Bulls Vs Bitches
Established: 2022-12-30
Chat room: #BullsVsBitches
- Back and forth
- Long-term roleplay
- Descriptive writing
- Male / Female
Males Vs Females Federation - who will be the bitches?
73 members
44 stories
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17:51 <shadyfighter07> It's an amazing sunny day, it looks perfect to spend time at beach, drinking cocktails and picking up girls, but I have an hard job to do, a NHB tournament match for OPCW Federation. My opponent looks a very tough one but I feel confident, I have size and muscles to my side. My entry song starts to play, it's "Enter Sandman" by Metallica: " style="background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5); font-size: 1rem;">
17:51 <shadyfighter07> I am wearing a pair of shorts only, barechest and barefoot, standing at 5'9" 175 lbs, muscular chest and ripped abs, black sunglasses covering my eyes, my hair black neck lenght. I move throught people peeking and smirking to gals, I see there is not a ring, a cage neither but fighting zone is delimited by red stripes that form a square. Rules are easy, everything is allowed except low blows. Some ojbects are allowed. Win for knock out or submission. An extra rule is that if one cross the red rope, it has to begin next turn kneeling and the opponent can apply an hold. I see my oppoent didn't come yet so I move to the bar, I order a Mojito, drinking as I wait her entering
17:51 <shadyfighter07> 

20:09 <Michelle_Pantero> I'm given the amended rules for the OPCW tournament match. Reading them over I smile slightly, something I can agree with. No real weapons, no dirty tactics, just skill verses skill. I slide out of my dressing room and make my way to the beach front ring. Having a few moments, I grab a bourbon and sip it while mingling with the crowd. I catch the eye of my opponent and smile. No need to be antagonizing just yet. I know that the crowd is gawking at my curves hugged by my red bikini. I glance at the clock, setting my glass down I make my way across the sand to the outlined ring. The DJ begins my introduction.
20:09 <Michelle_Pantero> 

20:13 <Michelle_Pantero> "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, INTRODUCING BACK AFTER A LONG HIATUS.. COMING IN AT 5'7 145 PDS OF TWISTED STEEL AND SEX APPEAL.... THE PANTHER PRINCESS... THE CAROLINA TWISTER HERSELF..... MIIIIICCHHEELLEE PAANNTEROOO!!!" My intro song plays as I walk around the sand, shaking out my arms as the crowd cheers. I go to my designated corner and get ready for the battle to come.
09:29 <shadyfighter07> I am sipping my drink as you come at the beach, I almost choke looking to your amazing shape, damn! we could pick another time to do this match it's very hot to this hour. I beat time slapping my thigh as I hear the amazing rhytme of AC/DC hard rock. I empty my glass, waiting the speaker finishes your intro I do my way into the outlined ring too, I raise my arms but I got BUUUU only, all crowd attections is focusing to you. "NOW IT'S TURN TO INTRODUCE THE CHALLENGER, FROM ITALY, NOT A NEWBIE BUT COMES BACK AFTER A BREAK SHADYYYYYYYYYY THE SAND MAN" smirking to I move to the corner waiting for the bell
17:53 <Michelle_Pantero> I wait for the bell, my eyes crawling up and down my opponent. Picking apart potential weaknesses, his size difference makes it a uphill climb, but I've defeated bigger in the past. The NHB status gives me a slight edge in my mind because it loosens the restrictions I normally have to fight in. The bell sounds and I smile at Shady, wiggling my fingers as I start to step forward. "Come get it Big Guy." I taunt. Sliding my feet through the sand, a little pile rests on the top of my left foot. I give a half kick, trying to launch the grit towards his face to distract him. Rushing in, I attempt to give a hard push kick to his firm abs.
