All-Asian Association (AAA)

Public Restricted

Established: 2021-12-18

  • No holds barred
  • Pro wrestling
  • Submission
  • Boxing
The Triple A League exists to gather Asian fighters from across the globe.
39 members
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NHB MATCH Maui Kid Vs Shunma Katsumata


22:18 Maui_Kid: It has been a while since my win over the cute sexy Japanese wrestler Shunma in Maui. It was a hard fought victory and when he invited me to Japan for a rematch I eagerly accepted. The match will be a NHB MATCH winner by pinfall, submission, or KO.
22:20 Maui_Kid: The big night has arrived and i change into my tight white speedo with a blue lotus flower on the pouch. I stretch and flex in the mirror and I reach in my bag and I slide a little something in the pouch of my speedo and smile. “Just in case “ I whisper to myself
22:24 Maui_Kid: I hear my music start. “Army of Me” by Bjork
22:25 Maui_Kid: I rush down the aisle and jump in the ring. I do a series of backflips trying to ignite your home crowd. “All the way from Maui at 5’5 125 pounds it’s the High flying Maui Kid” I stand back in my corner and wait for you to enter yt
22:27 Maui_Kid: You are not logged in. You are not logged in.
22:27 Maui_Kid: Yt
22:29 Shunma_Katsumata: ive booked a match against Maui Kid in my home town. i enter the ring wearing my white, blue,, red and gold shorts with matching boots, im holding a bat with bits of lego sticking out of it, the crowd cheers me, i stare at you "ready to lose?"
22:29 Shunma_Katsumata: You are not logged in. yt
22:32 Maui_Kid: I look you over as you enter. “How soon you forget last time Shunma. You will lose in front of your fans tonight “ I look at your bat then at the ref. “Come on ref he can’t have that. “ the ref shrugs his shoulders as it NHB and I step back and wait for the bell yt
22:34 Shunma_Katsumata: "thats not going to happen kid" i smirk clutching the bat "you must of forgotten what type of match this is" i swing it into the air like im playing baseball just to intimidate you , the bell soon rings yt
22:36 Maui_Kid: You swing the bat in the air taunting me and I slide out of the ring. Your plan to intimidate me is working. The bell rings and I step up to the apron. “Come on. Put the bat down Shunma. Or are you afraid you can’t beat me “ yt
22:38 Shunma_Katsumata: i chuckle knowing that my plan to intimidate you worked "oh i can beat you with or without this bat, so come on back in chump" taunts yt
22:40 Maui_Kid: I step into the ring. Glaring at you and my heart racing now. I bounce off the ropes and rush toward you leap up and go for a drop kick to your pecs You are not logged in. yt
22:41 Shunma_Katsumata: i fall backwards onto the mat, i drop my bat then i slowly get to my feet, i glare at you then chop your chest
22:41 Shunma_Katsumata: [IMAGE:]
22:41 Shunma_Katsumata: yt
22:44 Maui_Kid: I hit the drop kick and roll up to my feet. I look down to see your bat and kick it towards the corner but when I look up I’m met with a stinging chop across my skinny pecs. I let out a cry as I stumble back rubbing my pecs. Then I stand straight and beat my chest and bring my arm back KIYAAAH and send a chop of my own to your pecs
22:44 Maui_Kid: [IMAGE:]
22:44 Maui_Kid: Yt
22:46 Shunma_Katsumata: i wince in pain "arrrrrrh!!! shit!" i then roundhouse kick you in the chest "take that!"
22:46 Shunma_Katsumata: [IMAGE:]
22:46 Shunma_Katsumata: yt
22:48 Maui_Kid: I grin as you wince in pain “ Guess I’m stronger Shunma “ then you show your speed and agility as you send a huge roundhouse kick to my chest. I double over rubbing my chest as I scream out in pain. “Ahhh that hurt you jerk. “ yt
22:49 Shunma_Katsumata: "its supposed to hurt you dummy" i hear the crowd chant "shunma! shunma! shunma!" i then grab you in a headlock and ddt you
22:49 Shunma_Katsumata:
22:49 Shunma_Katsumata: yt
22:51 Maui_Kid: You taunt me telling me it’s supposed to hurt. You call me dumb and my temper flares. I hear the crowd chanting your name. I’m used to hearing the crowd support me and it is unsettling. Your arm wraps around my head and I try to pull it away when you drop my head to the mat with a big ddt. I moan as I grab my head and start to try to crawl to the ropes. I’m dazed and seeing stars yt
22:54 Shunma_Katsumata: i see you going towards the corner so i follow you, i grab your hair and pull you up into the corner i then back away then charge towards you going for a corner running forearm smash
22:54 Shunma_Katsumata: [IMAGE:]
22:54 Shunma_Katsumata: yt
22:58 Maui_Kid: You pull me up and and put me in the corner. I watch as you back away giving me some time. I see you come forward and grab the ropes on either side of me and bring my legs in to kick them out at your chest as you charge I’m hoping I can avoid your forearm yt
23:01 Shunma_Katsumata: as i get closer to you i fall backwards onto the mat groaning i hold my chest, im a little pissed that my corner running forearm smash didn't land yt
