Ashley's Dungeon :p

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Spell book

Nathan gingerbread

2023-10-07 16:03


At your turn your action may be to invoke a spell .while you cannot fight and cast a spell at same time some minor movment might be possible.
"I get up and cast..."
"Stepping back i cast "

The time warp
Rewinds the play Back two turns...

  • any spell cast in that time never happened. any effect never happened.* ( so it is still in there spell book )
Example :
Person A uses

Effect spells are based on your ability it doubles your strength or speed : if tou are week it will only make twice what you are...not superman or the flash.

The force field is total protection until your next turn ....
Example : person A casts double strength
person B casts the force field and is immune to attack or affect for the next turn. The caster and only the castor are aware of what happened in those two turns.

Blinding flash works 100% unless the person is not facing you or for some reason already has eyes closed. The victim is total blinded for there turn.

The stunning coin will involve the player declaring heads or tails and flipping a coin ...if you win you opponent is stunned and frozen in place ready for your next turn if you fail then your turn ends with no further action.

If tou have ideas for fun spells please comment below but for this tournament were sticking to just this.

Nathan gingerbread

2023-10-08 11:48

(In reply to this)

I can see somewhere along the way this got out of whack.