kicked by the following heel! Your skills are so brutal so that I have to gather all my attention. The first round of attacks got a lot of cheer from the crowd! Bouncing with my toes on the canvas again, I try to adjust my breath and find your weak point. After a short moment, I step forward and circle you around and around, then bend down to deliver a lower kick to your ankles to disturb you, and lift up quickly with a big roundhouse kick to your head! BAM... yt

13:16 Scorp: Seeing u block my attacks my grin gets wider now, knowing I am facing a better opponent than my previous ones, but with the last kick shoving u back though ur block I show u how strong I can be, then u bounce for a while and swiftly u come in and go for an ankle kick, but I lift my leg up dodging it folding it at my knee now and as u are in the motion of the roundhouse kick I jackknife my raised leg hitting my heel into ur ribs really hard before ur kick could come to my head BAAMMMM!!!! “U dance gracefully Maui boy” yt

13:23 Hayate: You manage to lift your leg up to dodge my lower kick and even show me your quicker reaction when my big roundhouse kick is ready to hit my aim. "Damn..." I said in my mind because I notice your raised leg has formed a good posture of counterattack then BAMMMM... Your heel hits my ribs hard... "GRRRRR..." I moan a little and have to step back. A red bruise appears in the shape of your heel slowly on my ribs. "The SCORPION is still powerful and undefeated!" The announcer begins to boast about you. But the match won't go as easy as you thought! When you talk trash cockily, I stretch my right arm and go for a sudden lateral jab onto your temple BAM, following by a powerful uppercut to hit your navel! "Leg is not my only attacking way!" I glare at you and counter your word back! yt

13:32 Scorp: Seeing u pushed back from the kick I see u massaging ur ribs now, I hold my leg high for a while now teasing u with my ankle TICK TICK TICK TICK, making it move up and down saying a ‘no’ then slowly lower my leg down to the canvas, smirking at u and wink “U dance gracefully Maui boy”… the crowd and the announcers going wild after my show, and u get angry and move in with a lateral jab to my temple which I dodge by moving back but then u slam ur fist into my navel at my solar plexus which is unguarded and I wince in pain now from the impact…OOOFFFFFFF…. Bend low a little and then snarling I immediately raise up with both my fists joined together and I am now going in for a slam a hammer punch to ur chin now in a nasty uppercut now yt

13:41 Hayate: You are really skilled and fast, but you waste too much time on showing off and pay attention to satisfy your fans. When my following uppercut hits your navel, your spit fall from your mouth on my forearm and mixes with my sweat. I have predicted that the spitting will make you embarrassed and you want to get your fame back in front of your fans, so the next attack will come quickly and urgently. As expected, you choose a violent and fast way to fight back with your fists joining together to punch my chin in an uppercut. "Too big for a move!" As soon as your uppercut ready to rise, I jump back to get the distance from you. The distance is not enough for an arm attack, but it is enough to deliver a leg kick! I charge into my right leg and catch the chance in which you are focused on your uppercut, and WHACCCK BAMMM to give a double roundhouse kicks onto your temple and neck, finishing by a big straight kick onto your heart! BOOM... yt

13:50 Scorp: Hands joined raised up now in the air I see u have jumped back and now move in for an attack with a roundhouse kick to my temple but I intercept the attack by lowering my hands down and blocking ur kick, the impact leaving a red mark over my bicep, and as I come down u go in for a straight kick to my heart and I move back a little and grab ur feet with both my hands right palm on ur toes and left down on the heel, and snarling at u I pull them both them in opposite directions “ damm you punch well for a Maui boy” yt

14:02 Hayate: A red mark appeared on your bicep, and it shows how powerful my kick is. My following straight kicking leg shoot onto your heart like a quick arrow but you move back and let my key attack missed! Before I can pull my leg back, you grab my kicking foot with your hands and catch my toes. Your palm rubs with my bandage taped foot and then you snarl at me to disturb my balance. "WHAT..." Before I can react, my body loses the balance and fall down on the canvas. Rolling to the side and get up quickly, I guard up with my arms and keep watching your movement. Then I step two steps to sound out your moves, and pretend to use my left arm to jab your temple. But the real attack has charged in my right leg, with a big roar, I speed up suddenly to deliver a big synchronized kick consisting of 6 kicks on your head BAM...BAM...BAM...WHACK...BAM...WHAM!!! "HAYATE STRIKES!" I exclaim my move in a loud voice! yt

