Bulls Vs Bitches
Established: 2022-12-30
Chat room: #BullsVsBitches
- Back and forth
- Long-term roleplay
- Descriptive writing
- Male / Female
Males Vs Females Federation - who will be the bitches?
73 members
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<Titan_C> I stomp into the private room with a large regulation ring set up in the center and I take a deep breath. Adjusting my shorts as I flex my muscular chest and start to make my way to the ring. Standing 6’2 and 275lbs of pure Italian muscle I roll my shoulders before sliding into the ring. Marching around as I warm up before getting to my side of the ring and finishing my warmup with some stretches. Breathing in and out deeply as I wait for my opponent to arrive.

<Kylena_Zenith> Show up to the warehouse where the match is scheduled, head into the locker room and change into my gear, slipping into a tight sling bikini in fiery red. Blonde hair flowing freely and my bronzed muscled bod glowing from the gym pump + tanning session earlier. I check myself out in the mirror, 6' 200lbs of Amazon muscle ready to rumble. Strut out to the ring in my black wrestling boots, body rippling with power. I see you in the ring already and lick my lips, checking you out. "Lookin good there jobber boy. Hope those muscles aren't just for show." I taunt, flexing my 20" guns and hop up into the ring, moving to my corner.

<Titan_C> I lean off the ropes, looking at the floor as I wait before I hear a door unlock infront of me. My head snapping up as I watch the gorgeous muscle woman strut her way over to the ring. Her perfect body on display as you lick your lips and taunt me “you’ll be real upset when this jobber boy has you drooling face down on this mat. Adjusting my package in my pants as you’re already getting me excited. Watching you flex your massive biceps and I scoff not saying a word as I flex my own massive 22in biceps right back at you. Deciding to flex my massive chest in conjunction wanting to fully show off. “I don’t blame you for mistaking my chest for a mountain of muscle. I’m sure you don’t see many guys who can wrangle your ass” laughing before I start to make my way to the center of the ring. Ready and raring to go.
<Kylena_Zenith> You fire back with taunts of your own, talking smack just as good as anyone. I smirk through your little tirade and muscle display, making the appropriately appreciative murmurs and oohs and aahhhs. "Well now, aren;t you just a BIG, STRONG MAAAAAN." I say with a sarcastic tone and a cocky smirk. "My favorite kinda wrestling toy to break" my arms up as we start to circle. I keep my eye on your torso and center mass, trying to predict what you'll do and see how you move before making my first strike
<Titan_C> I smile wide as you don’t even seem fazed by my muscle display making me even more excited for how this match is gonna go. Seeing your arms go up and you start to circle me so I do the same. Two massive muscular people, man and woman, ready to slam, toss and throw eachother around. Your eyes darting up and down my body and I know you’re looking for an opening so I decide to test this bombshell. Roaring with an explosion of effort I push off with my feet and attempt to charge towards you, barreling through and just as I reach you for a spear I shift gears and stop. Planting my foot as I feint the spear and instead spin on my heel. Attempting to try and slide to the side where your undefended and slam you with a brutal body punch aimed at the side of your obliques. Wanting to test this blondes reactions while keeping my other arm close ready to block.
<Kylena_Zenith> We both eye each other, you sizing me up just the same as I'm doing to you. You move first, as you come charging in at me with a roar, your body lowered with a spear. I tense up and shift a foot backwards, getting prepared to absorb the shock of impact and hopefully counter when you suddenly stop your forward motion completely! You plant your foot and spin on your back heel, shifting to the side and aim a brutal body punch towards my obliques. I see it coming, and in that split second launch myself forward off my back foot with a knee strike to your big pecs, leg rocketing up into your chest with the full force of my weight behind it. I dodge the full brunt of the punch, but your arm slams into my side as I connect
<Titan_C> As I rush in I can’t help but smile at how fast you reacted to my spear. Immediately tensing up and placing your foot back to brace for the impact that never comes. Spinning on my heel as I think I’ve caught you red handed, my fist soaring for what I think will be a brutal hit….before I cough as I feel your knee slam into my massive chest. Taking the hit well but it stings like a motherfucker. The silver lining being I managed to connect somewhat with my attack. Hitting with my arm instead of my fist as I stumble back holding my chest that now has a large red spot where my sternum is. Breathing out a huff of air as I steady myself and grit my teeth eyes locked with yours as I rush in for a shoulder and elbow lock. Wanting to test this bombshells power against mine. Musclebound man vs woman.
