Defeated xxx
Established: 2023-07-05
Chat room: #XXX_locker_room
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13:56 <DaFoxyOne> *now that their match is done I come out to the ring looking for Nicole fully intending on getting some revenge and continuing to try and pursue to catch that elusive win that's been avoiding me for the start of the new year hoping to get a win before February at least as I climb into the ring having challenged her to a sexfight with striking as I am in my black sports bra and thong*
14:00 <Nicole_D> I come out in an all white bikini set! Not concerned about this match having destroyed Foxxy just days ago! I arrive into the ring full of confidence my glowing smiling fills the room knowing I’m here to win.. again!
14:00 <Nicole_D>
14:04 <DaFoxyOne> *rolling my neck and shoulders as I throw a few punches into the air feeling rejuvenated and ready to face Nicole I turn towards her and bring my guard up eyes narrowed. Once the bell goes off to start the match I move towards her my fists up and ready to face her in the middle of the ring*
14:06 <Nicole_D> As the bell goes off I put my guard up. Looking up at foxy. Smiling. Knowing I have this. As I shadow her moves I go in and go for a side kick to the thigh to test her
14:25 <DaFoxyOne> *coming towards Nicole I bring my arm down locking the kick for her thigh and then suddenly trying to grasp her ankle with my hand hoping to catch her on one leg and bringing my own leg up to try and kick her in the gut*
14:27 <Nicole_D> As I go for the quick kick you grabbbb my ankle, as you so with my dangling leg you bring up your own and connect to my abs making me wince in pain! As I try and escape your hold you have on my leg yg
14:33 <DaFoxyOne> *pulling hard on your leg to yank you towards me I let go of your leg and wrap my arms aroun dyour body wanting to grasp my wrists around you to try and squeeze you good and hard in a tight bearhug*
14:34 <Nicole_D> As I’m hopping on one leg you yankllkkk me towards you, as you let go of my leg and wrappppp me up. As you wrap me up around my waist you squeeeeeeze putting me in a tight and painful bear hug as I try to escape you
14:37 <DaFoxyOne> *smiles evilly as I squeeze with my arms my biceps tight and firm my body hard against you and my biceps flexing as I squeeze harder and harder but then I twist to the side and hurl you down hard onto your back on the ring floor*
14:38 <Nicole_D> As I am having a hard time breathing. You squeeeeeze me more flexing. Snowing off your muscles you squeeze harder and then twistttttt to the side as you throw me to the mat hard as I land on the mat
14:40 <DaFoxyOne> *straddling your body and grabbing for your wrists trying to raise them up over your head to plant them on the mats and hopefully pin them down to try and keep you restrained on the ring floor*
14:42 <Nicole_D> Trying to get up but before I can you pounce in me raising my hands above my head pinning them down. I try and raise my hips hoping to buck you off me
14:43 <DaFoxyOne> *feeling you bucking with your hips actually helps me as I needed to scoot a little higher on you anyway and then I lower my chest over Nicole's face wanting to smother her and drain her for my next part of my plan*
14:45 <Nicole_D> As I try to buck I help you and you move up my man re then you lower you boobs in my face. Smothering meeeeee fuuuuuuck no no no I moan as I shake my head trying to get out of your chest as you put it deeper in me yg
14:50 <DaFoxyOne> *clamping my thighs tight around your body to keep you in place and locked in as my chest keeps the air from getting out or in of your body my hands tight on your wrists over your head to keep them pinned and grinning*
15:12 <Nicole_D> As you closeeeee your thighs and clamppppp around my body keeping me in place you lock my head between you and your chest! as you have my hands tightly in your hold keeping them above me head. Wiggling and struggling under you...fuck you bitch I screammmmm
09:39 <DaFoxyOne> *smiles as I hear your muffled curse as my breasts smother your face wanting you to either tap out, or pass out, regardless I want you drained and weakened for my next phase of my plan*
14:39 <Nicole_D> I can sense you are smiling down at me as my voice is muffled while you smother me. The deeper and deeper you go the more difficult it is for me to breathe! Still hanging on but the energy and the will to fight back is dwindling down at a rapid pace!
14:41 <DaFoxyOne> *holding on just a little while longer wanting to make sure you are properly drained before rising up off of you wanting to try and roll you over onto your chest so I can straddle your back*
14:46 <Nicole_D> As you maintain the hold on me you make your way up my body and then throwwww me to the side making me roll onto my chest! I try and make my way up before you pounce on me!
14:48 <DaFoxyOne> *following you as you push to get up which is exactly what I wanted I try and wrap an arm around your neck and my legs around your body to try and pull you backwards hoping to get you on top of me and facing the ceiling as I squeeze with both my arm and legs*
14:51 <Nicole_D> As I try and get up, it leaves me vulnerable to you as you wrapppp your arm around my neck and pullllll on me to move me backwards and wrapppp your legs around me. You start to squeeze forcing an involuntarily groan to come from me as I am looking at the sky as you squeeze the life you of me!
