All-Asian Association (AAA)

Public Restricted

Established: 2021-12-18

  • No holds barred
  • Pro wrestling
  • Submission
  • Boxing
The Triple A League exists to gather Asian fighters from across the globe.
39 members
38 stories
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Chapter 2: First Stop - Tossing Around the Mats of Italy


01:04 Jackson_Rose: *Jackson starts Day 1 of his travels abroad for extensive training. His first stop, Italy. He heard from his personal trainer there was a huge, skilled guy who would be able to teach him a thing or two. A day after he lands in Italy, he sends this potential wrestling trainer, Seilan, an email.* "Good day Seilan, my name is Jackson. I've read you're a pretty good grappler, even my personal trainer back home said so, and that you're offering one on one training sessions. I've booked a session for us this afternoon, seeing you have an open slot. See you then!"

01:12 Seilan: I've received this e-mail from a young guy named Jackson, he seems really interested in a training session. He hasn't given me many details but I'm interested at the idea and so I confirm the appointment. When he rings the bell at my place, I've already prepared the home gym with the mats laid out and enough space to spar properly. I open the door, having already done some warmup, wearing shorts and a tight t-shirt, and find this young, rather small guy on the threshold. "Jackson, right? I'm Seilan" yt

01:14 Jackson_Rose: I ring your doorbell, palms a little sweaty from nerves. I see you open the door, greeting yourself. "Hey Seilan, yes I'm Jackson, Jax for short." I subtly scan your body, seeing how you tower over me in height and build. "It's cool you also have your own training area in your own home!" I say to get us both comfortable.
01:14 Jackson_Rose: Yt

01:16 Seilan: I let you in and give you a brief tour of the place, appreciating your enthusiasm. "Here's everything you need in case you want to warm up, and the bathroom is down there." I take off my t-shirt, mindlessly showing off my upper body. "So, what is your experience?" yt

01:20 Jackson_Rose: "amazing place Seilan, and thank you, but I warmed up a bit before I got here!" After scanning your place I look over at you having seen you just took your t-shirt off. In my athletic wear, my entire body clenches seeing your impressive and attractive upper body. "Uhh-yeah, I'm self-trained in boxing, kickboxing, Muay Thai, and a little Japanese Jiu-Jitsu. Self-taught for 16 years" I say as calmly as I can.
01:20 Jackson_Rose: Yt

01:21 Seilan: I cross my arms on the chest, my pecs flexing into the fold. "Mhm, quite the striker then... but today you'll have to deal with good old grappling. Feeling like you can take me on?" I ask with a half smile, before putting my hands on my hips and giving you another shameless view of my body.
01:22 Seilan: You are not logged in. yt

01:24 Jackson_Rose: I grab the part of my shorts in front of my crotch and stretch that part out and then put my hands on my hips, getting a little flustered just looking at your amazing body, wondering the power it holds. Trying not to let the fluster show, I look back up right to your eyes and say "yeah, well, I also decided to take wrestling up a couple months ago. I've had more losses than wins, but I've learned a thing or two since then. I'm ready to learn from you is all I will say," I chuckle out.
01:25 Jackson_Rose: Yt

01:27 Seilan: "Good and don't worry, we'll just have fun today" I say, noticing you seem a bit anxious at this point "So, let's step to the center and see what you can do" yt

01:31 Jackson_Rose: "alright then," I say as I take off my shirt and shorts. In my dark green camo-themed square-cut speedos, I meet you at the center.
01:32 Jackson_Rose: You are not logged in.
01:32 Jackson_Rose: Yt

01:33 Seilan: As you take off your t-shirt, I notice your talk about self training cannot be just bragging, as you look really ripped. Seeing you're just in your speedo, I take off my shorts as well, throwing them outside the mats and keeping only my black speedo on, then I get in stance, offering a lockup. "Come on kid, bring it" yt

