All-Asian Association (AAA)

Public Restricted

Established: 2021-12-18

  • No holds barred
  • Pro wrestling
  • Submission
  • Boxing
The Triple A League exists to gather Asian fighters from across the globe.
39 members
38 stories
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Yuki vs Zack


21:30 Yuki_Ueno: I stretch my arms and legs out backstage as I warm up for another big match. I will be facing the big british pro, Zack Sabre Jr, himself for a standard match. It's a big opportunity to make my reputation even greater by beating such a famous guy and I'm quite excited. My name is announced first and I head to the ring right away, I climb inside and wave to the crowd as I look around and wait for my opponent. yt
21:31 Yuki_Ueno: You are not logged in.
21:33 Zack_Sabre_Jr: Looking forward to a fun battle with this sexy Asian stud named Yuki, expecting a hard contest even though I have the edge in size. I watch you make your way to the ring first then I make my entrance, fully kitted out in my signature trunks and black boots, really looking good. I jump over the ropes and land on my feet in my corner, doing afew poses for the cheering fans, then staring at you across the ring. yt
21:33 Zack_Sabre_Jr: You are not logged in.
21:38 Yuki_Ueno: I grin when I see you in person. I have seen some of your matches online so I know a little about the kind of challenge you will be. You know how to work the ring and the audience so it will be a fun match for sure. I walk towards the center of the ring confidently and pose with hands on my hips. No fear in my face or posture, I'm ready to throwdown. And win! I nod to the ref to signal my readiness and wait for you to join me in the center before I raise my arms and bend the knee to get into a ready position
21:38 Yuki_Ueno: yt
21:40 Zack_Sabre_Jr: I head to the middle of the ring and the ref pats us both down, then the bell sounds. You crouch a little and extend your arms to start with a lockup, I happily accept, confident my size and power will come through me in a test of strength. I step forward and begin trying to move you backwards. yt
21:45 Yuki_Ueno: We start with the traditional lock up and immediately I am tested by your strength. You push hard and start to shove me backwards, which makes me dig my boots into the canvas to resist. My face crunches up with focus and effort as I resist your movements. I try to catch you off guard by dropping to a squat and then bouncing straight back up to my feet to upset your balance and gain some ground yt
21:47 Zack_Sabre_Jr: You bounce around awkwardly to stop me getting good traction as I try to push forward. Frustrated, I change things up, and the next time you squat down I pull an arm free and drop my elbow on the top of your head. yt
21:51 Yuki_Ueno: My tactic works in stalling your progress and we seem to stalemate for a moment. You change things up next by taking advantage of my drop to land a hard elbow into the top of my skull. I grunt in pain as the hit stalls me during my rise up and I stumble onto my knees in front of you. With our arms still locked up, I can only go for a headbutt and try to slam your abs before I can try to rip my hands free yt
21:53 Zack_Sabre_Jr: You drop to your knees, but counter with a sharp headbutt into my abs, forcing me to step back. I march forward again before you can get up off your knees, grabbing your hair and shoving your head down between my thighs and giving it a squeeze. yt
21:56 Yuki_Ueno: My headbutt works enough to make you back off for a second and I take the time to shake out my head. I push off from the mat to get up but your hand grabs my hair first, dragging me forward slightly and between your thighs. I grunt as I feel your leg muscles clamp down on my head. My arms wrap around the back of your thigh and claw as I jerk my torso backward to try to get freed yt
21:58 Zack_Sabre_Jr: I grunt as your fingers claw at the back of my thighs and you try to pull yourself free. I clamp down with my legs to hold you in place and then reach down to wrap my arms around your waist and lift your body up, so I have you hoisted upside down with your head still stuck. yt
22:00 Yuki_Ueno: You wrap your arms around my midsection while you keep squeezing by the thighs. You start to lift me up and once my feet leave the canvas I start to kick as I feel the blood rushing to my head. I switch from a claw to just punches as I slam fist into the back and side of your legs while thrashing as im not looking forward to getting slammed unless I break free soon yt
22:02 Zack_Sabre_Jr: You keep hitting at my legs which finally starts to weaken them. "Okay, looks like I'm gonna have to drop you!" I grin, and I open my legs and drop down into a seated position on my ass, spiking your head into the floor. yt
