Bondage Wrestling ﹠ Pins

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Established: 2024-09-10

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Mariafgar vs Lucy


21:10 WrestlingLucy: I'm wearing my pink clothes. I leave the locker room, walk to the mat and get down on my knees. While I'm waiting for my opponent, I stretch my hands forward and start stretching. I am confident because I won 2 matches in a row
21:10 WrestlingLucy:
21:11 Mariafgar: I enter the mat with my underwear and approach you on my knees, it's my first bondage fight and I'm sure I can fight Lucy.
21:11 Mariafgar:
21:11 Mariafgar: (Soo what are the rules?)
21:12 WrestlingLucy: (Rules: 1. You have to start the match on your knees 2. You must start the match fully clothed. 3. When you pin your opponent, 10 seconds are counted and when 10 seconds are up, you get 1 point. 4. If your opponent taps out, you get 1 point. 5. Whenever you get ahead of your opponent in points you are free to try to tie your opponent 6. You win the match when you tie your opponent's hands and feet 7. Once you tie your opponent, you can do whatever you want to your opponent. 8. And there is no giving up during the match, you will either be humiliated or humiliate.)
21:13 WrestlingLucy: When the referee starts the match, I approach you. You are much stronger and taller than me. I know it will be a very difficult match for me. I don't need to get into a power struggle with you, so I move to your right and put some distance between us.
21:16 Mariafgar: I approach you, grabbing you by the arms and quickly pushing you against the mat and putting you on your back, trying to pin you quickly
21:17 WrestlingLucy: I can't move my wrists as you drop me onto my back. I wrap my legs around your waist so you can't pin me to grapevine
21:18 Mariafgar: You catch me with your legs but I quickly get up with force, lifting you too and I smash you against the ground with force on your back
21:20 WrestlingLucy: I'm groaning in pain trying to move my arms away from you ouch.. ouch... fuckk.. get off me
21:20 Mariafgar: I spread your legs and quickly put you in a schoolgirl pin, pinning your arms with my knees and squeezing hard
21:21 WrestlingLucy: I put my feet on the ground and try to get strength from the ground and raise my shoulder, the referee starts counting. 1,2,3,4,5...
21:23 Mariafgar: I grab your shoulders with my hands, pressing them against the ground, leaving you with no chance of escape, the referee keeps counting: 5,6,7,8,9...
21:24 WrestlingLucy: 10... The referee separates you from me, I get up from the ground with my hair messy and my face is red. I sit on my knees and the referee restarts the match Lucy 0-1 Maria
21:25 Mariafgar: (Soo i can tie you up now??)
21:25 WrestlingLucy: (yes you are free to try)
21:25 Mariafgar: I also get on my knees and the next round begins, I approach you little by little, this time I keep my distance
21:26 WrestlingLucy: I quickly approach you and hug your waist with both hands, I put my head next to your left rib and try to throw you on your back with my right shoulder.
21:27 Mariafgar: Now you make me fall on my back but I quickly grab your head with my left arm trapping you in a choke between my biceps and armpit
21:28 WrestlingLucy: I'm still on my knees but you're holding my head, I'm trying to break your grip by grabbing your wrist with both hands, I'm trying to pull my head back.
21:29 Mariafgar: You grab my wrist but with the other arm I try to push your hands away with difficulty, I still maintain the grip
21:31 WrestlingLucy: I'm still trying to break your grip. My head is touching the ground but my hips are up and I'm still trying to push your wrists You are stronger than me, it was a mistake to take this position
21:32 Mariafgar: "Ghhhhh" I lose strength but I still maintain my grip when I grab a rope and try to take both of your arms and tie them a little
21:33 WrestlingLucy: I notice you taking the rope and I hit my hand on the ground 3 times quickly and the referee separates us. I grab my throat and fall to my knees and the referee restarts the match. Lucy 0-2 Maria
21:34 Mariafgar: I'm winning the fight but I still can't tie you up. This time I jump again quickly, ropes in hand, and knock you to the ground with a headbutt to the stomach.
21:35 WrestlingLucy: I'm falling on my back again, I'm trying to move my legs towards you and not bring you closer, I'm trying to get away from you by putting my hands on the ground and crawling on my back.
21:37 Mariafgar: I grab your legs and turn your body, putting you face down. I grab your arms, placing you in a lotus lock, and I take advantage of the position to tie your arms behind your back.
21:39 WrestlingLucy: When you turn me around and put a lotus lock on me, I can't move and you manage to tie my hands. I try to move my body back and forth.
23:20 Mariafgar: I quickly subdue you and tie your feet and legs as well, leaving you tied in a very strong hogtie.
23:21 WrestlingLucy: Now all my hope is gone, you tie me up, the referee announces the winner of the match. And I'm lying tied on the ground
23:21 Mariafgar: i take my first win, i celebrate seeing how i have cut your winning streak "yayyyy i have won!"
23:22 WrestlingLucy: I squirmes in ropes and I'm looking at you

Published: 2 days ago, viewed 46 times.




2 days ago

Good win Maria! Next time try and crush her! A good win anyway!!