<Kylena_Zenith> My knee strike causes you to stumble back a few steps, the red welt on your chest looking real good to me, drawing a smirk of triumph to my face. You steady yourself and lock eyes with me, rushing in like a bull to go for a collar and elbow lock up. I raise my arms and rush in at you to meet your approach, our bodies colliding with a visceral SMACK of muscle mid-ring, my legs and arms straining heavily to stop your momentum UNGH!
<Titan_C> I rush at you for an elbow and lock up and just as I expect you don’t just brace for me…you come rushing to meet me! Gritting my teeth and flexing my whole body as we impact with a heavy SMACK with both of us gripping eachother and locking it tight. My muscles straining as veins bulge out from my biceps and abs and you let out a loud grunt making me wonder if you’re hanging in there as well as your trying to make it seem. Using my larger height and weight to try and bully you around, standing tall while I twist my wrists attempting to slowly force you down onto your knees. My fingers gripping onto yours like I’m trying to crush your hands. Sweat running down my shoulder and onto my chest as we battle ferociously. “NOT….BAD!” Grunting with effort as I try to force you back a step and down.
<Kylena_Zenith> We crash together mid ring, our muscles surging and straining against each other. Your muscles pop and bulge like crazy, the veins snaking across your chest and shoulders as you power up to take control. I know that I wasn't going to be able to match you pound for pound in the power department, but I sure as hell was not going to make this easy for you. The veins in my arms and shoulders pop up too as I grunt and push back against you, arms shaking as you exert more and more force. Your height and weight advantage begin to give you the edge, your comment drawing a smile from my lips. "JUST...WAIT!" I grunt out as I suddenly drop down and backwards, pulling you with me as I whip my feet up into your core and THRUST up as I pull you down and over me, sending you sailing with a monkey flip
<Titan_C> I flex my muscles and start to smirk more and more as I feel myself overpowering you. Muscle to muscle I’ve got the advantage and I plan to use that fact. Shooting a taunt at you that makes you smirk and answer back with a booming shout. Falling onto your ass as your feet come up and plant onto my washboard abs feeling you use the movement to swiftly lift me up and over your body with a perfect monkey flip. Landing on my back with a thud and springing up onto my hands and knees almost immediately eyes locked with yours as I’m expecting you to follow up to try and keep the pressure on. Waiting a beat instead of getting up immediately as I try to feint the amount of pain I’m in trying to bait you into going on the offensive.
<Kylena_Zenith> I nail a backwards somersault after the monkey flip sends you flying, intent on following up with an immediate attack after you get up. I lunge in towards you as you get to your hands and knees, our eyes locking together. Ignoring the potential for a counter, I dart in and grab for your head, leading with a knee strike to your head to daze you for a follow up attack!
<Titan_C> Just as I thought as I land on my hands and knees and wait a moment you’re already rushing in. Lunging at me as I attempt to quickly shove off the canvas to stand up, lifting my leg as I do in an attempt to predict your movement and force you to slam stomach first into my knee and cause you to miss your own knee attempt to my head. Tucking my chin to my chest to block any headlock attempt you might go for trying to outplay this wild blonde and get some pain off my own in. Sweat covering my brow as I grit my teeth giving this match my all.
<Kylena_Zenith> You shove up faster than I can get to you, almost as if you were ready for my aggressive attack! I only have a split second to rue my eagerness when UNGHH your knee hammers into my unflexed abs, doubling me over. I cough and grab my abs, but still retain enough wherewithal to lunge in to hammer a shoulder into your now exposed abs and try to lift you up and drop you over a knee in an atomic drop
<Titan_C> My trick works as I lift my knee and you barrel straight into it my knee, feeling your abs cave in from the brutal hit and you double over in pain letting out a pained cough. Using your position I quickly rush into you biting my lip as your shoulder slams into my flexed abs with a thud and I allow myself to fold over you and I feel your hands touch my legs. “Oh no you…DONT!!” Roaring as my arms clamp around your waist in a tight hug and I roar with effort. Trying to haul you up onto my shoulders before doing a quick 180 and bringing you down to the ring floor for a Hopefully devastating power bomb that shakes the ring. My arms flexed and bulging as I try to hammer you into the ground like I’m trying to cave the ring it. Sweat dripping off my body like a wild animal as I huff and puff.

