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Heather vs Jasmin

13:31 <HeatherGLong> So, neutral location, just an open room with wall to wall mats..... or we could start in the ring. But I was thinking we could start on our knees, unless you want to start on our feet

13:32 <HeatherGLong>
13:32 <HeatherGLong> I'm 43 years old, 5'7.5" 145lbs, 36D

13:33 <Jasmin_die_Tochter> i am 18 years old, 5"15'; 121,25 lbs, 34c,

13:34 <Jasmin_die_Tochter>

13:38 <HeatherGLong> i step into the room, all empty aside from the wall to wall mats, and soome very high frosted windows letting in diffused natural light. I quickly slip out of my white robe and see the bottle of oil alone the far wall. I walk over to it now, completely nude aside from my thick natural bush coverin gmy clit and s lit

13:41 <Jasmin_die_Tochter> I also come into the room and see you by the oil bottles. I smile and lick my lips, let my coat slide to the floor. Then I come to you and grab the second bottle to oil myself, let it drip onto my tits, then I take a step back and turn to you to spray you with oil.

13:43 <HeatherGLong> I don't know much about my rival today. But is very much younger than me. and much smaller. I like this A chance to dominate and teach her something. I smile as you enter, rubbing my legs, belly and breasts down with oil. My nipples erect in excitment and areolas pucker in anticipation. "Welcome. They tell me you have experience beyond your years." spinning around so the oil covers me front and back as you spray me

13:49 <Jasmin_die_Tochter> I smile at you, I don't know you much either, but I'm looking forward to the hot fight with you. 'Let me put it this way, it's not my first fight of this kind, I've already gained experience in a few fights.' I try to hide my excitement, but my hard nipples show my desire to dominate you. Since I'm in the gym a lot, I think I'm in good shape and have the stamina to stand up to it.

13:51 <HeatherGLong> you don't keep fighting as long as me with out fitness and self control. i'm off to a rough 1-2 start this year and I am betting I can get to 2-2 fighting you. I smirk deveilishly and move to the center of the room, kneeling and inviting your to join me, "When you are ready, no rush."

13:57 <Jasmin_die_Tochter> When you turned your back to me, I was already aiming at your sexy ass, then we separated and you waved me over to you in the middle of the room. I kneel down opposite you and hold out my tits to you, I have a little less than you but mine are firmer and tighter than yours and I want to use that to impress you. My body is glistening with oil.

14:00 <HeatherGLong> I recognize the threat of your youthful perky breasts. I also hold mine in comparison. rubbing them. wanting you to appreciate them even more so then yours own. "a titfight to begin?" I suggest as I scoot in closer on my knee to you, encouraging you to bring our breasts together

14:04 <Jasmin_die_Tochter> I grin at you, you have a good chance of winning the tit fight, but I won't back down and I'll come running up to you, besides the fight isn't over after that and either of us can turn it around. When I'm close enough, I wrap my arms around you and press my tits into yours, glaring at you, 'I'll finish you off, you old slut!'

14:05 <HeatherGLong> i lower my hands from my breasts now, "I so want you to try, little girl." i then scoot in and press my breasts to yours, my hands on my hips as I push wiht my shoulders to drive my nipples harded against your own

14:09 <Jasmin_die_Tochter> our tits meet and the hard nipples press into the other's breasts. I turn my upper body and rub my nipples against yours, trying to push them back again and again. But the oil on the tits doesn't make it any easier, the nipples quickly slip off again and again

14:13 <HeatherGLong> i work into a rythym of pushing my breasts into youir, racking my nipples over yours rather than try to completly invert them back into your mammaries. But then I reach out to hol dyour hips. I pull you into me, tighter, mushrooming our breasts together more and more bit by bit, a devilish smirk on my face as the duel heats up

14:16 <Jasmin_die_Tochter> our hard nipples fight and rub against each other, becoming increasingly harder and pressing harder into each other's breasts. I pull myself a little closer to you and want to press my pussy against yours, I want them to rub at the same time so I can distract you a little.

14:18 <HeatherGLong> getting in so tight our belly touch, then our hips. My bush tickle your soft sensitive skin smooth skin surroundnig your clit and slit. I start to thrust my hips more and more against yours as I swing my breasts side to suide against yours, battering your around with them. "This tits of mine have seen far worse than you can produce." I tease

14:22 <Jasmin_die_Tochter> you twist to the right and left, rocking us up. I also try to join in and use it for myself, with a bit of luck I'll find the right moment to push you onto your back and now mainly rub my pussy on yours. yes, your hair kills a little, but because I've oiled myself up well, you can hardly feel it and my labia push themselves between yours to separate them.

