Big Beautiful Fighters

Public Open

Established: 2022-01-27
Chat room: #BBF

  • No holds barred
  • Bareknuckle/fistfight
  • Grappling
  • Male / Female
  • Female / Female
This group is for big beautiful women and those that like to fight them
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Battle in Britain Part 2- After winning the first fall against England's Naughty Nikki. Now Carol has to face England's notorious wrestling trainer and underground fighter, Lady Darcy.



11:40 <Lady_Darcy> As I massage Nikki's shoulder she doesn't say much, her head hanging down, her blonde hair draped over her face... "Come on Nikki..." I implore... but she looks beaten... Angrily I shake her shoulder... "SOMEONE'S GOTTA TEACH THAT... SINGAPORE SLUT... A LESSON!!..." I yell at Nikki... yt
12:00 <Carolsingapore76> I see this powerhouse lady nursing Nikki and then she turns her attention to my i give her the thumbs down and point at her.. then slap my ass saying, you be kissing my ass by the time I am thru with ya
12:02 <Lady_Darcy> I see you pointing at me and giving me the thumbs down... I snort and then snarl back at you... "WHAT??!!... What do you mean by that slut??!!..." yt
12:04 <Carolsingapore76> standing in the center of the ring smiling as I work you up... "Yeah Bitch!!! you gonna get the same fate ar Nikki if you dont stay in your lane..." I am cautious of this new lady but I dont want to show her I am wary of her yt
12:09 <Lady_Darcy> I put the water bottle down and stop massaging Nikki's shoulder... then I strut out to the middle of the ring and get in your face... "What was that you said slut?... You're gonna do the same to me??!!... You wanna try that slut??!!... I'm more than happy to whup your fat ass!.." yt
12:12 <Carolsingapore76> watch you come to me i stand my ground in my face as my hands on my hip... i start at you face turning red " yeah bitch, I dare to kick urn ass just like i worked your friend, and I got a lot more from where that came from. Step up instead of mouthing off .."
12:19 <Lady_Darcy> You come back at me... "Yeah bitch, I dare to kick your ass just like i worked your friend, and I got a lot more from where that came from. Step up instead of mouthing off .." ... I smile confidently at you, "Oh you are gonna regret saying that slut!..." I snarl... I take off my top and throw it out of the ring, to reveal my leopard print wresting gear... You are not logged in. ... At 5'4" tall, 170lbs, I'm a little smaller than you... but I've got a lot of confidence... I press up against you... face to face, chest to chest... "I'm stepping up bitch... what ya gonna do about it??!!..." yt
12:21 <Carolsingapore76> i take a step back to size you up.... studying you body in the leopard print sling suit I styill have my singapore bikini on, "yeah half pint I am gonna kick ur ass.."
12:21 <Carolsingapore76> mtc
12:23 <Carolsingapore76> I look over ur shoulder looking at Nikki slumping wondering if I have bitten off more then I can chew... you strip to wrestle as you come into me meshing ur chest into mine i dont back down as i bump my chest into yours... "make ur move bitch or go help your friend" yt
12:29 <Lady_Darcy> I snort angrily as you taunt me "Make your move bitch or go help your friend"... then I get my hands you between us onto your breasts and shove hard to push you backwards... then bring my hands and arms back, and move my legs into position in a wrestling guard, ready to lock up... "Come on then slut!... Let's go!!..." yt
12:31 <Carolsingapore76> "fuck!! " I snarl as I am driven back a step i see you get into a wrestling stance " you gonna get it bitch" as I change my stance instantly using my height to my advantage and lock on a collar and elbow lock up, our bodies engage hard as we both try to get an advantage which we push each other, body shuddering as I try to drive you back yt
12:35 <Lady_Darcy> After I shove you back you quickly move into a stance and come back at me and lock up in a collar and elbow, using your own thick, curvy, body to push me backwards... grrrrr... I let out a growl as you force me back a couple of steps, but now I tense my own thick, curvy, body and push back at you... my thick legs pushing hard against the canvas floor of the ring... not intending to back down or lose this initial contest... aiming to push you backwards... yt
