Erotic Professional Intergender Club

Public Restricted

Established: 2022-11-18

  • Pro wrestling
  • Male / Male
  • Male / Female
  • Female / Female
  • Sex
Currently not accepting male or F/F only females.
142 members
169 stories
228 photos
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Nathan_gingerbread: "Nathanicus ! "The trainer shouts, "pay attention" clattering me around the side of my helmet with his stick ...I am tired...thirsty and finding it hard to focus ... It does not help that all the female gladiators are finished and stand by the wall watching.

Nathan_gingerbread: My attention is suddenly very focussed and i realise i have been playing the old goats game more.. pivoting on my front foot i go into a low crouching spin ... He takes a step back raising his shield...but this attack i he will not expect launching the shield at his knees and following in behind it my wooden gladius chopping at his sword arm... In panich he drops his guard deflecting my shield.. but its too late as i mark up his arm and the flag falls ....

Nathan_gingerbread: " better , hmmm better ! " High praise indeed from the crusty old trainer... " Your done for today ...go wash sweaty pup " .. i take off my helmet and give a smile knowing i suprised him.

Nathan_gingerbread: As i walk off i hear a female voice as they softly talk " Hic spectare cogito"

Kiara_Wrestler: I am sitting with other girls watching gladiators train into the Arena, I am a barbarian recenly captured by Romans legions. Due my physique I've been used and abused by men but as they realized I migth be an attraction for people, they moved me to the Colosseum. I have my own room and I live with gals but sometimes commanders let us watch guys fight too. Usually girls fight into the Arena with other gals but I wanna prove myself I might be stronger than some men. So as the guy called Nathanicus finishes his training I move over, guards are ready to interfere but I raise my arms like to say I won't do something of dangerous. "Ave! I am Kiaraus. Have you ever trained against a woman?" I ask, I am wearing almost nothig, just 2 red stripes covering my intimate bodyparts, barefoot. I look around before stare to you to check reactions


Nathan_gingerbread: "ave, kiaraus" this woman is big and broad but undeniably feminine . My eyes flick to the guards who love an excuse to beat down slaves .. " no ... We are not even able to see you train , they put os to the mill wheels in the afternoon. " I keep my voice low and fidget with my helmet trying not to attract attention. -

Nathan_gingerbread: " i do not think such a thing would be allowed . " I appreciate the risk she taking even speaking with me as i try and sort out my helmet hair . The other men have finished and file out ...i know i must go " i come here at night to practise ...when all are asleep " i dont know why i tell her its a stupid thing to do but somehow i know she wont report me.

Kiara_Wrestler: Stupid romans rules! everyone fight with everyone to my tribe so I wonder why don't do this now. But I am a kind of slave here so I just have to accept, I shrug but I see you are saying me something, your voice is low, your accent not very clear to me but I got the sense of what you are saying. I nod and as you are leaving I whisper "no weapons and wearing a waist band only". It's women turn now to practite so all men move away but I know real training will occurr tonight

Nathan_gingerbread: well past midnight and i have slipped away to practice, all is still and quiet .. .. it has been a hard day i would love to sleep but i dont intend to die in the arena. Wooden sword and shield flashing back and forth as i fight my imaginary foe... Timing, footwork and technic are the things that will keep me alive .

Nathan_gingerbread: I wonder if the barbarian woman will show , if she can even get away -- there are barbarians in the arena word has it there strong but that means less than you think .

Nathan_gingerbread: Yy

Kiara_Wrestler: as all girls are sleeping I sneak out from my couch, walking on tip toes I move outside, a band covering my crotch only. Night air is fresh, I whipe my hair back from my face, enjoying the cold temperature, I come from North, my body and my muscles are tempered by ice. Moon is full, so there is a good visibility. I reach the Arena, wondering if Nathaniulus is her, I smile as I see he keeps her promises, standing hands on hips "Ave!" I whisper

Nathan_gingerbread: Oh she is quiet on her feet getting quite close before i hear her. Setting aside my wooden sword and shield, I move nearer so we can talk quietly . " Ave, " bare chested and with only a loin cloth the chill night air i cant help but notice making her nipples pucker... I myself am warm from my exercise and take a drink from a flask of water which i stole which i offer then to her.

