Erotic Professional Intergender Club

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Established: 2022-11-18

  • Pro wrestling
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"EPIC"ally Orgasmic Texas Tornado Triple Threat Tag Team


QueenLola: Loud Royal rock mix instrumental music blasts over the speakers around the arena as the king and queen of pain and pleasure make their way out onto the stage. The Queen wearing her traditional black bikini and sitting apon the strong shoulder of her king, as the two threw their fists into the air at the down beat of the song at the top of the ramp before marching their way down to the ring.

Zack_Davis: Lola's sexy ass sits on my shoulder as I carry her down the ramp to the beat of the music ..


Zack_Davis: She has opted to wear her tantalizing black bikini, while I've chosen my blue Speedo ... ... Black and Blue for the King of Pain and the Queen of Mean, together known as Corporate Corruption!


Zack_Davis: I gently stand Ms Lola on the apron from my shoulder before jumping up myself, sitting on the middle rope for the lady to enter ..

QueenLola: I step between the ropes slowly giving my handsome king a really good view of my ass before moving to the corner and placing my hands on my hips.

Mamajob: Hey do I get a special entrance like that?

Zack_Davis: You're already special ;-)

Mamajob: Awwww

shadyfighter07: Well, you all are opponents but I am agree, she looks special 😉

Mamajob: Flattery will get you..... ....boobies!

Zack_Davis: 🤣❤️‍🔥


Zack_Davis: Maybe booty too??

shadyfighter07: Not fair!!! Distracting opponents before match starts! 😅

Mamajob: Unfair fighting #101. Keep up!

Zack_Davis: Not looking ... Lalalalala 🥵!

shadyfighter07: Wrapping a black band around my eyes

Nathan_gingerbread: Shows my booty as you asked

Zack_Davis: Ewwww!

shadyfighter07: Glad I can't see 🤣

Nathan_gingerbread: Has pic but spared you


shadyfighter07: 🤦

Mamajob: Well step aside and let me get a good squeeze

Mamajob: Line up!

Nathan_gingerbread: Clenches

Mamajob: Wimps. Wimps!  💋


Nathan_gingerbread: The sound system rumbles with the sound of a fanfare as four large muscled bodybuilders slowly walk to the ring ...holding on there shoulders poles running down the sides of a large litter festooned with coloured feathers and silk pillows ... On top of the litter reclining on the pillows mamajob wearing a golden mask and little else her skin shimmering with glitter over her skin catching the lights and making her glimmer ..

Nathan_gingerbread: While all eyes are fixed on the spectacle ...glitter falls from the roof and fans swirl it around making a vortex of light and colour ..... i roll out from under the ring dressed in a black gi and slide over the apron quietly taking up a position .


Kiara_Wrestler: (hugssss :) )


Kiara_Wrestler: "Grazie Roma" plays into the Arena as me and Shady are gonna do our entering, we keep lifted a red and yellow flag over our heads, the color of our soccer team AC Roma, I sing over the music "GRAZIE ROMA you still make us cry and hug together". I am wearing only two black leather stripes barely covering my female parts as I walk side to side with my partner YT SHADY


shadyfighter07: I walk side to side with Kiara, my amazing partner, under the shadow of AC Roma's flag, we move toward the ring, I join my hands to let Kiara put foot over to climb into the ring, following her into, wearing a pair of black shorts only, my muscular chest expose. Speaker introduces us "Ladies and Gentlemen, from Rome Italy, Kiara standing at 5'9" 165 of pure female strength and Shady 5'9" 185 lbs THE GLADIATORSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!" I slap her fit glutes "are you ready to kick some asses tonight?" I ask waiting the signal to start



Nathan_gingerbread: Waits while all the attention is watching kiara climb through the ropes held by shady and launch myself across the ring to clatter into those ropes throwing my weight on the top rope as i reach over making a grab for the middle rope to yank it up hard. Hoping to foul kiara's transition into the ring .

Zack_Davis: Leaning against a corner turnbuckle, Lola leaning back against me doing subtle little twerks against my .. well, against me 🥵! With my arms draped over her shoulders, my hands 'accidently' brushing against her boobies .. we both seem to be admiring Kiara's attire as she makes her entry into the ring when Nathan bolts across the ring into the ropes! "Damn, game on!!!" I chuckle, freaking Nathan. Always predictably unpredictable! I give Lola's booty a good squeeze before stepping out of the corner, locking eyes with Janet, my mischievous grin and all 😈 ... ... approaching Janet cautiously ...

Mamajob: I clap and giggle as Nathan jerks the rope up hard. His timing is superb as he catches her exactly halfway in. My partner!

Kiara_Wrestler: I place my foot over Shady's hand to move into the ring but as I am entering into Nathan shakes the ropes just when I have an hold on there, my entering switches into a stumble forward! I drop on my knees, flames into my eyes "NATHAN!! do I have to send you out before match starts???" I ask in rage mode

Kiara_Wrestler: (just an explanation, how elimination works? we have to pin or make submit opponents or like in royal rumbles we have to send opponents out?)

Nathan_gingerbread: // wait ...there are rules ?

Kiara_Wrestler: ok lol

Nathan_gingerbread: // well will wait to hear from zack on that

shadyfighter07: I move toward Kiara, offering her my hand to help her standing up but turning my head side to side like I was looking at a tennis match but I peek both to Lola and Mama, I might be a target for both them

Nathan_gingerbread: With one eye on shady i was about to try and capitalize on my success but my chance goes and i withdraw to the last empty corner feeling safer with the pads at my back

Kiara_Wrestler: I grab Shady's hand to make me stand up, Nathan move away but it's too late for him "you!!" I hiss, charging toward the corner where he thinks to have a safe place but no one safe when Kiara is in rage mode, jumping and leaning back I try to shoot a drop kick on his chest

Nathan_gingerbread: I cant believe Kiara can be goaded so easily into doing something foolish as i watch her charge toward me putting my arms on the top ropes to help support my weight ...i am not exactly sure what she intends but i lean back and bring up both my knees intent on kicking out but it deflect her feet quiet handsomely taking some of the blow on my shins . I only hope it makes her land awkwardly .

Kiara_Wrestler: YAAAAAAAAAA battle crying as I kick out my legs like to give some more power to the shoot but grunting as my soles meet something hard, well also muscles are hard as well as cock when properly worked but I mean something as hard as bones. My body shakes for the impact and I drop on mat with a thud but I don't complain, I throw my legs up to roll on my back and stand up as quick as I can

Nathan_gingerbread: Uncurling myself I hope to pounce on kiara but like a cat she is quickly to her feet and it seems a hissing feral one ... I look beyond her ay the others thinking its unwise to be so focussed on me . But lets see just how mad i can make her as i take one short step forward and swing my arm across my body in a big slapping chop aimed across kiara's bountiful upper chest ...adding my own yell of " wooooo" as i do.

Kiara_Wrestler: my soles hurt a bit for the impact with her shinbones but I can bear, I'll ask to Nathan to please my feet with his mouth later but now I have to focus this match, as I stand up Nathan is just in front of me but he does something I really didn't expect (GRRRRRRRRR) his hand lands on my soft chest, only one soft spot on my body, my tits jiggle for the impact as I let go a loudly scream "how did you dareeeee????" I hiss with a tigress voice replying with a loudly slap on his cheek before step back, clutching my girls

Nathan_gingerbread: Her hand flashes out faster than i can follow and my head is snapped to the side it takes a moment to sink in and the burning across my cheek to register .. in that time kiara has back pedalled away clutching her chest and i work my jaw deciding tp stand my ground near the corner .

Kiara_Wrestler: SMACKKKKK my slap lands on your face, I stick out my tongue saying "TIE!!" an italian way to say you got what you deserve! I am so glad you move toward you corner I have a moment to recover, still massaging my tits, no realizing your chop peeled my top exposing my nipples


Mamajob: Watching Nathan's chop into Kiara's tits I can't help but wince a little. I love having a partner with some I initiative though. I rub his shoulders encouragingly as he leans back in the corner. "That's how to take it to her!"