17:17 <shadyfighter07> Bell rings, I narrow my eyes to focus my target, my arms up, my left fist close to my cheek, my right in front of my chin, my left foot forward in a typical kick boxe stance, I take on moving on my feet like I was dancing as I approach you, I am looking into your I don't notice you build a little pile of sand over your foot, you throw me on my eyes partially blinding me, before I could wipe sand of my eyes ouchhhh your foot land on my abdomen, my abs are flexed so I can bear most of power but I double over a little, coughing, I try to grab your foot pulling you toward me as I use my closer foot to sweep your standing leg if I manage to get your foot
19:01 <Michelle_Pantero> My opening salvo appears to work, the sand trick allowing me to get inside his guard. My foot flys in, your abs clenched. It's like kicking a brick wall, for all the push back. I feel strong fingers latching onto my ankle. I hop forward as you pull me with you. My thigh starts to flex as I prepare to go into my next move. "Eeeppp". My planted foot takes a sweep, spilling me over to my firm bottom in the sand. I struggle with my caught foot, trying to slip free of your grasp.
10:24 <shadyfighter07> I feel the change of your weight as you are gonna prepare next move, I can even feel the strength of your leg as your quads flex but luckily I am faster, my foot meets yours with a quick sweep, I hear the thud of your ass as you fall on the sand, I have a moment to clean my eyes by the sand, I let go your foot and rub my eyes, blinking to have a good view for my next attack
18:31 <Michelle_Pantero> I mange to slip free of your hands, wriggling back in the sand to get some space, while you clear your eyes. Rolling to my hands and knees, I keep my eyes on you. Sand rolling off my back and thighs, I start to push myself back up to my feet.
09:03 <shadyfighter07> Finally I remove sand from my eyes, my view is clear right now, I move my head side to side to se where you are, you are a bit away but not so far, standing up from all fours position, I rush toward you, my feet raises some sand as I am running, screaming a kind of battle cry "YAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" as I close enough I jump up, folding and moving out my right leg trying to smash my knee on your soft breast
09:10 <Michelle_Pantero> I'm half way up to standing when you charge in. Puffs of sand flying up behind your pumping legs. The sound of your savage cry draws my eyes towards you. I began to try and twist away from your flying knee. I avoid the full on bone crushing impact, it slamming into the side and sends it slapping into its twin. My legs wobble as my arms wrap around cradling my wounded girls, I step back falling to one knee. Groans of pain escaping my throat.
09:15 <shadyfighter07> My knee hit partially you, I don't get the straight middle part of your breast but the side of your round girl, power of enough to let you fall on your knee but the side impact don't allow me to stop my the momentun o fm y charge, so as I land on sand I can't stop to move forward, I rather stagger out the red border stopping just close to the bar counter, I order a drink, drinking it in one blow. Then I turn to face you but I moved our the border so I have to start int the middle of the field, kneeling and you can apply an hold to me
09:26 <Michelle_Pantero> Your bullish rush sends you out over the line, I breathe a faint sigh of relief. In your swagger and confidence you take time to order a drink and drain it. Giving me precious moments to recover. I harsh blow to a woman's boobs can be nearly as debilitating as a punch to a man's balls. I'm starting to rethink the low blow rule. I pull myself up to my feet, naw I'll keep to the agreed on rules. I watch you kneel, moving towards you slowly as I consider what I should do. My breast ache dulling to a throb. You feel my body sliding across yours. Hands running across your ribs as I wind both arms underneath your armpits to lace my fingers behind your head. My chest pressing into your back as I tighten up my full nelson attempt, I wait for the signal to resume.
09:31 <shadyfighter07> as I coming back into the field, I realize my shoot has been very nasty, we agreed about don't use low blows but it's even true a woman breasts might be same thing. I feel kinda sad for this, I promise to myself I won't aim there anymore, crossing my fingers I kiss kiss them to sign the promise. I kneel on sand, wondering what kind of hold you are gonna perform. I feel your arms slide undr my armpits, your hands behind my neck, your fingers locked, it's clear as well as a sunny day what you plan to do. I keep the position, I know you'll lock the full nelson tight as the ref gives the signals. As he says "gooo!!!" I move my arms back trying to get your head as I suddenly try to stando up to give you some trouble to lock the hold tight
09:41 <Michelle_Pantero> I take your promise at your word. Fully understanding that my breasts would occasionally get hit but wouldn't become the focus of your aggression. A chop across them perhaps would be natural even expected. The ref shouts "gooo" and you react as I hope. Counting on you using your strength to overpower me, I knew I had to move fast and be precise with my intended plan. Your arms start trying to pull my apart, my fingers trying to grab at your hair to get them from coming completely loose. I feel you starting to stand and it's just the moment I'm waiting for. My inside foot presses against the top of your ankle. Looking to push it backwards in the crumbly sand, I put all my weight into a forward twist. Praying that I get your foot to slide back far enough for our combined weight to off balance you for my to drive your forehead into the ground.