Kiara_Wrestler: I move toward you, our bodies close now, I can feel your warmness, admiting your muscles shining for the sweet covering your body "I hope you are not just tired for our training, I want you at best shape" I say caressing your arms, my pinched nippled pointing out

Nathan_gingerbread: Dark humour for us slaves, i smile and bow my head " i am fine " this girl seems very diffrent perhaps all barbarians are so ... " You too want to practise ?" I am curious the girls training must be diffrent but no doubt just as hard.

Kiara_Wrestler: I nod, I am glad you understand me dspite my language is rough, you don't know how much barbarians women are wild and strong "I want and I want also show women can be stronger than men"

Nathan_gingerbread: I didnt quite understand the last bit it sounded mumbled. But i am glad of a real foe to practice with. Offering by gesture the arena floor 🫴... I mentally calculate and realise i should be ready for what i might consider unconventional ... Well thats ok i am not so conventional myself .

Kiara_Wrestler: I can guess you feel a bit confused, maybe your culture see women like weak creastures but for mine women are as strong as men, maybe even stronger. We grew fighting and scrathing, or doing heavy jobs so it's no so unusual for a women fight. I move to the center of the arena "well, let me see what a gladiator can do" I say taking a fight stance, shaking my quads to let my muscles warm up

Nathan_gingerbread: I note the unusual amount of muscle on her thighs iht looks good on her and i would bet its the strongest part of her .. taking my time to get with rang .. moving with languid grace as i try and stay relaxed and balanced... But soon as i am closer i make a dive for her lead leg trying to keep pushing forward as i want to wrap my arms around and lift...

Kiara_Wrestler: I keep my stance, my feet planted on ground, my thighs flexed but looking to you, following your movement with my eyes, I see you look down to my standing leg, I guess you'll do first attack on there so I slide back my foot to make you miss the hold, I guess you are bent to try this move so I join my hands, lifting my arms I throw them down trying to hit your back with a double axe

Nathan_gingerbread: I totally fail to get a hold as she shifts back and having committed myself forward and pushed my shoulder to her hip. I get driven into the floor with a huge blow to my back .. as my face plants into the dusty floor and i gasp in pain unable to do anything but eat floor . I realise were not having a training session .

Kiara_Wrestler: my double fists from the top lands on your back while yout shoulder hit my hip, I grunt as I am forced to stagger back a couple of steps. Smirking "don't think to fight light because I am a woman, I can bear hard hits" I say flexing all my muscles to show off I am a tough opponent

Nathan_gingerbread: Spitting out dust i put my knuckles to the floor and push up bringing my feet under me ... Standing straight i crack my neck..." Apologies i thought this just practise, but now i understand " wiping my face with the back of my hand ... Eyes narrow as i realise i let myself be enamored.

Kiara_Wrestler: raising one eyebrow "yes it's a practite this mean we won't try to kill each other but don't go light" I rush toward you, as I close enough I leap on my forward foot to jump up as I fire my back leg trying to hit you with a fly knee strike to your sternum

Nathan_gingerbread: Stupid boy ... A big breasted barbarian , wants to meet you at night in secret and you just assume she likes you.. she wants to beat my ass . All this flies through my head as i ready myself . She is not using half measures as i see the leaping knee coming in . Quickly crossing my arms to prevent more than bodily blow but i have not been asleep in my classes and stick forth my leg taking up the space where she would land looking to help her onto her ass.

Kiara_Wrestler: Maybe you don't know barbarian women turns on during fights, not matter who wins or lose, not matter who dom or sub, they just like physical struggling but you'll realize this after. My knee hit your crossed arms with not effect and when I land you are into my space forcing me to go on my ass

Nathan_gingerbread: I smile as she stumbles landing, her foot slides down my shin and it is turned as it comes to my foot ...its no joy to my foot but worth it as i push forward and she topples to her ass.. i know should be on her quickly and follow up jumping on her trying to force her back and down as i clench my fist to punch her face but somthing stops me . I cant mark her up when the owners will see .. such a thing would be noticed .. so i flatten my hand and put it to her chest pushing and starting to slide up to her throat .