<Kylena_Zenith> I start to lift you up off the canvas, but your muscled bulk is not as easy for me to lift as I expect and that moment of readjusting my grip proves to be my undoing as you cinch your arms around my waist and whip me up onto your shoulders! Eyes wide, I shake my head in denial then BOOMMMM slammed down to the canvas with a brutal powerbomb that lays me out, dazed at your feet
<Titan_C> Grunting with effort as I huff and puff while you’re on my shoulders. Your solid quads pressing against my cheeks as I try to keep myself focused and turn 180 and drop down. Feeling the wind rush by before the sickening impact of flesh on canvas echos through the empty room and I let go of your legs. Knowing that hit really put you out as your feel limply slide off my shoulders and flop to the floor. Your perfect chest rising and falling as you must be seeing stars and I take advantage of it. Getting to my knees as I flip your limp body over and grab the meat of your quad in one hand and my other grips the back of your neck tightly. Roaring with effort as I attempt to power clean lift you, trying to haul you up over my head and hold you in a overhead press tits facing the sky before I try to yank your body down as I fall to one knee, attempting to SLAM your muscular back over my solid quad in a vicious back breaker knowing how much you love this move from your previous victims; Deciding to give the Amazon a taste of her own medicine as I can’t help but admire your sexy body.

<Kylena_Zenith> Dazed from the brutal powerbomb, I groan and shift, head lolling a bit as I shake it to try and clear my brain of the fog. I manage to do so just as I look up and see you looming over me. I reach up, grabbing at your arm as you lift me up, bodily hauling me up and overhead! The sudden change in perspective from being prone looking up at you to now looking straight up at the lights overhead disorients me enough to not be able to follow with my brain whats happening to my body. As soon as I'm lifted overhead though, I find myself falling just as swiftly and then CRACKKK my muscled back slams over your knee in an otk backbreaker that has me screaming in pain! I reach up, raking your eyes as my back spasms from the intense pain. Your powerhouse move wrecking me, but instinct driving me to fight back even now!
<Titan_C> I SLAM you over my knee with a brutal back breaker and your pained screams echo out and make me smile and shudder with pleasure. Loving the feeling of dismantling this Amazon of a woman and your desperation starts to show. Watching as you rake your hands over my eyes and I lurch back in pain for a moment before opening my eyes and there isn’t much damage but the stinging enrages me. Lifting my elbow as I SPEAR it downward into your exposed abs before shoving you off my leg. Letting you fall to the canvas belly first with a thump. Wasting no time and wanting to really put pressure on that throbbing spine I slam my ass down onto the middle of your back and grip a handful of that fiery blonde hair. Pulling it back as I bend you backwards and hook your chin under my arm using my other arm to lock your left arm in a helpless state and I lean back. My muscular abs pressed against your back as I work you over without mercy. Unable to help myself as my cock starts to push my shorts out, feeling it rest against your firm sexy ass and I look at your massive tits barely held by your bikini and I fight the urge to tear it off my sweat mixing with yours as your body rises and falls rapidly, your breathing increasing as the pain starts to mount. “FUUUUUUCK…..” letting out a low moan as I can’t help myself.

<Kylena_Zenith> My eye rake lands, but I don't manage to roll off of your knee before you recover, instead receiving a brutal elbow strike to my exposed and stretched taut abs for my troubles! You shove me off then slam down onto my spine, drawing a grunt of pain from me. You reach down and yank me backwards, trapping my arm that might otherwise be used to get free as you lock on a modified camel clutch / dragon sleeper combo that has me panting in pain. My spine is really feeling the stretch, my massive muscled body getting worked over BAD right now! I twitch in your grip, legs kicking and one free arm flailing as I try and buck under you. I refuse to give in to this hold, my willpower and strength still pretty high this early in the match. I grab at your wrist on my neck and PULL, muscles straining but you are a total beast right now.

<Titan_C> I’m man handling this blonde goddess As your body feels like clay to me. Each flex of my muscles bending and stretching you in whatever way I want. Your kicking feet and flailing arm make me smile as I look down on your exposed front and I start to lean back more before you suddenly shudder. Throwing my head back as I feel your muscular body give the first sign of submission and i grin wickedly. Leaning forward with my head and gripping your thin bikini top with my teeth before yanking my head away. Ripping your top off and spitting it away before lurching my head forward onto your exposed tits. Licking and sucking as I continue to try and keep you held in the lock for a bit longer, my own muscles starting to cramp and scream in protest. Trying to send waves of intense pain and pleasure through your body making me shudder in response. The mat a brutal battle ground covered in sweat and drool. Both of us pounding and bending eachother.

