All-Asian Association (AAA)

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Established: 2021-12-18

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Maui Kid Vs Jay Jones CPW Tournament 2nd Round Match


This is a round two match in the Classic Pro Wrestling Federation Tournament to crown the first Fed Champ. The match is scheduled for ONE FALL by pin, submission or knockout. The winner will advance to the semi-finals


This match is the main event on tonight’s card and is between -

You are not logged in. Maui Kid 18yo Height 5'5" Weight 123 lbs


You are not logged in. Jay Jones 28yo Height 6'0'' Weight 200 lbs

Jay_Jones: I have to face my little brother Tua in this round of the tournament. Normally there is no one I would rather wrestle than him but this match is huge for us as one of us will take a step closer to the Championship while the others dreams will be shattered for the time being anyway.

Jay_Jones: My big problem is that following my win against BigPoppa in round one he attacked me and seriously injured my neck. I spent three days in hospital where initially it was though I had a broken neck however a diagnosis of a Herniated Disc was finally arrived at, which is basically where a spinal disc has become torn and the soft jellylike interior has leaked out of the disc, leaving me with a lot of pain in my neck and my right arm and shoulder with numbness and tingling. I have been told that I must not take part in any physical activities for several weeks but I am not pulling out of this tournament.

Jay_Jones: Dad drives us to the arena and there is not much conversation between Tua and I in fact I feel sorry for dad as he tries to lighten the mood. Once we arrive, I give Tua a quick hug and wish him luck before I go to the medical room and receive a Corticosteroid injection which should reduce the inflammation and help relieve pain during the match. Together with the over-the-counter pain killers I have been taking I should be able to get through the match.
You are not logged in. John Page who is Maui Kid's and Jay's dad

Jay_Jones: I then head to the locker room and change into my black square cut trunks with matching boots and finished off with kick pads and wrist tape.

Maui_Kid: The day of the Tournament match has arrived. I have spent the previous days visiting my bro in the hospital and being very concerned. Now I have to take him on in the second round. I really want to advance and show CPW that size isn’t everything and that I can take the title. I have been conflicted though as it means beating my big brother who is already injured from his first-round match. I had a long talk with my Dad John Page. He convinced me that I have to go all out as Jay would do the same and he wouldn’t expect anything less.

Maui_Kid: we all ride to the tournament together. No talking in the car and my mind is racing. I put on my beats headphones and blast some music trying to get myself focused and psyched up. When we arrive, I give my bro a hug. Then my dad and I head to the locker room. I put on my red low-cut speedo and I’m going barefoot as usual. Stretch out and flex in the mirror. I’m feeling fresh and loose. Ready to defeat my bro and move on to semi-final round knowing that it won’t be easy. My big bro is a great wrestler and resourceful, I cannot underestimate him even in his current condition. If anyone knows my weaknesses it is him but trust me. I know his just as well.

Jay_Jones: I am now able to roll my neck a little as the steroids seems to be working, I just need to hope that it holds out as Tua will do anything to win and so will I. I hear my music start *The Clash - London Calling*

Jay_Jones: I slip my waistcoat on and strut out into the arena and towards the ring smiling at the fans and doing I think a great job of hiding my discomfort from the fans at least.


Jay_Jones: I Jump up onto the ring apron and step through the ropes. I shake hands with the referee then head to my corner, take of my waistcoat and hand it to a ring assistant and then I stretch on the ropes waiting for Tua to make his way to the ring. I am so up for this match and desperate for the win You are not logged in.

Maui_Kid: I listen to my big bros big entrance and the audience sounds huge. This is one of the biggest events I have wrestled in. I swing my arms and jump up and down as I hear my music start to play. Changing it up for tonight’s main event to “Army of Me” by Bjork.

Maui_Kid: The lights dim and then huge flashes of multi coloured laser lights fill the arena as I run down the aisle and into the ring. The crowd roaring as I do a series of standing backflips. Climb the ropes and raise my first to the crowd. Smile at my dad at ringside before I climb down and look over at you.