14:54 <DaFoxyOne> *changing my legs from squeezing your waist to release your body but try and entangle my legs with yours to spread your thighs apart. My right arm squeezes harder around your throat as my left hand comes down to caress your sex with my fingers*
14:57 <Nicole_D> Struggling under you but the more I struggle the deeper I go into your hold! you release your legs around my body and force me to spreadddd my thighs apart showing off my bottoms as you hold them in place with you legs! you squeeeeze hard around my throat as you bring down and start to slowly caress my covered up mound!
14:58 <DaFoxyOne> *smiles as I kiss the side of your cheek while my arm and legs keep you restrained my other hand slides down under your bottoms to your sex I start to slide my finger tip around and around your clit before pushing into your sex while I keep you tight under my control*
15:00 <Nicole_D> Feeling the control you have over me, I struggle as you kiss my cheek trying to get away from you. You have my legs restrained as you move under my bottoms and start to play with my clit. Roaming around my pussy before you pushhhhh down into me pushing your fingers into my wet pussy... mmmmm fuckkkk yessss I moan as you squeeze my throat tighter and enter me almost simultaneously!
15:03 <DaFoxyOne> *pushing my finger into you again and again and again sliding it into your body as I rhythmically squeeze your throat by flexing my arm to match the pace of my finger sliding in and out of your sex I start to increase the pace*
15:04 <Nicole_D> As you start to really up the pace, my moans are starting to speed up. I cry out yeessss yessssyesssss as you squeeeeze my throat in rhythm with you fingering.... please stop I moannnn... This wasn't supposed to happen I say softly while you are choking me. you really speed up the pace mmmmmmm fuck fuck fuck I moan
15:08 <DaFoxyOne> *grins* not a chance *I say as I can sense how helpless youare and how hotter and wetter you are getting as I whisper into your ear* no...this is exactly what was suppose to happen *I say as I angle my finger so it brushes against your clit with each thrust of my finger then adding a second finger*
15:11 <Nicole_D> mmmmmm fuck fuck fuck fuck I moannnn as I am getting hotter, wetter and closer to cumming by the second! mmmmmm no no no no I squeal as you add the second finger and continue the fast pace while also now rubbing up against my clit.... mmmmmmm oh my god mmmmmmmm this feels so goooood I cry out pathetically
15:13 <DaFoxyOne> *smiles as I kiss your cheek again and then licking at your ear as I whisper in your ear* you love it, your so fucking hot, so fucking wet, give into it, let it erupt, let yourself take it and explode like you know you want to you slut
15:16 <Nicole_D> Moaning louder and louder as you kiss my cheek my body starts to tighten up. My back slowly starts to arch as I look up to the sky trying to turn around to look at you.. please please please no. Please stop I moan as you now are ruthlessly fingering me... Then my eyes start to roll to the back of my head and my toes start to curllll mmmmm fuckkkkk I moan
15:17 <DaFoxyOne> *I know I hav eyou under my control and I move my arm from your throat down to your breasts squeezing one then the other as my fingers only push harder and deeper into your my thighs keeping yours spread and my lips kissing your neck feeling your heat and tasting your desire as I whisper with a harsh over to cum*
15:19 <Nicole_D> Feeling completely helpless you move you arms down my body and play with my breasts. squeeezingggg them you push harder and deeper into me as my legs remained spread while you kissss me neckkk. mmmmm mmmmm fuck fuck I can't Foxy please please please may I cum pleaseeee?
15:26 <DaFoxyOne> *grins as I hear you ask me for permission to cum and I lick your neck as I whisper into your ear* do it....cum for me...cum and show how you can't resist my fingers and give in to your weakness *my fingers unrelenting and ruthless as they fuck you*
15:29 <Nicole_D> As I beg for permission, realized I just completely woke up the beast that is Foxxy. Moaning as my toes curl on the edge of my orgams you lickkkkkk my neck and whisper in my ear as you give me permission to cummmmm I cant hold it innnnn any longer I screammmmm oh my god oh my god oh my godddddd Iscreammmmmmmm IM CUMMING IM CUMMING IM FUCKING CUMMINGGGGGGG I announce as a fountain of squirt releases from my body coating your fingers, your wrist and the mattttt...Oh my goddddddd I screammmmm IM SUCH A FUCKING SLUT!!
15:31 <DaFoxyOne> *smiles as I push Nicole to the side after making sure she is completely drained and i stand up over Nicole putting my foot gently on her neck and bringing both arms up flexing as I get back on the board tog et my first ime of the season and my revenge on Nicole all at the same time*
<Published> 2025-02-01, viewed 44 times.
2025-02-01 17:09Poor ( ;) ) Nicole 🤭