01:35 Jackson_Rose: "alright, let's dance Seilan" I say with subtle excitement. I lock up with you and can already feel that you can control the direction of our bodies at any time if I didn't widen my stance upon locking up with you
01:35 Jackson_Rose: Yt

01:36 Seilan: You start stabilizing your stance to adapt to a bigger opponent, so I decide to test you more by adding more strength to the push, wanting to see how much you can hold on before moving to a different tactics yt

01:38 Jackson_Rose: I feel you increase your strength and my feet shuffle back a little before replanting, but I'm already being pushed back and I can feel my knees start to quiver. My body begins to tremble too, but I take a deep breath, apply more power to my legs, and use my lower body to help me resist your push
01:38 Jackson_Rose: Yt

01:40 Seilan: "Not bad" I comment, noticing that you're putting all your strength into it "But what happens if I do more than this?" I say, and keep applying pressure, showing that I still have a lot of energy for you yt

01:45 Jackson_Rose: I begin to struggle more and more as you push down on me, but recalling the losses I've suffered, I know that once a strong guy like you gets me on my knees I'm one step closer to being done. As I push my strength from my lower body to my core, I decide to apply some unorthodox martial arts and twist my body and arms to rotate so I can bring both our arms down to hip level, both crossed over and locked in as I stand with more firmness now. "I'm not gonna be brought down to my knees that easy Seilan" I say shortly, "but you are very strong I'll give you that"
01:45 Jackson_Rose: Yt

01:46 Seilan: You move fast and with precision, and I have to admit that your solution seems to be working "Not bad kid, you can think quickly..." then I hook your right ankle with my left foot, trying to sweep you and send you falling with your back to the mats yt

01:47 Jackson_Rose: As I try to keep track of your motions, I forget to keep watch of your lower body, and you hook my right ankle and I fall to the mats on my back. "You move quick too Seilan!" I say with a little strain in my voice.
01:47 Jackson_Rose: Yt

01:48 Seilan: "You can bet" I say with a grin before getting down to start putting you in a hold, not wanting to rush things too much. My legs start tangling with you in a grapevine as I try to pin your arms yt

01:51 Jackson_Rose: I can feel your legs start to restrain mine in a grapevine. As you move to pin my arms, all my primary limbs are restrained, so I move the focus of my strength to my hips and lower core and actuslly force my hip upward to destabilize you and push you up. When our heads are at the same level I bring my head up to headbutt you hard so you can release your restraining holds on me and I slither away and am on one knee to recuperate and to watch your next move
01:51 Jackson_Rose: Yt

01:53 Seilan: I wasn't expecting a headbutt and such a hit makes me roll away from you. In a bit of pain, I get up and say "Kid, I get it you are eager to fight... but I would keep it to holds and throws. No need to send someone home as a bloody mess" yt

02:56 Jackson_Rose: I take some deep breaths... "whoops! Sorry! Impulses sorta kicked in" I chuckle nervously and I slowly get up on both feet. Drawing another breath, "You're right, let's get back to that" I say a little more calmly and rub my head as I feel the effects of the headbutt after calming down a bit
02:56 Jackson_Rose: Yt

00:53 Seilan: I shake my head to cool down my thoughts, before getting back in stance. "Alright, let's resume" yt

00:54 Jackson_Rose: I mimic your stance and we begin circling each other. "Should we.. lock up again?" I say putting my hands up
00:54 Jackson_Rose: Yt

00:55 Seilan: I study your movements, trying your reflexes with a feint. "We could..." then I rush at you and try to close both your torso and arms in a quick bearhug, wanting to show you the strength of my pecs and biceps yt

00:58 Jackson_Rose: You rush at me and I try to back up but you close the distance between us too quick for me to react to and I'm in your crushing bearhug, arms trapped too. "URGHHHH. Very strong there Seilan!" I let out
00:58 Jackson_Rose: Yt