14:28 <HeatherGLong> totally caught off guard, you smaller figure thrust up in me as i was grinding to grind my breast down and crush your perky orbs, now on my back and you deftly naviagte through my bush and find my labia ,your taking control quicklly the smirk leaves my face and I grit my tetth.... wrapping my arms aroun dyour body, my thigh cmoes up between your legs, pressing on your pussy and trying to leverage and roll you off

14:32 <Jasmin_die_Tochter> I come on top of you and can ride you, but my luck doesn't last long, I lean on your shoulders to keep you down on the mat. But your legs slide between mine and push me away. You roll onto your side and I try to get on my knees and want to push my face between your legs to lick you and make you scream. With my fingers I try to pull your labia outwards to penetrate you deeply.

14:35 <HeatherGLong> I roll to face you amnd reach out between your legs, looking to porbe your pussy while pushing myself up to sit in front of you, but you grab my pussy as well, I grit my teeth and curse you, luckily slamming my legs shut to trap your invading hand before you get you face in my bush. I I then roll to my side and drag you with it back your arm, leaving you bent over my body perpendicularly, and I reach around behind your legs and between your thighs, finding your pussy and deftly slipping a pair of my fingers inside you

14:42 <Jasmin_die_Tochter> You are quick and suspect what I have in mind, so you clamp my hand between your thighs and turn away to pull me onto you, but my fingers between your thighs search for your entrance and dig in as you now dig your fingers into my pussy. I pull my knee up to straighten myself up. With my other, free hand, I reach around your hips and search for your ass to pleasure it with my fingers.

14:46 <HeatherGLong> Your fingers may find their way iside me but can never pump mypussy as fast or as hard and deep as I can yours. and I am relentless on your pussy, but you steady yourself and manage to use your free hand to do the sneakiest and worse thing I can imagine.... attacking my back door.

14:49 <HeatherGLong> my legs are crossed, lifting them enough for you to reach around nad under my ass cheek espeically with all the oil making us so slippery, Then I cry out as I realize your plan, my body bouncing and twisting side to side wildly, "NOoo NOoo Don't you dare, get away from there!!!" I demnad

14:55 <Jasmin_die_Tochter> When my fingers touch your ass, you twitch, squirm and moan that I should disappear. So I'm on the right track. My fingers can't do much damage to your pussy, much less than you can to me. But now that I know where you are sensitive, you neglect your fingers in my pussy. Your squirming doesn't make it any easier, but after a few attempts I can push my middle finger into your ass and conquer your back entrance.

14:59 <HeatherGLong> "aaahhhh, nooo Noo not thiat!!" I cry out loud as you push your oily finger into my butt..... I can't resist anymore, and I have to release your arm from my thighs and roll away from you, coming up and my hands and knees and spinning to face you. "You'll be sorry for that, little girl."

15:03 <Jasmin_die_Tochter> you roll away and we separate, the fingers slip out of pussy and ass, you roll back and come up, we glare at each other. 'Was it too hard for you, couldn't you stand it!?' I pounce on you and want to throw you on your back, I kiss you and a finger quickly makes its way into your pussy to finger you hard and fast

15:05 <HeatherGLong> you throw yourself at me and taunting me, and I grab youe ough to spin us around and we land on our sides I have the same idea, my fingers going for you pussy as well, hooking inside and pumping as my palm smack and grind on your clit.... so tight and young, so hot... you'll be screaming my name soon enough! With you already inside me, I try to pull your hand out put also throw my top legs ove ryour hips and puush into you hoping to roll you to you rback and take the top spot

15:12 <Jasmin_die_Tochter> You also start to finger me again quite quickly, but then you wrap your legs around me and roll me onto my back. I grab your ass and pull you onto my face to push my tongue deep into your cave and suck you dry, my finger again finds its way into your ass, I know now how sensitive you are to it, but I still try to push a leg under your head and press your face into my crotch until your nose burrows into my cunt

17:32 <HeatherGLong> You littel young arms just woman handle me and pull me up and overyour face. Normally a fgood thing but in this intense sexfight its a serious liability. i moan as your rongue plays inside my pussy, and thrust tmy bush to your face, trying to rub your hceeks red with the corase fur. Again, shrieking as as my body seizes when you tease my back side, and your leg wrapping aroun dmy head... i fall back and quickly try to kick out, rollin gmy lower body away from your face

17:38 <Jasmin_die_Tochter> I lick you and push my tongue deep into your cave, you taste wonderful and then my fingers find your ass to conquer it. You immediately squirm away and unfortunately my leg wasn't wrapped tightly enough around your neck to keep you in place. My face is smeared with your juice, you are already extremely horny and hopefully don't need much more. When you roll away, I get up too, stay on my knees and look for a good spot to throw myself on you and bury you under me.