Zack_Davis: I pause my stalking of Janet to also watch the exchange between Kiara and Nathan with amusement. Nathan retreats back to their corner, thwarting any clear shot at Janet. Kiara is bare-breasted already .. doesn't she realize why everyone is gazing at her?? 🤭 ... The bell sounds to officially start things off. I glance at our opponents .. decisions, decisions!!!

QueenLola: I move towards Kiara who’s already been stripped bare and trying to get behind her and attempt to grab her arms, so my man and my amazing tag partner can come over and work over those amazing breast.

Zack_Davis: Following closely behind Lola when she makes a move towards Kiara ... Booties and boobies, seems like a good idea. Watching to see if Lola can control Kiara's arms, prepared to launch the Zack Davis version of a backhand chop of my own ...

Mamajob: I see Zack and Lola are both concentrating on Kiara. Lovely! Being a patient opportunist, I wait until Zack's attention is on Kiara's tits as Lola holds her on display for him. I time my attack so he gets his chop to her boobs on first, a split second before I jump on his back and snake an arm around his neck.

Zack_Davis: My hand actually stings from the open handed SMACK! Boobies bounce, but I have no chance to enjoy the jiggle with sneaky Janet literally jumping into the fray .. onto my back! I grasp the arm around my neck with both hands, staving off a chokehold as best I can, my eyes bulging! I lean backwards slightly while I begin to backpedal, hopefully our momentum will carry us backwards. Trying to judge where the best corner is to drive Janet backwards into the turnbuckles!

Mamajob: It's a long way across the ring, so Zack is kind of telegraphing his plans. I've had my boobs crushed between his back and the turnbuckle before so it's really to be avoided, really! I tangle our legs together as he backpedals so we trip up and go down . I get my legs scissored around his waist but the fall with him still on top of me hurts like hell and they fly open once his butt lands on my pussy. I do keep my choke hold, though I'm groaning from the pain

Zack_Davis: As soon as I realize we're going down, I make a conscious effort to make our landing as uncomfortable as possible for you! My hands are broken away from their grip on your arm, but from my position, I drive an elbow backwards into your belly. Your Hooters are pancaked against my back under my weight ... I lift my hips and slam my ass back down against your crotch for good measure

Nathan_gingerbread: No doubt shady will come to Kiara's rescue so it seems wise to leave that alone for now ... Poor zack so busy trying to free himself from janet, ..i just wait till his arm comes into range grabbing his wrist with both arms . I think that should make Janet's job much easier .

Zack_Davis: Driving the elbow of my free arm down into Janet's belly while Nathan holds one wrist with both hands ... Gotta break Janet's grip any way I can .. fast! Lifting both feet up to Nathan's chest, trying to push him away!

QueenLola: I let Kiara go and come to the aid of my partner by trying to jump and add to Zacks drop kick towards Nathan.

Mamajob: I'm holding on and choking Zack until he starts throwing his elbow right into my famously vulnerable belly. Nathan was trying to help but Lola and Zack combined to kick him away. Now I'm groaning under Zack with no offense. Not good!

Zack_Davis: I wink at Lola, "thanks babe!", but very much aware of the Gladiators lurking nearby, I add "watch your back!". Anytime Janet is groaning beneath me it's a good thing, regardless of the situation, but more importantly, that rear naked choke has been broken. Sitting up between Janet's legs, one leg in my hands, the other trapped between my legs, I stretchhhhhh her legs wide! "Wanna make a wish, Mama?" I giggle, adding a little something 'extra' 😈 ...


Mamajob: Now normally it's a good thing to have an opponent between my legs. This time however, no scissors for Janet. Instead I'm spread wide, very wide. "Aaaaahhh! Aaaaahhh! Oh shit! Nooooo!" I pound the mat in protest and panic before realizing that I have this thick, wavy head of hair in front of me. I grab and yank desperately, finally pulling his head back under my arm but God dies my crotch hurt!

Nathan_gingerbread: Intent on helping janet i almost smile as zack brings his feet up and i think he will soon regret that ... Too intent , as lola launches herself at me in a dropkick and i am driven back releasing zack and only the corner post saves me from landing on my ass .. that hurt but i play it up crying out and clutching my chest like i am mortally wounded hoping to draw lola in.

QueenLola: I grin as the dropkick worked and look at Nathan seated in the corner as I slide my bottoms down and turn so my ass is facing Nathan and attempt to rub my ass against his face as Zack works Janet.

shadyfighter07: I was going to safe Kiara by the double attack of Zack and Lola but Mama did the job I was planning to do but she is controlled by Zack now, I see Lola is rubbing her amazing ass on Nathan's face, wondering if he is liking or not but I see Lola as an easy target now, I rush toward her as I am close enough I place my hands on her shoulders, jumping up and trying to deliver a fly knee strike on her soft breast

Nathan_gingerbread: I watch lola through hooded eyes ready to counter attack but when she presents her pert little bum sliding her bottoms off i think i will hang fire as her cheeks rub up on my face . I don't see shady , how could i ? Nor do i know what happened but suddenly her ass is smashed into my face with far more force than she could muster and my arms shoot out to the sides as my face is buried deep in her ass . Stunned for now i slap weakly at her thighs.

QueenLola: I gasp and groan loudly as shady comes in and drives his knee into my chest making me slump back into Nathan as I’m sandwiched now between the two of them with my bottoms down around my ankles.

shadyfighter07: BAMMM my knee hit soft chest of Lola, I know it has not been a real gentleman move but useful...I lean over pushing Lola's shoulders so her ass push even more on Nathan's face, trying to weaken 2 fighters with a move

QueenLola: Pushing me so far back into Nathan I soon fall to the side of Nathan and kinda lay out in his lap with my head over the bottom rope as I pant a bit.

Nathan_gingerbread: Dazed , suddenly there is light again and i draw in a big lung full of air surprised to find lola laying across my lap her head over the bottom rope ... Shaking my head and reaching over lola to grab the back of my own knee effectively trapping her ... I lick the palm of my other hand and spank that ass as it richley deserves.

QueenLola: I feel Nathan trap me then slap my ass the best he could as I groan and lay facing up on his lap still reeling from Shady's dropkick.

Nathan_gingerbread: I came prepared this time, and as my head clears i remember my plans.. slipping the small vibrator bullet from my waist band , flicking the little switch and pushing it up between lola's legs wiggling a d worming the end to get in where i want it .

QueenLola: I hear the buzzing and try to stop him but due to the fact I had my bottoms down from putting my bare ass in his face and he had me trapped I start moan as the bullet slipped into my pussy.

shadyfighter07: I look to Lola and Nathan "wrestle" on corner, she looks vulnerable now so I step forward, pulling down my short, grabbing her hair I pull her head up as I get my python into my hand and use it to slap her cheek while Nathan is playing into her ass with a vibrator

QueenLola: I gasp and groan being dragged to my knees by my hair where is Zack when I need him, luckily for me their tag partners are occupied but they’ve seemed to have formed a temporary alliance against me as Shady slaps me with his shaft as I reach down and try to take the vibrator out of my pussy.

Zack_Davis: With a handful of my hair, Janet has pulled me into a front overhead headlock as I spread her legs as far as they will go .. and then some 😈! The headlocks are a problem with this lady! But now she too is vulnerable! With her legs still spread wide, I slip three fingers into her labia, deep into her vagina while caressing her clit with my thumb .. I hear Lola in peril, I need to work fast!! Thrusting my fingers in and out while my thumb never loses contact with its target ... "Be right there, babe!" I yell to my partner

Mamajob: Ok. So I managed to capture Zack's head under my arm, but I'm still wide open. Zack wastes no time in attacking my defenseless pussy with his well practiced fingers. With so much history between us he knows my spots, and is working them. Worse, curled up and struggling to hold his head, his fingers pumping and stroking my pussy are right in front of my face. Watching myself be molested only adds to the stimulation. A particularly well placed thumb probe to my clit sends a spark that makes me gasp and arch back, releasing his head. In serious trouble now, I gasp out "Nathan! Help! "

Nathan_gingerbread: Looking up as my name is called i see the problem .. rising and slapping Lola's hand away as she tries to stop the bullet. I have to run wide of shady even though he looks very busy . Hoping zack appreciates how nice i am not giving him a massive ballbust and instead just jumping on his back and trying to chicken wing his arm dragging his hand out from between Janet's legs

Zack_Davis: (Hoping zack appreciates how nice i am ... Mucho gracias!) ... Janet and I have been around the block together like ... 500 times! I've hit that g-spot more times than anyone could count. Focusing my 'attack' on that magic spot while giving her clit a happy ending type massage. I smirk when she arches back releasing her grip, but she summons Nathan to her aid! Damn! A chicken wing under my offending arm breaks my offensive, but I'm pleased with the turn of events. "Get out of there, Lola!"