12:37 <Carolsingapore76> still recovering from the first fall now against this fresh lady, i try to hold my ground but you are relentless fighting back all the way... you drive me back a step then another of shit i think to my self cant let you control me as i try to drive my knee into myour belly to stop the onslaught yt
12:40 <Lady_Darcy> I snort and let out a smile as I drive you backwards... "Yeah, so much for the tough Singapore slut eh?!..." I think to myself.. but as I start to get the upperhand you bring your left knee up and ram it into my thick belly... Urrggh... I let out a grunt and release the collar and elbow lock up, doubling over, my arms clasping around my thick belly... yt
12:42 <Carolsingapore76> pushing back my sweaty hair as I see you double over in front of me " you sure got some nerve bitch" grabbing you by the hair straightening you as as you wrap your arms around your belly, I measure you raising my left atm than chop you hard across your tits.. the sound echos thru the ring arena.
12:56 <Lady_Darcy> You grab my hair and pull me up straight then, with my arms still wrapped around my belly you deliver a vicious chop across my fullsome chest... Arrrghh!... I squeal as my big tits bounce and wobble from the chop... "You bitch!..." I snarl at you, and know I step forward, bringing my right arm up I deliver a hard shop across your tits... "How's ya like that then slut?!..." I snarl at you... yt
13:01 <Carolsingapore76> enjoying the chop a little taken aback you snarl and land a chop across my chest uggghhh my chest on fire as i stager back hands clasping across my chest as your chop rocks me yt
13:05 <Lady_Darcy> The power of my chop, leaning my 170lbs into it, clearly took you aback, you stumble backkwards and your arms go up across your breasts to protect them... I smile wickedly as I see your pain... and decide you need some more... I step forward and throw a forearm smash at your arms across your chest, leaning my thick, curvy, body behind the blow, then another blow, then another... lokking to driver you backwards towards the ropes... yt
13:06 <Carolsingapore76> my hands across my chest does little to cushion the impact of your chops as you drive me back.. my chest turning red as i feel the ropes behind me as i grab it to stop my self from falling over yt
13:18 <Lady_Darcy> I grin arrogantly as you fall back onto the ropes, one hand grabbing the ropes to keep yourself upright, the other clasping your, by now hurting, breasts... "What's the matter slut?... Can't take it?..." I taunt... I close up to you, leaning across you, pushing against you, I grab the top rope on your left with both my hands I ram my left knee up towards your thick, fleshy, belly... yt
13:19 <Carolsingapore76> My chest von fire you taunting ringing in my ear as I try to straighten up feel you lean on me trapping me on the ropes your knee drives hard into my belly as I bellow out dropping to one knee by the ropes hands in my belly as my chest heaving taking big gulps of air yt
13:22 <Lady_Darcy> My knee shot into your fleshy belly sends you down onto one knee in front of me, your arms clasped around your belly... I laugh loudly... "PAH!... So much for the... big... tough... Singapore slut!..." I cockily taunt... I grab your silky hair with both hands to haul you up to your feet... yt
13:27 <Carolsingapore76> hurting from the knee lift into the belly you dig int my sweaty hair pulling my up my hands climbing up your body as i reach to my feet i drive a forearm across your chin "take that cheater!!"
13:31 <Lady_Darcy> As I get you to your feet you hurl a forearm smash into my chin... OOF!!... I grunt as my head snaps backwards, my long brunette hair flailing outwards as I stumble back from you a couple of steps... I grab the top rope to stay on my feet... I turn and sneer angrily at you and then throw a big, telegraphed, forearm smash at your chin... leaning my body behind it... yt
13:32 <Carolsingapore76> Grabbing the ropes for support thinking I slowed you down a little buying my self some times but you come back at my like a freight train slamming the forearm in sending my reeling along the ropes as I stagger away yt
13:41 <Lady_Darcy> After my forearm smash sends you staggering away along the ropes I snort and then run my hands through my hair to straighten it... "This is gonna be easy..." I arrogantly purr, as I take my time to follow you... when I get to you I reach out and grab your hair with my right hand, firing a left forearm smash at your head... yt
