Bulls Vs Bitches

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Established: 2022-12-30
Chat room: #BullsVsBitches

  • Back and forth
  • Long-term roleplay
  • Descriptive writing
  • Male / Female
Males Vs Females Federation - who will be the bitches?
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Wren vs Zack

10:35 <Wren_Peterson> can I debut against you?
10:49 <Zack_Davis> Certainly
10:50 <Zack_Davis> I'd be honored
10:50 <Wren_Peterson> you're amazed and intrigued by me aren't you
10:52 <Zack_Davis> Of course I am 🤣!
10:52 <Wren_Peterson> you won't want to go back to Lola after I take my victory
10:54 <Zack_Davis> Maybe Lola and I will settle the score .. IF you win
10:55 <Wren_Peterson> which I will
10:57 <Zack_Davis> You do seem to have an impressive record, not surprising given your size. Bring it on, Amazon!
10:58 <Wren_Peterson> *pushes your chest slightly*
10:59 <Zack_Davis> ... *Grins, not moving*
10:59 <Wren_Peterson> *pushes it again but harder*
11:01 <Zack_Davis> *is pushed back a step ... steps back into you to return the shove*
11:01 <Wren_Peterson> *I get shoved and I shove you back and harder*
11:05 <Zack_Davis> *with your hands up to shove with, I drive a swift kick into your crotch, letting you know early just exactly how this is gonna go down*
11:05 <Wren_Peterson> *I scream and fall to my knees, uppercutting your balls*
11:07 <Zack_Davis> I smirk as you drop to your knees, but that smirk is quickly twisted into a grimace .. I quarter away from you dropping to my knees as well
11:08 <Wren_Peterson> *I lick your cheek before headbutting you in the temple*
11:13 <Zack_Davis> Your lick is intriguing, but the headbutt kinda sucks! I grasp a handful of that green hair, trying to pull you into a clinch until my head stops ringing
11:13 <Wren_Peterson> *I suck your neck and fondle your balls, squeezing tightly*
11:17 <Zack_Davis> Ohh, you're good 🤢! Using that handful of hair to pull your head down, looking to sneak in a guillotine choke while shrieking in agony .. "Let go! Let GOOOOOI!!"
11:18 <Wren_Peterson> *as you guilotine choke me I lift you up and try to powerbomb you*
11:23 <Zack_Davis> Happy to have your grip removed from my balls, wrapping my legs tight around your waist ... your size and power are impressive, your shapely physique and unique green hair ... intriguing. I hold on tight and brace for impact!
11:24 <Wren_Peterson> *I slam you down but I don't let go as I attempt to powerbomb you again*
11:27 <Zack_Davis>
11:28 <Zack_Davis> *groaning from the slam, my eyes grow wide as I realize you're about to do it again!*
11:29 <Wren_Peterson> *I lift you and slam you on the floor again*
11:30 <Zack_Davis> *my grin is jarred loose as I'm slammed hard, gasping to regain the breath knocked from my body*
11:31 <Wren_Peterson> *I lift you up and powerbomb you once more*
11:33 <Zack_Davis> Already suffering the effects of your first two powerbombs, you ruthlessly deliver a third .. my body spasms upon impact this time
11:34 <Wren_Peterson> *I smile and lift you up for a 4th but I let you drop, attempting a styles clash*
11:37 <Zack_Davis> Raw sexy power on full display, I instinctively grasp at anything I can get a hold of to prevent you from dropping me!
11:38 <Wren_Peterson> *I drag you away from anything and I perform the move flawlessly*
11:40 <Zack_Davis> My vision becomes blurry and begins to fade, my body withering under your flurry of slams ..
11:40 <Wren_Peterson> *I roll us over and pin you* "1...2..."
11:44 <Zack_Davis> I hear the count, but it's as though I'm listening to it from underwater ... I try to react but my body won't respond to the commands my mind is giving it .. another spasm as you count "3" 😳!
11:45 <Wren_Peterson> "3" *I get up from my debut and look down at your defeated body* "where's my strapon?"
11:47 <Zack_Davis> "ohhh, hell no!" ... *Rolling out of the ring off the apron*
11:48 <Wren_Peterson> *as you roll out of the ring I laugh and run at the ropes attempting a suicide dive to further the beatdown*
11:51 <Zack_Davis> I stagger a few steps away from the apron, looking up to glare at you .. and catch a 5'11" projectile in my chest .. your momentum drives us back a few more steps, off balance, into a heap on the floor mat!
11:52 <Wren_Peterson> *I get on my knees and kiss you passionately before punching your balls hard* "get down that ladder Zack, I'm better than you"
11:59 <Zack_Davis> You again punch my balls, already tenderized from your previous attacks .... "UNGHHHHHH!!!" I scream, clutching my balls with my right hand while slapping the floor in frustration and anguish with my left
12:00 <Wren_Peterson> *I walk away laughing from the weak leader of OCW*
12:05 <Zack_Davis> *Writhing on the ground helplessly, watching your ass jiggle as you walk away .. already planning my revenge*
12:05 <Wren_Peterson> END

<Published> 2024-07-09, viewed 89 times.



Dirty Sanchez

2024-07-09 16:11

Completely destroyed 😲

Wren Peterson

2024-07-09 16:39

(In reply to this)

no better way to do is Sanchez


2024-07-09 15:14

Well, at least you saved your ass Zack

Zack Davis

2024-07-09 20:47

(In reply to this)

🤣 ohh, hell no! 🤣

Wren Peterson

2024-07-09 16:39

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he got lucky I was being nice to him


2024-07-09 16:50

(In reply to this)

Such nice warning for the bulls in your debut!

Wren Peterson

2024-07-09 16:50

(In reply to this)

I'll do more damage, just you wait


2024-07-09 16:56

(In reply to this)

Nah... I can't wait ^_<

Wren Peterson

2024-07-09 16:57

(In reply to this)

good boy *gives you a lollipop*