22:05 Yuki_Ueno: Eyes go wide as I can almost hear the grin in the way you speak so smugly. Next thing I know air is rushing past me and BAM I meet the canvas headfirst as you spike me with a piledriver and leave me stunned. My whole body jerks rigidly as I flop onto my back. I start to breathe heavier as I slowly roll onto my side, clutching the side of my head with one hand.
22:05 Yuki_Ueno: yt
22:07 Zack_Sabre_Jr: You sit up looking very shaky, holding your head. I move behind your back and knee you in the back of the head, sending you slumping forward looking even more dazed. I take a bit of time to place a boot on your back and give the fans a flex, which earns me some loud cheers. yt
22:11 Yuki_Ueno: You slug your knee into the back of my head to send me onto my chest and get a fresh stinging wave of pain swimming through my head. I groan as I lift my head just a little and try to fight through it. I feel your foot press into my back and the crowd noise level swells, so I know you must be showing off. It gives me a little burn for revenge and I take a second to gather my strength. I then spring into action by turning quickly onto my back and sweep my arms out for your ankle. I yank and try to bring you down onto the mat next to me to even the odds yt
22:13 Zack_Sabre_Jr: Woah, you recover faster than I expected and punish me for showing off, yanking my foot right out from under me and sending me crashing down right beside you, landing heavily on my ass. For a second or two, I'm momentarily stunned, confused as to what just happened. yt
22:18 Yuki_Ueno: I manage to bring you down and only have a few seconds to react to try and bring things under my control. I keep control of your first leg with one hand and then sit up while reaching for the other. I begin to twist and fold while lacing my legs into the mix till I end up with a figure four leg lock. I start to grin as I see how you deal with this yt
22:20 Zack_Sabre_Jr: I feel you wrapping up my legs which spurs me back into action, but too late, you have my legs twisted into a nasty figure 4 that has me howling in pain. I sit up as far as I can and try to reach you, swinging my fists wildly towards your jaw and pecs. yt
22:23 Yuki_Ueno: I wink at you as you howl in pain and sit upright immediately. You then start to lean towards me and I lean back instead, staying out of range from your wild fists. I lace my arms back behind my head like I'm lounging and pretend to yawn in order to work the crowd a bit as well. "Do you want to tap out?" I tease you as I sit up on my elbows so I can watch your expression yt
22:24 Zack_Sabre_Jr: You lay back out of reach, looking very confident and relaxed, so I start firing away with a series of big punches and elbow strikes to your legs, desperate to loosen them enough to slide my legs free. They're in so much pain I don't know if I'll be able to walk even if I get free. yt
22:26 Yuki_Ueno: I am content to torture your legs for the rest of the match as I bridge up my core for a few seconds then drop down to make the figure four surge in pain. However this also makes you more desperate to get free as you start to slam your fists and elbows into my legs. I take the beating for a short moment before deciding its not worth it. I lean up again to grab onto our legs and pull just enough that our legs come apart and I roll to recover onto my knees yt
22:28 Zack_Sabre_Jr: Finally free from the trap, I get to my knees but don't trust my legs to support my weight right now, so I don't attempt to get to my feet. You get to your knees too, and I try to keep the match down on the mats for a while to let my legs recover. I dive at you and wrap my arms around your waist, pinning your arms to your sides and squeezing tight. yt
22:31 Yuki_Ueno: I'm just about to get to my feet when you slam into me and knock both of us back down to the mats. Your arms encircle my chest and lock behind my back, trapping my arms at my sides in a grounded bearhug. I narrow my gaze and grit my teeth as I flex my arms trying to overcome your strength. I kick my boots at the canvas trying to find a good foothold I can push off from. My body likewise jerks side to side as I try to wiggle my way free of your crushing force.
22:38 Zack_Sabre_Jr: You struggle and try to wriggle free, but I surge forward and use my grip on you to twist you to the side and flatten you out on the canvas chest down, with me mounting your back. Releasing the bearhug, I grab one of your arms and twist it up behind your back in a nasty hammerlock. yt