<Kylena_Zenith> Your muscled bod keeping me under your control, every inch of hard muscle I can feel or touch focused on breaking me right now. I groan as you lean forward, your teeth tugging aside my top as my tits flop free, the ripping sound of shredded spandex echoing as my top falls down between us. You lean further, sucking my muscle tit and I flex my whole body, using my grip on your upper back to toss you off me with a massive effort on my part to counter your attack while you're busy suckling my muscletit. I scream with exertion, my back on fire
<Titan_C> I claim my prize as I lean forward and devour your sexy breast. My muscle loosening a bit as I lean a bit to far forward and the big woman is finally able to get her revenge. Thinking you were exhausted and giving up I started to get overconfident when suddenly you let out a gutteral roar. Your arms in the perfect position to grip my upper torso well and you scream in a mix of pain and rage, managing to haul all 260+ lbs of titan. Landing with a thud a few feet away and breathing heavy. Getting to one knee as I lean back and sit tall. The welt on my chest still bright and apparent as my massive chest rises and falls. Eyes locked with yours as my 7 inch cock stands at attention through my shorts.

<Kylena_Zenith> I don't waste any time in laying there, pushing up to my feet and realigning my spine. I tear the rest of my bikini top off, tossing it towards my corner. I grit my teeth and twist my torso, popping my spine as I work out the kinks you put into it...FUCK....the big stud has been working me hard. I managed to toss you off my back, but not without cost at such a powerful throw and surge of adrenaline. I move warily in a circle, arms up as I watch you, eyes flickering down to your big cock tenting your gear. I lick my lips and stare you down, not letting your dominance so far intimidate me. I wave you in at me, taunting you

<Titan_C> My muscles recover from the strain on holding you for so long and I get to my feet. Watching as you show no shame and rip off the rest of your clothes, your gorgeous body on display as I lick my lips and you stretch and crack your body. Knowing that in that battle you faired way worse than me. The welt on my pecs still throbbing slightly as we both stand up and circle in opposite directions. Muscles flexed and tense as I watch your eyes but you can’t seem to keep them on me. Glancing down I realize what you’re staring at and I wonder if that tit suckling got you all bothered. Thinking I might have an opportunity I push off and rush in quickly my cock swaying in my shorts and I look like I’m going for a straight tackle until I reach down and rip off my shorts. My 7 inch cock pointing outward almost touching your abs hoping that you’ll be distracted enough for me to go for a quick yet hard move. Attempting to grip your neck and lift you into a choke slam.

<Kylena_Zenith> You surge in towards me, your muscled bod rippling as you charge in. Focusing on the threat you represent, I focus on your body and my plan of attack. You rip your shorts off at the last moment, exposing your big cock in a surprise move that startles me for a moment. Your hand lashes out and grips my throat, galvanizing me to lash out, a swift kick to your now exposed lower abs nailing you just above your cock and my forearm smashing your hand down off from my neck, keeping a grip on your wrist. I lunge in, hammering my shoulder into your core and lift you up onto my shoulders in a fireman's carry. "Let me show you some Amazon power!" I exclaim, gripping your exposed cock and throat then LIFT you into an overhead press! I roar with adrenaline, arms trembling at lifting your mass and then after a few seconds, drop you down over my knee with a massive gutbuster. I slap your muscled ass twice CRACK CRACK and shove you off my knee to the ground

<Titan_C> I rush in with my cheeky plan getting just before hitting you before I reveal my cock and I smirk as you seem to fall for it. My grip managing to make it around your throat but I didn’t think this through as your instincts seemingly kick in and you kick my solidly in the abs grunting at the hard hit and close my eyes for what feels like a moment, before I can try to counter my arm is ripped away from your throat and as I open then again I see you rushing into me slamming your shoulder into me using the momentum to carry me onto your shoulders. Everything is moving so fast all I can do is flail wildly as your powerful hand grips my cock and I flail almost uselessly before I’m brought down Abs first across your solid knee. Gasping as the air is forced from my lungs and I gasp like a fish out of water. Your slaps on my ass while humiliating allow me a few seconds more to get my breath back grunting as you shove me off your knee and onto the floor. Coughing as I get to one knee and try to stand to full height, my abs immediately screaming in pain as I grimace and hunch slightly. Rubbing my injured abs.