17:42 <HeatherGLong> as i roll away I tyr to keep ahol dof your offending leg and when you sit up on your knees I pull it out from under you, send you to your side and use the leverage to roll you to your chest and belly. Quickly, I throw myself over your back, one hand who's fingers find their way into you rpussy from behind as well, my stiff nipple stabbbing into your solider blades

17:46 <Jasmin_die_Tochter> you pull my legs out from under my stomach and turn me onto my stomach so you can throw yourself on top of me and finger me. but i push my upper body up and look back at you. i clamp my legs together and cross them, then grab your hair and pull you forwards towards me 'did you think i was so easy to impress, you slut!' i pull you next to me and put my upper body on your face and try to smother you with my tits while fingering you with one hand

17:50 <HeatherGLong> omg.... my hand gets trapped between y our legs as your return to favor on me .. i fall over to the side, shouting as my scalp burn when you yank my hair. i can't believe this 18 year is talking trash to me, but aslo consistently giving me a lot fo trouble with her little young body. my face smosshed I try to push you up and off with one free arm, plantni gmy feet and briding, tyring to buck you up and off my over my shoulder

17:55 <Jasmin_die_Tochter> You lift your pelvis up as I lie on your face, as my tits frame your face. Your legs are slightly spread so that I can finger you well and work on your clitoris, which is getting bigger and bigger. But when I notice that I can hardly stay on top of you any longer, I push myself onto my knees and try to get into the 69 position on top of you and lick you again and lick out your wet pussy.

17:59 <HeatherGLong> "aahhgg.. fuck, get out of me! get off me!!! I scsream into your cleavage.... adn it seems to work.... but you spin around to 69 me on top, and I grab your thighs, spreading your legs, pressing my fingers into your pussy and daring to tease your back door with my tongue, knowing I need something to shock you to return me the advantage

18:06 <Jasmin_die_Tochter> we are lying on top of each other in the 69 position and you are already damn irritated and desperate, you push your head up high to lick my ass, which makes me twitch briefly, I let go of you for a moment and watch what you are doing. I grin inwardly and devote myself to your pussy again, pull your thighs wide apart, dig my nails into your thighs and my tongue drills deep into your pussy, finds your g-spot and works on it, letting it fly to the right and left, my fingers stroke your back entrance again

18:14 <HeatherGLong> omg, th epain fo your nails turning me on as you skillfully tongue my clit aroudn and I moan and pant into betwene your ass cheeks. "gawd, stop tht, NOo!!" I plant my feet again, bridging up.... "How are you so good?" I whine as I sove my fingers into your pussy and ass now, pumping the back and forth in alternate times like a car engine pistons

18:18 <Jasmin_die_Tochter> your tongue is replaced by your fingers and you start to fuck me anally and in the pussy. I pant between your thighs but it rather makes me lick you even harder, hit your g-spot even harder and this time there is no turning back for you as I push a finger into your ass and conquer you anally, I let it circle in your dark canal and search for my tongue in your cunt

18:24 <HeatherGLong> i can feel you skillfully turning me on even more and more, and I have to make a move ready to pull you off me by your pussy and anal penetrations like rolling a bowling ball but moment before you return to sexual molestin gmy asss.. your oily finger slides into the tight hole so easily for you, but i the embarassmen tfoand sensitve natural of the arousal I experience is overwhwelming. Body buck up, and shriek and cry out, "Ahhh oooo Nooo not again, don't do it that please stop it!!"! My cries revealin gmy clear distress

18:29 <Jasmin_die_Tochter> you try to shake me off. But I'm in a pretty safe position on top of you, especially since you have to release me too, but when my fingers penetrate your dark canal you twitch violently, scream for me to stop and am happy to have a firm grip on you this time, I don't let go of you, try to stretch your ass, try to push my middle finger into your hot ass, at the same time my tongue rotates in your cave, leaving you no chance to get up or calm down, I stimulate you, I know that I'll soon have you where I want you.

