Erotic Professional Intergender Club

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Established: 2022-11-18

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EPIC Ultimate Surrender: Number One Contender Match


QueenLola: I stepped onto the mat wearing my black bikini and looked around. My man and I have battled numerous times and now we battle to see who takes on the current Ultimate Surrender EPIC champion Pampinea. I kneel down on the spot and place my hands on my hips awaiting for him to arrive and join me.

Zack_Davis: Definitely got my hands full with trying to get my title back. To get to a title shot, first I have to get through Lola. Queen Lola. My queen! Business is business, however, and Queen or no Queen, I want my belt back! I kneel opposite of the sexy blonde ... my lover, my opponent ...


QueenLola: The ref signals for the bell and our fight is underway. We can’t go to our feet and he towers over me as I bite my lip and try to move towards him but slide below his waistline.

Zack_Davis: She's a petite little thing, but she's definitely athletic, in great shape and SNEAKY! I turn slightly with you as you come in low, leaning over your back ... grasping the waistband of your sexy black bikini bottoms, I give a pretty firm tug, hoping you miss my legs and fall past me 😈 ... at the very least, definitely a wedgie!

Zack_Davis: 2.

QueenLola: I gasp as he grabs my bottoms as I go forward causing me a wedgie but I wrap my arms around his leg and try to push forward hoping to draw him off balance.

Zack_Davis: I'm too slow .. or you're too bratty 👅! I score a super wedgie and OMG that ass wears it well, but you hook my leg as you get lunged forward, wrapping your arms tight. I'm quite familiar with the hugs those arms are capable of, and they're hugging my thigh tight! Twisting, tugging, lunging ... we fall to the mat onto my side, very ungracefully

Zack_Davis: 3.

QueenLola: We fall to the mat and you land on your side as I try to get you to roll over onto your back and use your wedgie tactic against you as my bikini was riding right up my asscheeks.

Zack_Davis: "damnit, ya brat!" I hiss when you use your control of my leg to roll me. You're so sexy when you're determined! Using the first trick I learned from YOU, I try to get my arm around your neck in a guillotine - type hold as we struggle .. "who's got who!"

Zack_Davis: 4.

QueenLola: You trap me in your guillotine hold which is my hold as I grin while I struggle and attempt to try and trap your legs open with mine.

Zack_Davis: You sneak in a grapevine with them legs, easily strong enough to lock it in pretty effectively .. I pull at the knot between your shoulder blades trying to untie your bikini top. No points, but if I can expose them 34c's I might be able to distract you ... My grip around your neck with my other arm starts to slip when you really get your hooks in on that grapevine 😳

Zack_Davis: 5.

QueenLola: I feel you untying my top and makes me bit my lip as I use the small height gap on the grapevine to try and slip my hand between and massage your balls through your shorts.

Zack_Davis: "Fukk, Lola!" I reach down to try to get a grasp of your wrist, my legs are spread wide open by your legs and I'm definitely vulnerable.. not that you would notice .. I abandon the guillotine so I can use my free hand to work at the knot behind your neck ... "This top is mine, sweetie", but as soon as I release your neck, the ref giggles "Control"! ... your hand continues to massage my balls, naturally the hard-on you create begins to overwhelm my Speedo. You think I'd know better by know, frankly!

Zack_Davis: (new scoring, control = 2 points but every turn you maintain control is another 2. 2-0, for the sexy blonde) 6.

QueenLola: “You can have my top love.” I say and knowing I have control as I try to slip my hand into your Speedo while attempting to use my other hand to tug at your speedo while you tried to stop me by grabbing my wrist.

Zack_Davis: Both of your hands are low, doing exceptional work as they always do. One of them hands tugs at my speedo. I inhale sharply as that other hand puts my bare cock in a chokehold ... I wrap my arms around you, squeezing you tight, hopefully pinning your hands between us as I struggle and buck .. I'm not sure I've ever been in a grapevine before, and I don't like it! "When the hell did you learn that trick?!"

Zack_Davis: (5-0) 7.

QueenLola: I move my hand back and forth on your shaft as I gasp as you squeeze my body and trap my arms but I still remain in control and look down at you.

Zack_Davis: I move my hands down to them bottoms again, tugging hard to slide you up my body, hopefully loosening them damn ... Ugh, them damn crazy sexy legs! I smirk up at you as that wedgie disappears into ass cheeks and labia (8-0)

Zack_Davis: 8.

QueenLola: As you pull me up your body I try to use that to my advantage and slide all the way to taking a seat on your face. I had the point lead and knew I could end this round on a high note even though my bottoms were riding up me.

Zack_Davis: My attempt at breaking your grapevine works well ... Too well! You gracefully use my efforts against me, slipping all the way up my body into a facesit! Your barely covered lady parts press against my face as the buzzer sounds to end round 1. Well played, Blondie. Well played.

Zack_Davis: 11-0 after round 1

QueenLola: I slide completely off of you after the buzzer and bite my lip as I move to my corner and get some water and rest awaiting the next round already in the lead and I know my man, he’s gonna come back stronger round two.

