Defeated xxx
Established: 2023-07-05
Chat room: #XXX_locker_room
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<Tiffany-Wrestles> I have had a good start for the season so far, winning my first two matches. Today, I am getting into my third match for the season, having challenged Annie for a fed match. I walk towards the ring barefoot, wearing my colorful bikini, ready to get the match started. Diving under the ropes, I wave to the crowd before I stretch in my corner, waiting for you.
<Anniedork> *A little nervous about my first public Locker Room match... I arrive in my red string bikini pulled over my 34D chest, standing 5'4 and 135 pounds. I see Tiffany waiting on the mat, looking so scrawny and weak... I feel much more relaxed and confident as I begin stretching and prepare for action.*
philman29: Grabs a seat to watch the match "yea let's go Annie"
Sara_D_Lussi: Had a seat behinds Philman, watching carefully as i bet its gonna be great match
<Tiffany-Wrestles> I keep my eyes locked on you, watching you from head to toe, while you are stretching, trying to size you up. You are well built, but I have the height advantage. I take a few steps towards the center of the ring, cautiously watching you with my arm raised, inviting you to a test of strength.
<Anniedork> *I move closer... pretending to be interested in your raised arm... but instead I duck my shoulder and step forward, hoping to catch you in a bearhug*
<Anniedork> "Come here skinny girl... you look like you need some affection...."
<Tiffany-Wrestles> I had my eyes locked on you, watching your every move. I notice your sudden move and step sideways slightly, moving out of your direct path. Letting you approach, I let you duck under my arm and wrap your hands around me, but I suddenly try to clamp down on you, pulling your head to my side and trying to lock my elbow around you. "Oh Annie, I maybe skinny, but I do work out, I can handle you."
philman29: "Careful Annie do get over confident try and control the match" I say from my seat
<Anniedork> "What could you possibly lift with those skinny little arms?", I reply. "Did you get your biceps from Olive Garden?"
<Anniedork> *As Tiffany pulls me into a headlock, I keep my arms around her waist. I slide my left hand between her thighs, rubbing her crotch seductively as our bodies grind together*
Amy00: Waves my litle ANNIE flag on a little wood stick in the front row
<Tiffany-Wrestles> "Oh, getting started already, Annie?" I laugh as I feel your hand on my bikini bottoms, starting to rub slowly. I tighten my elbow lock and reach over with my free hand, moving slowly over your back and teasing the edges of your bikini. Slowly, I slide my hand under your bikini, over your ass, teasing gently, before I start to dive down between your ass cheeks to your sensitive folds. "Two can play at that game..."
<Anniedork> *I bite my lip... holding back a gasp... then I drop to one knee, hoping to escape her invading fingers. I let my own hands pull at her bottoms, hoping to strip away her bikini bottom* "Oh this is just getting started... you yummy little vixen..."
<Tiffany-Wrestles> You manage to grab my bikini bottoms and move them down to my thighs, not exposing me fully. You start to drop down to your knees, but your head is still locked and my hand is inside your bikini. I easily manage to grab at your bottoms as you drop down, giving you a sharp wedgie and hoping that the strings on your bikini are undone.
<Anniedork> "Yeow!" I squeal as you give me a wedgie, serving merely to annoy me. With your bottoms partway off, I shift my weight forward, trying to take you off balance and dump you to the mat. My fingers slide higher, attempting to enter your slit as our bodies grind together and we begin to perspire a bit.
<Anniedork> "Audience participation... raise your hand if you like getting a wedgie???"
philman29: Yea come on Annie knock her over
<Tiffany-Wrestles> With your weight pushing back against me, I drop a knee on the mat to stabilize myself. Your hand tries to rub my pussy again, but this time I do not let you get any closer. As your weight pushes onto me, I quickly step aside and release your neck, letting you move head first past me, towards the corner.
philman29: Watches the match and sees what might happen "Careful Annie don't get trapped"
<Anniedork> hmph.... I finally break free of the headlock, but at the cost of being dumped to the mat on hands and knees. My bottoms have been untied on once side, but I pay them no mind as I get back up to my feet to face Tiffany again... "You and your fancy wrestling stuff... I'll show you!"
<Tiffany-Wrestles> Watching you shooting past me, I quickly pivot on my knee to face you. As you fall flat on the mat and try to get back up, I grab your foot from behind to get you unbalanced and hoping to make you fall face-first on the mat again.