14:18 Scorp: I see u fallen down and I try to move in now to pin u down but u swiftly move back and bouncing up and down u come in and feign a left jab to my temple, and frowning I raise my arms up for dodging it, but instead u go in for a different attack now raising ur legs up u send 6kicks towards my head now and as my arms were raise they all get blocked, but the impact from the solid kicks makes me stagger to my left side now and towards the left side now and banged into the cage which I grab to stabilize myself my right bicep red from the slams and I smile at u now…

14:21 Scorp: And then running forward I move into ur body space now and swing a volley of punches at super fast speed, a left then a right hook to ur temple followed by an uppercut to ur chin followed by an elbow to ur throat followed by a flurry to 15 short punches to you upper middle and lower abs now 5 each and then a last one uppercut to ur navel grinding it into those hot abs yt

14:29 Hayate: Before my foot came to your head, you had raised your arms and guarded up. There is no way to escape so that I have to finish my full kicks in 6 times. Though you manage to block all of them, the big impact still makes you stagger back and weaken your defense. I know I need to pull back my leg and adjust my breath soon, but you give me no chance with running to me in your super fast speed! BAM BAM... A cross L/R hook hits my temple and makes me dazed for a little while, then WHACK... A violent uppercut follows to hit my chin together with an elbow punches my throat. "PUGAAAA..." My body staggers on the spot and you still continue your combo with a 15 short punches to my abs from upper to lower BAM BAM BAM... My stomach, guts and navel get damaged badly and my saliva and gastric juice rise from my throat. Then the last one uppercut hits my navel and keep drilling into it! "GRAAAHHHHHH..." A full mouth of saliva mixed with gastric juice jets onto your chest. yt

14:42 Scorp: Watching ur small Frame moving all over the place the crowd and the announcer going wild now and as I drill that last punch into ur navel u vomit out ur gastric juices and saliva out on my chest now, I lift u up on my punch now and raising u up Over my head I slam u down on ur back now, and raise my arm up to the crowd now roaring, GGGRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAA and thump my chest now the screens showing the SCORPION HURRICANE in reply again and again in different angles with u spilling out ur contents yt

14:50 Hayate: Punched to lean to your chest, my sight was still blurred and I struggle to grab your trunks to lift myself up. Your sweat mixed with mine and it makes my muscles slimy. Suddenly, you grab me and lift me up even over your head. I wave my legs and arms to struggle, and my hot and sweaty abs shine under the highlight with some red bruises. "The cocky Korean fighter looks like a crown!" The announcer even begins to taunt me because of my disadvantages. Then BAMMMM... You throw me out and slam my back onto the ground hard. "GRAAAAHH..." I twist my back on the canvas and try to get up, but the big pain blocks my strength and move. "YEAHHHHH!!!!" Your fans are all cheering and looking at the screen in which your super move is played again and again. "1, 2, 3...." The ref comes to count, and you are raising your arm up to your fans. When the count comes to 5, I gather all of my spirits and power to overcome the great pain to lift me up.

14:53 Hayate: "Not finished!!!" Roaring loudly, I rush to your showing off muscled body with an unexpected high roundhouse kick to your head BAM... Then I don't give you any chance and deliver the following three kicks WHAM BAM BAM onto your navel, stomach and guts to weaken your guard. Stomping hard on the canvas, my left leg is charged fully to give a violent big kick to your kidney BAM BAM BAM in a triple combo! Finally, I bounce on my toes and jump a little to you, and point my hard FOOT directly to your bulge BOOOOMBBBB!!! "BALLBUSTING STRIKE!!!" My voice bursts out with full anger. yt