Maui_Kid: The ref calls us to the centre. I approach you eagerly. Looking you up and down. You look amazing and focused with no signs of injury. I extend my hand to shake yours as I smile “Bro good luck tonight. I hope you know I have no intentions of losing. I am going to win this entire tournament “

You are not logged in. Officiating tonight, Senior Referee James Handcock.

Jay_Jones: As I stretch and gently try to roll my neck, noticing the grinding and feeling the twinges as I do but trying to put that out of my head, I hear your new music start up, your laser light display illuminates the entrance as you appears in your low-cut red speedos and barefoot as normal. You run down the aisle to a huge amount of support. You jump into the ring and I smile as you do your show-off backflips and climb the ropes. My face changes as I see you smile at dad and I watch his reaction which pisses me off a little as he always seems to take more interest in your wrestling ability than mine but just you wait until I wrestle him bro, it will be a different outcome to your last match with him. You then step down and look over at me. Unbeknown to you I am feeling a little resentful about your relationship with dad and I divert my eyes as I do not want you picking up on my feelings as I would rather you feel my anger during the match.

Jay_Jones: The handsome referee who I have always liked calls us to the centre of the ring. As we approach you seem excited as you look me up and down. You seem to be enjoying the huge crowd in this large venue while I feel very nervous and apprehensive about wrestling on the bigger stages. The referee finishes his little chat and you offer me your hand, I take it squeezing it firmly. Part of me wants to hug you as you wish me luck but when you tell me that you are going to win the entire tournament. My anger builds and I cannot control it, as the referee calls for the bell

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Jay_Jones: I let go of your hand and grab your head, pulling it down, I step back and then try to lift my knee into your abs.


Maui_Kid: You accept my handshake and shake my hand very firmly but you are silent not responding to my cocky taunts. The bell rings and as you let go of my hand you suddenly grab my head and pull it down. I try to rise up and get away from you but before I can do it you slam your knee HARD into my unflexed abs. I stumble back to the ropes as I fold over rubbing my abs dropping to my ass. FUCK that hurt and you can hear me cough and groan. I move my thick black hair out of my eyes as I look up at you glaring


Maui_Kid: I make my way back to my feet after taking a deep breath and stomp my foot on the canvas feeling both angry and frustrated. Let out a ROAR and leap forward aiming my forearm for the side of your head


Jay_Jones: I smirk as you sink to the ground, coughing and spluttering with your back against the ropes. You move that thick black hair out of your eyes and I can see you are not happy as you glare at me. I watch you get back to your feet and yeah sure as hell you are not a happy bunny and I take the opportunity to look at dad and give him a SMIRK thinking to myself “how is your little Angel doing then dad”. My mistake because as I turn back WHAM your forearm hits my on the side of the head knocking my head sideways and stunning me. I bring my hand up to the side of my face and give you an evil stare and then turn around and try to deliver Spinning Back Kick to your gut. Hoping that a second strike to your abs may bring you under control.


Maui_Kid: My forearm smacks the side of your head hard. I grin at you as you rub your face. “How does your neck feel now bro. Want to concede now?” Taunting you as I see you turn your back to me. I lift my arms over my head ready to drive a double axhandle to the back of your neck and shoulders when you bring up your leg and deliver a stunning back kick straight to my guts again, I’m coughing and groaning as I’m doubled over, wind knocked out of me rubbing my gut with one hand and I grab the ropes with the other.

Jay_Jones: My back kick hits perfectly and just as well, as I noticed your fists were about to come down on my injured neck with a double axhandle. Well now I know you little fucker you have just shown me that the gloves are off and so you are not my little brother until this match is over and that’s for sure. You are winded and on the ropes. I wink at dad and run at you, my right arm out and aimed high as I try to clothesline you over the top rope.