Zack_Davis: I get up off the mat, watching you dig that wedgie out of your cheeks 😈 .. a damn grapevine! Didn't see that before, need to pick up my game for round 2. I towel off in my corner of the mat, the scent of your perfume ALL over me ... geez, I love that perfume! The ref calls us back out to the center where I sag down to my knees with a smirk ..

QueenLola: I move back to the center of the ring and kneel before you on my spot as I grin “better step up your A game baby.” I give a slight wink and the ref checks to see if we are ready before signaling for the match to start round 2.

Zack_Davis: 1. "You are my A game, babe", giving you a playful wink. "Your shoe's untied" I giggle, pointing down, hoping to exploit your blondness 😁😘, but with my right arm I'm pointing down with, I plunge it between your legs, while I wrap my left around your right leg ... Grasping my wrist behind your thigh, basically putting your thigh / butt into a bearhug while I lean into you 😈.

QueenLola: He wraps around my leg but I don’t let him fool me easily as I’m leaning over his shoulder I try to lean a little more and reach his speedo to attempt to wedgie him.

Zack_Davis: 2.

Zack_Davis: With a good firm grip around your upper leg, I'm forced to endure your payback wedgie if I want to finish my move. "You're crushing my balls!" I protest, but drawing your leg to me as I drive into your body with my shoulder, hoping to force you into your back hard enough to dislodge your grip on my speedo!

QueenLola: I gave your speedo a really hard tug before being slammed into the mat as I groan out and grunt laying on my back on the mat hands up by my head.

Zack_Davis: 3. Sporting a pretty good scrotum-splitting wedgie of my own, thank you very little 🤢, I hook your left leg with my legs while I hug that left thigh tight .. "you like stretchy holds babe? how flexible are you?" I smirk as I try to lock in a banana split hold! ...


QueenLola: I gasp and groan as you finally get me into a hold and start to stretch me out as I groan a bit louder being split, I can take it I tell myself as you stretch me more.

Zack_Davis: 4. The ref raises an eyebrow and exclaims "CONTROL!" .. I think she's enjoying the view, and I'm more than happy to give her the best view I can, arching my back pulling your legs in opposite directions .. "you have a lead to play with, babe .. you can submit, we'll just re-set" I goad .. (11-2)

QueenLola: “Mmmm you know I can’t tap out to you love or anyone!” I shout and groan as you gain control but at the same time really stretch me out.

Zack_Davis: 5. "You're so stubborn! Alrighty then!" .. I try to make you groan louder 😈 spreading those sexy legs beyond their limits. Able now to maintain the hold with one arm wrapped around your thigh, I'm able to slip my free hand under the crotch fabric of your bottoms, easily slipping a finger into your wide open pussy .. (11-4)

QueenLola: I gasp “Mmmm babe, you’re gonna so regret this! I am gonna mmmm get you back for this!” I moan and groan feeling his fingers slip inside of me in my bottoms as I squirm and struggle in your tight stretching hold.

Zack_Davis: 6. "Probably true, babe, so I suppose I better make the most of my opportunity 😜" .. I thrust my finger in and out of your pussy while I massage your clit with my thumb, all the while still pulling your legs apart as hard as I can. Your moans of pleasure delightfully blend with your cries of anguish. "How's them groin muscles feeling babe?" .. 😈 (11-7)

QueenLola: “Mmmm fuck you baby, I can take it!” I moan out and groan out as you stretched my legs so far trying one attempt to stop your scoring reaching back and trying to play a little dirty with a thumb to the eye.

Zack_Davis: 7. "Owwwwchhhh!" I bellow when your thumb jams into my eye, snapping my head back to escape from that surprising attack! My eye won't stop tearing, even though I squeeze it shut tight. I reflexively SQUEEZE your cunt with my fingers inside of you while I release your leg from my other arm to tend to my eye ... "No Fair!!!" I protest, knowing full well that I'd do the same to you if given the opportunity. (11-7)

QueenLola: I gasp and groan as he squeezes my cunt but I’m somewhat free and try to pay him back by attempting to grab and squeeze his balls.

Zack_Davis: 8. I don't see your hand slipping between my legs, but as I tend to my wounded eye I suddenly feel my balls being squished in your wicked little grip! I grasp at your wrist suddenly in a lot of pain, while you grasp at mine .. the ref is not prepared for the level of violence we are both willing to use against each other, she protests without much effect. The clock runs out on round two as we both continue to maul each other's crotch .. neither of us willing to break their grip even after the buzzer sounds, primal screams of agony echo through the mat room as the ref frantically tries to break us apart!

QueenLola: I eventually let go after one hard squeeze and push back from your grasp on my cunt as I hold my cunt and move back to my corner for the end of the round both of us in pain now.

Zack_Davis: I lay on my back for a moment, grimacing as I clutch my boys with one hand, slapping the mat with the other. I watch you as you move back to your corner ... Ok, your butt .. I watch your butt as you move to your corner! With a groan I too crawl to my corner, but as soon as I pick up my water bottle the ref claps her hands ... "Let's go, to your spots!". I look at her, still nursing my balls.