18:34 <HeatherGLong> my body buckks up and down. I slam my thighs into either side of your head, flipping over and back and forth trying to roll over but I can't I begin to trear up in worry and my mind working ito a panic as you work my pussy and ass into a steamy sex pool.... my thoughts racing and in disbelief that this is happening to me

19:34 <Jasmin_die_Tochter> you are where I want you to be, you are about to cum for me, to let a little slut fuck you, to let a young thing dominate you. Fingers and tongue work on you relentlessly and even if you try to get away, I let you continue to suffer, let your level of pleasure continue to rise. Meanwhile, two fingers are on your barked ass and are massaging the thin wall of your pussy, while I keep brushing my tongue against you as I lick you out.

19:39 <HeatherGLong> this little girl,, barely a woman in age or size... now in total control, I opening sob now in shame as I am desperate to hold onto my self control, but the fact I am at your mercy or alck there of send me into an emotionally weak state, my pride and confidence are failin gme, you stretch my asss more an dmore. playing arond inside there and i'm so sensitive my arousal rockets out of contorl and soon i scream out, "Nooo NOo OT THIS Not like STHIS OHHH GAWWDD JASMIN NOOOOOOYOU ARE MAKING ME CUMMMMING OHH GAWD NOOOO!!!" I OPENINGLY CRY UP INYOUR ASSS, SLAPPping the mats and wrihthing in defeat and humiliation

19:43 <Jasmin_die_Tochter> you can't turn it away anymore, your tongues betray you and you twitch so violently that your juices start to flow, your clitoris swells and I bite into juice, suck out of you what I can swallow, but my fingers stay in your ass until you stop twitching, until you are completely finished

19:45 <HeatherGLong> my body spasms an i creat a weak puddle under my ass cheeks, tears followin glike my honey... you still dominate mya ss... suing it to have toally huilated me... i've been fighting longer than you have been alove and here I lie more than humble... broken ssexually aginst my will

19:48 <Jasmin_die_Tochter> your orgasm subsides and I let go of you and roll down to your side. I need a short break before I can use you. but then I go down on my knees and into my corner, where there is already a cushion with some toys, I put the strap on and grab the handcuffs as I come back to you

19:48 <Jasmin_die_Tochter>

19:55 <HeatherGLong> ilay thre on my back just wollying in defeat and shame, you leave me alone and I roll over into a fetal positon, hiding my face, my naked body..... I whimper softly

19:59 <Jasmin_die_Tochter> I come to you with an artificial cock and smile at you 'you know what it means!'. I press you onto your stomach with my foot to put the handcuffs on your wrists and ankles. When I've done that, I grab your hair and pull you onto your knees to press the cock into your face.

20:01 <HeatherGLong> i roll oover to my front mside, my D cup brast mushrooming out from the sides of my body. My arms and ankles quickly bound... you've done this before... i can't believe how, at your age..... your size... what just happened>? making this all the more humiliating!!!then crying out as you grab my hair and pull me o my hands and knees, my scalp burn ni pain as you assret your dominance

20:15 <Jasmin_die_Tochter> it's paying off that my mom prepared me well, we even played around with the prize round often enough and in the end I was able to win that more and more often. I've got you on your knees now and I'm pushing my dildo into your mouth 'come on, you slut, you know how it works, you do it often enough with real cocks!' hold on to the back of your head so I can ram it deep into your fuck-mouth

20:18 <HeatherGLong> "What?! What yor mtoher Nooo Nooo omg!!" I reactin shock and disgust... but then the fact sinks in ad I undertand the arousal and need to train her daughter in the sways of female sexfighting. then my mouth fgorced open as yo shove the strapon inside it... I choke then gag.. you fuck my mouth with the plastic shaft and i feel so ashamed of my self and my skills... am I just getting too ld I ownder...

20:22 <Jasmin_die_Tochter> I can see that it disgusts you, which makes me even happier to have won and to now dominate you. I can hardly imagine that this is your first blowjob, perhaps with an artificial cock. 'Don't be so shy, you can do better than that!' I hiss at you and slap you. 'Swallow nicely!'

