Defeated xxx

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DefeatedXXX - Jenny Crescent vs Ola XXX

00:57 <JennyCrescent> walks out of the locker rooms as i make my way to the ring as i remove my robe showing i am naked as i slip into the ring and shake my ass as i make my way to the corner stretching and waiting for my opponent as i lick my lips
00:59 <Ola_XXX> I walk out in my pink robe strutting to the entrance and slowly dropping it over my back and then ass before tossing it away completely. I make eye contact with Jenny across the ring and blow her a kiss as I’ve also revealed my naked body. I strut to my side and wait patiently to begin.
01:02 <JennyCrescent> i hear the bell ring as i make my way to the center of the ring my hands up and ready as i keep my eye on your hot naked body looking you up and down trying to not be distracted as i wait for you
01:04 <Ola_XXX> I strut into the center and then rush you hands out stretched trying to grapple you to the ground. I attempt to hook your legs with mine to force you down.
01:05 <JennyCrescent> our bodies colliding as we both go down grabbing at you and pressing my body close as we end up rolling on the mat as i try to force you down on your back and pin you under me pressing my knee into your pussy and my breasts into yours as i force both hands above your head
01:08 <Ola_XXX> My hands are trapped and I feel your knee push against my mound so I try to push my legs in the way and roll us over
01:09 <JennyCrescent> eyes widen as i feel us starting to roll as i try to pin you down and trap you under me....biting my lower lip as i feel how wet you are on my thigh
01:11 <Ola_XXX> I attempt to grapevine pin you before I get to aroused. My hands try to pin yours to the mat and my legs try to hook and restrain yours. My boobs press into yours as we struggle for control
01:13 <JennyCrescent> gasps as before i realize it im pinned to the mat my legs hooked by yours as i arch my back as i struggle to fight you off me as our bodies rub into each other
01:15 <Ola_XXX> I try to pin both your hands together with mine so I can use my fingers to reach down to your sex and begin to repay you for your knee earlier
01:16 <JennyCrescent> struggling and fighting against you trying to not let you lock my hands together so you cant complete your control over me as i try to knock you off me
01:18 <Ola_XXX> You push me off and we disengage circling eachother again on all fours. I blow you another kiss. “You got lucky to begin with slut”
01:20 <JennyCrescent> i rush you trying to grab and lift you and force you into the corner as i wrap my lips around your nipple as my tongue circles it....."bitch im going to show you im better"
01:21 <Ola_XXX> I’m forced to sit atop the corner as you lick my tits making my nipples hard and soaking my breasts with your saliva. I try to push you off and grab your arm to throw you against the ropes.
01:26 <JennyCrescent> pulling on your arms behind your back as try to spread your legs as i grab both wrists with my one hand and trail my free hand down your body circling your wet pussy as i start rubbing you slowly
01:28 <Ola_XXX> I moan out slowly under my breathe as you begin to toy with me…”noo nooo stop” I beg trying to close my legs shut and escape
01:29 <JennyCrescent> sucking on your nipple pulling on it with my teeth as i try to keep your legs open as i work my middle finger into your wet slit pushing in
01:32 <Ola_XXX> “Ughhh fuckkk. Fuckk mmmmfff” I begin to moan louder and louder as you keep my held tightly in the corner. I try one last time to wiggle and push free, using all of my strength before I lose my last shred of will to fight. My pussy juices begin to coat your fingers and hand. My nipples are wet and erect for you.
01:34 <JennyCrescent> mmmmmmmm......fingering you deeper and harder as i rub your clit with my thumb......"cmon slut beg for it spread your legs for me" grinning as i fight to hold you there hoping you dont push away as i feel how hot and wet you are for me
01:37 <Ola_XXX> I manage to successfully push you away just before I can break. I gasp and moan as you collapse to the ground. “This… won’t…. be that… easy..” I grab your ankles and pull your legs up putting my foot against your clit and start rubbing away.
01:39 <JennyCrescent> eyes widen as im pushed down as i shake my head and see you already have my legs lifted as you grind your foot into my clit and pussy as i moan trying to grab your ankle to stop you and free my legs by kicking...."uuhnnnnnn you bitchhhhh getttt offf me"
01:41 <Ola_XXX> I let go of your legs but drop on them forcing them up over your head and rolling you up underneath me. I lick my finger right in front of your face and slowly drive it into your exposed mound as my tits hang over your face, your saliva dripping off them and dripping to your face.