00:59 Seilan: I squeeze you more, replying to your observation with a grin. "Thank you. But how are you planning to escape from this?" yt

01:01 Jackson_Rose: "you know," I say strained, "good question!" And i close my eyes, take a deep breath, and then I lock my legs together to swing back and forth and wiggle my upper body to move with that momentum to try to get both of us onto the mats, but you're planted in position.
01:01 Jackson_Rose: Yt

01:02 Seilan: I feel you're applying a lot of momentum with your legs, I think you should be quite strong with them and I want to test them at some point, but for the moment I keep you solidly between my muscled pecs and arms, flexing them against your body and lifting you more yt

01:04 Jackson_Rose: "URGHHHHH" I let out as you flex and apply more pressure to the bearhug. Wincing from the pain, keeping my eyes closed, trying not to let the pain – and arousal – get to my head... I impulsively try another strategy; I unhook my legs from each other and wrap them around your torso and try to lock it in tight!
01:04 Jackson_Rose: Yt

01:05 Seilan: The feeling of your thighs around my waist is expected and yet more arousing than I thought. Now that we're both locked in a test of endurance, I want to see how much you can balance your strength and stamina against mine. I steel my abs against your legs and keep squeezing.
01:05 Seilan: yt

01:07 Jackson_Rose: I let out more groans and strained screams. You're crushing me faster than I can reciprocate any noticeable damage... And my cock is growing hard too.. "Seilan, you're crushing me!" I say strained.
01:07 Jackson_Rose: Yt

01:08 Seilan: "I know" I say with a grin, before taking a moment of concern to check if it's ok with you, given the size difference between us, "Are you alright? We can stop at any time" yt

01:09 Jackson_Rose: "I'm... I'm fine!" I say with a chuckle while trying to keep squeezing to see if I have affected you yet.
01:09 Jackson_Rose: Yt

01:10 Seilan: I let out a small groan as your thighs surely are strong, but I can hold on as I keep squeezing you in my bearhug, wanting to see how much you'll resist yt

01:40 Jackson_Rose: "URGHHHHH" I let out. "S-Seilan... I..." I let out
01:40 Jackson_Rose: Yt

15:21 Seilan: I rub against your neck and cheek before asking in your ear "Want to give up?" yt

15:22 Jackson_Rose: "URGHHHHH" I struggle out in pain... And in slight arousal.... "I..." And I try to squeeze your torso more too.
15:22 Jackson_Rose: Yt

15:24 Seilan: I grunt but I'm determined to make you submit "What? I can't hear you" yt

15:25 Jackson_Rose: "I..." And suddenly I get a flashback to my previous match... The brutal destruction... Closing my eyes, a tear rolls down my cheek... "... I-I submit..." I say while my legs loosen and fall back
15:25 Jackson_Rose: Yt

15:26 Seilan: I let you go and expect to see you eager for another round, but instead you look like you got hurt. "Hey, are you ok? Do you feel pain somewhere?" yt

15:29 Jackson_Rose: As you let me go I fall to the ground, on my knees and hands, panting. The flashbacks of the last match I had continues, and I wince and shift my head in discomfort to the flashbacks. And then I hear you and your concern. I sharply breathe in. "...yeah, yeah no.. I'm fine. Just the typical pain that comes from getting bearhugged by a big guy like you" I chuckle and look up at you before getting up on one knee.
15:29 Jackson_Rose: Yt

15:30 Seilan: You seem to be hiding something, but I don't want to add more discomfort. "Ok, when you want, we can continue, or we can try some moves or holds. What would you like?" yt

15:33 Jackson_Rose: I shake my head, remembering a conversation I had with a friend, maybe lover. My body is still trembling from everything, but I take some more deep breaths, looking down, closing my eyes for a second. At my last full breath, my body trembles less and I get back up on both feet. I open my eyes, look you in the eyes with a soft but solid look, and say "let's try more moves and holds. I'm here to train."
15:33 Jackson_Rose: Yt