09:50 <shadyfighter07> I stand up fast hoping to don't let you lock the hold, not relazing that's what you hoped I do, as I am half standing I twist my body opening my leg outside to let you stumble over but you prepared your move very well your foot move on my ankle, I could bear your weight but my body is slightly twisted so i don't have a good balance as you put all your body on my back pushing forward you force me to make a step in and I stuble straight on sand, my hands are struggling with your arms so I can't block my falling...ouchhhh I fall on my chest, my face hit first the ground forcing me to eas some sand...the impact daze me a little but I have to do something, I don't like this postion...I grab your hair yankind as hard as I can as I am preparing my next move
10:03 <Michelle_Pantero> My offensive maneuvering works better than I expected. Well not as well as I had hoped but good enough for the moment. We both collapse down to the sand, me I a barely superior position. Even I'm not so foolish to count you out just yet. I'm pulling my hands free from your arms when I feel a tightening in my scalp, my head starts to turn with your pull. I growl in anger. Tensing my neck, I resist as much as I can. Rotating my arm, I lift my elbow as high as I can trying to hammer the point down between your shoulders before you manage to haul me to the side.
10:10 <shadyfighter07> Hairpulling works very good, I am not use much but I've seen it often useful into female wrestling matches, I feel pressure around my headn and neack easen because you have to use one hand to defend by attack, I bend my legs to place my knees on sand so I have a support to lift a little my hips, pulling your hair to the side I turn my body a little trying on unbalance and have a way to counter roll to the other side to get away but your sharp elbow hit my shoulders, I growl falling again but I hope my early movement unbalanced you
10:24 <Michelle_Pantero> My elbow drops, your broad chest forced back down by the impact. But your tenacity shows through. A final yank on my hair sends me tumbling away from you. My back crunching through the sand as I roll. I slow to a stop, my foot just staying inside the red line. I can see the ref checking to make sure, before signaling me too continue. I push up to my feet as quickly as I can, knowing I've wasted valuable seconds. I start to move forward, bouncing on the balls of my feet, I raise my right one to try and stomp down on your back.
10:30 <shadyfighter07> ouff I finally could get rid off you from me, I roll sideway I need so get some time to recover, I put some distance between us but you don't let me breath neither as I am laying on my chest I see a couple of feet approaching, not doubt that feet are yours I guess only one wise thing to do is roll to lay on my side, I see some sand dust up as your foot lands where my back was a moment ago, I try to grab your ankle with my hands, standing on my knee I try to lift your foot from ground trying to take you down or at least unbalance you
16:01 <Michelle_Pantero> "YEEEEAAAA" I scream as my foot goes down, pounding into the sand where you had just been. It's different fighting on the beach, the gritty surface seeing to slow everything up by a split second. I growl in frustration at the near miss. Once again my ankle is snared by your strong hands. Lifting higher and higher as you get your knees underneath you. My left thigh ripples, as I push off the ground with my left leg. Hips turning inward, I try to send the flat of my left foot towards your jaw in a enziguri style kick.
16:15 <shadyfighter07> "got you!!" I say with a satistafed grin on my face, I am still holding your foot, I pant, my body is shining for the sweat covering my body, you are showing to be stronger than you look, but I am an hard one to beat, I take a moment to catch a sip of air on my knees before I slowly stand up but that's not wise be slow when you are a fighting against a feline SMACKKKKKKK the flat of your foot kisses my cheek, not a sweet one kiss but a painful one, my head snap on side as I fall flat on my belly, my head dizzy, I move my hands on ground to lift my upper body I don't like the taste of sand on my lips
16:26 <Michelle_Pantero> My foot feels like it lands clean, but there's no way for me to be sure just yet. I know I have the momentum for now and I intend to try and capitalize on it. I roll up to my knees. Looking for a opportunity and I think I spot one as you push your body up. You should never show your back to a predator and I intend to make you pay for it. Giving a kneeling hop, I try to land on your back, going full cat mode, my limbs start to try and circle your body. Legs wrapping around your waist, I try to slip my right arm between your chin and neck, hoping to sink in a rear naked choke.