Maui_Kid: I look up and man do you look pissed and focused. My gut is killing me and I am feeling winded for sure. I just got kicked by my 200 lb big brother HARD in my guts. I see you come rushing towards me and I know if you hit me with this clothesline I’ll be in big trouble. Good thing it’s early in the match and that I’m fast. My hand is still on the top rope and just as you are about to hit me with your clothesline I duck down and PULL the top rope down hard hoping to send you flying out of the ring to the hard floor


Jay_Jones: I am about to send you over the rope when you duck and deliberately pull down the rope. Your fans cheer as I sail over the top and landing hard on my back, hitting my head and the back of my neck on the very lightly padded arena floor. I immediately feel my neck spasm and wince but go into survival mode and try not to show any sign of pain to you.


Maui_Kid: My plan works to perfection as you crash to the hard floor. I watch you carefully as you try to get up. Not showing any clear signs of damage yet. I’m stalking you closely. Waiting until you are just about to get up when I bounce off the far ropes and run towards the opposite side of the ring leaping over the top rope. Summersault in the air looking to give you a crossbody splash onto the arena floor. I can hear the crowd erupting with cheers at the height on my leap and flip.


Jay_Jones: I start to get to my feet when I look up and see you coming over the top rope, you summersault and I know I must move but which way, that landing has stunned me and I cannot think straight. I duck and move forwards towards the ring hoping you will sail over the top of me.

Maui_Kid: I’m flying through the air. Completing my summersault, it’s looking good. You are right where I want you when you suddenly duck and move forward. Luckily, I’m very agile and acrobatic. I complete the flip to land in my feet but have built up so much momentum it sends me forward my chest slamming into the barricade. I grab hold of it and shake out my legs from the rough landing and rub my chest as I turn to face you. Stomping my foot. “You will wish you let me hit that bro because now you made me angry “

Jay_Jones: To my disappointment you land on your feet but you are propelled into the barricade and I see your chest hit it pretty hard. You stomp your feet while you rub your chest and by the look on your face, you are pretty mad, I am up and ready to go again. I smirk a little as I think I may have just pissed you off and that could mean that you will make mistakes. You try to tuant me but I quickly attempt a Roundhouse Kick to your hopefully sore chest while you are still against the Barricade.


Maui_Kid: Trying to buy myself some time as I taunt you but you keep your focus not even responding. You have yet to speak a word to me in this tournament match and you take full advantage of my weakened state as you send a huge roundhouse kick into my chest. Not only taking my breath away but my back smacks into the barricade. I lean forward to rub my now red and burning, skinny chest. My ass sinking to the hard floor. I put up my hand to signal you to back off as I’m now cornered and panicking. The ref is counting us both.

Jay_Jones: My kick hits your cheat right where it just collided with the barricade. You sink to the floor and I can hear the referee counting, already he is at …3… I use my boot to push you down and then stomp your ribs. I then quickly jump into the ring and back out again, breaking the count.


Maui_Kid: The refs count and my attempts to get you to back off do not get me any reprieve as you bring up your leg and stomp my ribs HARD with your big boot. I scream out in pain as I curl up in a fetal position rubbing my ribs. I could swear I felt one crack from the blow. I look up to see you jump into the ring and I get to all fours and start to crawl towards the apron when I see you come back out. I summon all the energy I have knowing I can’t take another big blow to my ribs and I lunge at you aiming my shoulder for your abs.

Jay_Jones: The referee stops counting but is shouting at me to bring the match back into the ring but with you being so small compared to me I like to keep the match outside as I can do a lot of damage to you with the ring, the barricades, the metal steps and the hard floor. It is funny really as I hate being outside the ring with guys bigger than me. As I turn to referee James and argue with him, telling him to start his count again. I should be paying attention because as I jump down and get your shoulder hard into my abs and as bad luck would have it, I did not have them flexed. Spit shoots out of my mouth and my guts hurt so bad that I fall to the floor clutch my guts and feeling like I want to vomit.