Kiara_Wrestler: I land on my ass, I've been too much confident my knee would has hit you but you've been smarto to block it and cover space between us so I stumbled oin your foot, I see your arm coming closer so I cross my arms on my face fearing fist there but at last moment you push my breast, I let go an uncotrolled moan but keeping my focus I don't want let you get the head as you hand slide up I lean on my back, placing my elbows on ground I buck my hips up kicking out my legs I try to deliver a double kick from ground to push you away

Nathan_gingerbread: Trying to get into a mount position i rise up but a little to much too high and those Powerful legs get purchase on me thrusting hard and propelling me backwards ...caught by suprise by the force i fly back now it is my turn to be on my ass as i skid to a stop spreading my hands on the ground digging my fingers in .

Kiara_Wrestler: I am so glad my cute feet managed to send you sitting on your ass, using kicking momentum I stand up with a quick jump, looking to you, hands on hips I flex my pecs causing my breast bounce up, waiting you stand up to let training session continue

Nathan_gingerbread: I am slow to my feet but that is becouse i keep both hands on the floor until i have my feet under me .. then i use i trick i saw and grab the dusty dirt casting it at your face with both hands as i rise and charge hoping to obscure your vision before i leap but not high ...rather a low drop kick striking at one of those big thighs hoping to rob you of your best weapon

Kiara_Wrestler: I am not fighting for life, I consider this like a train to show off women are superior to men so I am waiting sportish you stand up to resume our training but you play nasty binding my view as you throw sand on my eyes.."argggg that's nasty" I hiss as I rub my eyes to recover my view but before I could you do your foot hit my thick thigh, I don't fall but I am forced to stagger back, swingin my arms I try to recover my balance

Nathan_gingerbread: I dont follow up ..rather just get fast to my feet .. i can see the look on your face the anger..." We can practice or we can fight .. you went all in now i show you a trick , be grateful. " Standing back i give you a moment to recover . Then i move forward again throwing short jabs deliberately trying to deceive you of my reach .

Kiara_Wrestler: I am glad this time you give me some time to recover, I clean last sand from my eyes then I take a fight stance, arms up with hands open close to my face, I see your jab take off I might duck but I swing my arm out to deflate your shoot as I try to fire a straight jab on your pecs

Nathan_gingerbread: I keep up the pretence letting you out range me and take a surprisingly stiff jab to the chest but i suck it up waiting for my chance throwing again seemingly weaker jabs toward your head but letting them fall short .

Nathan_gingerbread: All the time i watch seeing how you commit your wait , how you move your feet hoping to see some weakness

Kiara_Wrestler: my jab hit the target but it doesn't worry yoy too much, I move back my arm to recover an half guard but as I see you are gonna fire punches to my face I bend my head back but you don't hit me so I let follow all my body backward with a little jump

Nathan_gingerbread: Moving in again i try and develop my little strategy throwing another short jab trying to let her think she is safe ... But then i lean in that inch or two more and open up my shoulder letting fly lower at that belly hoping she has grown used to defending her head.

Kiara_Wrestler: I land not much far but I hope out the range of your fists but you shorten quickly, I raise my arm to defend mysefl by your jab but it's a fake only, my belly is uncovered so you spear my abdomen oufff I double over falling again on my ass but I try to hook your hair tying to bring you down with me

Nathan_gingerbread: Pulling hair is not somthing they teach and totally unexpected the sharp pain makes me move forward off balance and i stumble forward both hands going to my head i barely keep my balance bending at the hips and stopping low. " Ohh now who is nasty "

Kiara_Wrestler: I've learnt to fight into battles, everything allowed, even bites. But my pulling doesn't work like I hoped you stumble forward but you don't fall so my plan to use my strong legs around your body fails but I fold them to charge a double kick aiming to your knees

Nathan_gingerbread: Busy trying to get your fingers out of my hair and off balance i dont see it coming as you kick at my knees and pull tipping me forward and i fall forward hitting the ground with my belly as i do manage to grasp a finger bending it back . Grabbing your wrist with the other hand .

Kiara_Wrestler: you fall on your belly, I didn't hope to get so much I am still holding your hair I let it go but you grab my writs, I fold my legs to move into a kneeling position, using my free hand to push your face on sand by pushing the bakc of your head as I try to pull my arm free

Nathan_gingerbread: I keep bending your finger back loosening your hold but am again eating dirt as you push my face down .. growling to myself as i get my legs under me i roll to the side it hurts but i know it will either twist your arm of force my release.