16:40 <shadyfighter07> I am slowly standing on all fours, spitting the sand I've eaten, taste is so disgusting as you jump and land on my back, I don't fall on my chest because your legs are wrapped and locked around my waist, I gulp I felt the strenght of your quad before, I could have a very bad afternoon if you squeeze as hard as you kick, sand is sticked around my sweat body I look like a sand monster right now but it's not right time to think about my look...your arm is sliding around my neck like a nasty snake, I take a deep breath before you lock the tight the choke, I don't feel strong enough right now to stand and lif you but maybe I can partially do..I fold my legs planting my hands on sands I try to peform a kind of push up but throwing all my body back trying to let on you fall backward my back landing over your chest
17:02 <Michelle_Pantero> I'm starting to smirk a little bit, who wouldn't want to be caught in my powerful legs. My ankles inching closer together as my bicep connects with the tenderness of your neck. I tighten up my body, like a mousetrap squeezing shut. I start try and force the breath out of you, millimeter by millimeter. My lips near your ear, I growl. "It's almost over Big Guy... Soon you'll be dreaming of me." I squeeze tighter as you come up to one foot. "Eeeaaaarrgg." I squeal. My body slammed into the sand underneath yours, my breasts mushroom to the sides, ribs creaking underneath your weight. My brain says don't let go, you've got him. But my body reacts differently. Now I'm the one that's breathless, the fall knocking the air out of me. My arms slip, legs opening in pain. My hands push at your shoulder as I try to wriggle away from you.
17:16 <shadyfighter07> it wouldn't be a bad dream, i say into my mind, I don't mean wating breath to reply with my voice, I need any volume of oxygen if I mean to escape by your trapped, I feel my head dizzy as Ilift you over my head for a moment, I am fearing I've spent more than I have but as I feel your soft body welcome my landing, your hold release, I widen open my mouth getting as much air I can, I am on top now, but not in right way to attempt a pin or a submission hold, I don't know how much this falling have hurt you, basically you might use again your legs and arms to trap me again, but it wouldn't be so easy with my bodyweight crushing on you but it even true I have to recover some strenght so as you push my shoulders I roll on side moving away, standing on all fours, painting looking at you in this feline position "let's see if you can hande a lion" I roar
17:31 <Michelle_Pantero> I start to roll over to my hands and knees, glaring at you when you roar at me. "A Panther has never feared a weak lion." I hiss back. A shrill whistle sounds, I glance to the side and see the Ref pointing at my foot. It's just over the red line. "Fuccck.." I curse. Pushing myself to my feet, I take a page from your book and don't immediately come back into the ring. I grab a pitcher of water off the table and pour it over my head, cooling down my skin and body. You can see my abs rippling with each deep inhalation. My slick body glistens in the moonlight as I walk to the center of the ring. Dropping down to all fours, my soaked hair drags across the sand. I wait for you to apply your own hold.
08:44 <shadyfighter07> I glare to you "you rather look a kitty than a Panther" I hiss you back, my body is covered by sticked sand, I look a kind of stautue, as I see the ref I raise my eyebrow "looks like the panther put the paw to the wrong place". I feel so confort though, I needed some time to recover, you are heading this match and I've spent a lot of energy up to now. This situation is what I needed, as you refresh with water I ask to a gal from the crowd to spray my body with a rubber pipe, I wash my body from sand but I even cold my body. I order a bourbon for you and a beer for me. After this short break I reach you on the middle of the ring, I move on one knee next to you. Side to side, I wrap one arm around your neck, using the other hand to grab my wristle, setting a side headlock, waiting the signal
10:29 <Michelle_Pantero> I smirk at your retort, you have no idea what I have in store for you. The bourbon warms my stomach as I take my place. I feel your arm wrapping my head and neck as you settle in for a side headlock. My stomach undulates as I take a few deep breaths, preparing myself for the intense pressure your going to bring to bear. The ref looks at me and give a thumbs up, showing I'm ready. You give him a curt nod signaling your ready. *TWEEEEEETT* He sounds the whistle to resume. I quickly pull my legs underneath me, trying to twist my inside shoulder against your locked hands to break your grip as I surge upward.