15:18 Scorp: I now move to the center now and bounce on my toes as the refree is counting u out now but then u raise up red abs bruised face blood spit and vomit on ur lips edge now and u run towards me in top speed roaring like a wounded animal and go in for a roundhouse kick to my head which I block easily now and spreading my legs take the impact from ur hard kick my left bicep shaking from the impact, then as my arms are up u slam three kicks into ur midsection hitting my stomach liver and my navel...OOOFFF UUGHHH UGHHHH... I bend low wrapping my hands on my abs wincing and spitting saliva now, i raise up and see u charging for a kick to my kidneys and I block them with my arms now and then at the second hit my arm gives in hanging down now, as u hit my kidney my body recoils and jerks in the air and I stand there grabbing my left arm at the bicep, massaging it my abs red and then u now diliver a solid kick into my balls screaming out ur moves name... BAAAMMMMM CRACCKKKKKKKKKK... And I am lifted up in the air and to my toes now, wincing in pain now I fall down to my knees in front of u cupping my balls and reach in my trunks grabbing my guard and look at it breathing heavily now anger and rage boiling in me watching the cracked and broken guard, I thank the starts now, for wearing my guard again, snarling i look up at u as u r enjoying the screen thinking I am down from the ball shot, which is repeatedly showing my face as my balls were crushed and me going down on my knees I snarl and slam my right forearm up between ur legs now, slamming ur balls lifting u to ur toes now, And then breathing in pure rage I grab the ankle of ur right foot and pull it towards me under my armpit and wrap my legs around ur shin and move on my back now locking it up in a nasty ankle lock now stretching ur ankle out " am gonna end ur career u bitch goona break u down" I say now like a maniac as u pricked my ego really hard Yt

15:40 Hayate: From your former matches, I knew that the infamous SCORPION will wear his guard to prevent from KO by ballbusting attacks. In my usual training, my foot can destroy boards easily. So I am confident that your useless guard won't help you a little. With a lustful and painful scream, the black SCORPION is kicked off the canvas and fall down to his knees. "OUGHHHHH..." Your fans and announcer all got shocked for your coming lose, then the screen lights and begins to replay the super move. From the closer vision, I can see that your devil STINGER even got kicked to change its shape in your compressions, and the hot scene attracts me to get me disturbed.

15:46 Hayate: But in fact, your guard is hard enough and my super kick didn't KO you and busted your balls. Using that chance, you get enough time to recover and suddenly rush back to me and WHAMM to slam your right forearm up between my legs, just aiming at my balls! "GRAAHHHHH..." The sharp pain happens too quick and push my sight back from the screen. Inside my GI pants, I wear a common jockstrap as a usual protect, and your fist makes my balls into a burning pain. "D..Damn..." I struggle to hold my balls to get some recovery but then you grab my ankle and lock it under your armpit together with a further body lock! I try to kick your body to get out of your lock but each kick stretches my balls with a sharp pain! "I am gonna end ur career u bitch goona break u down" You exclaim in an angry voice. With the power of my abs, I make effort to lift my upperbody up and deliver a big straight jab onto your eyes BAM!!! yt

15:56 Scorp: I see u struggling in my grip now and I bend ur ankle to its breaking point now and as u work ur bruised and damaged abs u scream in my agonizing hold now and u now use the remaining bit of ur strength now and using ur abs to pull urself up now trying to deliver a jab to my eyes but I see u coming in and grab ur fist in my right hand stopping u and the grinning at u now I twist ur arm around snapping a ligament in ur forearm and shove u back and now pulling ur ankle to its breaking point now I snap ur ankle breaking it SNAAAPPPPP CRAKKKKKKKKKKKKK YT

16:02 Hayate: The black SCORPION shows his fangs finally. When you grabbed my fist and stopped my attack easily, you showed your devil smile to me. The next second, you twist my arms to shove me back and CRACCCCCKKKK.... You pull my ankle to its breaking point and "ARGHHHHHHHH..." The sharp and deadly pain spreads from my ankle! And all the strength disappears from my ankle suddenly. "WHAT a violent attack!! The Scorpion even destroys the attacking way of HAYATE!!" I struggle to find any chance to fight back but the pain begins to spread to my lower body. In full despair, I try to lift my another leg and kick straightly to your heart! yt

16:09 Scorp: I see u in pain now as it travels to ur lower leg and I scream and howl to the top of ur lungs now, and I let u go now, thinking u have submitted but no u show ur fighting sprit and try slamming ur kick into my chest now but I grab it in mid air again and now get u in another ankle lock now pulling ur ankle to it’s breaking point I snap it…SSSSNNNNNAAAPPPPP CRREEEAAAAAAKKKKK… “ No kicks now Maui boy” k say taunting u now shoving ur ankle away from my body, I raise up my hard 8 inches stinger now tenting the golden sporpion logo on the front pouch now leaking as I break ur main weapons yt

16:16 Hayate: You didn't deliver further attacks but let me go. When I think I can beat you down by your cocky attitude, you predicted my aim and grab my kicking leg in the mid air and SNAPPPPPP and CRACCCCKKKKK.... "AAAARRAAAAAHHH!!!" My scream shouted out of my throat again and you destroyed my both legs now to crush my main weapons to fight. "How cruel the black SCORPION is!!!" Even your fans were shocked by your fierce fighting styles. My legs can't hold my body to stand up again, and I crawl to the edge of the rings and struggle to escape. I see your erected 8 inches STINGER showing its shape through the golden scorpion logo in your compressions. My muscles have been covered with sweat fully and the great pain makes my handsome face distorted. yt

