Bulls Vs Bitches

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Established: 2022-12-30
Chat room: #BullsVsBitches

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Males Vs Females Federation - who will be the bitches?
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Bulls & Botches Tournament: Angie Vs Bad Wolf


10:50 <Spanked_Angie> it's an amazing sunny day, it's just September but weather is like on Summer, I look outside the window and take a deep breath, I guess I'll do my daily yoga training outside, so I wear a white top, it looks kinda little to hold my generous breasts but with zip slighlty open on I can feel it less tight...blue yoga pants vovering my thick legs and sneakers, I grab my yoga carpet and move out, heading to park, since it's early morning not much people are around, I look for a quite place to perform my training yt
10:50 <Spanked_Angie>
10:55 <Bad_Wolf> I also want to use a nice day to do some exercise in the park. I normally train in my club, but today I'm going for a run in the park and want to pump up my muscles a bit at an open-air training area. I run a bit through the forest in the park until I come to a large meadow. I see you form a great disdance and you come towards me. Since you are very pretty, I watch you immediately and I can't take my eyes off you. Yt
10:58 <Spanked_Angie> I don't notice you but my eyes are focusing on a large area, a pretty short grass is covering the ground...that looks right place so I move there, placing my carpet down I do some strethcing then I lean over it, taking a deep breath to start my training...mmhh feeling my body strething as the sun warms my body...mmmh such perfect day, nothing could waste this amazing sensations yt
10:58 <Spanked_Angie>
11:01 <Bad_Wolf>
11:03 <Bad_Wolf> I see that you have found a place in the sun. You prepare for your exercises and I slow down a bit but now come closer across the meadow. I watch your every smooth movement that reminds me of a cat. A muscular body is sweaty and the sweat lines shine in the sun. I think to myself when I'm close to you I should take a break to stretch out. Of course only a few meters from you. Yt
11:08 <Spanked_Angie> mmmh closing my eyes, breathing the fresh air of the morning, my round bums pointing up as I perform the 1st position but I suddely feel a strange sensation that upset my mind equilibrium, I open my eyes looking around, seeing you I stand on my knees "hey there, park is so big..." I open my arms like to show you off the size of the whole park "can you go somewhere else to train? your presence tap my view" yt
11:12 <Bad_Wolf> I admire your body in motion. But then you complain that I'm so close to you. I think she is very pretty but also very bitchy. But what you don't know is that confident women really turn me on. And since you already seem a little angry, I think I should provoke you a little further. "This is a public park and here I can be wherever I want! You have no way to get me away as a weak girl! And besides, I really like the view here!" I look at your beautiful breasts with a big grin. Yt
11:18 <Spanked_Angie> I see the way you are looking me, I guess you'd loved to put your hands on my body, feeling the softness of my curves but your bully attitude is very boring...I raise my eyebrows as you are talking, I ulance my shoes..."oh do you really think I can't?" I ask but as I see you are looking to my breasts I remove my two shoes and throw toward you "I know a lot of way to push guys off" I say as I launch my shoes to you, standing up as I perform second launch yt
11:37 <Bad_Wolf> I see my plan working as I get even angrier. But bratty gilrs like you just turn me on too much. I turn away as you throw your shoes at me, they hit me on the shoulder and arm. It doesn't really hurt and i smile at you. I'll take off my shoes too and then answer you "You really think you have a chance against a big man like me?" I just think the thought of taming a wild cat like you is so cool. So I come closer and put my hands on my hips and stand in front of you with my legs apart. I look dominat deep in your beautiful eyes and say "If you want, we can sort this out right here and now!" Yt
11:42 <Spanked_Angie> I an not a good thrower but my shoes distract you a little and I got some time to stand up "ya know big boy, bigger they are harder they fall" I don't waste some other time to reply but rather I get a fight stance, moving my cute left socked foot forward, my right fist under my chin and my left close close to my cheek, taking a kind of kick boxe fight stance....I step closer, but moving slowly, my breasts wave as I move "you are gonna have a real bad morning puppy!" I say licking my lips, my eyes shining coz I got we are gonna tussle...I move in my left shoulder as I am close enough, faking a jab but I whip my right leg up trying to hit your belly with a nasty front kick yt