10:51 <shadyfighter07> my arms are around your head but I am not still flexing my muscles to lock the hold, waiting the signal, as I hear the whistle I grip your head pushing down with my weight to keep you on place, but you rather move forward, pushing on your legs, your shoulder pushing against my arm, it slidesd forward but not much since it goes under your chin but it weaken my grip and movement of your body unbalance me a little so I don't have a good support to hold my headlock tight, I change tactit, I turn on my side trying to bring you with me, laying on my side I extend my legs trying to trap your waist with my thighs
02:51 <Michelle_Pantero> I don't get the grip busting surge I had hoped for, but I did manage to loosen it just enough. Taking advantage of our slick bodies, I twist and turn into you as you start to fall sideways. I feel your legs starting to slide up my waist. Digging my feet into the sand, I strain my thighs trying to push you over to your back in the dirt. I swallow a deep breath, as your legs close around my waist. "Nnnnggggghhhhh" I groan as they start to tighten. I curl a fist, extending my middle knuckle. My forearm sliding across your ribs, I line up on your more open armpit that's holding onto my head. I piston my knuckles forward, attempting to smash it into the nerve bundle. Hoping to deadend your arm enough to get my head free.
11:18 <shadyfighter07> Mphh with a great effort I manage to let us roll on side, my legs sliding across your body, I manage to trap you but I can't start to squeeze tight because you push your body on me forcing me to lay on my back, not bad I can apply more pressure if I can get you in right way. Hold on your head easen a little for your early attempt creating some space I try to reapply it but your arm slides under my arm, your nuckles push on nerves between my armpit and the side of my chest, I grunt in pain, I release my wrist and use that hand to get your forearm pulling it off as I try to lock my feet to set the scissor
16:31 <Michelle_Pantero> I manage to get you over, growling as I try to hold you in place. Your arms loosen up when I apply pressure to your nerve. My back tenses pushing against the hand still around my head. A groan escapes my lips as your thighs start to tighten.. "Not... Over.. Yet.." I grunt out. One arm caught in your vice like grip. I spot one opening that might just turn things around. Curling my other hand into a 'C' shape, I try and snap a straight jab, right into your Adams apple. If I'm having trouble catching a breath, why shouldn't you....
16:37 <shadyfighter07> I am gonna set my scissor not caring much to tighten my arms justr trying to control the one is going to open my hold to keep a minumun grip but your next move is kind nasty, your fist hit straight my Adam's apple, I feel my throath compressed, I open wide my mouth for a moment like a fish out water trying to breath, my feet drop on sands, I let got your neck and your arms trying to shove your shoulders and roll away if I manage to push you off from me yty
16:47 <Michelle_Pantero> I sigh in relief as you shove me away, my ribs aching at the pressure you poured into them. My lungs breathing in the first full deep breath of air you allowed me in 90 seconds. I roll through the sand, feeling it scratch my skin, coming to rest on my hands and knees, I flip my damp blonde hair over my back. I can feel sweat running in trickles down my body. My right fist lands knuckles down in the sand. "GET UP, GET UP YOU BIG SUMBITCH!!" I yell. My left foot pushes in the sand, bringing me into a near runners crouch. My ferocity gleams in my eyes as I watch you. Thigh muscles bunching, I'm about to show you why I'm called the Carolina Twister....