15:34 Seilan: I give a single clap with my hands to confirm the decision. "Alright! What would you like to try first?" yt

15:36 Jackson_Rose: The single clap completely jolts me from the underlying emotions that clouded me. "Yeah, so... I'm most familiar with headlocks, sleeper holds... But I'd like to be trained in making them more efficient, and also making me better at escape." I say with my hands on my hips.
15:36 Jackson_Rose: Yt

15:37 Seilan: "Sure! How do we start? How to apply them or how to escape?" yt

15:38 Jackson_Rose: "let's start with application," I say moving one hand to my chin and nodding affirmatively
15:38 Jackson_Rose: Yt

15:39 Seilan: "Fine" I say "Then you'll have to trap me in one first. I'll second you, don't worry" yt

15:42 Jackson_Rose: "with my back feeling your arms I don't know if my neck can take that," I chuckle and tease as swiftly slide behind you. I use both hands and put it on your shoulders and use it as a sort of spring up to leap up and wrap my arm around your neck to lock in a sleeper while locking in my legs around your torso. "Okay, all locked in!"
15:42 Jackson_Rose: Yt

15:44 Seilan: I appreciate your swift movements "That's a good start" I say amused "Then what are you going to do?" yt

15:47 Jackson_Rose: I hear your amusement and feel a little disappointment that I'm not effecting you at all. I unhook my legs to sorta kick the back of your legs to try to get you down on your knees and try to push your head and neck down into the arm that's wrapped around your neck to try to tighten the sleeper
15:47 Jackson_Rose: Yt

15:49 Seilan: I grunt without hiding my mounting pleasure "Well done" I say, a bit muffled this time "Now?" yt

15:50 Jackson_Rose: I kick the back of your legs and even accidentally knee your back a little bit I manage to get you on one knee and I rewrap the bodyscissors around your torso while tightening the sleeper even more, sort of coiling the arm around your neck around it even more
15:50 Jackson_Rose: Yt

15:53 Seilan: Now you're really kicking in the move, with the double hold combo helping. Talking gets more difficult as your strengthen your hold, so I merely grab your forearms with my hands and start pulling, seeing how much you can hold on. yt

15:56 Jackson_Rose: I can feel my hands and arms starting to slip, but shift to tighten everything, the scissors, the sleeper. You tug on my forearms and I use your tug to move me towards you more and I continue tightening from there. "Is this good Seilan?" I whisper into your ear.
15:56 Jackson_Rose: Yt

15:58 Seilan: "Yes" I say while huffing because your closing of the hold is going well "You're getting it" yt

16:01 Jackson_Rose: I let out a sigh of relief and I continue to tighten the holds and I hear you huffing. I say into your ear, "you sound a little worn down... Wanna tap?"
16:01 Jackson_Rose: Yt

16:02 Seilan: "Not... yet..." I say, knowing however that I'll have to give up soon if you continue properly yt

16:04 Jackson_Rose: "mmmm...." I close my eyes and do a full, deep breath. "Okay" I say and I continue constricting your airways, tightening the scissors and sleeper. "Tap when it hurts" I whisper into your ear
16:04 Jackson_Rose: Yt

16:05 Seilan: After some more resistance and my bulge becoming noticeable tenser, I am forced to tap. yt

16:07 Jackson_Rose: I feel you tap and I let out a little victorious chuckle and let you go. "Ah good!" I say and walk in front of you. "... You okay?" I ask with a little concern.
16:07 Jackson_Rose: Yt

16:07 Seilan: "Of course" I say, lightly massaging my neck "And your lock was working. Now want to try an escape?" yt

16:09 Jackson_Rose: I look at you messaging your neck, seeing your shoulders and arm muscles slightly contracting, thinking how big and strong they are, my bulge tensing up too. ".. let's do it!" I say nodding.
16:09 Jackson_Rose: Yt