Kiara_Wrestler: arrgggg screaming as you twist my finger "grrr let it go, fight like a real man" I hiss trying to use all my weight to push your face on sand but asyou roll on side I am unbalanced forward, forced to place one hand on sand to don't fall

Nathan_gingerbread: You dont let go and your arm twists and i wrench back your finger .. hearing your words i reply though muffled as i struggle to keep my mouth clear of the dirt .. " like a real man .. " letting go of your wrist to throw a punch blindly at where i hear you as finally i pull my hair free of your grip.

Kiara_Wrestler: argg my arm hurts as you twist, I try to pull it free, giggling as you muffle for sand on your mouth "did it have a good taste?" I ask, you finally let go my arm I pull it toward me but as my arm is coming to right position yours follow oufff your punch hit the side of my breast, I scream for paing rolling sideway to get some distance

Nathan_gingerbread: I am embarrassed twice now face in the dirt and without really thinking i follow on all fours trying to get to you before you can get up wanting to grab an ankle or foot and keep you down.

Kiara_Wrestler: as I am on my belly you grab my ankle blocking my movement, I don't try to pull it free, maybe you've done a mistake to don't let me go, I use support of my hands on ground to stand into a kind of all fours position, kicking back my free leg trying to hit you on face/shoulder to push you away

Nathan_gingerbread: Reaching for you i manage to grab an ankle and start to pull my body up ready to move further but i see you getting to all fours and realise you will try and donkey kick me .. but i wait till you chamber the kick then pull hard on your ankle hoping to collapse your support as i tuck my head in and get ready to take the consequences if i fail . .

Kiara_Wrestler: I am ready to donkey kick but as I am shooting you pull my trapped leg...ouff I fall flat on my chest, my turn to eat sand but I can't stop my kick to I hope to catch you with my foot

Nathan_gingerbread: pulling the rug from under her doesnt stop her dirty bare foot stomping my face and i have to stiffel a cry as her heel smashes my cheek .. i think i bite my tongue but it does let me grab that ankle too and try to get my weight the back of your legs .. i can see i have a chance to get a great position .

Kiara_Wrestler: my dirty sole smashes on your face but you manage to get my other ankles, blocking my legs on ground, damn! this is a bad position, I plant my elbow on sand, crawling forward I try to move out maybe unbalancing you

Nathan_gingerbread: " ohhh where do you think your going " pulling myself closer and starting to wriggle up your legs using my weight to try and keep you pinned . You drag yourself forward but thats fine there is a whole arena to crawl across. " Just come here barbarian i will show you some dirty fighting"

Kiara_Wrestler: I roar I can't move my legs since you are pinning them down with your body elbows are digging into the sand, I can't move forward but maybe I can do on side I suddenly switch all weight on one elbow trying to roll on side hoping this quick change of direction unbalance you

Nathan_gingerbread: Just as i lift my body ready to move a bit futher you twist and get on you side as i press my face to your sandy thigh trying to wrestle you back to your belly its not enough i know and fast as i can i move my palm to your buttock causing a loud slap as i then push with my hand.

Kiara_Wrestler: I feel your lips onmy thigh "what the hell are you doing there?" I ask trying to shake my legs, you keep me down flat on my belly, my glutes flex so they don't giggle as you spank my buttock..."do you like my ass? kiss it" I move one hand back trying to reach for your hair

Nathan_gingerbread: " ohhh you think ... " Not seeing your hand my face to close to you. but sliding up straddling your legs my face in the right place to bestow a gentle kiss or a hard bite and i choose the latter reaching my own hands now one to try and slide under your chest while the other follows the curve of your spine looking to return your hair pulling antics.

Kiara_Wrestler: arrrrg I scream as you bite my ass "what the hell? are you a cannibal?" I growl but you do more, lifting my head and my upperbody with hair to get my soft breast , I can't allow you to touch my female parts, I don't hide I like it but you can't without my permission, placing one hand on ground to have a support I fire a backw elbow shoot to your chest with my other arm

Kiara_Wrestler: (I thought I've replied to this)

Nathan_gingerbread: Offff ... Its a good shot under my ribs letting go of her hair as I roll to the side holding my belly not sure it was worth it but feeling better to have done it ...

Kiara_Wrestler: my strike got more than I hoped, you move off me so I can roll to the opposite side, standing up, rubbing my ass where you bite, I wonder if I have a red mark there..shaking my other fist "do I have to bite you where the sun doesn't beat?" I ask peeking to your crotch

Nathan_gingerbread: I smile getting to my feet , i think about gathering more dirt to throw but your wise to that now i dust off my hands ...settling into a proper stance ,flashing you a quick grin " bite me . "

Kiara_Wrestler: I clench my teeth "oh yeah let me how a gladiator flesh taste" I say as I get my fight stance too, arms up and legs open, my muscles rippling as I move closer..