Mamajob: Oh God bless Nathan! If he hadn't gotten here when he did that wouldn't have ended well, or too well, or, well you know what I mean. Nathan hauls him off me in the nick of time. I roll to my knees but my pussy is still twitching from his digital digging. I see shady is about to assault her butt with a.. oh God that's all him! I'm not fully recovered yet but with him so focussed on her butt as so many people are, I make my way behind him and reach around to grab his meaty monster just as it's poking her ass.

QueenLola: While only in Shady's grasp, I’m able to pull the bullet out of me and grin as I try to massage Shady's balls as Janet strokes him and also try to slip the bullet inside of Janet’s pussy.

Zack_Davis: Using my legs to position myself into an escape from that chicken wing, as soon as our arms are more or less disengaged, I roll clear of Nathan ... taking a quick assessment of the chaos that now reigns .. Kiara lurking around unengaged is a problem, a problem I'll deal with soon enough, but for now I get to my feet in front of the double-team occuring in the corner ... Let's let that play itself out ... "Do work, babygirl!" I encourage Lola!

shadyfighter07: Oh Jesus, looks like there is a party on Janet's pussy, Zack's hand there and also the bullet Lola is holding but celebrations stop for Nathan's interfere, so I am with Lola only but I suddenly feel one hand grabbing my python, another one poking my ass, another massage my balls...I stare to Lola, wondering how many hands she has? is she a kind of goddess Kali? but I see she has two hands only so who the hell is behind me? I turn my head over mu shoulder and see Mama there, moaning for the soft touch of his hand, also my snake enjoys it, growing and get harder in playful way but I am between 2 women now,it wouldn't be so bad but we are into a wrestling ring, I move one hand back to tickle sensitive pussy of Janet, hoping she is sensitive by early Zack work and leaning over I take one nipple of Lola into my mouth, sucking and trying to keep her on corner

Kiara_Wrestler: I watch action sitting on turnbuckle at corner, not rushy to come at action but I rather care to my look, painting my toenails with red polish. Everyone look busy at corner except Zack, he is looking his partner... it looks a good chance. I blow on my toenails to dry polish as I rush forward, battle crying yaaaaaah as I charge Zack jumping up trying to deliver a fly knee strike onto his midsection

QueenLola: I drop the bullet from Janet’s pussy and lean into the corner feeling Shady's mouth on my nipple as I try to help Janet now stroke Shady's cock with one hand as the other rested over the top rope.

Nathan_gingerbread: I think i have concussion from being butt blasted ...unable to quite work out what's going on but happy to take moment as i watch kiara suddenly leap into action.. my mind works slowly as i see shady getting double teamed while kiara goes after zack. Lola is draped in the corner with shady facing her and Janet half sandwiched between .

Mamajob: Thank God my pussy finally gets a break as Lola removes the egg. Lola is working his cock while he keeps her pinned in the corner with a nipple in his mouth. I leave it to her and hop on his back. My arm snakes around his neck. My legs scissor his waist. My breasts are pancaked on his broad back. I squeeze everything as hard as I can, unsure how much of an impression I'm making on this mass of muscles.

Nathan_gingerbread: " get him janet "

shadyfighter07: My anaconda grows as Lola strokes it but I got her nipple into my mouth sucking it tight hoping to slower her hand. I have some rest as Janet let go my cock but it's a short relief, her arm wraps my neck I grab her wrist to pull it off but next movement of Janet surprises me, she laces legs around my waist, her weight over my back makes me stagger forward, I stumble on Lola, my face goes between her large breast, I have feeling I am gonna be sandwiched between their bodies

QueenLola: Shady stumbles and crushes into me making me slide down the corner seated below the both of them as I groan holding my head and trying to slip out of this by crawling between Shady's legs.

Zack_Davis: The sound of flesh slapping together echos through the arena when Shady faceplants into Lola's cleavage! "DUUUDE!" I chuckle, fresh meat for the felines!

Mamajob: Shady s face is planted in Lola's tits as my weight pushes him forward. She manages to slide down in the corner and crawl away. Meanwhile, I'm still clinging to him trying to ride him like a bucking bronco. He pries my choking arm off. I wrap my other arm around his head and squeeze tight in an effort to hold on

Zack_Davis: Lola scurries free from the tangle of bodies in the corner, minus the vibrator! I grasp Lola's right hand with mine .. "Booty Bomb?!" .. I spin Lola around by her arm, launching her into a co-ordinated slingshot ass-first into Janet's back, hopefully slamming her into Shady in a 2 for the price of 1 effort!

Mamajob: I'm plastered tight to Shady's broad back. When Lola's fine butt is launched full force to smash into my back I'm just flattened against him, and there's very little give there. Beyond pancaking my boobs, the breath is driven out of me. At the same time even my pussy takes a blow as my legs are parted wide and my mound is crushed into his back. My whole body is in shock as I collapse off shady and land on my back, writhing in pain, trying to just get air in my lungs.

QueenLola: I roll out after landing and look back to see Mama on the ground as I try to quickly crawl over to her and sit behind her while attempt to lock up her legs in such a trapped position like so

Nathan_gingerbread: I never see what happens to kiara but watch as lola is propelled into janet i assume poor shady is gonna take the brunt of that... My head clear now ... I raise both fists in front of my mouth like i am playing a bugle and change to the opposite rope " TALLY A HOE " i bellow as i rebound deeply from the ropes and accelerate back toward the fight my target sensors on full.

shadyfighter07: My face had a soft lands between Lola's tits, she slides off so I miss a kind of support. Falling on all fours I am like an horse, Janet rides my back but her arms lock my head grunting I try to move toward the ropes but suddenly a hear a typical butt sounds then Janet weight losen over me. Don't know exactly what happened but I am free . Taking a moment to stand up and breathe I look the action around

Kiara_Wrestler: I miss Zack because he throws Lola against Shady struggling with Janet but as I land after my knee strike attempt, I am on Nathan's path.....crushhhhhh his body impacts on mine from the side, I fall on mat laying on my back and wondering if I just had an accident with a truck

Mamajob: Shit! In serious trouble again! This is getting to be a habit. Now Lola has me folded up in a matchbook pin and is busy fingering my wide open pussy. And she's dangerously good at it. My legs are waving and flailing, but adding movement to the finger blasting isn't a great idea either. I hear Nathan's yell and have a brief flash of hope but then two bodies smack together and there's no Nathan rescuing me, and I'm getting wet here!

Nathan_gingerbread: Suddenly kiara crosses my path like a blind lollypop lady striding into traffic i barely have time to brace for impact as i cannon into her at full tilt. Such a collision takes us both off our feet but i feel like a took it quite well. Scrambling over to a prostrate kiare i cant miss such a chance and slide myself under her legs starting to wrap myself around those powerful legs as i try to force them apart

QueenLola: I keep rapidly fingering Janet’s pussy as I have her trapped and Nathan is down for the count right now as I bite my lip “Mmmm just give in and cum for me Janet!” I shout with three fingers curled into her pussy.

Mamajob: Desperately trying to hold on, but Lola is so good! Her fingers are hooked inside me,scouring my pussy walls, teasing my spot, and just being held helpless like this makes me so fucking horny! I cry out my distress to Nathan. "Oh God! Nathan! She's fucking me! Help me! She's gonna make me cum! Ooooooh fuck! No!"