20:24 <HeatherGLong> i gag nore, licking the shaft and drooling oall over it... the is so mch seat tears and sweet... i xan smell your young pussy through the harnesss, and realizing your mother must have ataught you very wel.... and that I am at the mercy, or lack there of a true nature predator on the mats of other sexually dominate women

20:31 <Jasmin_die_Tochter> the drool is running out of the corner of your mouth, the dildo seems to be pushing deep into your throat. I see the tears in your face, then I pull you back by your hair and push you backwards, since you are tied up, you can't catch yourself. I kneel behind you and grab your pelvis and start to fuck you in your pussy first to coat the dildo nicely with slime

20:37 <HeatherGLong> the pull me around by the hiar I struggle with th epain in my scalp and my emotional pain.. kowing you are getting behind me to begin this punishment and lesson of losing..... i feel that black veiny shaft slip easily inside my pussy from your persepctive, but I am not used to losing and thus not used to getting fucked... feelin gmy vaginalwallss stretching painfully as you enter me I cry out in a deep tone of sorrow and woe

20:42 <Jasmin_die_Tochter> I start to fuck you and hear you moaning 'don't be such a slut!' I give you a few slaps on the ass, not so hard but over time it will turn red and your ass should loosen up, your pussy also shows how she likes it and how she produces sperm that slowly runs out of her pussy and runs down your thigh

20:46 <HeatherGLong> you take m ypussy with the strapon and I moan and gasp, gritting my teeth.... i can't remember the ast time I fought someone your age let alone lsot to one... ,y early 20s maybe 20 yearas ago, the pleasure is humilating thelose is uhumiliating, you total strt to dominate me head and body.... i reacch back to grab you rthighs and hips, needing something to hold onto it seems

20:51 <Jasmin_die_Tochter> You tug at your bonds, trying to hold on, but apart from my firm grip on your hips, you have nothing to hold you back. I push the dildo deep into your pussy, see how it gets smeared with your juice and I pull it out to rub it over your ass.

20:54 <HeatherGLong> each thrust inisde me send energy rippling through me.. my body bounces on the strapon and my ttis flop around in the air below. I moan, I cry, I tense up and then explode only to be filled back up with forced pleasure and what little pride I have left refusing ot let me break to your punishment....

20:55 <HeatherGLong> but this can't forever and my pussy oozes mhoney out from between my labia and your strpaon. I look down watching it drip... knoiwng it is helpless to resist

20:57 <HeatherGLong> "ooohhh gawwddd.. omg ooohhh gawd noooo Jasmin!!!! You are doing it again!!!! Your fucking me so good I can't hold back.... I want it!! I need it!!! I''MMMMMM CUUUMMMMMING!!!!"

20:59 <Jasmin_die_Tochter> you leak and twitch again and again, you probably have a few orgasms, not as intense as if I were licking you. But the juice you produce is enough for me to conquer you anally and show you who the mistress in the ring is, I slowly start to push the dildo into your ass

21:03 <HeatherGLong> my pussy is leaking like a seive, and i lok back, bound and held... at your mercy or lack there of, and i watch you pull out from me and reposition it, targetting my ass now, my reach is completely different....i look at you now,longingly and nodding.. "PLease... please fuck my ass... I deserve to have you fuck my ass." single my complete submission anad surrender to a woman much less than half my age

21:06 <Jasmin_die_Tochter> completely different to the fight, you are now begging to be fucked in the ass. So I hold you really tightly by the hips and thrust hard, ram the dildo into your ass in one go, wait a few seconds and slowly pull it back to thrust hard again
21:09 <HeatherGLong> "AHHHHH!!!!" i scream in pain as you ravish my asss..... i knew it was cumming though and feeling the emotional pain and physical pain is noly adding to my opysical sensiiveity and arousal. "Harder, Please harder.... i beg you fuck my ass hard!!"

21:13 <Jasmin_die_Tochter> you scream and yet you bravely stay on your knees, don't collapse, I like it and so I continue to fuck you hard, getting faster and faster with the dildo when I ram it all the way into your ass, my pelvis hits your ass, I fuck you so hard with the dildo, your knees slide across the mat

21:17 <HeatherGLong> my arms trapped my body being bounced and slsmmed around by such a smaller woman... feeling you tiny hands hold me tight, contorlling me and I want it, ii want it more.... my mouth fallin gopen now, and i begin to transcend in a way, my eyes clsoely, taking the humiliingting and sexually overloading ass fucking you are giivng me and it is like I flying, seeing colors... arching my back and screamin gup into the air at the ceiling as gettin gmy ass fucked makes my pussy and vistually entire body orgasm .... a climax that may nevr cum again and I fall back into your body , slumpping limp and totally spent... my body and mind finalll call it quits and mutually pas out in your care

21:18 <HeatherGLong> -END-

<Published> 2025-02-21, viewed 80 times.



Zack Davis

2025-02-21 20:01

Goddamn 🥵!