Nathan_gingerbread: I feel a surge of unexpected excitement , she is so wild and aggressive unlike the women i have met. Truly these barbarians are diffrent. The pain in my side fades and i close raising my hands reaching as if to collar her neck but i hope only this distracts her from my true intent as i kick out my foot straight up wanting to bury the ball of my foot in her belly as i think about how i might subdue her.

Kiara_Wrestler: I look into your eyes, trying to catch where you are gonna hit, you move arms but you are not looking there but rather to my flat stomach, I blow off air, tensing my abs, I grunt as your foot lands on my abdomen but I can bear, I try to catch your foot using both hands as I fire in my leg trying to hit the back of your standing leg's knee hoping to put you down on your knees

Nathan_gingerbread: Not just fierce but smart too as she sees my intent and catches my foot i hop once trying to get my balance thinking i can throw everything into a kick with my other foot but before i can she kicks the back of my knee and my leg folds under me ... Putting me down while she still holds my leg in the air.

Kiara_Wrestler: an evil grin curls on my face "eyes tall alway the truth, learn gladiator" as you go down I pull up leg I am holding as high as I can stepping over I try to put my sweat foot with sand sticked trying to push you flat on ground and under my foot, my nipples clearly pinched out for this dominant position

Nathan_gingerbread: Levering my leg up high i am forced on my ass and then a foot presses to my chest pushing down and i try to resist but find myself planted to the ground firmly ...feeling the grit of the arena on her foot grinding into my chest as she applies weight ... I realise what a terrible position i am in and move my hands to grab at her foot and ankle as my mind whirls ... Looking up i can see her grinning and her thigh muscles flex shining with sweat .

Kiara_Wrestler: as I am trying to push you on ground with my foot I let go your other leg, folding my arms I show off my biceps to let you realize I am superior to you, struggling with my leg to push you totally down as you counter my pushing with your hands "admit your defeat and I'll show you like barbarian girls celebrate after matches"

Nathan_gingerbread: I feel vulnerable on the floor like this i put my hand on your calf feeling the thick muscle there but do not struggle .. no doubt if this were real i would be beaten or dead i let go holding up both my hands in ernest .. " you win..i admit " , i smile telling myself i was unlucky and that i should try be grateful as i said to her earlier..this is what sparring is ..

Kiara_Wrestler: My calf muscles bulge out as you put hands there, showing off some more power on you as you admit your defeet I nod, my look is glacial, like the place I come from but my body is burning for the excitement to have put a strong gladiator under my foot. I step back "now kneel at my feet and kiss winner's treasure as sign of submission" I order as I tear off the towel covering my crotch yt

Nathan_gingerbread: Both my eyebrows go up ... As things take an unexpected turn ... Pride flares inside me for a moment but then reason takes over. This is here way, the barbarian way .. as i get to my knees.. and her body is beautiful i will give her this in respect ..i had not respected her enough before thinking i would best her with ease . So i place my hands to her thighs feeling them tense and flex to my touch as i press my nose to her flower my lips pressing to hers parting them and kissing gently lingering as i do before i pull my head back and look up.

Kiara_Wrestler: My quads shake as you put hands over my thighs, any my action works to let you know my superiority but also your touch is strong, I like it and turn me on, I soffucate a moan as I feel your lips kissing my lips, I take it like a submission, this is the barbarian way as you lean back again I use my foot on your chest to make you lay on your back, I know I don't have to push with big strenght since you've just submitted kissing my treasure. I tear off your pants brutally to expose your sex, stroking it to let it grows and get hard "you have to please me now!" I order

Nathan_gingerbread: I realise as my back hits the dirt again that my mouth is wide open and shut it with a snap as you take charge of me. My eyes grow big and i struggle inside wanting to fight it. i feel your strong hand grasping my manhood and realise i am not fighting nor do i want to.. your order rather excites me and i nod as your other hand moves to my neck .