16:13 Seilan: I quickly spring at you, my hands going swiftly to your neck so I can trap you in a side headlock "Here we are." yt

16:15 Jackson_Rose: My back straightens up and I feel the strength in you already. "Urghh" I strain out, my hands around your arms, feeling your muscles. "...yeah, here we are!" I say strained
16:15 Jackson_Rose: Yt

16:16 Seilan: I apply pressure slowly, wanting to give you time to think but also urging you to find a solution. yt

16:23 Jackson_Rose: "urghhk" I let out. You're closing in the pressure. I don't have the strength to pry the lock apart, so I try something risky. I use the leg nearest to yours to kick the back of your legs and move my hands to be in a pushing direction. After I finish kicking I wrap that leg around your nearest one and bring my hands back before shoving my palms into the rear of your forearm to try to push your arm away
16:23 Jackson_Rose: Yt

16:26 Seilan: Your reaction is fully unexpected and maybe this explains while it works in opening up my hold, as I was expecting you to focus on my forearm. "Well done, kid" I say yt

16:28 Jackson_Rose: I apply more pushing palms to your arms and manage to shift my head to the side to slide it out. "PHEW" I let out, massaging my neck.
16:28 Jackson_Rose: Yt

16:28 Seilan: I place my hands on my hips "Ok, what are we trying now?" yt

16:31 Jackson_Rose: I continue to massage and roll and stretch my neck. "You had me good for a second Seilan, but I was taught that THAT specific headlock had the most vulnerabities!" I chuckle. "... So, you're a wrestler, and my MMA is strike based.. you know the holds, submissions. Throw it at me" I say with certainty.
16:31 Jackson_Rose: Yt

16:33 Seilan: I pause for a moment to reflect, before lunging at you all of a sudden, getting behind you and circling your waist with my arms for a suplex yt

16:35 Jackson_Rose: I shuffle back as you launch at me and get your arms around my waist. Before I know it, I'm slammed onto the mats on my shoulders and neck. The air is forced out of me and all I let out is a cough. "... That's a new one!" I say strained and coughing out.
16:35 Jackson_Rose: Yt

16:35 Seilan: I get up "Indeed, and quite easy given the situation. But how would you bring me down instead?" yt

16:39 Jackson_Rose: I roll back up onto one knee. I sprint at you and right as I get close to you I turn my back to you, grip your arm and waist and try a judo hip toss on you to get you on your back if it works.
16:39 Jackson_Rose: Yt

16:40 Seilan: Expecting a similar approach, I quickly hook my feet against your legs and use my weight to block the attempt with me still on your back. "It's not as easy as they make it in movies" I say amused yt

16:44 Jackson_Rose: As you hook my legs to stop the momentum, I end up falling forward and onto my belly. "Urghfff" I let out sharply. "ha ha, you proved that right" I say before pushing myself up and sliding back a little so I can face you again
16:44 Jackson_Rose: Yt

16:45 Seilan: I grin and then I rush at you, not giving you much time to elaborate, grabbing your hands and see how you can react yt

16:46 Jackson_Rose: As you grip my hands I do that rotation in place again and then I bring my leg up to try to knee our hands up and then axe kick them down to break the grip apart.
16:46 Jackson_Rose: Yt

16:48 Seilan: You break the hold but you're back is facing me, so I take the chance to quickly wrap my arms around your neck and try to apply a dragon sleeper yt

16:50 Jackson_Rose: You wrap your arms around my neck and arch my back down and apply a tight dragon sleeper! I let out more struggling sounds.
16:50 Jackson_Rose: Yt

16:50 Seilan: "Never let your opponent behind you" I remind as I tighten my sleeper. yt

16:54 Jackson_Rose: "yeah like how I got behind you earlier!" I tease, but weakly as you tighten the sleeper. As you tighten the sleeper, my body arches up... My package getting fully erect and tenting up. Quickly improvising, I use the arching up to push my lower body up to try to bend my way out of the hold.
16:54 Jackson_Rose: Yt