QueenLola: I rapidly slam three fingers into Janet’s pussy as fast as I can and grin picking up the bullet, Nathan used on me and turn it on pressing to her clit and bite my lip.

Nathan_gingerbread: ( now who's cheating )

Mamajob: "oh fuck no! Nonono!" I feel the egg, directly on my clit, vibrating. Lola presses it in hard and it's all over. I feel the boil. It isn't stopping. "Mmmmmm oh yeahyeahyeah fuck yes! Ooooh you bitch I'm gonna c......c......aaaahhhhh! Oooh fuck I'm cumming!"

Kiara_Wrestler: Laying on mat dazed and confused by the accident with Nathan my legs are spreader apart, I feel fabric of my panties rubbing against my sensitive kitty as I hear some female moans coming from somewhere inside the ring. Oh..I have one leg trapped by Nathan arm other leg pythoned between his thighs. I struggle to close my legs, I know shape of my pussy is visible through my panties but I can't close my leg. Moving my hand I meet his foot, maybe I have a chance to loosen his hold. Moving my fingers I start to tickle his sole

Zack_Davis: *catches myself staring at Kiara* .. "nice move, bro!"

Nathan_gingerbread: I watch amazed as kiara tries to tickle my foot but i will be dammed if i am going to let that stop me as i pop two fingers in my mouth wetting them ( because i am a gentleman ). Then pushing aside the fabric making quick circles before diving in bringing my thumb up to nudge and flick her clitty as i crank back my legs opening up her thighs more ..

QueenLola: I drop Janet’s legs and let her rest for now, Nathan and Janet are now down by one, one more orgasm for Janet gets her out but I see Kiara trapped and I immediately go towards Shady as I get to my feet and slip out of the ring. He stood in the corner taking a breather from dealing with Janet and I and I grabbed some cuffs from under the ring as I climbed onto the apron and attempted to cuff his wrist to the ring ropes.

Zack_Davis: I've fallen victim to those same handcuffs ... That's why she's my partner ;-)

Zack_Davis: Still looking at the freaking SEXY outline of Kiara's kitty through her "attire", as Nathan holds his Spladle on her thick, sexy thighs ... he pulls Kiara's legs further apart, her kitty even more exposed ... the crotch of that turn-on of an outfit pulled aside ... "Goddamn" I mutter to myself, seeing ALL of Kiara's offerings ... diving in between her legs, tongue-rubbing her clit delightfully and enthusiastically while Nathan has her in such a vulnerable position!

Nathan_gingerbread: Nature has a way of balancing things out ... And i was really enying teasing kiara when a a wet tongue followed by a shaggy haired head suddenly is lapping and licking .... Oh zack ... I meet kiara' s eyes feeling the pressure she is exerting trying to close her legs and grab a handful of zacks hair pinning his face there as i let go and let those mighty thighs do what they have been straining to do and snap shut on whatever is in there way.. pushing and squirming to get out from under . " Come on janet keep fighting 😘"...

shadyfighter07: Standing with my back on the corner I see Kiara is on troubles, attacked by Zack and Nathan. Time to back into the action, I take a deep breath my chest swollen, I rub my foot on ground like a bull ready to charge, lowering my head I mean to charge guys to free Kiara but after one step I can't move more. "What the fuck?" My wrists handcuffed. Looking around, Janet is spasming for pleasure, guys and Kiara playing on ground and Lola....where is Lola? Grrr growling I try to pull my arms, hoping handcuffs are made of plastic so I can break them...

QueenLola: I step back into the ring after cuffing Shady to the ropes and move in front of him as I get on my hands and knees my ass facing the other guys and Kiara as I lean up and begin to suck on his big cock while he’s trapped.

Mamajob: I took my time recovering from my orgasm. So humiliating to be the first one! I look up and see Lola handcuffing shady against the ropes . Then Kiara attacks his cock with Lola. I grab Lola's hair and pull her off shady, leaving him to Kiara. I want payback. I yank her back between my legs and lock my ankles. I give her a hard squeeze with my heel pressing onto her pussy

Nathan_gingerbread: Ignores the chaos as i leave zack i hope trapped and zero in on lola who 'foolishly' has turned her back to suck the soul from shady only to be yanked off and trapped by janet .. its time for some double teaming as i join janet grabbing at lola's legs splitting them and pulling them high to leave her fully exposed and defenceless as i sink my shaft into her deeply .

Mamajob: As soon as I get Lola secured, here comes Nathan! Next thing I know, I'm looking into his face while he's drilling Lola. "Better late than never darling, but the bitch made me cum!. Make her pay! And kiss me!" I have a moment, feeling Nathan pounding through Lola's body as he fucks her while I'm kissing him.

QueenLola: Zacks busy with Kiara and Nathan left him to deal with her as I gasp trapped between Janet and him as his shaft slips inside of me and pounding away as I moan out loudly.

shadyfighter07: Struggling on the ropes, trying to get my arms free Lola kneels in front of me, I suddenly stop struggling as she starts to suck my cock..mmhh ohh I enjoy slurping sound as she works on my hard python but Janet wastes party pulling her off and she get fucked by Nathan. I protest because I've been left trapped onto the corner alone and with my joystick hard and alone. I whistle to a girl watching from outside to help me with that fucking handcuffs, promising to her an italian romantic dinner after match

Zack_Davis: Alliances in such affairs can be fickle as Nathan quickly demonstrates. Abandoning a perfect double team of the mighty Kiara, he leaves me at the whim of the Venus Fly Trap that are Kiara's sexy thighs, to favor an attack on sweet, innocent Lola! Now Janet is on Lola as well! Grrrr!!! I should have taken care of Janet when she was down .. having been trapped between Kiara's powerful thighs before, I put my hands on her inner knees, in an effort at keeping her legs spread while I continue my "attack" with my tongue ..

Kiara_Wrestler: Mmhh feeling used and abused as I get a double attack both by Nathan and Zack. Growling and moaning at same time but even shaming because I feel horny, trying to shake my legs but I can't. Luckily Nathan gives me a little help placing Zack's head on my crotch. An evil smile shining on my face as I whisper to Mr Zicko Zack "ready to taste Kiara's kiss?" I ask as I lock my legs into a kind of figure four to push his face on my kitty... squeezing tight 😁


Zack_Davis: "Unghhhh, gawd Kiara!" I groan, my hands on your inner knees now trapped against my head by your thighs! "Don't get me wrong" I muffle into her kitty ... Kiara's kisses are generally delightful, this particular one however makes me feel like my head is in a vice, drawing tighter. "This isn't my favorite!". I slip my hands out and lock them together at your navel as I draw my knees up beneath myself. Trying to pop my head out from this dangerous predicament, while continuing to "attack" your crotch with my tongue!

Kiara_Wrestler: "yess Zack?" I ask as I squeeze tight your head , flexing my quads at maximum power, criss crossing to give some more grip, tensing also my abs as you push on my navel but lift a little your body, your tongue tickling my kitty, a moan come out from my mouth and your double action make my "kiss" loosen a little helping you to slide out

Zack_Davis: Slowly, little by little, my head slips free from between your iron-like thighs. I swoon a little as blood rushes back into my head. I make a mental note to not try THAT again! I smile at you with a wink .. Lola is definitely in trouble .. decisions, decisions! Janet and Nathan still in a liplock as they continue their double team of Lola .. "I'll be back" I smirk, using my best Terminator impression 😎 ..


Zack_Davis: Getting to my feet, staggering a bit .. a slingshot off of the ropes into a missile drop kick hopefully right between Janet's shoulder blades!