11:49 <Bad_Wolf> As a big and strong man, I don't take the situation nearly as seriously as you do. But when you put me in a fighting position and I realize that you can probably kickbox, I also become a little more careful. Always reflexively, I lift both arms up and get into a slightly sideways position with my right leg going backwards. I'm also slower because your bouncing breasts irritate me a bit. Then you strike. I pull my forearms up and your fist hits my strong arms. I feel the impact. But then you kick me in my unprotected stomach with your foot. All I can do is tense my stomach muscles and absorb the blow with some pain. Since I'm twice as heavy as you, you notice how you're pushing yourself backwards from me. A red mark forms on the skin of my stomach from your kick. I know you're serious now. I breathe deeply after yours and want to get back into my fighting position. Since you are also much faster than me, I see no reason to chase you but wait for you to attack me again yt
11:58 <Spanked_Angie> I glggle as you take me serious, the only thing I know about kickboxing is the fight stance, but it works, I can get people in defence position as I get the stance, my tricky work, my fake jab force you to raise the guard to block a shoot that really didn't came, your belly get nacked and my pretty sole impacti with your stomach but I feel kinda upset as I realize my foot has met a wall of muscles only, I gulp..I retreat quickly my leg, I fear you could grab my foot and it wouldn't be very good..but you move back as well as I do so distance increases betweem us, I am noticing now you are twice than me, shaking my head, I've been so siilly to attack you so easily but I've been lucky too since you didn't counter, I guess you are slow so I know now what card I have to play...I regroup my fight stance staring to circle you, I guess another fake attack doesn't work so I try to tickle you, I bounce in wiht my weight and shoot a low roundkick just over your knee then I step back mtc
11:58 <Spanked_Angie> , it's not a strong attack but just a way to check your reflexes and you speed...my eyes doesn't move out from yours yt
12:19 <Bad_Wolf> I see how your thoughts are reflected on your face. First the satisfaction that you manged to kick me but then the realization that I can take a lot thanks to my size. You start circling me and I just move in place. I don't want to get tired by moving my weight unnecessarily. Then you come at me again and kick my leg. I lift my leg just slightly and turn my knee against the blow. Since you're kicking my hard bone and not my muscle, it should hurt you more than me. You quickly pull one leg back but I hope the pain throws you off a bit. Now I move towards you and hit you with my left hand towards your forehead. So I want you to take your cover up and then I'll beige my legs. I want to go down and then push forward and push my strong chest against your sexy legs and grab your legs with my arms to get you to the ground. I'm sure my weight gives me an advantage on the ground. Yt
12:58 <Bad_Wolf> .
10:43 <Spanked_Angie> Ouchh my ankle hit your shine bone, luckily I didn't shoot a strong kick, it was just an attempt to test your reflexes, I realize you are quick despite your size, antoher point that could worry me. I bring back my kicking leg caring to put it on ground behind my standing foot so I can move back to increase distance between us. But as I am moving you come in trying to slap my face, my arms are up covering my face so I can easily deflect outward your blow but you don't stop your movement, I feel your arms catch my legs, I know I can compete against your strenght and you bodyweight so I try to use your move to my advantage, I bend my legs and as you take me down I hug your head as I bend my legs toward my breast trying to bring you down with doing slam your chest on my knees hoping you bounce on side for the impact yt
16:57 <Bad_Wolf> I'll bring you down. But you press my face into your breasts, which of course I like very much, and your get your knees together so that I fall with my chest onto your hard knees. My arms are still on your legs as I notice that you want to roll me to the side. My strong arms press your knees together and I roll in the direction you want. But I'll keep rolling right back to get back on you. Next, I have my butt in the air and walk my legs in a circle to press my shoulder into your lower stomach. So I want to get your legs out of the way. Once I'm on your side, I let my right arm go over your hip. The left arm goes up and grabs you by your braid. I start pulling on your braid so that you turn your back to me. While my other one blocks your hips. Yt
17:06 <Spanked_Angie> I fall on my back and your chest hit my knees like I hoped but we start to roll on grass and after some struggling on ground I am still laying on back, you over me, not full weight though so despite we are still on start position I didn't get your full body weight drops on me..your shoulder is pressing on my stomatch and then you move on side, I scream as you yank my hair to make me roll on side but I follow your movement and swinging my farest arm I try to hit your throat with my fingers tip hoping to cut air off you forcing you to move away yt
17:12 <Bad_Wolf> I'll come next to you. But before I can grab you by the hair hard and so I can turn you away from me, I feel a blow against my neck. I'm breathless for a moment and my eyes bug out of my head. I immediately hold my neck and fall on top of you. My knees press against your hips and shoulders. My elbows on the other side also against your hips and shoulders. I'm struggling to breathe again. And right now all I can do is use my heavy weight to keep you pressed into the meadow yt