16:53 <shadyfighter07> I roll away some sand stick on my body due my sweat, I stand on my knees, holding my throath coughing, I feel like a sharp pain inside. I show my middle finger to reply you, nobody could dare to call me in that way, I slowly stand up, shaking my head, my chest swollen as I catch air, I bounce my pecs. You are gonna now why I am called the Sandman, I'll beat you hard and my Shady figure will be stamped into your mind like a nightmare, I take my stance but I lean over a little and charge you like a bull, my shoulder forward like to hit with with a spear but as I am a couple of steps far I leap in jumping extending my forward leg I try to surprise you with a fly kick straight on your face
17:07 <Michelle_Pantero> I snarl when you flip me off, good your angry. Anger breeds mistakes, you've been a helluva a fighter so far and for that you've earned my respect at the minimum. You go so far as to show off a little bit, making your chest bounce. I can hear the rasping in your throat as you breathe, you slowly set yourself, I keep my eyes locked on yours, my left hand pushing me slightly higher in my own stance. You rush forward, my toes dig in the sand body uncoiling like a tight spring, hair streaming behind me as I surge at you. Two determined locomotives bearing down on each other. I keep close watch. It's the eyes, it's always the telling spot between fighters, you can trick the body into a feint, but the eyes never lie. I see you glance at my face. There it is, going high. I push off my left foot, right arm pulling back, fist level with my shoulder. My hips and shoulders twisting. Your high kick missing by a millimeter, I can almost count the grains of sand on it as it passes by. Mtc
17:09 <Michelle_Pantero> I torque my shoulders, right fist launched. 145 pds of body rippling fury all put into one punch... The Panther's Paw is unleashed, streaking towards your jaw. Everything but into a attempt to put you down on your back. "YYEEIIIAAA.." I scream.
17:10 <Michelle_Pantero> 

17:17 <shadyfighter07> I should know rush and impulsive attacks never pay, but I got nervous I can't believe a little girl could handle me like you've done up to know, it's too late though, I running fast toward you like a train, I wonder if you can see the smoke coming out from my ears and my nostrils, my eyes are red focusing to my target only, that's your face, I wanna hear the sound of my sole on your cut face, maybe it's even rough for the sand sticked under my foot. I wonder if you can laugh afte the impact. But I don't consider my eyes are looking the target, I am not smart in this move, you can look where I am gonna hit so my fake attemtp doesn't work as I extend my leg to kick your head you turn enough to let my foot misses your face, I have just time to hisss a "SHITTTTTTTT" before your fist land on my face, you are not a big weight but you put all your 145 lbs into an head, I am flying so I don't have a support, my head twist on side followed by the rotation of my body..mtc
17:20 <shadyfighter07> I see some stars dancing around my head before my body is rolling across the air, I fall with a big thud on sand, my face first..the impact let my head buries for half thickness, I lay on my chest, motionless, my muscles flexed but unable to move right now, I rest there wondering what just has just hit me but I only feel a bad headcache like the hungover I have the day after spending a night with guys
09:54 <Michelle_Pantero> It's the narrowest of margins the seaperate which one of us connected. The Twister proved triumphant, or so I thought. I knew my punch was clean, everything I had came together in that sudden blow to your jaw. I even saw you spin under the impact, falling face down in the sand like a mighty redwood. I touch down much more gracefully, sliding to a stop inches from the red stripe. I visible breath a sigh of relief I didn't go over. I didn't have it in me for another reset. I knew I was running on fumes. Turning on my knees, I look over at where you lay, the smile giving way to a look of amazement then almost horror. I see your fingers starting to curl, dragging lines in the sand. Your legs slowly moving like your going to push yourself up. I can't believe that your not out cold. Mtc
09:58 <Michelle_Pantero> Rapidly crawling forward, I scoot beside your head, my firm bottom nearly touching your shoulder. If I can't knock you out, by God I'll get you to tap.... Or at least I hope so. My hands grab at your damp hair, lifting your head out of the sand. I can feel the grit running across my left inner thigh as I slide it underneath your face. My right slides around the back of your head as I try to set up my Cat's Eye submission.
10:09 <shadyfighter07> My face is buried into the soft ground of the beach, my mouth and my nostrils full of sand, the taste is bitter but I have to bear it since my body is not obeying to my orders, my back heaven, moving up and down, this mean I am still breathing, after a while I manage to curl my fingers, I scratch the sand, digging inside like to find a support, turning my feet into an horyzontal position I try to stand up like I was doing a push up, my muscles flex but I don't have strenght inside yet. I just try to lift my head to breath and wath the sun again, you help me in this movement byt not in the kind way I hoped, I feel the warm of your body close to my shoulder, this is not good. Finally my head is litfed though, I open my mouth to get hair, my face is covered by a layer of sand like I was wearing a mask . I am gonna thank you for removing my face from the sand but before my voice comes out your legs move around my heads like to snakes..."wait!! what the hell?" my voice is rough and low..mtc
10:11 <shadyfighter07> I place an elbow on ground to have a minimius support as you are setting a kind of reverse side figure four, my other hand move to your knee wher your other foot is locked, I try to unlock it but I am still to weak, I can barely move my body
10:19 <Michelle_Pantero> I can feel you pawing at the back of my legs, fingers dragging down my skin to start pressing at my knee. I know I need to move swiftly, you've proven to be a beast of a opponent. My right hand pushes yours away clearing the path for my left foot to get seated behind my right knee. My right hand grabs my ankle pulling it in tight. Planting my left arm in the sand, it starts pushing off the ground, raising my torso. I start to twist my hips, trying to add pressure on your neck and back. "Tap you Lion... Tap out to the Panther!!" I grunt. My body trembling as I try to pour on the pressure.