22:41 Yuki_Ueno: You transition your bearhug into putting me on my chest as I fight you the whole way while grunting and groaning. Your weight on my back as you get into a mounted position and wrench my right arm up behind me, making me yelp in pain. I kick my legs and buck my hips trying to get you off me while feeling my whole arm lit up with stinging pain yt
22:42 Zack_Sabre_Jr: I hold your arm in place, then slowly shift forward on my knees, getting higher up your back and pushing your arm further and further out of place. I make sure my base is solid, knowing it will be hard for you to shift more than 200lbs of muscle off your back. yt
22:46 Yuki_Ueno: You slowly turn the pain up while in control by sliding my arm higher and higher, making it feel like my arm is going to snap out of place. I shake my head and kick my boots at the mat in agony. I flick my head up and see the ropes in front of me some distance, and decide to make a play for it. I throw my arm forward and stretch my free arm out as far as I can in a desperate attempt to make a rope break. I try to push my boots into the mat and give myself the extra push to make it yt
22:47 Zack_Sabre_Jr: I see you reaching for the rope, it's not quite within reach but you're trying to shuffle yourself towards it. I lift my body up off your back momentarily, and then slam my full weight back down, crushing you into the floor and stopping your movement. "Maybe I should ask you if you want to submit now?" yt
22:51 Yuki_Ueno: Just as I'm about to reach the rope you rise up and slam down, crushing me back to the mats with a shout from me. I hear you above me asking me to submit. Part of me wants to as I feel my arm going numb from the strain, but the other half still desperately wants to win. "!" I shout into the mat. Since you are sitting so high up on my back, I try to slide my knees in under me and buck up, trying to send you up over my head and off me yt
22:53 Zack_Sabre_Jr: Woah, nice move, you manage to get your knees under you and buck up. I have to roll off you to the side and I spring up to my feet, shaking out my legs which are still feeling pretty sore from the earlier punishment. I take a few moments to walk off the pain and then approach you again, grabbing your hair and yanking you up to your feet. yt
22:56 Yuki_Ueno: I moan in relief as you weight is catapulted off me and I can roll onto my back, clutching at my aching arm as I feel sensation start to flood back in. I'm panting and sweating a good bit when you return and grab me by the hair and start dragging me back to my feet. Though still aching I must act quickly and after you have me on my knees and keep pulling to my feet, I help myself the rest of the way and surge up. I swing my uninjured arm up rapidly and aim right for your jaw trying to score a surprise european uppercut yt
22:59 Zack_Sabre_Jr: As I yank you up, you come pretty easily, not resisting at all and my wrestling instincts kick in as I sense a trap. I arch back, leaning my upper body backward and just barely avoiding having my head taken off by a massive euro uppercut. I then quickly duck down low and snake an arm between your legs, working to get into a position to lift you up. yt
23:01 Yuki_Ueno: My arm sails passed your chin as you cleverly evade my trap counter. I stumble forward from the uninterrupted momentum and you duck low as you sweep an arm between my legs as you start to lift. I try to balance myself by grabbing onto your arm and shoulder. I attempt to throw my elbow into the side of your head from my unstable position yt
23:03 Zack_Sabre_Jr: I manage to hoist you off the ground a little way, only to get nailed by an elbow to the side of your head. I grunt in pain and anger, and convert my lift into a throw, slamming you down on your back as hard as I can. yt
23:05 Yuki_Ueno: I'm unsure of whether my elbow strike worked well enough and bring my arm back to send another, but you decide to let me down. And by let down, I mean you lift and then slam me down onto my back on the canvas. The hit makes me bounce up once from the force as I roll onto my side, moaning in pain. I roll to my chest and start dragging myself to the ropes, hoping to buy some time yt
23:08 Zack_Sabre_Jr: You bounce up in the air before landing a second time, I step away from you and head to the opposite edge of the ring, leaning back against the ropes. As you start using the ropes to drag yourself up, I use the ropes at my back as a slingshot to fire myself across the ring and running straight at you. I'm aiming to slam you in the chest with a massive shoulder block and knock the wind right out of you. yt