Kiara_Wrestler: Growling for disappoint, Zack got free by my powerful Kiara's kiss just using the tongue! I wonder what the hell my partner is doing. Shaking my fist as I see he is flirting with a girl from crowd. "Shady! What about some help uh? Did you come here to make presence only?" But I notice he is handcuffed on turnbuckle. Moving to him I use an hairpin to unlock handcuffs

Mamajob: "ooof! Whaaa?!" I was rather enjoying myself before Zack literally crashed the party. I go flying, pushing Nathan and Lola down with me on top before I roll off, groaning and holding my back

Nathan_gingerbread: Well that was all going so very well... Balls deep in lola and enjoying a passionate kiss with janet i totally took my eye off what was going on and am paid in full as Janet's head butts into my face forcing me backward onto my ass both my hands flying to my poor abused nose... Still holding my nose i try and speak" qwat the hell , how pid zack get qwee" .

QueenLola: Zack helping i take in a breath rolling to the side from the rubble of Nathan and Janet as I lay in the middle of the ring taking a breath.

Zack_Davis: Landing on my side, I grin like a bowler who just hit a 7 /10 split 😁 .. . Most importantly, I was able to rescue Lola, however, the downside is Kiara's bobby pin skills now has the Italian Gladiators back at full strength! A quick glance at the carnage created by my drop kick makes my next move a no - brainier .. with Janet down and clutching at her back, she's wounded prey. While Lola takes a moment to gather herself, I knee - walk over to Janet's side .. "Janet .. it's been wayyy too long, sweetie".

Kiara_Wrestler: Pin clicks clacks, I move it inside handcuffs lock till I hear a magic unlock sound. My partner is free now "time to fight!" I grab his hand. Taking a deep breath before charging toward Janet and Zack trying to deliver the Captain Penality Kick (note: Captain is Francesco Totti! The early Captain of AC Rome). As we are close enough we jump shooting out our free legs trying to land over them with a kind of double drop kick Yaaaaaaaaa

Nathan_gingerbread: Smile as i see kiara trying to kick zack into the 3rd row as i recover myself and get to my feet and thinking i should keep after lola who is laying flat out in the middle of the ring ...with 3 strides i am jumping and trying to bring down a peoples elbow to her belly

Mamajob: Just as I'm beginning to recover, I look up and there's Zack with that glint in his eye. I groan, in no position to defend myself yet. I wonder what punishment he has in mind. I needn't have. Kiara and shady come thundering across the ring, launching dropkicks that slam into each of us. I take a huge shady boot right on the tits. I flop to my back, clutching my devastated girls and writhing in anguish

Zack_Davis: I hear Kiara battle cry .. "yaaaaaa!" ... That can't be good! I look up just in time to catch a chest full of those sexy little missiles! I literally flop back heels over ass onto my belly from the force of the impact. "What the actual FUCK?!?" I groan into the mat, quite certain I now have a pair of feet tattooed on my chest!

Kiara_Wrestler: A sharp double sound of my soles hitting Zack's muscular chest, I don't see my footprints on your chest but I guess I've left them. You fall on belly, I stand up " so Zack you didn't like Kiara's kiss so many you'll like more Kiara's spanks. I am a worth student of my sis Angie" leaning over I pull down his pants to expose your bums swinging my arm I try to spank spank his ass

QueenLola: After resting for a bit I see Kiara attacking Zack and I get to my feet and charge her trying to tackle her off of him and down to the mat.

QueenLola: Recovery gave me time to be aware of what was around me, I look up to see a flying Nathan as I roll the opposite direction to avoid his elbow landing flushing on my stomach. I get to my knees and look around to see Kiara attacking Zack, I get to my feet and go over trying to grab Kiara and pull her back and down into a hold.

shadyfighter07: I thank Kiara for free my arms, massaging my wrists but before I could thank my tag partner she get my hand bringing me to a powerful attack to both Zack and Janet. I am dragged by her at firsts steps but I manage to get a good balance to deliver a drop kick. My foot smashes Janet's breasts. "Oops sorry miss, my apologies to hit you there. It has not been my fault. Maybe a massage could help you to recover". I kneel next to Janet's side, one hand massaging her soft breast my other hand exploring her wood trying to give some peace

Nathan_gingerbread: Noooooo ... Watching lola roll away to late to do anything but land like a sack of potatoes and grimace on the floor holding my elbow ...

Zack_Davis: I feel a draft 🤔 ... Oh, damn! My Speedo has been removed! "KIARA, YOU BRAT!!" 🤭 .. a loud SMACK reverberates through the arena followed by my howl! Is Angie here?!? My butt feels like she is! I roll over to protect my bum from further spanks, realizing this presents a different "exposure"! .. I see Kiara's eyes light up .. "Oh, no you don't!" quickly covering my salami with both hands just as Lola swoops in to leap on Kiara 😳

Kiara_Wrestler: Hearing potatoes dropping mixing with sound of my spanks landing on Zack's ass. Who's the hell is wasting my symphony? But nevermind who is it, I'll spank him louder 😈 but as I raise my arm preparing another shoot Lola grabs me from behind. Pulling me away, I struggle to get free

Mamajob: Two boots, one to each breast took their toll. I land on my back stunned and in agony. I roll back and forth groaning loudly with my arms crossed under my throbbing girls. The next thing I know, Shady's hands are all over me and I can't do a lot about it at the moment. He starts molesting me in my defenseless state. I recover some senses when his fingers begin to part my thighs. I let my involuntary little moan lower his guard and reach for his head with my lips parted. I pull his face towards me and when the geometry is just right.....wham! Headbutt right between the eyes!

Nathan_gingerbread: 🤣

shadyfighter07: An evil grin flames on my face as I hear a soft lovely moan comes out from her mouth, going to finger her faster. She pulls my head toward her face, moving my lips like to prepare for an hot kiss, oh so good chemistry is growing between us but fucking geometry giving her a good angle for an headbutts. Ouchhhh my head snaps back following by my body. sitting on mat, 3 little birds flying around my head singing "don't worry about a thing...'Cause every little thing gonna be alright..." Shakin my trying to let headaches going alright


Mamajob: The thing about head butting is that your technique has to be perfect, and an armor plated cranium would help. My technique is so so and I sure don't have a thick skull. The result is that shady and I have some of the same little birdies flitting about. He flops back holding his head. I roll dizzily to my knees facing him. He's lying on his back, holding his head and look at that! A big beautiful shaft still waving and bobbing. My breasts are still aching but I grit my teethe and flop on top of him. I gather my girls together to encase his veined cock in breastflesh.

shadyfighter07: Still shaking my head as I lay on my back. My head is hard but Janet delivered a very professional shoot. I see 2 Janet's in front of me, this mean 4 girls as she comes closer. I raise my hands, shaking them "wait Janet, cutest woman of CF a quadruple boobsbutt is not fair" I close my eyes fearing another attack on my head but you attack lower. A mix of surprise and pleasure invading me as you trap my python between your big breast

Mamajob: Stiff and thick but so satiny soft, shady fills my breast valley. I slide down , nestling my girls at the base and putting pressure on his balls. I'm rewarded with a considerable shaft in reach of my mouth. Mmmmmmmf

QueenLola: Pulling Kiara back and landing on my back with her ontop of me I try to wrap my legs around her and begin to work over her exposed breast slowly.

shadyfighter07: Gulping a little as I feel pressure on my balls, not moving like freezing but after few seconds I get kinda comfortable into this position. No frictions into her cleavage for sweat, I should try to escape but I prefer enjoy this warm feeling for a while those tits cuddle on my tool is not bad. I move my hips up then down, each time I go up tip of my cock comes toward her mouth like saying "hello Janet" 😅

Mamajob: Well what's gal to do in this circumstance? As long as shady is cooperating, I lengthen my motion, sliding down to engulf this monster, sealing my lips, and pushing back up so it disappears between my breasts after popping out covered with my saliva. Rinse and repeat.

Zack_Davis: Rolling onto my knees, two cute little footprints tattooed on my chest, a handprint on my butt cheek and minus my attire! Goddamnit Kiara! Lola manages to grab Kiara arms and pull her back away from me ... Ohhh, what is that saying about Karma?! Walking on my knees the short distance, I place my hands on Kiara's knees to keep those sexy legs at bay ... I giggle, slipping my hands down those shapely legs until I have an ankle in my grasp ... "This little piggy went to the market" ... taking a cute, manicured toe into my mouth to give it a little nibble 😈!