16:46 Scorp: I now see u crawling away now ur handsome face in tears and sweat now bruised and bloodied I now get up slowly on my feet now and then standing up I suddenly fall down to my one knee again and vomit out blood from the onslaught of ur kicks to my abs and kidney now shaking my head my abs red and my left hand in tremendous pain snarling and beaten badly I see ur pathetic body crawling away now on ur elbows as ur legs hang limp and I move to u now and flip u around and sit on ur hips now ur thick cock throbbing underneath my ass, I grab ur silky hair with my left hand and slam punches into ur face really hard now with my right disfiguring it ..1!….2!!…3!!!…4!!!!!….5!!!!…6!!!!….7!!!!!…..8!!!!! The crowd now silent and stunned as I am really driven crazy now by my need to break u badly yt

16:57 Hayate: After a constant overusing of your energy, your body can't hold it and fall down to vomit some blood out due to my accumulated damages to your abs and kidney. I hope I can get out of the ring before you can recover yourself. But now your mind and thought are completely driven by your crazy spirits. Before I can get out of your control, you come to me and flip my body around to expose my sweaty abs. My white GI pants are nearly soaked by sweat. As a Taekwondo fighter, my GI is my spirit and proud. I struggle to protect the possible attacks on my lower body but you just grab my hair and slam punches after punches in my face. BAM... BAM... BAM... My eyelids and lips get bruised and begin to bleed, then my handsome face turns into swelling, red and purple. The constant punches make me dazed and I struggle to dodge, but it is useless. Saliva and blood drips from my mouth gradually then onto my sweaty chest. yt
17:06 Scorp: Now getting ur face all distorted and bloody feeling like Picasso now the referee rings the bell now as u r KO and he comes over to us stopping the match now shoving me away from u, I now smirk at him and wink and I get up to my feet now and move out of the ring towards the table and get a bottle of water while the referee is checking u out now, I look to the side and see ur GI top and I smile evilly now and grab it and walk over to the ring now pouring water over my abused body coolling it down now and then get besides u now and lay the top on ur face, then look down to ur white pants and yank them out roughly revealing ur white jockstrap to the crowd with ur hard fat Asian cock leaking in it, I now remove the bloody top from ur face and also wipe ur pure white GI bottoms on ur face smearing it with blood now and raise them both up at the crowd now with my feet over ur hard abs now yt

17:15 Hayate: When you finish the punches, you get up to your feet and move out of the ring. From the screen, the audience are all shocked that the handsome and hot-blooded young fighter's face is nearly all distorted with swelling and bleeding. When you are wandering, you just find my GI top and come into the ring again to lay it on my face. Then you yank the remark of my spirits, my GI pants out to reveal my white jockstrap. A wet spot has formed for a long time of my sweat and pres. When you remove the top from my face, the pure white GI tops get bloody. And you think it is not enough so that you also smear my face with my GI pants. My sweaty and hot abs and limbs are exposed to everyone, and the ridged muscular lines catch their eyes. My abs are up and down with the breath, and my cock keep throbbing inside the white jockstrap. yt

17:27 Scorp: I now move down and yank ur jockstrap off revealing hard cock now and grab ur arm and yank ur body up and lift u up by scooping u from ur armpit and shove u into the steel cage now ur hard fat cock shoved through the hole of the steel cage now and pin u there with my elbow over ur neck now ur cock pointing out of the cage now, and I lower my trunks down and shove my hard 8 inches stinger up ur ass now brutally in one go stinging u really hard now reaching over ur prostate and punching it hard in the first shock itself yt

17:36 Hayate: You yank my jockstrap off rudely and let my cock expose fully to the audience. Half erected and sweaty, my nearly 6 inches cock seems to be a loser comparing with your size. Some slimy pres are dripping along my cock slit. You lift my battered body up by scooping my armpit and BAM... to slam me into the steel cage. My cock just shoved through one hold of the cage. My eyes are half-closed and saliva still drool badly. "The cruel SCORPION is ready to execute the young fighter HAYATE..." The announcer sighs. Before I can realize what will happen, you have lower your compressions down and expose your devil STINGER. Then THUMPPP... You insert and pull it into my ass harrrrrd to let it reach my prostate to form a big punch! "GRRAAAHHHHHH!!!!!" My scream shows how great the pain is and my half-erected cock PUMP to get bigger and bigger then to its edge and "GRAAAAAAAHHHH..." With my lustful and painful scream, the first two huge ropes of my hot cum shoots badly through the hold of steel cage!yt