23:18 Seilan: Your hips move upwards and you start wriggling into the hold, but I don't want to let you go so easily. I strengthen the sleeper around your neck, wanting to keep you steady, in place. yt

23:20 Jackson_Rose: My feet fall back flat on the mats. "URGHHHH.. nice and tight there Seilan!" I let out, strained.
23:20 Jackson_Rose: Yt

23:21 Seilan: "You can bet" I reply with a grin, patiently waiting for you to tap out. yt

23:23 Jackson_Rose: I close my eyes and take in all the breath that I can at this point. Ground and focus. Ground and focus. I muster all the strength I can to try to swing up my legs to try to bring you down with the momentum while keeping my hands on the arm that is trapping me in the sleeper.
23:23 Jackson_Rose: Yt

23:25 Seilan: "If you want to give up," I say, feeling cocky, despite telling myself I would have avoided that "This seems to be the right moment." yt

23:26 Jackson_Rose: My breathing becomes tighter, sharper, and shorter. My feet now back on the mats, it seems like the sleeper is holding me up more than I can hold myself up at this point. "I..." I let out, already slowly fading.
23:26 Jackson_Rose: Yt

23:28 Seilan: I feel you're fighting less, so I expect you to give up soon. "You...?" yt

23:29 Jackson_Rose: "I... I can't" I let out as I fade more. I find it more and more difficult to hold myself up.
23:29 Jackson_Rose: Yt

23:31 Seilan: I wait patiently, not relenting the hold but not even adding more pressure now. "What can't you do?" yt

23:32 Jackson_Rose: "I... I .. can't .. give ... Up... I... Won't" I say in between fading breaths
23:32 Jackson_Rose: Yt

23:33 Seilan: "Why not?" yt

23:36 Jackson_Rose: "I...." As I fade out and my breaths become erratic before my body goes fully limp.
23:36 Jackson_Rose: Yt

23:38 Seilan: I feel you lose your consciousness so I quickly release you from the hold and let you down carefully onto the mats, then I grab your ankles and lift your legs up to help you regain your senses yt

23:40 Jackson_Rose: "mmmmm... Mngggh" I wake up slowly. "Wh.. what happened?" I say slowly looking up at you lifting up my legs
23:40 Jackson_Rose: Yt

23:40 Seilan: I slowly put your legs down onto the mats and cross my arms on my chest. "Take a wild guess" yt

23:42 Jackson_Rose: "You knocked me out, didn't you" I say while putting my hands on my belly and relax my head from looking at you to stare at the ceiling.
23:42 Jackson_Rose: Yt

23:42 Seilan: I lay down next to you, "Yes, not the best way to end a match in my book. How are you now?" yt

23:44 Jackson_Rose: I move to sit up, and then I get a sharp feeling in my head so I move to grip my head with one of my hands. A flashback. I shake my head and try to breathe deeply before I start to hyperventilate. "I'm... I'm fine. Better. Awake" I say and then I look at you as you lay down next to me. "So, what's next? Maybe I can try to put you in the dragon sleeper and you can teach me how to get out of it?"
23:44 Jackson_Rose: Yt

00:07 Seilan: You seem to be shaken by something more than the hold but I don't know if I have the right to investigate about it. Cautiously, I say "Yes, sure. Show me how you can pull it off" yt

00:10 Jackson_Rose: "okay". I move to get right behind your head as you're lying down and I lift your upper body up so I can ease my body down. I lock in a bodyscissors and wrap my left arm around your neck lock in a dragon sleeper! "I saw this done once... How would you get out of this dragon sleeper/bodyscissor combination?" I ask, curious
00:10 Jackson_Rose: Dragon sleeper/bodyscissor: You are not logged in.
00:10 Jackson_Rose: Yt