Kiara_Wrestler: Grrrr Lola! She pulls me back, forcing me to lay over her, legs wrapped around my waist don't look a big issue but mmhh her hands groping my girls are. Moaning, my nipples get hard, planting my feet on ground Iift my hips planning to slam my iron glutes on her cunt but ... Zack! He attacks my foot! Nooo! My body shakes! That bitches know my weakness! Using my free foot I try to slide away but it's hard. This double attack is arousing me

QueenLola: Zack attacking her feet stopped her lifting up and slamming down on me with her hips which allowed me to keep slowly and roughly groping her breast and bite my lip

shadyfighter07: Mmh loving this hiding and showing game, my snake moves across her big girls even get some refreshment as her lips meet it. I move my hips following her movements, my hands on her bums, pushing to help her even more. Struggling into my mind if I have to continue this game or try a way to escape

Mamajob: We seem to have an established rythmn and a rather dynamic "comfort zone". While shady is contemplating, I'm acting. I slide my hands up his sexy body, over those abs, mmmm, and up to roll his nipples. All the while I'm continuing the erotic pistoning of his scrumptious shaft.

shadyfighter07: A kind of dancing between two bodies but also a symphony played by a stick between two drums. Moaning as I feel her hands running on my abs, flexing my muscles to please her hands, also my pecs bulging out as she goes there. My hands on her bums squeezing them as one runs through her ass crack to reach her naked sex. My middle finger searching her clit to tease it. My shaft shaking, feeling my nuts squeezing this massage is bringing me to cum

Nathan_gingerbread: Seems janet has things in hand ...or... well under control anyway. And i drag myself up to look at where i can act and it seems kiara is getting double teamed ...with shady occupied it seems the italians are in trouble .. a stagger over and drop to my knees putting my weight on Kiara's free leg while i share myself between lola and kiara finding a home for two fingers on on both hands .one each . Slowly building up a pace as i lean in and kiss kiara on the belly rubbing my hard cock on her thigh .

Mamajob: I knew shady would fight back. He squeezes my ass so deliciously before sliding his finger unerringly to my sex. Oh God that's so good! I let out a little moan. I can feel shady tensing up. I take him in my mouth and keep him there this time, to give him some extra encouragement

shadyfighter07: Hearing your moan arouses me even more but also cause a little squeeze around my beast due your girls swallowing. I reply with a moan too as you hold it into mouth, my finger goes deeper into your wood, moving my arm back and forth with same tempo of my hips. All my muscles tensing, my python trobbles, thickening for a moment like to change a big shoot. That's what happens, I start to sort wild like an hydrant, moaning and convulsing for pleasure

Mamajob: Twitching, stiffening, then the contractions begin before my mouth is flooded with essence of shady. I pop it out and wrap my fingers, all ten, around this lashing python and pump, pump, getting every last drop. Fucking impressive! Fucking sexy! And I'm so horny ! I rise and scuttle up his massive, heaving torso, grab him by the hair, and stuff his mouth into my pussy

shadyfighter07: Ohh yesss, a large load fills her mouth but as pressure is going to decrease she pumps again, a white cum spray squirts up like it was raining as arena is filled by my pleasure screams. My face is pushed on her wet pussy. I shove her back pushing on her big boobs to make she laying on back. Kneeling between her legs I lick her, my tongue moving faster like the one of a snake hissing as my fingers rub her clit. Feeling her taste into my mouth as my cock is still spilling drops of cum

Mamajob: (damn. Gotta go. Is this what they call a clithanger?)

shadyfighter07: (lol I guess so 😅)

Nathan_gingerbread: Rolls eyes at my partner

Kiara_Wrestler: "Shaaaa...mmmhh ohh " I was trying to call my partner but suddenly some fingers enter into my kitty switching my call to a moan, some other pleasure adding 😅 my tits worked by Lola, my toes sucked by Zack plus Nathan's fingers invading my treasure. I feel his cock pressing on my thigh, not so far so I move my hand to get it, tightening my grip like I was grabbing a dumbbell I start to stroke it as I try to fold my leg to reach Zack's crotch with my cute sweat foot going for a rub rubbing on his snake. Hoping to let them loose some pressure on me

Zack_Davis: I give a mischievous grin at Lola when Nathan jumps into the fray .. 3 on 1 against Kiara seems fair. A quick glance over my shoulder and I see her partner is occupied. Using her cute foot to rub the length of my erection, I pause .. what was I about to do 🤔 .. Kiara has talented feet! While she uses one foot against me I use her other foot against her 😈 .. licking the sole of the foot that I hold, from heel to toe before retracing from to to heel. I give the arch a little nibble ..

QueenLola: The three of us tag teaming Kiara's pussy as I bite my lip and wrap my fingers around her nipples as I try to pinch and twist them while Zack and Nathan work lower on her body.

Kiara_Wrestler: Fair???? 😤 Grrring to Zack, two muscular hunks and sexiest girl of chatfighters against a cute defenceless petite like me. I shake all my body trying to free or at least reduce all this excitement but it doesn't work. Fingered, tits tortured and foot kissed is too much. My kitty is draining juice like it was a beer spiller, stroking Nathan with my hand and doing same work to Zack with my foot but I don't get what I wish but rather arousing even more feeling their hard body convulsing, very close to cum

Zack_Davis: I can't help but basically twerk against that delightful foot .. and I am definitely not a twerker! But goddamn, Kiara is head to your sexy, inside and out, and any game we play is always exciting! Nathan has the kitty, Lola continues her determined efforts with those crazy sexy breasts .. I work on the foot, nibbling toes, licking the sole, a gentle suck on each toe individually .. "just give in, lovely Kiara ... cum for us!" I giggle

Nathan_gingerbread: Kiara has a strong grip and i really make absolutely no effort to escape it . Focussing instead on trying to bring kiara to the boil .. even though my other hand is enjoying reaching under her and worming up between Lola's lege... I start going faster drawing in a huge breath and then leaning my head down a wicked grin on my face as i seek out her clit with my mouth and blow the longest raspberry , sub vocalising a deep tone from my chest.. as my fingers curl up trying to press the roof of her pussy up to meet the vibrations.

Kiara_Wrestler: Moaning so loudly for this triple torture. Not a painful one though but just a sums of pleasure given to my most sensitive spots! Why do I have so much horny points on me? I don't mean to give as Zick Zack says but my body doesn't follow my wills. It deforms like a crazy hold as I scream Nooo Nooo but by mouth my moans say Yesss Yesss. Not able to hold anymore my pussy explodes to a wild squirt, soaking everyone around me

Nathan_gingerbread: I am not by nature unkind but i know how to be ruthless and press the advantage as hard and as fast as i can. Taking a wash as i do but making sure i milk kiara as hard as i can my hand a near blur as we force her orgasm from from her .

QueenLola: I let Kiara go as she orgasms and gasp as I try to push off and get Nathan once more off of my pussy to go help Janet with Shady.

Kiara_Wrestler: Cummings but Nathan doesn't give me peace continuing to work on my hydrant squirting pussy despite I've just washed him. So glad Lola moved out, my titties finally free

Nathan_gingerbread: Very conscious zack is behind me i let lola slip away , not trying to stop her instead trying to make sure kiara is reeling as i take the opportunity to regrettably pull her hand of my cock before i have my own problems .

QueenLola: I get away and head over to Shady and Janet as I grin and lean down wrapping my lips around Janet’s perked nipple as I massage her other tit.

<Zack_Davis> The contract for this match stated "teams are eliminated via two orgasms each member, no holds barred" ... I smirk as I step backwards, away from all of the action. Catching my breath, assessing the situation. Both opponents have one of the minimal of 4 required for elimination ... For the moment, Lola and Janet vs Shady is a bad spot for him .. Nathan and Kiara seem intent on eliminating each other 🤣 ... Lola is also engaging Janet while they double team Shady. Even better! I rest in the corner nearest my partner so I can watch her back while she does sexy Lola stuff ❤️‍🔥 ..