<Kylena_Zenith> You push up to standing quick, but not before I'm there behind you. I grab you by the chin from behind and jump up, planting my knees in your back and dropping down, dragging you with me. My knees hammering into your broad muscled back with a vicious backstabber! I fall under you, shoving up against you to toss you off afterwards and get back to my feet. I look down at your writhing muscled bod and consider my options of what to do next to break that massive muscled bod down and take back control!
<Titan_C> As I tested how painful my abs were I didn’t notice that you were already on the move. Assuming you’d be slowed from your spine pain you push through it and get behind me. Gripping the tops of your hand try to stop you from pulling my head back but it’s to late and I howl in pain at the painful backstabber. The muscles on my back visibly twitching as I fall onto you and you shove my off immediately. Growling for a bit as you stand up and admire your handiwork. Gritting my teeth in a rage as my heart rate picks up and I roar like a lion and attempt to surge to my feet. My abs twinging in pain as I reach out and grip your nearby ankle and yank with towards me with a powerful pull, attempting to pull your feet from under you and make you land back first into the canvas. Climbing ontop of you as I start standing, before suddenly transitioning to a fall, going for a falling double knee into your abs to pay you back for your earlier abdominal attack. “IM GONNA CRUSH YOU!!!” Seeing nothing but red and the naked glistening muscular woman in front of me
<Kylena_Zenith> Towering over you, I'm in too close to the raging beast, your hand lashing out and gripping my ankle tightly and yanking me off my feet! I land hard, grunting with the impact and kick out at you, trying to fend you off. You bat my kicks aside and then OOOFFFF your double knee impacts my abs, crushing my ripped core as I buck up and gasp with pain at the intense pressure! I claw at your legs, flexing my core too little too late to fight it and try to push you off, face turning red
<Titan_C> My rage swells as I take you down and take you down. My double knee into your abs landing with devestating effect as I spear through your washboard abs and you gasp out in agony. Clashing at my legs as your face turns red and you gulp for air like a fish out of water. “I’m going to make you shudder when you see my muscles!!!” My long thick cock slapping Between your exposed tits before I SLAM my fist into your right tit wanting to intensify the already immense pain and wind you. Growling low and deep as I grip your throat and in one swift move I roar with effort my bicep swelling and bulging as I grip your neck even tighter and I lift you up. Holding you almost 6 and a half feet up off the ground for what feels like ages before SLAMMING you back down into the canvas with a defeaning boom. Watching your sexy ass and tits bounce as you hit the canvas back first and flop onto your belly at my feet. Huffing and puffing as I look down. Wondering if it’s time to finish this woman off the only way a beast of a man can.

<Kylena_Zenith> I look up and see the way your face contorts with rage, a look crossing your face that guarantees my destruction in short order for the affront of daring to fight back. I gape and paw at your leg then UNGH your fist hammers into my muscled tits, your thick cock slicking my cleavage as you pound into it, my body bucking. You grab me by the throat, choking me tight as you push up off me and drag me bodily up off the ground and up overhead in a show of power that leaves me leaking like a fucking faucet.Pawing at your arm and shoulder feels like gripping steel cables, my vision fuzzing at the edges as you hold me aloft for what feels like ages. I can feel drool escaping my mouth before getting slammed down in a burst of stars that showers across my vision before scattering as swiftly as my thoughts. I lay there writhing in pain, gasping as I turn over and try to crawl towards the ropes
<Titan_C> Pre cum leaks from the tip of my cock as I look down at your muscular body knowing your finished……. Rubbing my thick cock as you desperately turn over writhing in pain and trying to crawl away to the safety of the ropes but I’m not even close to finished yet. Stomping towards you loud enough so that you know I’m coming by either sound or vibrations before I reach infront of your face and grip your head tight. Hauling you up as I squeeze your head and I place you against my body. My taller height making my warm cock sitting just below your flooding pussy before I pull you up against me. Holding across your body with one arm and hooking your legs behind mine as I spread them before I lock down your other arm and finally your neck, starting to bend you in a painful and grueling hovering abdominal stretch. Leaning my head forward as I suck your tit while my hand across your low body readjusts and I spear 3 fingers into your soaked pussy. Hitting you with a brutal triple threat of sensations from every angle and body part. My muscles swelling against yours as my cock gets harder and starts to point up more. The tip now slapping against the bottom of your muscular pussy each time I adjust or you struggle. Drinking in the feeling of this bombshell shuddering and creaming herself in my arms. Smiling at the fact that I haven’t even used my cock yet, this bitch is going insane over our battle of strength and so am I. Sweat rolling down your body and onto mine, unable to help myself from pulling my mouth away from your tits and kissing your neck and bruised tit