17:22 <Spanked_Angie> my kinda karate shoots hit the target, I know it hurts and you get breathless for a moment, I don't know how long you'll be in that state, but what I really fear is that you falls over me, I am kinda tired for the struggle on ground against a such big opponents so as I feel my fingerstip hit your throath I roll sideway trying to move as fast as I can....I take a sigh of relief as I feel your big body falls where I was a second a ago,, I move far to keep some distance between us then I stad on my knees, hands on my thighs, panting to recover but my eyes peeking at you yt
17:30 <Bad_Wolf> After your sneaky attack, I also need rest. You find your way out from under me with great effort. Then you make it, you make it and a few meters away from me you get on your knees and I see you breathing heavily. I just got on the side to keep watching you. I grab my neck with one hand and then get sloly on all fours and then on my knees like you. Look into your eyes and you can feel the tension between us. At any moment one can pounce on the other again. I'm still breathing heavily but I'm able to breathe easily again. Yt
10:13 <Spanked_Angie> I feel so happy you don't attack me quickly, I need some time to recover and you give me, I don't stand but I keep a kneeling position in front of you, so glad you are into same position of mine, height differences is reduced in this position, walking on my knees I approach you, slowly and with caution, even though height advantage is reduced I know I can't match your strenght but despite this I open my palms like to invite you to interlock our fingers yt
13:09 <Bad_Wolf> You slowly come close on your knees and I wait for you on your knees and look you in the eyes. After your vicious blow to my neck, I lost a bit of trust that you will fight fair. You invite me to grab your hands and for now i move my ahnd like i would grab them. But then I put my hands between your arms and push them forward and hit it hard spoting on your big breasts. I want you to get you on your back and getting on top over you. If it works I hope your feet are trapped under your butt. And I want to press my hands on your hips so that you can move properly. "I can also fight with tricks" I say to you, but you can still hear in my voice that you hit me on the neck yt
15:29 <Spanked_Angie> my attempt to join my hands with yours was a trick only, it's obvious..so as our hands are almost close I move in trying to grab the back of your legs, I can't avoid to get a shoot on my breasts, I squeal as my tits jiggle for the impact but I go for my next move, I extend my legs making me fall on my back, I should gain some distance, you move in with me but your attempt to fold legs under me should fail, you are over me but I raise my legs trying to wrap them around your waist...I giggle as I hear yoru rough voice due my early throath attack..."me tricking you, huh? admit you were scared to handle a test of strenght with a woma is it?" yt
15:35 <Bad_Wolf> I realize that I am now surprising you with my sneaky attack. I have you on your back even if your legs weren't caught. Then you let me feel the pressure of your sex legs on my hips. Thanks to my size, I can stand it quite well but have trobles to breath again. I answer you "it's only from your sneaky tricks that I'm scared!" lying under me don't go pounding my fists into your lower stomach right away. to weaken you and take the pressure off your legs. And I keep saying to you "It felt so great slapping your boobs! Was it as nice for you as for me?" I now grin devilishly back yt
15:42 <Spanked_Angie> as I feel your body wrapped between my legs I cross my ankles, a gasp come out from my mouth tinking I am gonna controlling a big guy, okay I am under you but yoru body is sonly partially over me, your legs are on ground so I guess I can bear your weight, I gonna squeeze you but a loudly scream grows into my throath and come out from my mouth as you punch my sides, my scissor weaken it couldn't be different..."fuck you!" I hiss, I have to find a way to stop you, cutting off some air by you could work so I hug your head and try to pull your face between my tits trying to smother you and hoping you'll stop to punch my ribs yt
17:14 <Bad_Wolf> I feel my punches weakening you. You want to pull me down but since I'm bigger and stronger you pull yourself up. The effect is the same - my face is now between your breasts. You sit on my thighs like this and you can feel my hard cock in my shorts. Since you are too close to hit you, I grab you by the long hair to pull you backwards. The other big hand goes to your chest to pinch your nipple through your top. I want to see if I can distract you like that yt
10:16 <Spanked_Angie> mmh as I feel your bead between my breasts I tighten my hold with all strenght I have to smother you, but I am not in a good position since I am under you, I scream as you yank my hair, I feel a thrill runs across my whole body as you pinch my nipple, I realize I've been silly trying to breastsmother you so soon and also doing that by this position, it's not wise being so close with a big buy but I also realize this position is causing you some turn on as I feell your hard cock pressing on my thigh, I hope this would be a distration, I put both my hand on your chest trying to push you on my right as I try to roll out on left trying to get free and gain some distance yt