<Kiara_Wrestler> A pool of my cum enlarging under my ass, so distracted I even lost the hold on Nathan's shaft but my hand still stroking, blushing as I realize I am stroking air only. I need a rest after the violent orgasm so I crawl toward a free corner taking some time to recover but also fixing my messy hair

<Nathan_gingerbread> Sitting up and wiping my wet face feeling i have put kiara out of commission for at least a short time i turn my attention to the only viable target i really have ... Or at least that's what i want zack to think as i try and take out lola's protector first jumping at zack for a lightning rko.

<Mamajob> So Lola comes over to ,

<Mamajob> "help" me. Hah! She helps herself to my nipples! This as shady has been dining on my pussy. And you're both waaaay too talented. I paralyzed and writhing as I'm subjected to a double le oral attack.

<QueenLola> I keep flicking my tongue against Janet’s nipples as I get the feeling Nathan’s going to end up coming up behind as Kiara's moans stopped. I shake my ass for him as I grin.

<shadyfighter07> I don't have very clear what's happening around. My face totally buried under Janet, just feeling her body get firm like it was freezing but her pussy not cold, she is wet and hot like a tropical hell. My tongue twirling inside her willing to drink her cum...I feel so thirsty

<Mamajob> Fuck! My legs are quivering as I ride Shady's tongue. He's so good, so eager! With Lola tormenting my rock hard, sensitive nips I don't think I can last much longer. In between almost continuous moans I wail out a quavering plea for help. "Naaaathan!"

<shadyfighter07> Damn! Janet is calling help, naming her partner. I slap Lola's ass like to say her to work her tits faster as my tongue moves inside into Janet like a snake. Exploring each corners and rooms of her pussy hoping to bring her to cum before Nathan comes to help her

<Nathan_gingerbread> 🙄

<Mamajob> that a shrug? Or is he "expressing concern"? My partner! Here I am being worked literally stem to stern by two of the best oralists in the game. I'm teetering on two edges and wailing, wailing for desperately for help! What's the world coming to?

<Nathan_gingerbread> // is still waiting on zack ...but you did kinda put yourself there ...

<Mamajob> Pouting, and leaking.

<shadyfighter07> Such touching scene. Princess in trouble but hero doesn't come to help her. I would high five to Lola even though she is an opponent but stil focusing to Janet, I literally have mouth filled with her

<Zack_Davis> Leaning comfortably in my corner, taking in the action while gaining a much appreciated break. Kiara is brought to a delightful climax, I may or may not be admiring her sexy firm glutes as she makes her way to a free corner. Hmmm .. she's weakened, perhaps I should go in for the finisher 🥵! My view of the ring is unobstructed .. Janet is in trouble, summoning her partner, but Nathan instead hurls himself at me! Twisting in mid-air, he seems to be reaching for a reverse headlock .. a Stone Cold Stunner? An RKO?!? I make a brilliant decision, I'm crazy like that .. I lean sideways! Avoiding getting snagged in that reverse headlock, diving over the middle rope to make a hasty exit from harms way ..

<Nathan_gingerbread> Thumping to the ground empty handed on my back i wince a little not least because zack is still roaming around and it sounds like janet is in " trouble ".

<Mamajob> Trouble? Trouble? Absolute peril at least! Shady must have a tongue to match his cock. He's so deep inside me! And his nose is on my clit! And Lola! Well dear sweet Lola is turning my tit into a hot house with her incessant, flicking tongue. Shady's curling tongue finds his target. I moan. My body tense.

<shadyfighter07> Dunno why but as I feel Janet's body tending my snake grows again, moving happily like it was a dog's tail happy for something. My mouth as well as my senses are filled by her taste and such taste. I thought best taste was Brunello's one, an Italian wine from Tuscany but the one of Janet is really better. I continue to twirl my tongue inside her, meaning to increase that flavour as I move my head to let my nose rubbing on her clit

<Zack_Davis> Diving over the middle rope and out of the ring seemed like a good idea at the time .. until I quickly realize I hadn't exactly thought the landing through! *Gravity sucks* I've decided in the split-second it takes me to hit the ground awkwardly, landing with a thud and a groan. Standing up to brush myself off, shaking my head to make sure nothing is rattling around in there! Sneaking around the ring to where Kiara has separated herself from the pack in a vacant corner .. peering up at her from below, Jesus what a view 🥵!!! ... reaching out on either side of the corner post, grabbing for them ankles 😈 ...

<QueenLola> I break from Janet as Nathan lands awkwardly empty handed from missing Zack as I try to pounce on him and attempt to begin to suck on his shaft while he’s down.

<Nathan_gingerbread> Well it seems i have " saved " janet or at least improved her odds but i was busy looking where zack had gone when lola pounces on me immediately taking me in her mouth ... I had hardly got over Kiara's attempt to milk me .. . I cant be blamed for taking a moment or two ( or three) to think what i should do as another part of my anatomy seems to have taken over thinking and put my hand on the back of lola's head. Bringing up one leg i bring it snug to the side of her head .

<Mamajob> I barely noticed when my breast was freed of Lola's talented mouth. That's because Shady's nose is massaging my clit and his curling, writhing tongue has found my spot. He waggles his tongue expertly and that's it. I erupt. My hips grind up and down as I shudder in ecstasy at the release. I held on and held on, building up pressure until I just couldn't fight it anymore. He feels soooo good churning away in my spasming pussy. "Ooooh God I'm cumming! I'm cumming! Don't stop! Oooo fuck so hard! Aaaah! Aaahhh! Mmmmm oh oh oh mmmmm"

<QueenLola> I feel his leg on the side of my head as I keep bobbing my head up and down on his shaft looking up at him and trying to place my hand on his thigh to show some resistance to his leg placement on my head.

<Nathan_gingerbread> I wait a moment , or two , or three ... Its not really tough when lola is trying to suck my soul out my body but i cant alarm her too much as slowly my leg hooks across her back ... I make a show of enjoying her attention that's hardly untrue .. smiling as i make a loud sigh ...the hand on her head gentle and stroking her hair .. " ahhh you got me "

<QueenLola> I let his cock slide right out of my mouth and grin and smirk at him as I felt his leg across my back as I try to move my hand forward to his balls and grip them tight to see if he’ll move his leg off of me.

<Nathan_gingerbread> "hey hey hey .." guess i am not going to get away with it .. though if anything i am more aroused my cock rigidly at attention .. i don't make sudden moves holding my hand palm up while my mind whirls with wild schemes that could definitely make things worse..

<QueenLola> I keep the tight grip on his balls and use my other hand to stroke his cock as I smirk “you really thought you can pull something like that?”

<Nathan_gingerbread> Its time to switch on my most charming smile and give a little shrug ... My buttocks clenching as i feel her tight grip move slightly ... " Boys gotta try right . Licking my lip .. my eyes flicking from her hands to her face .. as i start to realise i have few options .

<QueenLola> I tighten my grip on his balls more and stroke his cock faster as I look down at him as he makes such a comment as I chuckle and give an queen of mean smirk.

<Nathan_gingerbread> Hissing in pain my abs tensing and i try and diffuse the pain in the pit of my belly , but i am trapped between pain and pleasure her grip on my shaft harder too , pumping me , milking me hard . My hips jerk and cant help squirming . The only plan i had was to thunderclap her ears but my own leg is in the way and i know if i fail the consequences would be very very bad . Gasping as i feel fingernails knowing i am at the queens mercy.

<QueenLola> I keep the grip on his balls and stroking his shaft as I bite my lip “Mmmm only one option here Nathan, just cum for me.” I say and look down at him as I knelt slightly above him.

<Nathan_gingerbread> My eyes cast about and i know its true ... Caught .. meeting her gaze i can see she is not going to brook any games from me and the mix of pain and pleasure is clouding my mind to any further cleverness.. i am sure i look distressed my brow creased and face red .. but inside that pain is making me clench so hard and the orgasm is raging against what little resistance i had left .. gasping and twitching she forces it from me and i feel myself spasm as cum shooting in the air my hands flailing as i want to grab somthing anything but cant.