18:21 Scorp: I continue to slam my hard stinger into ur ass stinging ur prostate and shoving u into the cage now really hard banging the daylights out of u as the first batch of cum errutps from ur cock, I bang u really hard now shoving ur hips into the steel cage now really breaking ur body up ur cocl rubbing on the steel cage hole as it jacks on ur cock really hard now and make u blast another volley of cum sending u down on the road to ur second orgasm, and feeling ur ass getting tight around my cock I moan out loud now and leaking more precum over ur prostate continue banging into ur ass the crowd and announcer now going wild as I edge u to ur third orgasm now fucking u really hard yt

02:05 Hayate: I have never met a more brutal fighter than the black SCORPION, as well as my ass. When your precum leaks badly into my ass, it burns my muscles inside and my prostate gland like venom. The feeling of swelling makes my orgasm keep into its top level. My 6 inches cock just get locked in the hole on the steel cage, and the announcer and your fans are all like seeing the muscled young fighter being executed. When your stinger pushes deeper and deliver another big sting with your loud roaring, my inner spirits get crushed completely! "GRAHHHHH......." I scream in a lustful and painful voice again and HIFFFFFF...HIIFFFFF...HIIFFFF... Another 3 ropes of my hot seeds get fucked out and shoot badly onto the ground through the hole. My face expression is strange and lose all the faith and firmness. The light in the Taekwondo fighter's eyes is extinguishing. yt

02:08 Scorp: Seeing u almost taken down now I shove u into the cage harder and harder holding ur hot slim body I now move down and bite on ur trapeze muscle really hard now sinking my teeth inside and I suck on it while ramming my cock hard inside ur ass STING STING STING STING STING YT

02:17 Hayate: You shoved me into the cage violently. Your pecs and abs just rubbed my back muscles, and I can feel the ridges of your hot pecs and abs. Our sweat gets mixed together, then I can smell the musk from your STING and the hot seeds shoot out of the ring. Then you move down and BITE my trapeze muscle sudden to rise my orgasm again and again. "GRAHAHHHHH!!!!" STING STING STING STING STING... Flood of violent fuck comes to my ass and ERGHHHHH.... HIFFFFF...HIFFFF...HIFFF...HIIFFF... My scream explodes the same time with my cock and the final flood of hot cum shooting badly onto the ground for nearly 1 meter. The last rope of my seed even forms a fountain that all of my spirits shoot out together with it. "GRRRHHH..." My eyes roll back little by little, then turn into half white. yt

02:20 Scorp: Growling now I get u out of the corner and grab ur limp cock and dock it with my hard stinger and jack my off and cum inside ur cock now filling up ur balls now yt

02:27 Scorp: Growling as ur ass squeezes my cock now massaging it as I fucked out ur last seed now I suck on ur trapeze now leaving a mark on u to remind u who claimed u and ur GI soul now I growl like an animal and I flip ur around now and grab ur limp cock and jack myself off now and then pointing my stinger into ur piss slit now I cum really hard now my cum which is my venom now floods into ur cock now and travelling down my sperm warrior’s now go into ur balls now and start to kill off all of ur warriors now yt

02:33 Hayate: When your devil STINGER jacked off into my foreskin and shoot your toxic venom into my piss slit, the deadly liquid burns my balls as well as my spirit. The last thing in my mind is the great burning pain, and then it mixed with orgasm and filled with my brain completely and BOOOMM... Everything collapsed from my mind. At the same time, my limp cock and penis gets KO by the Scorpion's STINGER and crushed into a dead mud. Saliva drools out badly from my mouth and all of my slim and sweaty muscles begin to tic and tic. My head drops to the side with my eyes rolling back into full white, then my tongue drops out from my mouth. yt

02:40 Scorp: I now grab ur GI suit and raise it up to the crowd now roaring out loud like a wild animal now ur blood soaked GI all mine now I move out of the ring now while the referee calls for the medal team to come and take u away now and I walk back to the locker room my blood lust completely satisfied yt


Published: 2022-02-01, viewed 184 times.

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