12:23 <Bad_Wolf> I enjoy the position so close to your body. Then I realize that you also realized that you made a mistake. You panic and I notice your hands pressing against my strong, muscular chest. And i know to escape you have to open your leg scissors. Intentionally i rub my hard cock against your crotch because I know that you women react the same way more men do when you are stimulated between your legs. Your legs are barely open. And if I take your two arms with my arms and press them against my body and trap them. I jump my knees over your legs to sit on your stomach. And then I turn and pull over to the side. One leg goes over your neck and the other under your breasts. And I fall into an arm bar like that. I let your second arm go loose and don't need it for the lever at the moment. I then slightly move my hips up not to break your arm but to show you that I have you under control. Yt
12:35 <Spanked_Angie> mmmh my boady arches and I feel horny as i feel your hard cock rubs on my defencless kitty but I try to stay focused, I am upset as you use my pushing strenght to move on my side your legs sliding aoround my body like two nasty snakes, my arms grabbed and pulled so I can't roll away by you, I realize I have to be fast and hit hard if I wanna have a chance to escape by your hold before you could lock it thightly, so I follow your movement, I can't roll totally on my side since your legs are over me but I guess I can get some momentun to roll a little, swinging my free arm to shoot am hard punch on your belly, hoping to hit strong enough to open your hold yt
12:45 <Bad_Wolf> Before I finish my arm lock you manage to turn onto your side. You pull back to punch with your arm and my stomach and I use your side position and my leg that was under your chest to get between your punching arm and a neck. Since my leg goes in between and you can't really use your hips, you hit my hard abs and let me breath hatd Uffffffff! As i take your punch, but it's not enough that I interrupt my attack. But because of your changed position, I decide to take you into a figure of four leg scissors. I pull on the arm I wanted to use fore the arm bar to press your neck hard against my crotch and hook my foot behind my other knee. Now that I have control over you, I can use my free right arm to punch you in the stomach too. One goal is a solar plexus right between your breasts and across your stomach. "I say I can box too, little bitch!" Yt
15:31 <Spanked_Angie> ouufff my punch lands on your belly but I don't get the goal I hoped and you rather switch the armbar into a figure 4 and your punches land on my solarplexus, winding me totally out...you treat me like a pung bag, hitting my soft stomach and I pass out after some seconds yt
15:37 <Bad_Wolf> Feel how you go limp fter my hard blow in your stomach. I use it to grab my leg and get the figure 4 foot scissors a little tighter around your neck. Since you aren't you right now, I use my right hand again to pinch your nipples to see if you can keep fighting. Your hot body make me so horny trapped between my strong legs yt
15:39 <Spanked_Angie> my eyes are closed, my body motionless but you continue to hold me, squeezing my neck with a figure 4 and even pinching my nipple, I let go a squeal as you do it, but I barely can breath and I am totally knocked out, unable to fight back and even to move yt
15:45 <Bad_Wolf> I notice that you can't move anymore. When I reach up with my arms to sit on your chest. I open my leg scissors and want to pin your arms under my shins. I slap you with my hand in your face to get your atencion and then ask yourself if you give up yt
15:49 <Spanked_Angie> my head is slapped side to side when you hit me...I battle my eyes as I slowly get up, I look around I need a moment to realize where I am I only feel my neck hurting and my cheeks burning...."who ever are you?" I ask confused yt
15:54 <Bad_Wolf> I see your confused face and answer you "the man who defeated the cheeky brat!" you see that I am grinning happily in your face. And you feel my hard cock between your breasts. My butt is pressing on your ribs. And my feet from the side against your body yt
15:56 <Spanked_Angie> "oh" I ask as my lips get a O shape, I feel all my body aching as I slowly my memory comes back..."oh well you've beaten me and I guess I need a doctor now so you have to bring me at hospytal" yt
16:12 <Bad_Wolf> I say to you "I think your ego is more hurt than your body! But if you want I'll take you to the hospital! Say you give up and I'm stronger than you and I'll set you free again!" My thighs press your breasts together to play with you yt
16:15 <Spanked_Angie> I pant, all my body aching but I realize the only way to have a relief is admit you are stronger, no doubt you are, you have just demolished it so I am not lieng as I say "you are stronger!" (END)

<Published> 2023-09-08, viewed 129 times.
