Erotic Professional Intergender Club

Public Restricted

Established: 2022-11-18
Chat room: #EPIC

  • Pro wrestling
  • Male / Male
  • Male / Female
  • Female / Female
  • Sex
Currently not accepting male or F/F only females.
157 members
178 stories
244 photos
0 files
Information for non-members


ALL Applicant requirements:

- Recommended / referred by a mod or one of the other roster members (you must say who in the application)


- Descriptive writing tag or published stories with detailed writing.

- Completed profile.

- You MUST state, in your application, that you agree to be active and participate.

- Other factors like size/look, command of English, and general vibe / attitude could be taken into consideration but not reasons for exclusion themselves.

Currently not accepting males or F/F only females. We're saturated. Blank applications will be deleted.

Intergender encouraged but not required.



- Open to all EPIC members!




EPICally Overwhelming!







About Erotic Professional Intergender Club

EPIC 2.0 !!!

If you like professional style wrestling or simply getting hot and naughty, this is the club for you!

Intergender is encouraged but not required. Female and Mixed Divisions are offered. Room tags are assigned as a quick reference guide of a members preference:

💖 = Prefers Female opponents.
💙 = Prefers Male opponents.
💖/💙 = No preference.

Status is determined by the number of stories a member has published, based on the following criteria:

Trainee = 0.
Amateur = 1.
Rookie = 3, Title Eligible, (any).
Pro = 4.
Veteran = 6, VIP Status.

All styles count towards overall standings!

Our Staff

Board of Directors:


Zack Davis

Spanked Angie

Queen Lola

Kiara Wrestler

Administrative Staff:




"EPIC" is a proud member of Royalty Commons

Latest Stories
Sex in the City
Author: Zack Davis
11 Replies
11 Replies
26 wk
Zack Davis
2024-09-27 16:47
New Members
Online in chat

15:21 <Mxdmlwrstler> Hey!
22:15 <Annalisa_Tua>
22:16 <Annalisa_Tua> My opponent didnt reply to my message and She doesnt look present in room neither. So I Guess no match for this event.
22:17 <Annalisa_Tua> @Zack Davis
03:51 <Sarmistha-wrestler> Hii
05:59 <Sarmistha-wrestler> Hii
13:26 <Jasmin_die_Tochter> hi
13:27 <Nick_CKO> Heyo 👋
13:45 <Zack_Davis> ✌️
20:20 <Natalie_Grant> Thanks for accepting me into your Fed!
20:23 <Zack_Davis> No problem, welcome!
02:25 <TheBlackHulk> danmn computer
12:23 <Abby_Rose> *giggles*
12:25 <shadyfighter07> such beatiful view before lunch
12:29 <Abby_Rose> I like lunch 😁
12:32 <shadyfighter07> yeah me too but bums look better eheh
22:07 <Robert_Conway> How is everyone doing?
16:09 <Robert_Conway> How is everyone?
00:48 <Annalisa_Tua>
00:59 <Annalisa_Tua> You are not logged in.