23:05 Maui_Kid: Relieved that kick hit you. I climb up the top rope. I’m a little shaky but I decide to go high risk watching you hold your chest on the mat. I turn to face the crowd and moon daily off the top rope and go for a splash onto you
23:06 Maui_Kid: [IMAGE:]
23:06 Maui_Kid: Yt
23:08 Shunma_Katsumata: i grunt and groan as you land on top of me, the crowd gasp in shock yt
23:09 Maui_Kid: I hook your leg as I stay on top of you. The ref counting 1… I whisper in your ear. “That was so easy cute Shunma “ yt
23:10 Shunma_Katsumata: hearing the ref count i kick out yt
23:11 Maui_Kid: I get frustrated as you kick out. I slap the mat. “Geez ref. You count slower than molasses “ and I get to my feet and grab you by your hair to pull you up and I take your arm and shoulder to send you into the ropes as I set you up to attempt a clothesline
23:12 Maui_Kid:
23:12 Maui_Kid: Yt
23:14 Shunma_Katsumata: as i get to the ropes i grab them to stop myself from going back towards you i then charge towards you and spear you
23:14 Shunma_Katsumata: yt
23:16 Maui_Kid: I’m running full speed as I expect you to be coming back when you grab the ropes and stop yourself. I can’t slow down and you move forward lowering your shoulder and spear me on my guts. I land hard on my back as I cough and gasp for air. Starting to moan as I rub my aching gut. Yt
23:17 Shunma_Katsumata: i get to my feet and smirk i then go towards the corner and grab my lego bat, i then go over to you and swing it down onto your abs yt
23:20 Maui_Kid: I start to rise up and then groan falling back rubbing my guts. As I look back up I see you standing above me with your bat. “I hold up my hands. “No please Shunma. Don’t “ but you start swinging away pounding my abs. I scream out in pain. My abs turning red and you can see the indentations from the Lego pieces. I cough uncontrollably as I try to roll over to protect myself yt
23:21 Shunma_Katsumata: i laugh sadistically "you give up yet or you begging for more?" i then whack the bat onto your back twice yt
23:23 Maui_Kid: You ask if I give up and you are laughing like a monster. “ No way I will never submit to you. “ then WHACK you swing the bat into my back and again. I scream in pain again as I grab for my back. I’m desperation I try to kick my leg back into your knee but I’m unfocused and almost sick from the pain in my abs. Yt
23:26 Shunma_Katsumata: i side step your kick i then go towards the corner and place the bat down then i stalk towards you and elbow drop onto your chest
23:26 Shunma_Katsumata: [IMAGE:]
23:26 Shunma_Katsumata: yt
23:30 Maui_Kid: You finally stop hitting me with your bat as I moan in pain on the mat. I don’t know why you stopped my kick missed but I’m glad you did. I no longer think of you as a cute teddy bear. The pain is making me stay dazed and when I look up your elbow is coming toward my chest and BAMM it hits hard and I start to cough as my body jackknives and the blow makes my speedo tent as you start to dominate me. I try to roll to my front to protect my chest and abs as I wonder just how I can get back in this yt
23:31 Shunma_Katsumata: i roll you over onto your back and cover you for a pin 1! yt
23:31 Maui_Kid: You roll me over and cover me. I feel your muscled sweaty body pressed against me and I’m hurting part of me wants to just lay here and get pinned but I can’t go down so easy. I buck my body up hard and bring my arm up to try to bash you in the side of your head. “No way Shunma “ yt
23:33 Shunma_Katsumata: gets off you shocked i then notice something in your trunks, something thats not your cock, i wonder what it could be yt
23:35 Maui_Kid: I get to my hands and knees and I see you looking at my bulge. “Shunma. What are you staring at “ I reach in and adjust my bulge yt
23:36 Shunma_Katsumata: " your hiding something aren;t you? you little sneaky squirt" i grab your hair and pull you to your feet then i lift you up and body slam you
23:36 Shunma_Katsumata: [IMAGE:]
23:36 Shunma_Katsumata: yt
23:39 Maui_Kid: I grab what’s in my trunks and put it in my hand closing my fist to hide it. “No way Shunma never. Guess little Tua just likes you “ I wink but you just grab my hair and start to try to lift me and I lift my hand next to your face and squeeze. It’s a piece of pineapple and the juice squirts in your face yt
23:44 Shunma_Katsumata: "wtf!!!!" i shout not expecting that, the juice on my face stings my skin causing me to wince in pain, i end up letting you go and backing away yt
23:46 Maui_Kid: You back away and I move towards you. Grab your head with both hands. “You made me do that Shunma if you didn’t use the bat I wouldn’t have done that. “ I bring my head back. “ this might hurt even more. Brace yourself “ and bring my head forward as I go for an islander headbutt to your forehead
23:46 Maui_Kid: [IMAGE:]
23:47 Maui_Kid: Yt
23:47 Shunma_Katsumata: i scream loudly in agony "arrrrrrrrrrh!!!!!! that hurt!!!!" i fall to my knees leaning against you yt