Kiara_Wrestler: my eyes are straight but shining as I feel your mantool growing and get harder, like an animal I straddle over your crotch holding your snake vertical as I slowly go down, I don't pull it inside yet but I rather stroke the tip on my labials to add some wetness

Nathan_gingerbread: To the conqueror ...the spoils ... Flits through my mind as i forget all about fighting ...

Nathan_gingerbread: Submitting to this barbarian in the most basic way , letting her use me and do as she pleases.. as she rubs herself on me i feel blood pressure rise and i get harder taking the chance to run my hands up those full thighs . Making clear she can have what she wants.

Kiara_Wrestler: So good a so soft wet warm rub cause your hardening increases, I move down even more, making your pole entering into my treasure, folding my legs I get into, my hands going on your chest as I lean over starting to ride you, throwing back my head as my moans echoeing like they were howls

Nathan_gingerbread: I am not sure what reaction i will get but i am only flesh and blood i put an arm around your waist testing.. unfamiliar with what will be allowed to me . But certainly never faint to try as my other hand goes to your hip . You put such energy into riding me , taking me in your custom like a wild animal . A need grows in me for more, more of this, this new wild thing .

Kiara_Wrestler: moaning and panting, I am surprises your hands go on my hips rather than my female parts, maybe you wanna drive movements but I don't let you do, I am the one heading now and tonight I grab your writs and pull your hands on my girls, making you explore soft parts of my body as I move my hips with a harmonic time like I was riding a wild horse, some sweat covering my body making it shines under fullmoon

Nathan_gingerbread: There then is my reply as my hands are filled with soft warm flesh the nipples puckered and steeped. As i gently pinch between my thumb and fingers. Its plain who is setting the rythem and i am simply ridden , used as her vanquished tool ... But i would lie to myself if i did not love it . Clamping down on my rising orgasm knowing by instinct i cannot cum until she says.

Kiara_Wrestler: I am so glad you know what I want, what I desire, cumming when I order to you only, my pleasure arises as I ride you, firm touch on my round breast let me feel heaven, so boring be jailed with women only, guys know how go deep and you are a good stallion to ride and to tame, I am still holding your wrists as I push your arms on ground just above your head to let my tits push on your muscular chest, rubbing all my body on yours, feeling your muscles tensing under me as mine are doing the same, my orgams is close to explode, I tense my vagina muscles to hold but releasing after a moment so you can fuck me in right way, biting your lobe I whisper into your ear "cum into me"

Nathan_gingerbread: I test how well you hold me down and find i can move my arms not an inch ... You rub up and down my body and i can feel your lust like an animal about to devour me . Then i hear your wisper in my ear and obey without question . Planting my feet and raising my hips to match that fast feral pace smacking my hips to you as i feel the ripe tide roll through my body . Burying my hardness deep as i feel the sudden surge of deep pleasure shudder through my body

Kiara_Wrestler: you go deep, exploring more secret and hidden parts of my wet dungeon but not cold like an underground place but hot, adding some more warmess as I cum, my juices mixing with your cum as both liquids flow outside and inside me, gasping as I wave my hips, shaking my booty to feel your hardness everywhere, my muscles tensing and losening, I would scream to the moon but I don't wanna catch attection by other barbarians and gladiators sleeping into their cells

Nathan_gingerbread: I can feel your fingers dig in my wrists as you quake and take everything i have. Pushing, pressing riding hard to the the very end .. i should be spent but i am not and feel every contraction and ripple as you enjoy your prize.

Kiara_Wrestler: my ride is slow now to enjoy any drops of my pleasure but you deserve some pleasure back, you've pleased me so much.As orgasm losen I lean on your chest, panting, my body is relaxed now, my moans dissolving but my body still pleasing the cum..

Nathan_gingerbread: My belly shakes as the after shocks run up inside me , breathless and sweaty searching your eyes meeting mine. How did this happen ? Am i so weak ? But no ...i know i am giving myself willingly and have found a new sparring partner who i hope will fight me every night

Kiara_Wrestler: I would sleep under the stars tonight,  on the muscular male I tamed, I know it has not been a real match but only a train but I feel stronger ready for next challenge to the real arena. But I know it's impossible stay here, guards would kill us so I roll off from you, resting a moment to watch the fullmoon "we should better to come back into our rooms" I say a bit sad

Nathan_gingerbread: I catch the look and give a small smile already planning how i might best this barbarian... " There is tomorrow night " As we creep back to our beds...

Published: 2024-07-11, viewed 73 times.