Maui_Kid: My spear hits even better than I could have hoped. I watch as you drop to the floor. You are not moving much and I think I knocked the wind out of you. I give my bicep a flex as I raise it up and look out and wink at Dad. Then look down at you and drop down to try to drop my elbow into the side of your head


Jay_Jones: My guts hurt so much and I can hear James counting again but he is only a ...2... I then feel like a hammer hits the side of my head and stuns me but more importantly it makes me whimper as the shockwave sets of the nerves in my neck on fire. I get a sick feeling as I realise that the injection and pain killers are not going to last as long as I had hoped. Again, I try to hide the fact that I am in pain. I manage to get to my hands and knees and try to make my way towards the ring hearing the referee shout …3….

Maui_Kid: I hear you let out a moan and watch as you get to all fours. I know you are hurting after that but you are so tough trying not to let me know. I reach down as I get behind you and I give your ass a smack and then grab the waistband of your trunks yanking them up to give you a wedgie and grab your shoulder and whisper in your ear “come on big bro. Let me help you back in the ring so I can finish you.” and I grunt as I lift and shove you up and into the ring


Jay_Jones: You come up behind me and smack my ass, grab the waistband of my trunks and make me YELP as you give me a painful wedgie, you grad my shoulder and I hear you whisper in my ear that you will help me back into the ring and finish me off. You grunt and shove me back in the ring. I roll a couple of time and try to use the ropes to get up.

Maui_Kid: I slide in the ring after you. Watching as you start to crawl to the ropes and I rush towards you and throw my legs out to grab your head in a spike headscissor as I fall to my back and try to flip your body over me into your back. Twisting your injured neck in the process. Trying to wear you down and knock the fight out of you early.


Jay_Jones: As I start to get up, I catch a glance of dad’s face and he seems to be supporting you and as I turn, I see you run at me and throw your legs either side of my neck and clamp on a tight scissors, this time I cannot stop myself YELLING as my neck pain goes up several degrees. In the next second, you flip me backwards which twists my neck and spikes my head into the canvas which stuns me and sends another wave of pain through my cervical spine. I am so stunned and now my neck is throbbing as I lay still, desperately trying to control the pain which is building in my neck and already some thoughts of losing this match are flooding my brain. You are not logged in. .

Maui_Kid: The crowd cheers as I nail the spike headscissor takedown and I Kip-up to my feet looking down at you. You look very much in pain and the sound of your moans confirms this. I can taste this victory and have visions of taking home the CPW championship as I run back to the ropes and bounce off rebound back and dive in the air diving headfirst towards your chest as I attempt to drive my HARD islander head into your chest with a headbutt drop


Jay_Jones: As I lay on the canvas, I can hear your fans getting excited I can feel that pain in my neck building, but I am keeping an eye on you noticing your face and your body language, acting as though you are already champion. You hit the ropes and I know you so well that I know exactly what you have planned for me and as your head comes down, I bring my fist up to meet your face before your head can connected with my chest.

Maui_Kid: I’m in the air and about to land a devastating headbutt to your chest. Hoping to stun you to set you up for the finale when I see your fist come up and I have too much momentum I cannot change or adjust my course and my face slam into your fist. It connects hard and I fly up in the air and fall on my back. Roll to my front put my hands to my face as I scream out in pain. My bare feet kicking the mat. I can feel some blood on my fingers and I let out a low moan as the arena spins. My momentum stopped with one hit.

Jay_Jones: Yeah, that’s what I am talking about, I see you land on your back and then roll onto your front and kick your legs. I even see you bring your hands with a little blood on them away from your face. I try to roll my neck and wince in pain. “Oh, dear is daddies little princess bleeding” I shout loud enough for dad to hear and so he starts to get the message that I am starting to get a little pissed off at your preferential treatment. “Get up bro” I yell and as you get to your knees, I run at you as I try a Basement Dropkick to the side of the head.