23:49 Maui_Kid: As you fall to your knees leaning against me. I can not help it. I grab the back of your head and I push your face against my bulge. “ smells good right Shunma? Like pineapple for sure. That was the only reason I had brought that here. To smell good for you” yt
23:50 Shunma_Katsumata: i blush and moan as you shove my face into your bulge "mmmmm" i then try to push off of you yt
23:51 Maui_Kid: I hear you moan and say “ oh you do like it right Shunma I’m glad “ I feel my speedo tent more. When you push me back. I stumble back and then rush forward and raise my knee aiming for your chest
23:52 Maui_Kid: You are not logged in.
23:52 Maui_Kid: Yt
23:52 Shunma_Katsumata: i fall backwards onto the mat and i lay there groaning loudly in pain, my chest turns red yt
23:54 Maui_Kid: I bounce run back and bounce off the ropes and raise my leg going for a leg drop to your chest You are not logged in. yt
23:55 Shunma_Katsumata: i groan loudly as your leg drops onto my chest, i then roll away towards the corner yt
23:57 Maui_Kid: I hit the leg drop but you won’t stay down. You roll towards the corner I grab your ankle and try to pull you back to me. “ running way Shunma ? Maybe you should just give up now ?” Yt
23:57 Shunma_Katsumata: im about to grab my bat when you pull me away "shit!" i then say "me? give up? now? no way!" yt
23:59 Maui_Kid: I lift your leg up high and then try to drive your knee down to the canvas. “You should stay down “ yt
00:00 Shunma_Katsumata: i scream loudly in agony as my knee hits the canvas, i hold my possibly injured knee yt
00:02 Maui_Kid: I grab for your leg as you try to hold it “ did that hurt ?” Let me help you. And I pull on your leg as I try to flip you on your front yt
00:03 Shunma_Katsumata: i panic seeing you grab my leg "no no no no!!!!!" i beg yt
00:04 Maui_Kid: I hear you begging and I laugh like you did earlier as I sit on your back pulling your leg under my arm pit in a single leg Boston crab. “ submit Shunma it’s over “ I yell yt
00:05 Shunma_Katsumata: i scream loudly in agony, despite the agony i refuse to submit "no! never!!" i attempt to reach the ropes yt
00:06 Maui_Kid: I feel you moving to the ropes and try to pull you back but struggle with your bigger size. “ ughh. Stay still “ yt
00:06 Shunma_Katsumata: "no!!!!" i keep reaching for the ropes but the more i move the more pain in my injured knee i get yt
00:07 Maui_Kid: i realize I can’t stop you and I drop your leg. Frustrated. Get to my feet and stand over you. Try to send a stomp to your back yt
00:08 Shunma_Katsumata: i grunt and groan as you stomp on my back, i try to crawl towards the corner where my bat is yt
00:10 Maui_Kid: you start to crawl towards the corner and I follow you lifting my arms up over my head as I try to slam them into your back for a double ax handle yt
00:11 Shunma_Katsumata: i get to my hands and knees then fall face first onto the mat, i reach over clutching my back yt
00:12 Maui_Kid: I got your back hard and you fall on your face. I reach down grab your head and pull you back over your knees and try to wrap my arm around your head with your face in my smooth sweaty arm pit yt
00:13 Shunma_Katsumata: i breathe in your pit scent and i moan loudly "mmmmm" i feel a twitch in my shorts, i attempt to wriggle free but i struggle yt
00:15 Maui_Kid: I can hear you moan and feel your breathe against my pit. “You like that Shunma. Smells good. Like the tropics and a real man ?” I see your shorts growing and smile. I reach down to rub your bulge “ I can feel you like it. Just relax and enjoy. It will be over soon “ You are not logged in. yt
00:16 Shunma_Katsumata: "no no no no!!!!!!" i shout panicking more then i start moving slower and slower yt
00:18 Maui_Kid: I hear you shouting no but then your resistance is slowing. “You know you are really cute when you beg Shunma. I bet you are even cuter when you submit. Tell me you submit. NOW !” Yt
00:19 Shunma_Katsumata: im just about to submit but before i can speak i go limp yt
00:20 Maui_Kid: I feel your body go limp. The ref lifts your arm twice and it drops. Then a 3rd time. It drops and the bell rings. I release my arm and lower you to the mat. I get to my feet as the ref raises my hand. “you’re winner by KO MAUI KID “ You’re fans are not happy. Yt
00:21 Shunma_Katsumata: END
00:21 Maui_Kid: End

Published: 2022-11-27, viewed 73 times.



Jay Jones

2022-11-28 14:22

Nice win little bro I thought he had you there for a while but you turned it around.
Jay J


2022-11-27 09:54

Shunma may be older, heavier and willing to play unfair with his lego-studded bat, but none of it is enough to contain the feisty and sexy Maui Kid. Tua craftily takes control with pineapple juice and a headbutt, and when Shunma's last-gasp efforts to reach his bat fail it's lights out for him. Great win for little big man Tua over the hometown wrestler!

Apollo Dante

2022-11-28 23:22

(In reply to this)

Have to say Tua did deserve this big win over the experienced Japanese stud. Lots of creativity in this one for sure! Well done to both of you!