13:42 <Carolsingapore76> buying time as you come to me, you reach for my hair grabbing it trying to control my as I lash out driving an elbow hard into your belly, "take this bitch"
13:46 <Lady_Darcy> Arrogantly taking my time I grab your hair with one hand, ready to hit you with the other, but you fire back at me before I can hit you... Urrgh!... you drive an elbow hard into my belly and I grunt, bending forward... I snort, but don't let go of your hair... again I raise my left arm to deliver a forearm smash at your head... yt
13:48 <Carolsingapore76> buying some time as I counter you hold on to my hair, this bitch got a lot of fight in her as I straighten up grabbing your hair and drive my knee into your belly
13:59 <Lady_Darcy> As I bring my left arm up to deliver the forearm you fly at me, sending you left knee into my big belly... Urgh!... I grunt and double forward, my left arm dropping down before it could deliver the smash onto your right shoulder, my right letting go of your hair and grabbing onto your left shoulder I hang onto you to keep me upright on my feet, my head drooping down onto your chest... yt
14:01 <Carolsingapore76> watch you double over..."How does it feel now eh, not such a loud mouth are you" pushing my long black hair I come around you head on my chest as I grab your right hand on my shoulder as i clash it both hands winding it up as i and seek to keep you in control.. I crank it one more turn " how about now?" yt
14:04 <Carolsingapore76>
14:08 <Lady_Darcy> As you grab my right arm and spin around, twisting it hard I squeal... Arrgh!... "How does it feel now eh, not such a loud mouth are you" you taunt... I snort angrily, and also a little in pain, I grab your arm and reverse the move, spinning around and twisting your arm... "It feels like this bitch!..." I snarl... yt
14:10 <Carolsingapore76> whoa nooo as show off your skill at reversing the move as i slap my shoulder in pain slowly bending over blinking my eyes trying to get my bearing i try to swing my free arm at you but you keep me at arms length
14:12 <Lady_Darcy> AS I twist your arm you swing your free arm at me, but you can't reach me... I laugh cockily at you... "What's the matter slut?..." then I crank harder on the twisting of your arm... yt
14:13 <Carolsingapore76> as you crank harder causing my to bend over, i take the opportunity to roll over on the may as i spring to my feet grabbing your arm I pull you into me trying to connect a short clothenline
14:14 <The_Mangler> NIce
14:19 <Lady_Darcy> "Whoa!..." I exclaim in shock as you display athleticism that I din't know you had, dropping down and rolling over to release yourself from my hold on your arm... and as I am momentarily taken by surprise and left motionless you spring up to your feet and deliver a short clothesline into my big chest... Urgh!... I am knocked backwards down onto the canvas on my fat ass, my thick ass landing with a Thud!... I sneer and look up at you...You are not logged in. ... "Bitch!..." I snarl at you and roll to my side and up to my feet to face you again... yt
14:21 <Carolsingapore76> as you get to your feet I pounce on you grabbing your hair pulling you hard into a side necklock meshing your face into the side of my breast as I walk you around the ring... "Just like IU did to your friend"
14:23 <Carolsingapore76> (pause here thank you)
15:04 <Lady_Darcy> As I get up you grab my hair and force my head down to your side and then lock me in a side headlock... Grrr... I growl angrily as you lock me in the headlock and then you start to lead me around the ring, taunting me "Just like I did to your friend"... "Let go of me bitch!" I angrily snarl at you as you squeeze my head into the side of your breast... I try to throw a couple of shots into your back with my arm, but it is difficult to get any leverage into my shots... yt
02:13 <Carolsingapore76> I wince arching in pain with every blow as i try to crank it up, taking you to the ropes I try to run your forehead on it before letting you go "Think you so tough" yt
10:49 <Lady_Darcy> Although I am striking you in the back you don't break the hold, instead you drag me to the ropes. I struggle and squirm, trying to brace my thick, chubby, legs to stop you hauling me around via the headlock, but you are strong and get me to the ropes. I can guess what is coming and squeal out "No!... No!..." but you just ignore me and start running my running my forehead along the rough rope... Arrrgggh!!.... I squeal in pain.... "Think you so tough" you taunt... "Bitch!!..." I reply angrily... again I hit you in the back, harder now, trying to break the strong grip you have on the headlock... yt