Maui_Kid: Totally dazed from diving into your fist. My head throbbing. I hear you taunting me my face turning redder with anger. I hear you yell at me to get up and I groan as I start to get to my knees. “Fuck off Bro. You will pay for…” but you don’t even let me finish my sentence or get to my feet and send a big basement dropkick to the side of my head. My head snaps back as I fall to my stomach. My ass in the air as I moan, my little speedo tenting big under me. My eyes rolling into the back of my head as your big kick almost turns my lights out.

Jay_Jones: I roll you onto your back so I can look into your face as I stand over you, “Oh yeah, I can even kick your ass in a straight up classic pro match with a badly injured neck” a snarl and then I look at dad almost wanting to show him the finger but instead I just smirk at him. I then jump up and try to deliver a Double Foot Stomp to your guts.


Maui_Kid: I feel you roll me over to my back and I let out a groan Looking up at your much bigger body and after that blow to the head I swear I see three of you. I hear you taunt me through the daze rubbing my head and trying to shake the cobwebs when you jump up and there is no way for me to move with you so close and your boots and your 200 lbs crash into my gut. I fold up and then curl up into a ball gasping for breath and coughing uncontrollably. You are starting to use your big weight advantage and it’s wearing me down and leaving my body in massive pain. I know I can’t let this continue much longer or I will lose all control of this match.

Jay_Jones: I can almost feel your soft muscles give way as I land both my feet on your midsection, knowing that has left you in a lot of pain. “Ok Bro lets finish off that midsection”. I reach down and grab you up by your hair and then wrap my arms around your waist and lift you up in a bearhug digging my elbows into your sides as I squeeze. “How does that feel bro?”

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Maui_Kid: You pull me up by my sweaty thick black hair. I’m feeling sick from that gut stomp as I moan while you taunt me about finishing off my midsection. You lift my smaller body into a crushing bearhug. I scream in pain as you apply so much pressure on my damaged abs and ribs. Starting to cough and I feel so weak. Making it worse my speedos are tented and rubbing against your abs. My body wants to shut down and give up but I know I can’t give in now. This is a tournament match. I want to win. In pure desperation I bring my HARD but also damaged head back and swing it forward to try to ram it into your forehead for a wicked Islander headbutt praying it connects and it’s enough for you to drop me.

Jay_Jones: You start to cough and that encourages me to squeeze a little harder. I swear I can feel a hard bulge rubbing against me abs and I grin. “You want to give up bro?” I ask with a chuckle. I see your head move back and realise too late what you are about to do **CRACK** your rock-hard head hits my forehead. My head whiplashes back and sends a shockwave of pain into my neck, my arms go numb and automatically release their grip on you as I drop to my knees and then onto my front where I remain with only my legs moving and a little blood trickling from a cut on my forehead.

Maui_Kid: I hear a loud THUD as my head connects so HARD with yours. Your grip releases and I fall to my back. Coughing and gagging as I try to deep breathe. I felt the force of that headbutt myself as your head is one of the hardest, I’ve felt. My head is spinning as I cradle my midsection. I take more deep breaths each one sending pain through my ribs. But I have an opening and I can’t let it pass. I see you laid out on your front. I slowly get up and I kick and roll you over to your back. I need to recover and I sit behind you and pull your head between my thighs and lock my legs around your head in a figure 4 headscissor crushing and cranking your head and sore neck. “How’s that neck feel big bro. You thought you had me. But all you did is piss me off!! Maybe you want to submit now before I hurt you more” taunting you to hide the pain that is radiating through my body


Jay_Jones: I have one of the hardest foreheads in the business and my headbutts are well known and feared but even my head cannot take a headbutt from my little brothers hard Islander head. I am totally stunned with a headache from Hell and my neck pain has returned with a vengeance. You kick me onto my back and then before I realise what is going on, the back of my neck is resting on your hard bulge and your strong legs are wrapped around my neck and head in a fig4 headscissor. I start to kick my feet as the pain builds in my neck to levels that are hard to cope with. You taunt me, telling me that I have pissed you off, asking me if I want to submit before you hurt me some more. “FUCK YOU BRO, NEVER” the referee hears me but he knows the condition of my neck and he remains close and ready to step in as I desperately claw at your legs.