QueenLola: Already took a few sips of water and adjusted my outfit as I moved back and kneeled on my spot, I had a lead over him but it was small since I broke the control at the end. I knew what I had to do to win here.

Zack_Davis: 1. I make my way gingerly to my spot facing you on my knees. "You're sooo fucked, babe" I say with a wink, as the ref barks out her command "Begin!" ... I grit my teeth and lunge, as I try to snake a hand to the back of your head, control the head and the body will follow I figure..

QueenLola: I let you get your hand to the back of my head and as you I try to slide under it and let your fingers kinda brush along my neck as I slither my way onto your back side attempting to wrap myself around you.

Zack_Davis: 2. You slip around under my arm trying to get to my back, I instinctively throw in a whizzer to try to block you from succeeding! I'm playing catch-up in round three, I can't afford to give up any more points!


Zack_Davis: (I would be the guy in red)

QueenLola: Doing such a counter preventing me from swinging my body over and getting onto your back as I groan and look to push off to try to form a break and separation between us to catch some air and breather.

Zack_Davis: 3. A close call but I stave off you gaining my back. I gladly allow you to seperate as we both regroup, both of us breathing heavily as we get deep into the match. Still down by 4 points, balls still bothering me and the clock ticking ... You're too far away to lunge at, so I take a swipe for your wrist ... Trying to get you close enough to work a control move of some sort!

QueenLola: I had the points and the advantage, all I needed to do was play the cat and mouse game to beat him. I was too far back for him to lunge as he makes a swipe grab for my wrist I let him do so as once her pulls me close, I try snake myself back onto his back once more.

Zack_Davis: 4. I manage to grab your wrist and pull you into range, but the little snot goes with the momentum right past me, seeking to gain my back again! I can't counter this time as I still have a grip on that wrist, but I use both hands to control that wrist ... keeping you from locking in a hold from behind me while I try to leverage you to your side with that wrist. It's risky and not pretty, but I'm starting to gamble as time is running out!

QueenLola: You grabbed one wrist with both hands and leave my other hand open as I try to wrap it around your neck to keep my balance and keep myself from falling towards your pull and grip on my other wrist.

Zack_Davis: 5. Leaning my body weight sideways against your arm that I have control of allows me to take you down to your side in your position behind me, but that arm around my neck is a problem! A half roll on my part would all but position me on top of you ... I keep my grip to hopefully keep control of one wrist while I try to peel your other arm from around my neck.

QueenLola: You’re ontop of me and I feel I have the control with my arm around your neck so as you’re trying to pry my arm off and I struggle with you on that as I try to peel your Speedo off with my feet.

Zack_Davis: 6. The ref barks out "CONTROL!" ...I look at her incredulously, "I have wrist control!" I protest. "She has back control" is her smug reply. Fuck!!! Meanwhile, while I'm arguing, them sexy feet are slipping my Speedo down to my knees. "Damnit Lola!!!" (14-7)

QueenLola: I laugh and keep the struggle to keep the lock on his neck while I use my feet to begin to work your now exposed shaft while still in full control.

Zack_Davis: 7. Those shapely legs wrap around my body, allowing your feet to .. to .. awww, damn! That's definitely worth the point it costs me! I relax somewhat and simply enjoy your skillful efforts, down 10 now as the timer nears 00:00. Your bare tits poke into my back as I settle back against them. (17-7)

QueenLola: Feeling your body’s tension simmer as I move my feet up and down along your shaft I grin and try to get in a few neck kisses or even cheek kisses at the same time as the match was nearly over.

Zack_Davis: 8. You push relentlessly until the final buzzer. "Oh, screw it" I chuckle, letting go of your wrist to free up your hand. My cock is hard and throbbing, rolling around with a basically naked Lola tends to have that effect on me, especially when you're applying your special "talents". I move your hand to where your feet are .. "might as well finish what you've started now". (21-7)

QueenLola: I had the match won and grin as I begin to rapidly stroke his cock now with my hand as I look up at him in his defeat.

Zack_Davis: With the final score taunting me from the small digital scoreboard, I sigh ... Round 4 is yours to do with me as you please with no pause between rounds 3 and 4. You stroke my cock even faster, a mischievous grin on those lips as almost on command I begin to shoot my load ... "No fair!" I exclaim in mock protest, "you know my body wayyy too well!"

QueenLola: After you shoot your load as I bite my lip and take off my bottoms and sit down on your face as I flex over you as not much was needed in the prize round.

Zack_Davis: My tongue reflexively probes at your crotch, your pussy on my face is not a bad consolation prize, even though you will be moving on to compete for the title. Seeking to salvage a small bit of my dignity, I begin to suck on your clit ... the moans of your orgasm echoing through the small room now my only opportunity to save face (pun partially intended 🤣)

QueenLola: {End?}

Zack_Davis: (End 😘 .. good match, babygirl!)

QueenLola: (Same to you baby)

Published: 2024-07-20, viewed 55 times.