01:43 <JennyCrescent> feeling her pouncing on me forcing my legs to roll up to my head as im pinned down and struggling under her as her tits hang over me covering my face with drops of my own saliva....feeling her driving her finger into me as i moan and pant struggling to break free trying to kick her off me anything to get free
01:46 <Ola_XXX> I drive my fingers in a little faster now feeling your pussy begin to get nice and wet like mine. My fingers slide in easier and easier until I can fit a third digit. “You thought this would be easy didn’t you slut?” I hold on to maintain the position but I can feel you might escape any moment.
01:48 <JennyCrescent> moaning loudly feeling her adding more fingers as i kick with all i have trying to knock her back before i get to weak to be able to fight her off as i feel my pussy getting so wet for her and my nipples getting hard as i struggle to control myself
01:52 <Ola_XXX> Your kicking works and I fall back sitting propped up with my arms. We both slowly get up again. Wet between our legs, flowing down our thighs as we look at eachother. My hair tie has come loose. This time I pounce first trying to wrestle you down, get behind you and put you into a headlock for a submission
01:53 <JennyCrescent> gasps as you lock me in the headlock as i grab your arm trying to pry it off me and fight you off me as i try escape....."ahhhhh gettt offf me bitchh"
01:55 <Ola_XXX> My arms are close to getting into position. Once hooked, your arms will not be able to move mine from around your neck. You get one last opportunity to escape as we struggle…
01:56 <JennyCrescent> wrenching my hand between me and your arms before they get locked desperately trying to pull them off me and escape before she traps me in the submission hold
01:59 <Ola_XXX> Your arms prevent me from completing my headlock, so I instead try to pin your arms behind your back. Desperately grabbing at them so that I can free one hand, and swing it around back into your pussy.
01:59 <JennyCrescent> feeling my arms pulled back as i try to free them as i feel you pulling me closer to your body as i pant and struggle
02:01 <Ola_XXX> I fall back onto the mat with you. Me behind you restraining your arms. My legs hook yours back and spread them wide. I lick the fingers on my free hand and begin to squeeze your breasts and pinch your nipples. Then my hand slides down and begins to tease your entrance again.
02:02 <JennyCrescent> gasps and moaning as im pulled back feeling you toying with my breasts and nipples than striking at my pussy again as i squirm and try to break free before you can push back in me....."nooooooo ahhhh stoppppp that"
02:07 <Ola_XXX> I begin to curl my fingers into your sex as I kiss the side of your neck and nibble on your ear to keep you nice and complacent. My fingers push against your tight slick walls as I speed up faster and faster, twisting and curling inside you.
02:09 <JennyCrescent> archiing my back and moaning as i struggle feeling your fingers in me again as i kick at the mat trying to roll us or push you off me anything as you kiss my neck and nibble on my ear as you try to keep me close
02:10 <Ola_XXX> You successfully push me onto back as you spin around and I’m forced to let go of my grip and try to get up for the next grapple.
02:12 <JennyCrescent> i turn getting on my knees and pouncing to pin you down as i try to pin your arms down with my legs as i leave myself free to toy with your body and get some revenge
02:14 <Ola_XXX> You pin my body to the ground and trap my arms. I try to wiggle free but it’s not use I’m stuck. “Get off you bitch”
02:17 <JennyCrescent> pulling on your nipples with one hand as i lick my fingers of the other hand as i reach down and rub your pussy and clit before slipping a finger in your entrance......"my turn to play with you bitch"
02:20 <Ola_XXX> “Ohhh fuckkk nooo stopp mmmm fuckk” I moan as you begin to fuck my soaking snatch again. I try to push my knees together and squeeze to prevent your hand and fingers from pleasuring me further.
02:22 <JennyCrescent> i lean down keeping my legs pushing down on your arms as i spread your legs with my hands and start licking and sucking on your clit nibbling on it and pulling as i tease you some more
02:26 <Ola_XXX> “Fuck fuck fuck…” I feel your tongue lash against my wet pussy, smearing your face with my pussy juices. I wiggle and struggle trying to break free, resolving myself to crane my neck forward and push my tongue into your exposed pussy. My contact is no where near as good as yours.