23:12 Yuki_Ueno: I'm just getting up to my feet and getting my breathing under control when I hear the crowd roar as you're zooming across the ring. I turn around to find you only a few meters away. I start to bring my arms up in front of me to block but you still collide and the momentum transfers through. I get knocked back on stumbling feet and crash, backfirst, into the turnbuckle with a groan. One elbow looped over the top rope, keeping me up, while the other grips at my center chest as I cough from the impact and wheeze while sucking in fresh air after getting blasted yt
23:14 Zack_Sabre_Jr: Despite a weak attempt at defence I absolutely nail you into the turnbuckle with a massive grin on my face. You slump in the corner with only your arm trapped across the top rope keeping you up right. I step in and deliver a brutal euro uppercut of my own, smashing you in the jaw as I pay you back for your earlier failed attempt. yt
23:20 Yuki_Ueno: Already working on recovering from the shoulder smash, time is against me as I pant heavily to regain strength. You step in quickly and I jerk the arm clutching my chest in front of me. Your arm comes swinging in and blasts through my defense and continues upwards, nailing me in the jaw and sending my head smacking back into the cornerpost in a daze. I slide down onto my ass with head leaning to one side, my gaze glassy and unfocused as I got sent for a loop by that one yt
23:21 Zack_Sabre_Jr: Your arm comes off the top rope and you slump down in a stunned heap in the corner. I sense my moment to strike, and I drag your limp body out into the centre of the ring, and lay you out on your back with minimal resistance. I then climb on your chest and firmly crush your shoulders into the canvas, looking for the pin as the ref starts a count. yt
23:24 Yuki_Ueno: You grab and toss me onto my back on the mats as you seize the opportunity to go for a pin. The ref drops down and raises their arm to begin the count. Starting to regain some sense as the first slap happens, 1! Blinking away the daze I try to roll but find your hands pinning me by the shoulders to prevent it. The ref slaps again, 2! Feeling all the tension of the moment, I give what I can in half-focused state and plant my feet and try to bridge as hard I can before the ref can slap a third time and count me out yt
23:26 Zack_Sabre_Jr: As the count goes past 2 you bridge up just enough to get a shoulder off the mat, to my annoyance. the ref signals that it was only a 2 count and I snarl and climb off your chest. I move up to your head and get in position to wrap my legs around your throat, suffocating you with a meaty thigh cutting off your air. yt
23:31 Yuki_Ueno: Small wave of relief floods through me as the third slap never comes as the ref declares a pin break. As your weight comes off, I roll the opposite way to start making my weight to the ropes to try and slip outside the ring for a break. Instead you come up and your legs wrap around my head, thigh against my neck and begin to squeeze. Rghhh! I grunt immediately and bring my arms up to your leg. I cough and beat my fist on your leg tiredly, trying to get you to release yt
23:32 Zack_Sabre_Jr: I pull my leg around and hook my foot behind my other leg to convert the hold into a crushing figure 4 headscissor vice! You punch weakly at my leg, but I toy with you by leaning down and slapping your face. "How are you breathing down there Yuki?" I taunt. yt
23:36 Yuki_Ueno: My teeth clench tightly as I feel your strong legs clamping down on my throat like a vice. My punches not seeming to do much to stop you as you get comfortable enough to lean up and taunt me, slapping my face around to add some humiliation. "J-just....fine!" I growl sutbbornly at you and make an attempt to throw a hook at your face. Movements getting slower the longer you burn my air away and lose power at the same time
23:36 Yuki_Ueno: yt
23:38 Zack_Sabre_Jr: You throw a punch up towards my face but it's obvious your tired, the punch is so slow I see it coming from a mile away. I easily lean back to dodge which at the same time gives me the leverage to crank up the pressure even further. "Admit it Yuki, you're going out!" yt
23:41 Yuki_Ueno: You lean back out of reach and dash my hopes for a miraculous release. Instead the pressure turns worse and I moan out. Eyes going glassy again as my eyes start to droop as well. I dont have the stamina to argue against your taunt but instead use my last energy to lift a foot and try to get it onto the bottom rope as a last ditch effort before I get choked all the way out yt
23:42 Zack_Sabre_Jr: Damn it, you manage to stretch and get a foot over the bottom rope. The referee taps my shoulder and starts calling for a break. I refuse to let go and he starts a count. I earn a few more seconds of suffocating you before I'm forced to let go to avoid a disqualification. The crowd boo me for not letting you go right away but I don't care. I stand up off you and look down to see if you're still conscious. yt