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Maui_Kid: You tell me you will never submit and I get more and more angry as I can taste the victory. You start to claw at my legs and I know that I won’t submit you with this. I lean up and pound my forearms into your chest and then into the side of your head. Give one more big flex of my quads before I release you and get to my feet. I look out at the crowd and flex. Pump my fist in the air and smile making eye contact with my dad and run my finger across my throat to let them Know you are done.

Jay_Jones: I YELL as you lean up and put more pressure on my neck. You start pounding my chest with your elbow and then the side of my head I can feel this match slipping away from me as you keep me dazed. You then flex your quads and cut of the blood to my brain. I start to go limp as you release me. I fall to my back almost out as you stand, I open my eyes and see you pull your thumb across your throat and I curse BigPoppa for what he did to me. You are not logged in. .

Maui_Kid: I move to the corner and climb to the top ropes facing the audience, I give them a double bicep flex. Wink at my dad. I then Moonsault off the top rope looking to put you away with my Islander Splash. The sound of the crowd deafening


Jay_Jones: I am desperately trying to suck in some air as the blood choke wears off. I watch you climb to the top turnbuckle, you are such a little exhibitionist and so full of yourself sometimes. You are up there showing of to daddy dear, I even see you wink at him and my blood is boiling you little fucker. I am going to fuck you up if I get half a chance and rub it in dads face. I know what is coming and if you hit me in my condition with your Islander Splash, I am done and out of the tournament. You jump off the turnbuckle and as you start to summersault, I grab my neck and wince as I roll twice towards the turnbuckle that you just jumped from.

Maui_Kid: I am flying in the air confident I’m going on to the next round. Dreaming of winning the tournament and of dad being so proud when I complete my flip, about to land and BAMMMM I crash into the canvas landing on my chest and abs, as you roll out of the way. I flop around gasping for air rubbing my already damaged core before I settle down on my back, chest heaving as I moan softly staring up at the arena lights. Suddenly in a world of hurt and big trouble.

Jay_Jones: I grin and I get a slight feeling of hope when I hear the crash as your small body hits the canvas. I look and see you flopping around like a fish out of the water. I pull myself up and try to roll my neck but I YELP in pain. Realising that I have an opportunity that I need to take I SMIRK at dad and walk over to you, bend down and slap your face before I jump up as high as I can, moaning as it causes another wave of pain to shoot through my neck and try to drive my boot down onto your face.


Maui_Kid: Looking up at you as you lean down and you slap my face not even saying a word. I grunt “Fuck you bro !!” As I rub my face when before I have time to react your boot crashes down and stomps me right in my pretty boy face. I scream in agony as my hands go to my face. I can now feel blood on my hand and a sick feeling in my stomach to accompany the throbbing in my head. I immediately roll to my front. In pure reaction I try to start to try to crawl very slowly towards the ropes. My body covered in sweat. Bleeding and bruised. knowing my only chance to come back is to buy some recovery time.

Jay_Jones: My boot crunches as it crushes your cute little nose and you scream in agony, your hand goes to your face but I can tell you that you are bleeding but only from your nose. You turn onto your front and try to crawl towards the ropes. “Where are you going bro?” I jump up and ram my boot into the back of your head and drive your injured face into the canvas with a Curb Stomp.

Jay_Jones: [IMAGE:]

Maui_Kid: I weakly try to crawl away from you. My head throbbing and in a daze. You ask where I’m going and I mumble. “Fuck bro. I’m bleeding” but you show zero mercy as the next thing I feel is your boot slam down into the back of my head crushing my face into the canvas. Flattening me on my front. I start to see flashes of light as my head throbs. I try to move but you see my leg start to twitch uncontrollably as you target my HARD Islander head.