11:14 <Carolsingapore76> irritated by your hitting i grab your hair releasing the head lock as we are by the ropes slams a forearms across your back trying to slow you down yt
11:22 <Lady_Darcy> You break the headlock in response to my shots into your back, not so much because I have hurt you but more that I have annoyed you, and you grab hold of my head by my silky, long, brunette hair, keeping my head forced down and my body doubled over... you jump into the air a little and then slam your forearm down into my back, all 176lbs of your thick body driving down into the smash... Urrrgh!!... I grunt and drop down onto my knees in front of you, my face contorted in pain as you stand in front of me, holding my hair in one hand and sneering at me... I gasp for some air, "Bitch!..." I snarl at you and then I then snort angrily and clench my left fist and send a punch into your fleshy belly... yt
11:27 <Carolsingapore76> wiping the sweat off my face after slamming the forearm you drop to your knees in in front of me... "Thats where you goanna be bitch, on your knees" as I talk you down you slam a fist to my belly catching my off guard... ooof i bellow doubling over staggering back leaning on thew ropes my had both covering my belly as i take deep breath staring at you with rage yt
11:54 <Lady_Darcy> I am on my knees in front of you, hurting, and you taunt me "That’s where you gonna be bitch, on your knees!"… Angrily I snort, “Bitch!...” I snarl at you and ram my left fist deep into your thick, fleshy, belly, knocking the wind out of you… you double over in pain, you release my hair and your arms drop down, clasping around your aching belly… you stagger backwards and fall into the ropes, your fat ass sitting down on the middle rope as you double over with your arms around your belly… I am hurting, my face is bruised, my hair dishevelled, I am gasping for air, my big chest heaving up and down and my body glistening with sweat… I am in a tough fight, against an equally tough, big, woman… but I’m determined to win… I see you glaring at me and I sneer back at you, a vicious, angry stare on my face…
11:55 <Lady_Darcy> I get to my feet, slowly, but with determination… I stumble across to where you sit in the ropes… I grab your silky, bobbed, hair in my left hand and raise my right arm, ready to deliver a big forearm smash to your head… “What’s the matter slut?... Got a big belly ache?!!... Well, you’re gonna get worse!...” I taunt… yt
11:58 <Carolsingapore76> hurting but I got my eyes on you as i see the rage in you chest heaving as you stumble across to me you grab my hair on top of my head eyes looking at ur right arm as you tease me with the belly ache remark as you raise ur arm you body is expose as i grab the ropes on one side driving my knee into the inside of ur left thigh
12:11 <Lady_Darcy> I stand in front of you as you sit on the middle rope, grabbing your hair with my left hand, I raise my right arm to send a forearm smash down into your head and then you fight back, you grab the top rope on your right and pull yourself up, driving your right knee up into the inside of my thick left thigh… Arrgh!... I squeal and double forward, my big, thick, upper body folding over top of you… I snort and gasp in pain… I release my grip on your hair and wrap my arms around your upper body, clenching us together, squeezing my body against yours… yt
12:18 <Carolsingapore76> my knee find it mark as it catch you and you slump forward feel your weight on my over my shoulder.. you wrap your arms over me as i reciprocate wrapping my arms around your belly with a grut and heave i try to lift you off you feet in a bear hug my face plastered into your chest yt
12:27 <Lady_Darcy> Your knee into my inner thigh sent me doubling over your shoulder, and I try to grab onto your upper body to get a clench and a break for a moment… but with your shoulder now into my upper body you wrap your powerful arms around my waist and… OMG!!... you show your power and stand up, lifting my feet off the ground and squeezing hard with your arms in a brutal bearhug… ARGH!... ARGH!... I squeal in pain as you crush my thick, curvy, body against your chest… I toss my head back, lifting my upper body off your shoulders, my face now contorted and scrunched up from the pain… I’m in agony… yt