00:11 Seilan: "You little devil" I try to say despite the difficult position my neck is in. Focusing, I first move my hands to grab your ankles, trying to drive a wedge between your crossed feet do I can open your scissorhold yt

00:14 Jackson_Rose: "Seilan... I may have just woken up but my legs are still pretty strong," I say as I tighten the scissors. I then push my hips upward to force your body up and into the scissors and to push your neck into my arm. I flex my arm and also adjust the sleeper to lock it even tighter. As I push my hip upward, I can feel myself getting a little turned on feeling and seeing your big body struggling, my hardened package rubbing against your back... I begin to smirk.
00:14 Jackson_Rose: Yt

00:16 Seilan: Uff you're clearly learning quickly and you seem to have regained all your confidence after that moment of uncertainty. I can still use my size advantage, so I start budging with my hips, trying to roll us over yt

00:18 Jackson_Rose: Having put all my strength and focus into the hold, I failed to balance things out to really lock you in place, and as you nudge your hips, you start to destabilize the hold and you roll us over and the hold naturally untangles as we roll over. "Damn! Well now that's kinda unfair... Your counter was your size" I chuckle out as I'm mounted on your back
00:18 Jackson_Rose: Yt

00:19 Seilan: "Always use your weapons" I say in an amused voice "Speaking of which, what are you planning to do now?" yt

00:21 Jackson_Rose: "hmmm. One last trick, but I still gotta learn how to counter a more traditional pro style dragon..." I say as I tighten my legs around your waist and then I roll us back over and wiggle my way to your upper body and wrap my left arm around your neck and then force us up so I'm on one knee and your in a bridge position as I lock in the more conventional dragon sleeper. "Seilan? Meet my plan" I say lightheartedly while wasting no time and locking in the hold tightly and securely
00:21 Jackson_Rose: Yt

00:24 Seilan: "Mhm not bad" I say as I start struggling, but I decide to hold on and see how much you can hold me up in that sleeper. yt

00:27 Jackson_Rose: I can already feel that this won't be enough to do you in. "Heh... You're a good trainer... You're testing me, you've been testing me... I respect it." And I sort of yank your body upwards a little to be able to tighten the dragon sleeper more. "Now what is YOUR next move?" I say, genuinely curious.
00:27 Jackson_Rose: Yt

00:29 Seilan: You don't seem to relent, so I start to put some more difficulty into it. I try to roll us over again, which isn't as easy as before due to the position, but my free legs still can add some momentum. At the same time, my left hand tries to reach behind my head and push a space between it and your arm.
00:32 Seilan: yt

00:33 Jackson_Rose: I shift my eyes to scan your body downward to your legs. I notice you trying to shift momentum so I shift my leg that is on its knee farther away to widen my stance to account for the incoming momentum. While that's happening, you move your left hand to reach behind your head to try to push your head outward... This might become a contest of strength, and I'll lose if I try to brute force it... So i put my other leg down onto its knee and force our body down so it's now more of a north-south choke, hoping it wasn't a mistake
00:34 Jackson_Rose: North-south choke:You are not logged in.
00:34 Jackson_Rose: Yt

00:35 Seilan: You shift the position suddenly and I find myself in a north-south choke. Wanting to try something crazy, I raise both my legs and use them to gain momentum as I grab your head with my hands and try to jolt up, wanting to flip you away from me. yt

00:38 Jackson_Rose: Not expecting your move, you use a full bodied momentum into your push and push me off of you! My body is tossed off just a couple feet away from your head as I'm on my side. I roll onto my back to recover some breath. "I see what you did there" I say exasperated.
00:38 Jackson_Rose: Yt

00:39 Seilan: I get back in stance with a cocky grin on my face, then I start to close in on you. "Come on kid, the big bad coach is getting close. What would you do?" and I suddenly lunge at you, aiming at simply pinning you under me this time, wanting to test your reaction. yt