10:19 <Michelle_Pantero> 

10:30 <shadyfighter07> I knew that would happened as you got my head trapped between your legs but I hoped to have a short time to recover a bit of my strenght, as you start to flex your thighs my breathing is cut again, you look the hold even tighter grabbing your own ankle, your twisting cause some painful stretching my neck, I try to counter twister but my muscles don't obey in strong way as they usually do due the hard strike I got on my head so I am forced to follow your movement, you bring me laying on my side, pain on neck easen but I can't breath, pressure caused by your strong legs is impressivem I try to struggle using my hands to pyr your legs but I can't, my face turn red, I have to make a choice, tap or passout, so bad I don't have a coin to flip so I pick the wise one...I stop to struggle and slap your leg "let me go, I give up" my voice is just a low whisper
10:43 <Michelle_Pantero> My thighs are pulsing around your head, each ripple adding a mounting pressure wave to surge through your neck and spine. I feel your fingers trying to catch a hold to force them apart. I inwardly curse knowing that if you get free, I've got nothing left. SLAP... SLAP... SLAP. A light palm strike to my thigh gains my attention like a trumpet sounding. I hear your words and collapse back down. Rolling off of you, I rest for a moment in the sand, breathing deeply before forcing my way up on shaking legs. Stumbling over to the bar, I grab a bottle of bourbon and take a swift sip. Coming back to your side, I scoop up a candle off the table. I pour out most of it with shakes of my wrist. Assisting you to your feet, I offer you the bottle before tossing the lit wick at the ground. A crackling of spreading fire outlines the name.. PANTERO by our feet as we share a drink as two warriors should.
10:50 <shadyfighter07> you are so busy to squeeze my head that I need to slap your thigh 3 times before yu let me go but finally you do. I roll on my back as you release the hold, panting my body looks pretty wild, a mix of sands and sweat. My massive chest bulging out as my lungs are filling with some new air. The Pnather has beaten the Lion, but I didn't know she was so amazing before this match but I realize that on my own skin. I slowly stand on my knees, dusting the sand off from my body as you approach to me, I like you sportish you help me to stand up I drink almost half of the bourbon inside the bottle then I give you back, you use it to trace your name the you turn ot the fire, a burning PANTERO is close to use...I clap my hands, "congratulation for the win, you are a such good warrioress"
10:53 <Michelle_Pantero> I smile. "You fought well. I thank you for the battle and look forward to facing off against you again." The flames start to die down and I turn, taking another long sip. Turning on my heel, I head out of the circle. A hot shower to soothe the aching muscles and the rest of the bottle waiting.
10:54 <Michelle_Pantero> YT
10:58 <shadyfighter07> I admire the flames like we were in front of a bonfire, our body colored red and warmed up, it's a pity we don't have some sausages to cook over but nothing can be perfect "thank to you Michelle, I am very glad our paths crossed and I really hope this will happen again" I bow to you in respectful way then I admire your amazing frame as you move away, yes a shower is a good idea but I need few drinks before leave, I go to the bar and order a Spritz..it's almos lunch time lol...END
<Published> 2024-01-25, viewed 88 times.
Sweet Misty (deleted member)
2024-01-27 09:32Great match! Really could feel the holds from here!! Rough and tough!
2024-01-27 10:08(In reply to this)
Thank you Misty, glad you liked 😊
2024-01-27 07:38Well Done Michelle. Proud of you as a woman.
Rachel Simms
2024-01-25 11:24Great job you two!!
2024-01-25 11:30(In reply to this)
Thank you for feedback Rachel <3