12:31 <Carolsingapore76> huffing and puffing as I hoist this big girl, " think you can interfere in my match and get away with it? This Asian Cougar is no pushover is she" as jerk you a little side to side in the bear hug... i give it a good squeeze " you are goanna regret climbing into the ring with me bitch"as you arch back I squat a little giving me a bit more balance and shake u again yt
12:38 <Lady_Darcy> You have me trapped in the bearhug, taunting me "Think you can interfere in my match and get away with it? This Asian Cougar is no pushover, is she?!"…. Arrrgh!... I squeal as you crush my body, squeezing my thick body against yours, "You are gonna regret climbing into the ring with me bitch"… I arch back and you start shaking me, using your power to treat me, a 170lbs woman, almost like a rag doll… ARRRGH!!... I scream, I am desperate to break the hold before you put me out with your powerful squeeze… no choice, my hands come up into your face and… I rake your eyes… yt
12:41 <Carolsingapore76> enjoying the control I am having over you so I taunt you and show you I can shake you... then your hands come over my face trying to blind me then suddenly you rake my eyes, instantly releasing you my eyes tearing up as i start to cup and rub my eyes, you bitch i snarl... as i am blinded rubbing my eyes again trying to get my bearings yt
12:49 <Lady_Darcy> My eye rake works, and you have to release your grip on the bearhug, dropping me down to the canvas and your hands coming up to your eyes… “You bitch!...” you snarl at me… but hey, what do care, you were squeezing the fight out of me but now I am free… as I drop down onto my feet I turn and stumble away from you, my arms wrapped around my body below my breasts, I’m in pain, my face still contorted, as I try to get away from you and recover… yt
12:54 <Carolsingapore76> like a blind person one hand on my eye the other searching around till my hand brushes the ropes i grab it pulling my body to it.. my vision slowly comes back to me as i seeing you move away, rubbing to my eyes as my vision gets better as I stagger over to you, try to keep the pressure on you as i follow you
13:01 <Lady_Darcy> After my eye rake you stumble blindly towards the ropes, grabbing them, taking time to get your vision back… meanwhile I stumble away from you, gasping for air, trying to overcome the pain from your bearhug… as I start to get my breath back I see that you are now staggering towards me… I’m not sure how well you can see but you are clearly heading in my direction… I snort and start moving towards you… waiting until we are close and then I kick out my thick, chubby, right leg in a kick at your thick, left thigh, looking to stop you in your tracks as you stagger towards me… yt
13:03 <Carolsingapore76> i hear you coming after me "dont run away bitch" i raise my arm to come after you but you go low catching me in the inner thigh as i bend over dropping to one knee clutching my inner thigh
13:10 <Lady_Darcy> My kick stops you from getting to me, you drop down onto one knee, clutching your thigh… I take my chance and step forward, I grab your hair with both hands and send my thick right thigh up towards your head… looking to knock you down onto your back on the canvas… yt
13:12 <Carolsingapore76> you move fast capitalizing on my position you grab my hands as my hands grab you hips but you drive that thick sweaty thigh into my face as i am driven back the wind knocked out of me as i drop backward on my ass the on to my back clutching my face yt
13:17 <Lady_Darcy> My thick thigh smacks into your face and drives your head backwards, sending you down onto your back, tits and belly up, your hands clasped over your face… again, taking advantage of the moment when you can’t see me, I take a step back and then a short run up and jump into the air, my hands out as in a swimming dive, aiming to splash down on top of your thick, curvy, body, with my own thick, curvy, body, my 170lbs of tits and belly crashing down on you… yt
13:18 <Carolsingapore76> i feel the ring shuddering but i cant see and i am still reeling from the thigh check, the ring shudder as you crash on me splashing me pancking my bod and breast under ur massive frame we both our bodies bounce on the mat yt