23:48 Yuki_Ueno: Though my foot makes it to the break, your efforts to continue the choke prove quite effective in sapping my strength. By the time the ref forces you to let go I'm almost completely out. Once released it takes me a few moments before I suddenly twitch and cough a couple times. I blink slowly, only barely aware of the match and my two close saves. my foot drops off the rope and drops to the mat as I roll to my chest, panting with my cheek against the canvas. I can hear some fans chanting my name trying to fuel a second wind while the crowd also roars your name to finish me off. yt
23:51 Zack_Sabre_Jr: You roll away from the ropes and onto your front, your chest is moving so fast as you're breathing so heavily. I meanwhile have climbed up onto the top rope, to the cheers of the crowd who know what's coming. You still have your face against the canvas recovering, so you have no clue what's coming as I leap and slam down on your back with a huge body slam, 210lbs of pure muscle flattens you like a pancake. yt
23:54 Yuki_Ueno: I'm so out of it that only the change in the vibration of the ring on my face alerts me to something happening. I start to lift my head to try and find out what happens when something collides with me from behind and your impressive weight crashes into me like a meteor from the sky. I shout in pain from my raw throat as my whole body flops as my limbs flail out and I'm driven harshly facefirst into the ring and punished even more than before yt
23:56 Zack_Sabre_Jr: We both bounce up a little from the huge impact, I then get to my feet and see spread out on the floor not moving. I sit down on your back now, facing your legs, and pull your ankles up and tuck them under my armpits, trapping you in a Boston crab as I set about wrecking your back in a hunt for a submission. yt
23:56 Zack_Sabre_Jr: You are not logged in.
00:03 Yuki_Ueno: You easily slip onto my back and plant yourself there while grabbing my ankles. My feet kick weakly just on instinct and reflex, but not enough to escape you grip as you pull and tuck into your pits. You lean into a boston crab and light my sore back on fire as my head and neck arch up in pain. I shout out as I squeeze my eyes shut trying to hold out. But after the sequence of move after move, my endurance is at its limit. I try to reach for the ropes again but I'm pointed the wrong direction and I shake my head. My arm shakes in the air before I finally begin to slap the mat in desperation to tap out yt
00:05 Zack_Sabre_Jr: You struggle for a little while and I have to admit that I'm really impressed with how much punishment you've been able to soak up. Eventually though you start frantically slapping the canvas. The referee rings the bell to signal my victory and I climb off you. I run to the corner and climb up on the ropes, flexing to the crowd and letting out a big roar to celebrate my win. I then step down and come to kneel next to your face. "Good effort man, that was a great match," I say with genuine respect. yt
00:07 Yuki_Ueno: My hand goes to clutch my aching back when you finally release me and I moan there in pain as the bell rings and your music comes on. I'm on my side to make the pain less when you come over after the victory celebration. "Thanks....great match" I groan and nod my head in agreement, not able to say much more than that in my current state.
00:07 Yuki_Ueno: End

Published: 2022-05-24, viewed 85 times.



Apollo Dante

2022-05-24 23:45

Brit stud Zack Sabre might be another name many of you will be familiar with especially if you have followed New Japanese Pro Wrestling. So it was both a surprise but a great pleasure to add him to the HOTSHOTS fed yesterday

Not long after he joined he added this amazing first bout against an Asian opponent Yuki Ueno. What a bout this was loads of detail from great moves etc it was obvious they are both talented wrestlers and know their stuff!

Zack did finally take the bout and so notched up his first HOTSHOTS win but I am sure there will be many more. This was definitely one for the purists amongst you for sure!

Max Oakshield (deleted member)

2022-05-24 10:38

When two skilled and trained pro wrestlers meet in the ring, this is exactly what you get: a long, hard fought, back and forth match, with both wrestlers trying to win, well executed moves and some surprises.
A choke made the difference in the end and a Boston crab finish it.
Zack deserved to win, but Yuki gave him one hell of a fight.
Great match from both of you!