00:41 Jackson_Rose: I hear your cockiness and take it as a signal that something... Mischievous is coming. I shift my head to look at you and see you lunge at me, so I roll myself towards you in an effort to get you to trip over my body
00:41 Jackson_Rose: Yt

00:43 Seilan: Your move works and I end up rolling over you, ending up with my back against the mats "Well played" I say as I roll back in stance, but I have no intention to make you relax. This time I rush at you and at the last moment I jump at you with my legs forward, trying to trap you in a bodyscissor. yt

00:46 Jackson_Rose: As I keep rolling after tripping you, my back is exposed and you recover from the trip with such surprising speed. You rush at me from my blind spot and before I can even see you, you jump at me, legs first and as I was beginning to get up on my hands and knees your legs wrap around me and you bring me down, me sprawled out in the floor, my torso trapped in your bodyscissors. "For a big man you hold a lot of wildcards Seilan!" I say strained.
00:46 Jackson_Rose: Yt

00:47 Seilan: I take my time to be cocky again "What can I say... I'm built as a brick but nowhere as dumb" and then I start squeezing with my thighs, testing your abs. yt

00:51 Jackson_Rose: "HMMMPH!" My eyes grow wide for a moment before I shut them, wincing, as I let out a strained sound. "I... Can... See... That" I say in between breaths. I try to wiggle myself, even use one hand to try to unbuckle your ankles out, but it's no use. Your thighs are too big and too powerful... "Urghh!!!" I let out. "Alright!... Seilan... You have me. I give!" I say while tapping on your legs.
00:51 Jackson_Rose: Yt

00:52 Seilan: I release you and roll over, letting you regain your breath. "How is it going so far?" yt

00:53 Jackson_Rose: I roll over and place one hand on my abs and the other on my back. "I'm... Fine!" I say, as I lay on the ground recovering my breath.
00:53 Jackson_Rose: Yt

00:54 Seilan: I get up and look at you "Enough training for today?" yt

00:55 Jackson_Rose: I see you look down at me and offer your hand to help me up. I take it and you slowly get me up on my feet too. "Yeah, I think that's good. Thank you Seilan," I say while looking softly and admirably at your strong body and into your eyes.
00:55 Jackson_Rose: Yt

00:57 Seilan: "It was a pleasure," I say "Off to the shower?" yt

00:58 Jackson_Rose: I smile at you. "Let's!"


Published: 2022-09-19, viewed 64 times.



Scorp (deleted member)

2022-09-19 23:37

That was such a well written training session, truly the blooming of a rose ;)

The Traveler

2022-09-19 23:40

(In reply to this)

Thank you Scorp! Definitely growing here, that's one thing I can say for certain :)

Havoc the Slayer17

2022-09-19 22:33

Excellent training you’re gonna need it for all your future opponents

The Traveler

2022-09-19 22:34

(In reply to this)

You know it Havoc, and this is just the beginning!

Apollo Dante

2022-09-19 22:22

This was something really different and I want to add my congratulations to both of you for such well written and executioned story/scenario. This was an intense training session with Jackson Rose ( aka The Traveller) meeting up with an Italian musclestud Seilan.

Seilan used his training skills so well and although had this been a bout he would have won it with a couple of submissions but Jackson definitely has got talent and potential to improve which Seilan has spotted.

Great action ..when can we expect Chapter 3!

The Traveler

2022-09-19 22:27

(In reply to this)

Chapter 3 will be another monologue piece, so that'll be out soon! Chapter 4 is more training with another, and that is currently in development! Hope that teases enough while letting you sleep easier at night, Apollo ;)

Thanks for reading, and for your thoughts! Much appreciated :)

SebastianManta (deleted member)

2022-09-19 22:07

Damn beautiful sexy match guys!! Selian I can’t wait for our match!!

The Traveler

2022-09-19 22:13

(In reply to this)

Thanks Sebastian! Seilan is skilled in more than one way, so that is my only warning haha! But I've definitely learned a lot from him :)