02:27 <JennyCrescent> moans as i feel you able to get back at me a little bit with your own tongue as i take one hand and push three fingers deep in you as i lick and suck on your clit trying to overwhelm and break your focus
02:29 <Ola_XXX> I feel a sudden wave of pleasure hit me and shoot up my spine. I desperately struggle side to side trying to get you to topple over with my remaining strength.
02:33 <JennyCrescent> desperately holding on as i finger you harder and lick your clit trying to force you back down before im knocked off you.....panting....struggling to overwhelm you
02:36 <Ola_XXX> I get up slowly after you get up, now super wet and close to cumming. I try to lock our hips together and wrap my hand around the back of your neck to initiate a trib. “Uh … let’s see…. Who’s… pussy is… stronger slut”
02:37 <JennyCrescent> pressing my hips to hers as i meet her challenge as i trib her soaking wet pussy as i try to push her down to get the advantage as i roll my hips into hers
02:40 <Ola_XXX> You push me down and begin to gain an advantage but I yank back on your hair to stay up level with you and stick my other hand, fingers soaked with your juices into your mouth to distract you
02:42 <JennyCrescent> eyes widen as i suck on your fingers as your able to pull yourself back up as we continue grinding together as i moan into her fingers trying to roll my hips and tribe her harder
02:43 <Ola_XXX> I begin to moan, softly at first but my moans get louder and louder. Our bodies make a wet clapping noise as our hips slam together against one another. I put just as much force trying to see if I can hold on and break you. “Just cum already slut”
02:48 <JennyCrescent> moaning loud as we slam our hips together as i grind harder as i grab her nipples pulling her closer trying to break you first......"ohhhhh cum already slut"
02:50 <Ola_XXX> My fingers drop from your mouth and I begin to slow down as your hips over power me. I fall onto my back and begin to moan loudly as my body rocks back and forth from your grinding
02:52 <JennyCrescent> kneading and squeezing your breasts as i grind down into you....."mmmmmmm cmon slut beg for more".....trying to finish you off
02:55 <Ola_XXX> “Ahhhh fuckkk fuckk fuck… noo don’t make me cum” legs spreading wider for you. I try to back away seeing I’ve lost the trib battle and try to escape on my hands and knees all be it slowly…
02:57 <JennyCrescent> you escape the trib as i grab your hips diving forward and licking your pussy and pushing my tongue against your entrance......"rub your clit for me slut beg to cum for me" licking you hard as i try to hold you and prevent your escape
03:00 <Ola_XXX> “Ahhhhh fuckkk yes yes omg fuckk” my hand reaches to my clit as I spread my legs wide for you. I cover my mouth with my other hand to stifle my moans
03:09 <JennyCrescent> licking you harder and faster as i smirk....seeing you go for your own clit ....."rub yourself harder finish yourself odd slut"
03:12 <Ola_XXX> I grab your hands and lock our fingers together. My legs swing around and hook your head as you lick my pussy. I’m so close to cumming but I attempt to suffocate you against my sex or fail trying.
03:13 <JennyCrescent> gasping as i lick you with all i have as i gasp for air hoping you cum before i have to tap.....groaning as i lick you deeper pushing my tongue into your pussy as you smother me
03:16 <Ola_XXX> “Ah yeah, yeah I’m gonna cum yeah… fuck I’m Cummingggggg aahhhhhhhhh hnnngggggg” tilting my head back as my juices flow into your mouth and face and my legs relieve their pressure. I tremble through my orgasm my back arching and body surging with pleasure.
03:21 <JennyCrescent> pushing you off me as i lick my lips and stand above you as you tremble from your big orgasm as i smirk....."told you i was going to get you hehehehehe" i smirk and pose for the crowd enjoying my victory
03:22 <Ola_XXX> I groan and moan on the ground, soaked between my legs as I lay there in defeat with you posing over me… “you…. Bitch” I manage to gasp out
03:25 <JennyCrescent> smirks as i look down....."anytime you want to lose again let me know and ill take you on again slut" smirking as you look up soaked as i giggle and start to walk back to the locker rooms
03:27 <Ola_XXX> I lay there sprawled out and naked like a defeated slut as you leave me in my own wet mess~
03:27 <Ola_XXX> -End-
03:27 <JennyCrescent> (END)

<Published> 2025-02-18, viewed 58 times.




2025-02-19 08:29

Really good match, had me thinking who's going tp win for a long time in the match, but at the end my guese with the sexy Jenny was right, Good Job👍

Julie the lightning

2025-02-18 17:40

Hey Jenny nice work. You dont seem so helpless after all. Maybe its time for a rematch maybe.