<Kylena_Zenith> Gasping in pain, I hear you coming and fire back an elbow that slams into your abs, but you just power through it in your rage state. I groan as you wrap my head in a reverse dragon sleeper that turns into a suspended abdominal stretch, my body getting bent in ways it's never been before. I grasp desperately at your arm, trying to relieve the pressure as you torque my back and abs. I shudder and twitch as your cock slides against my sex, throbbing with need even before you spear inside me with your three thick digits. I gasp and moan, thrashing in your grip and each movement making my predicament worse! I moan heavy as you work my tits, pussy and bod like a fucking fiddle. Ive never been worked over like this and my body is trembling at the insane workover

<Titan_C> I hold you in my grasp and your gasping for breath in between moans. Squirming weakly in my grasp as I bend you back more and more but you haven’t peaked yet “cum for me bitch, I want to see you…” stopping for a moment as I shift my hold on you my arms coming up to lock in a full Nelson and I suddenly impale you on my cock. Sending all 7 inches deep inside you as I hold you in the hold and slam my cock into you harder and harder each thrust making me flex my massive biceps in the full Nelson working you over and stretching you out like a beast in heat. Barreling through as I take you over

<Kylena_Zenith> I grunt and moan as you work me harder, but gasp in relief as you let me free from the abdominal stretch, only to get trapped in a fuck nelson! I scream in rage and pleasure, getting railed and dominated at this point in the match. I flex my musclecunt, trying to exert some sort of control but you've got me in trouble and I am panting with every thrust. "Fuck...YOU!" I growl, thrashing in your grip as I try and fight back
<Titan_C> I impale with with my cock. Feeling it slide in and out of you like a well oiled piston and all you can do flex your pussy as I fuck you. Your screams of protest immediately silenced as i cover my mouth with yours in a dominating kiss. My tongue invading your mouth as I shut you up for a few moments before I roar and flex my biceps, lifting you up into the air infront of me unsheathing my cock from inside you before I hold you up like a trophy before jumping up and brining you down, my cock sliding into your pussy as we fall and I slam you face first into the wet floor with a viscous face buster gripping your blonde hair from behind and I start railing you immediately after impact. “WHOS YOUR FUCKING DADDY BITCH!! SAY IT!!” Roaring like an animal as I pound you relentlessly

<Kylena_Zenith> Your mouth claims mine as I whimper in pain, the brutal fucking relentless! I feel your muscles bulge as you hoist me higher, your big cock suddenly gone from inside me, drawing a gasp from my lips then BAMMMMMMMMMM faceplanted with a vicious facebuster that turns into a powerful fucking from behind. I scream in pleasure and pain, bleeding and bruised from the brutality of this massive muscle beast railing me now. I push up to ease the pressure on my hair, grabbing at your grip on it and trying to pry you off me and take your big cock. FUCK UNGHHHHHH struggling against you still
<Titan_C> “Cum for daddy you fucking goddess tell me how much you love my power!” Roaring as I go thrust after thrust before I take grip your hair tighter and force your face into the ground, your struggles driving me wild as I flip you over and decide it’s time to use my legs. I grip your face and place my cock against your mouth watching as you refuse to open for a moment before I slam my fist into your crushed abs and you open your mouth to scream, shoving my cock in as my ass follows behind. Forcing you down into my massive legs as I start to crush you between my quads and calves. Finishing as I grip your muscular leg and pull it awkwardly forward. Using my free hand I lick my palm and smack your pussy. Lightly fingering you while I occasionally let up pressure on my legs sliding my cock out a bit and giving you just enough room to cough out a breath not caring if you cum or pass out first

<Kylena_Zenith> You lock me into a brutal facefuck figure 4 leglock combined with a stump puller fingerfuck that has me gasping and screaming around your cock as you work me to the max. It takes mere moments before I'm shaking and cumming hard, busting with a shriek of pleasure as you facefuck me the hwhole time. I'm on the edge of consciousness at this point
<Titan_C> Your gurgles of pain and pleasure go buck wild as you slowly start to fold. Feeling your struggling change slightly before you erupt like a fountain orgasming all over the mat and I don’t let you go just yet. Flexing my bicep as I kiss it enjoying my win for a few moments before letting your leg drop limply and standing up. My cock sliding out your throat as I take a step forward and my leg gives out making me fall. My body exhausted and weak but I’m the one still standing in the end. Admiring my handiwork as you lay in front of me. A mess of your own juices and mine breathing a heavy sigh before I attempt to get up and leave the ring.
<Published> 2024-07-27, viewed 94 times.
2024-12-26 05:32Titan C is an impressive wrestler.