13:24 <Lady_Darcy> Our big bodies collide and both of us take the shock of the impact, but as the woman underneath it gives you a bigger effect as you are pancaked under me… I take a moment to get my breath back and then slide across you, getting my big chest firmly pressed down on your big chest, my left arm across your shoulders and my right arm hooks your thick, curvy, left thigh and pulls your leg up for a pin attempt… yt
13:27 <Carolsingapore76> the air knocked out of me as i moan and groan under you feel you moving around sliding feel you hook my thigh as shake my head side to side ughh no as the count goes tol one yt
13:30 <Lady_Darcy> I am puffing heavily, sweating, straining to hold you down for the pin… I hear… ONE!!... and I pull harder on your leg, push down harder with my chest into yours, turn my head and snarl at you… “Not so tough now, are you bitch?!...” yt
13:34 <Carolsingapore76> ur taunting start to awaken me as i struggle under you you hook my leg tight my ass almost lifted off the mat as ur chest slide up .. you snarl at me as the count goes to two!!!
13:38 <Lady_Darcy> You are squirming under me, wriggling your ass, trying to get me up off you… but it is your shoulders I want pushed down on the canvas and I brace my thick legs to push my big chest down harder on your big chest, fighting against your wriggling and squirming… I hear TWO!!... and now I am tense, waiting, pushing down on you… listening to hear… THREE???... yt
13:40 <Carolsingapore76> my legs legs kicks feebly on themat but you keep the pressure on me keeping me down, i sigh under you as the count goes to three as i stop resisting under you
13:46 <Lady_Darcy> You’re struggling… but it’s not enough… THREE!!... “YES!!...” I shout… releasing your leg and letting it flop down to the canvas… I start to roll off of you, but as I do I give you my “parting gift” and clench my right fist and punch you hard in your thick, fleshy, belly… before I roll clear of you and stand up onto my thick, slightly wobbly legs… throwing my arms up in the air to celebrate my pinfall… … I look back down at you and sneer at you… “ONE ALL SLUT!!... Now I’m gonna make you squeal bitch!!... Last fall by submission only!... I’m gonna make you beg for mercy!!...” yt
13:47 <Lady_Darcy> You are not logged in.
13:48 <Carolsingapore76> i lay the spread eagle as you slide off me....suddenly my tummy gets driven in with you fist as i almost jacknife as i roll t my side hands in my belly coughing as i see you celebrating laying there yt
13:53 <Lady_Darcy> I turn away from you and swagger back to my corner, wiggling my fat ass as I arrogantly strut... I pick up the water bottle and take a swig from it, then grab the towel and start to wipe the sweat off my face... I throw the towel out of the ring and lean back in the corner, gasping for air, You are not logged in. watching you as I wait for the next round... yt
13:55 <Carolsingapore76> watch you strut away in confidence and a high as i slowly get to all 4s crawling to my corner laying against the corner toweling off and drinking water, all the while eyes looking at you
14:04 <Lady_Darcy> I look over at you as you lay in your corner... "What's the matter slut?... Can't get up?!..." I taunt
14:06 <Carolsingapore76> "shut up bitch! you cheated with the eye rake" I snarl back as some strength returns to my body. "I will get my revenge"
15:03 <Lady_Darcy> I snort derisively when you accuse me of cheating, then you say you'll get revenge... I shake my head and laugh... "You're no match for me slut!... you're not tough enough, I'm gonna make you squeal out that I'm the better woman!..."



<Published> 2022-12-13, viewed 90 times.




2023-05-12 18:39

The Best, keep getting better.

Judo Steve

2022-12-14 06:51

Two warriors brilliant

The Mangler

2022-12-14 05:11

These two ladies are true stars OF Chat Fighters. This is a example of the best this site has to offer. I look forward to part III

Blonde Amazon Beth

2022-12-13 23:07

Ouch poor Carol. I wonder if she has enough left in the tank for fall three. Lady Darcy does seem to have unfair advantage since she didn't fight fall 1.

Lady Darcy

2022-12-14 08:38

(In reply to this)

An unfair advantage Beth? I like the sound of having an unfair advantage :)


2024-04-05 01:22

(In reply to this)

time for a rematch

Zack Davis

2022-12-13 13:32

Two hot big gals giving and taking! Great back and forth, luv the detail in your posts and yes, I wonder how this ends without the eye raking 🤔. Fun match, thanks both for sharing it!

Adam J (deleted member)

2022-12-13 13:04



2022-12-13 13:07

(In reply to this)

Only that hehehe?