<Anniedork> "HEY!" I squeal and squirm as you manage to get hold of my leg. I catch myself on hands and knees, thrusting out with my leg to try and strike out at your tummy or your thigh in an effort to shake my leg free from your grip*
<Tiffany-Wrestles> I manage to get your leg in my grasp and you go to your hands and knees, but manage to avoid planting your face on the mat. As you jerk your leg, trying to kick my tummy, I drop down to the mat and try to lock my leg with yours, not wanting to let you escape. Just as an added bonus, my leg is very close to your slit and I brush across your partly uncovered folds. "Oh Annie, all you got to do is stay still to enjoy all the fun."
<Anniedork> gggrrr... I still cannot escape this persistent little bag of bones as she sits behind me and catches my leg. I feel her lock in my leg, and she begins to tease me with her own leg. My mind is racing, trying to figure out whether to wrestle my way out of this or if this is supposed to be a sex thing... but I am feeling the warmth of her teasing as I struggle. I put my other knee down on the mat, and my arm as well, then I thrust my hips and my thigh and my arm to try and roll over and break free from this lock on my leg.
<Tiffany-Wrestles> You manage to roll over on your back and untangle your leg from mine. I still have my hand on your leg though and I start moving forwards while I pull you back towards me, your unbalanced state making it very easy for me to so. I try to raise the leg I have in my hand ad push my body forwards on the back of your thigh, so as to raise it up even higher. With you on your back, leg raised I have the perfect position to start working over you pussy. I try to sit on the thigh of your other leg to keep you secured and slide my hand under your bikini, slowly rubbing over your sensitive folds. "So Annie, have you ever cum in your bikini before?" I ask staring down in your eyes.
philman29: Don't make it to easy for her Annie come on you got this
<Anniedork> *GASPS*
<Anniedork> Just when I think I was gonna escape... Tiffany folds me in half on my back. I try to squirm, but I feel her fingers rubbing me. My body responds, growing damp and quivering as Tiffany threatens to penetrate me with her fingers... I buck my hips in protest, but signifying nothing....
<Tiffany-Wrestles> "Well, its time for you to find out anyway." I smirk mischievously, eyes locked on yours. I keep our sweaty bodies close, my tummy and breasts pushing against your raised leg. My hand gets to exploring under your bikini, my fingers moving in circles over your pussy. Slowly, I slide a finger inside your folds, rubbing your walls. My thumb is now placed firmly on your clit, holding position for now. "Your bikini is getting wet Annie..."
<Anniedork> OOOoooOOOhhhh.... I moan deeply as your finger slides inside me... my body shaking with desire as your thumb teases my pearl... my hips are still pulsing and squirming, but unable to escape your control as your words are simply affirming my fate... my breath picking up as I grit my teeth in a desperate attempt at resistance....
philman29: Come on Annie fight you can do this
<Tiffany-Wrestles> "Oh Annie, just relax and feel my fingers moving..." I watch you grit your teeth and I whisper, leaning down, close to your ear, pushing your leg even higher. I now slide a second finger in, joining the first, picking up the pace. I can feel you getting wetter and wetter under me.
<Anniedork> ooohhh.... I moan deeper as another finger enters me.... she dives inside me faster and deeper... I feel my body beginning to tense.... "no.... no... no..."
philman29: No not like this Annie fight back get her
<Tiffany-Wrestles> "Yes yes yes..." I reply in a whisper to your moans of no. I can feel your body reacting under me, getting all tensed up for the impending orgasm. My fingers now start moving at a frantic pace, sliding in and out, making wet noises. My thumb also starts moving, rubbing in circles over your clit, slow at first, steadily getting quicker and quicker. I lock my eyes with yours as you are trying to hold on. "You can cum Annie..."
<Anniedork> AAAWWWW....... At Tiffany's command, my body shakes and explodes.... I moan and I gush onto her fingers as her eyes meet mine
<Anniedork> oooooooohhhhhhhhhhh
<Anniedork> *moans*
<Tiffany-Wrestles> I can feel your body tense up, your orgasm building until you suddenly start shaking, finally giving in. I keep my fingers for a while, prolonging your orgasm. Slowly pulling them out, I slide them up all over your body until I bring them to your mouth. "How about a taste Annie?"
<Anniedork> uunngghh.... I groan as you slide your fingers over me... painting me with my own juices.... then slide them into my mouth and make me lick my own sweet honey.... kinda humiliated to lose my first match but still awash in the afterglow of my climax
<Tiffany-Wrestles> I lean over, bringing my lips to yours, kissing you deeply and tasting your juices on your tongue.
<Published> 2025-01-26, viewed 62 times.