Jay_Jones: I think you are about done and I have turned this around. I grab your hair and shove your head between my thighs, hook your arms up and I chuckle knowing that you are preparing for a Pedigree but I pull you up, open my legs and drop to my ass while driving you forwards with a move that I have been practicing without you knowing about it and it’s called The Fairytale Ending.


Maui_Kid: I feel you grab my hair to pull me up by soaking wet sweaty thick black hair shoving my head between your muscled thighs. You hook my arms up over my back. My body worn out and barely able to stay up if it weren’t for you holding my arms. I’m unable to offer any resistance as I whimper. Then you pull me up in a big display of strength my body momentarily vertical before you drop to your ass smashing my face and chest to the mat. Everything goes back as I’m laid out on my front. My leg twitching and ass slightly raised. My dreams of a tournament win all but crushed.

Jay_Jones: I love my new move but doing it has taken the last of my strength and now my neck cannot take any more pain without my body shutting down. I need to end this now I put your left arm in a hammerlock and your right arm between my legs. Flip us over, I have your shoulders pinner under my 200 lbs and I am pressed against your back to make sure you have no momentum to thrust up. The referee is down checking your shoulders and slaps the mat …ONE…


Maui_Kid: I can only slightly feel you grab my arm and slide my other arm between your legs. I let out a low whimper as you flip me over. I can feel your bigger weight pressing on my shoulders. My brain is telling me to kick out but my small body is wrecked and my head is throbbing so bad I cannot even seem or think straight. I don’t even hear the ref count ONE..

Jay_Jones: I do not feel you move at all and I grin at dad who has a bit of a shocked look on his face I nod as James slaps the mat again …TWO…

Maui_Kid: My eyes flutter as I hear James slap the mat for TWO and I grunt and with one last gasp I kick my feet but you have me securely pinned. I can’t move and his hand comes down as he yells out THREE…. I can feel my eyes start to water from the horrible pain in my head and face and knowing I am done in the tournament and my dad will be so disappointed.

Jay_Jones: When James slaps the mat for the last time, I keep you pinned a couple seconds longer just to prove it was not a lucky pin and then I get up and push your legs down as the bell rings.

Announcer: The winner by pinfall and advancing to the Semi-finals Is Jay Jones.


Jay_Jones: I suddenly drop down with terrible neck pain and feeling guilty as hell for hurting you so badly.


Maui_Kid: I hear you announced as the winner and that you are moving to the next round. I feel so disappointed in my performance making one too many rookie mistakes against you and I paid the price. I try to lift my head and I just fall back to the mat. Moaning as I rub my head. I have never been hurt this badly in a match and it’s at the hands of my big bro. I cannot even get up on my own.

Jay_Jones: Dad comes into the ring to tend to you and the medics stick a surgical collar back on me before they load me onto a spinal board and take me back to the hospital to check if I have caused more damage by wrestling tonight.

Jay_Jones: [IMAGE:]

Maui_Kid: I see dad come in the ring and he helps me up to carry me out of the ring. Looking over his shoulder to watch as the medics take my big bro away to the hospital thinking about what a disaster this night has turned into.


Published: 2022-12-18, viewed 44 times.



Apollo Dante

2022-12-21 00:33

Seeing these 2 very talented and valued HOTSHOTS fed studs having to face each other in this CPW tournament was tough to watch. But there had to be a winner but both were worthy competitors, i know I tease the Brit Jay calling him and jobber but after an awesome bout he did manage to defeat Maui Kid but it was a close call. Does this mean he is no longer a jobber…only time will tell! But Jay advances…credit to them for this HOT action!

Damian Slater

2022-12-18 20:06

what a great match between two amazing people

congrats on your win Jay, you sure needed a win after i beat you


2022-12-18 12:43

A win for jay surprising a great fight from both of them


2022-12-18 12:43

A win for jay surprising a great fight from both of them


2022-12-18 05:44

Hot match!!

Maui Kid

2022-12-18 05:45

(In reply to this)

Thank you. Glad you liked it. I was SO close