<Kiara_Wrestler> Feeling a bit jealous, almost everyone is cumming, I was close but I didn't. Pouting on my corner, crossing my arms under my breast as my feel my legs suddenly caught. I try to move forward but I do worst OUCGHHH I fall on mat, my head hit first ground. My titties crush down. Growling I try to crawl away wondering who made me fall but I know who has been. GRRRRR

<shadyfighter07> mmmmhhh after a so long licking I finally got drink I've hoped for I feel her juices flowing into my mouth, she says don't stop but I didn't mean to do that! I continue to flicken my tongue inside her, hoping to increase her cum not realizing how much her taste is making me hard. I caress her hips, giving her some pace..."ohh you taste so good"

<Zack_Davis> I give a cheeky grin when Kiara lands SPLAT! I wince as her girls take the brunt of her fall ... Mental note, they may need a massage later 🤗. With a firm grip still on them ankles, I should probably give my dear friend a hug .. but business is business so instead I tug! Kitty, meet corner post 😈! Crawling onto the apron and back into the ring, I feel sad that Kiara was denied an orgasm ... I think I can help out with that 😁!

<QueenLola> I leave Nathan as is after he came for me and bite my lip as I try to make my way back over to Shady and get my hand around his hardening shaft to stroke it.

<Nathan_gingerbread> As lola lets go , i roll up both hands going to my sore balls and i try to roll out under the bottom rope needing time to recover.

<shadyfighter07> Still drinking by Janet's cup I suddenly feel a tight grip around my hard python...I can's see who is that but it's clearly a female little hand, it doesn't matter though, I like this stroking so I move up and down my hips following the movement so pleased right now that I don't care a cum could mean lost one point

<Kiara_Wrestler> trying to crawl away but I am blocked close to corner, too much close, my legs lifted, still dizzy to counter, I can barely shakes my legs as they are lifted up up up upppppppppp till my body is to a diagonal position "grrrr let me go whoever you are!!!" I growl but as Zack does....ouchhhh my kitty slams on ring post! it hurts!!! 😤😤😤, planning to pay back that on your nuts but after the impact I roll on my back, holding my sored kitty

<Zack_Davis> You certainly look stunning, flat on your back holding your troubles, but experience has proven that a wounded Kiara is a dangerous Kiara! I don't rush in, even though it would seem I have an advantage I could exploit ... Ohh, no no no! Been down that road before! I grab my water bottle from the corner and take a big swing, before picking up a funny looking little cigarette, lighting it up and taking an equally big puff 🫨 ... "Wowza, that's strong!" I stammer, coughing smoke .. a purple aura descends upon my vision .. I giggle, focusing on the 'task' at hand, stubbing the 'cigarette' for later use. I give Janet a wink before sitting down on Kiara's tight toned tummy, facing her feet, trapping her powerful arms beneath my buttocks .. I try to work my hand underneath hers .. "let's see if this kitty purrs!" ... I giggle. I crack myself up sometimes, usually after imbibing in the Lords Lettuce 😁.

<Kiara_Wrestler> Rage growing into my blonde head as I see he is teasing me, drinking and smoking while I am suffering on mat. Still laying as he sits on my toned ABDOMEN!!! my arms trapped under his ass. An electric shock run through my spine as your hands goes on my kitty. I try to move my arms to reach his bulge, trying to move inside his pants "well let me see if this snake spit

<Zack_Davis> "It's not a cobra, silly! But it does spit sometimes 😏" .. you abandon 'defending' your vulnerable kitty in favor of also going on the offensive, your grip is not subtle ... a weightlifters grip. With your hand already exploring inside my shorts, I slip two fingers into your vagina, slipping them in and out of you. Pressing against your inner walls, hoping to find your special spot 😜

<Kiara_Wrestler> "OHH YESSS" my body arches up to a convulsion of pleasure as your fingers start to play into my kitty like you were playing a piano. But I have your CobraKai ah ah! I tighten my grip like I was holding a dumbbell but I don't do bicep curls but I move my hand up and down, down and up as I use other hand's finger to tickle the base of your balls "oh I can't play two instruments"

<Zack_Davis> Your body arches up powerfully in a wave of pleasure .. Gawd what a turn on! I thrust my fingers slowly, deliberately again and again, feeling your hips rise in perfect rhythm with each thrust. Your body's reactions combined with your CobraKai technique is making me crazy! Your other hand works a different tact .. the BallChi technique! Thrust, stroke, tickle .. thrust, stroke, tickle ... This KungFoo fighting stuff has a certain appeal to it 🥵🥵🥵! 

<Kiara_Wrestler> "that's not Kung Fu....but Kong Fuck!!" I growl but moaning for pleasure as you torture me with your fingers, movement is slow but constant like a water drop falling on the top of your head during a chinese torture but that's not so torturing, it is causing my pleasure grows up, almost close to a TNT explosion. But I continue with my CobraKai attack to your snake, stroking, tickling, tickling and stroking a loop who increases speed constantly...

<Zack_Davis> "Kong Fuck" actually sounds like a good time, but that will have to be a story for another day .. right now, I'm searching for that g-spot and I'm willing to take one for the team to find it! You stroke faster and faster, and I speed up my "G Chi" efforts to keep rhythm with your wild stroking! My balls snug up tight to my body in your hand as I'm about to cum, but I grit my teeth, determined to make you cum with me! "orgasmo con me, splendida dea!" I yell over the sounds of the battle around us .. "did you not cum on Nathan's face already? Think how intense this one will be!!!"

<Kiara_Wrestler> you are exploring my treasure like you were exploring a dark forest, some bush covering my intimate part but you are inside, check check check till you reach right body waves like if an earthquake were starting from inside me, cave's humidity grows up like if rain was close. I flex my muscles like to break or at least slower this damn pleaseful Kong Fuck but as you call me "Splendida Dea" I can't hold anymore, I melt like ice under the sun...all my body tense before exploding to a rainy cum, squirting all around like a fountain but my hands don't stop I rather stroke faster

<Zack_Davis> I don't relent, continuing to pleasure that special spot inside of your forest even as you explode into a muscle driven, body wrenching orgasm! Goddamn, I do enjoy that muscle body of yours in unrestrained ecstasy! Your efforts are equally rewarded, I've held out as long as any mere mortal could have .. I no longer resist the inevitable, thrusting my hips into your strokes, exploding almost violently into your hand as my orgasm overwhelms me as much as yours did you 🥵!

<Kiara_Wrestler> ERROR|3

<Kiara_Wrestler> A forest is an environment or maybe just a state of mind but whatever it might happens a kind of physical attitude you can't control . That's just what happens to my intimacy. She squirts violently but that's what even happens to you. I'm not on right position to get what I want but I can try to get that ! Rolling on side I try to switch into a position where I Am over and you under. Not a kind of I dominant position but just one I can suck suck a caluppo,

<Kiara_Wrestler> A forest is an environment or maybe just a state of mind but whatever it might happens a kind of physical attitude you can't control . That's just what happens to my intimacy. She squirts violently but that's what even happens to you. I'm not on right position to get what I want but I can try to get that ! Rolling on side I try to switch into a position where I Am over and you under. Not a kind of I dominant position but just one I can suck suck a calippo

<Kiara_Wrestler> (sorry I couldn't change post)

<QueenLola> I keep stroking his cock as I lean in and look to begin to suck on his harden member and drive him closer to his climax as I look up at him.

<shadyfighter07> this double attack to my snake is too much, Lola strokes and sucks with in magistral way, all my muscles flex before give up. My cock sprays up like a fountain, my face still buried by Janet's tush...."ohh yessssss"

<Zack_Davis> I take a moment to catch my breath, but it is a moment too long! You roll us into a '69' position, plunging down on my still-throbbing monster .. "silly Kiara, that's not a callipo!" .. not that I'm protesting! I respond with a groan of delight when you take my treat into your mouth .. and I take yours into mine 😈! "Touche!"


<Kiara_Wrestler> "mmmh you are right that's taste better than a calippo" I say continuining to suck hoping to keep it hard despite your cum but at same time rubbing my cunt on your face, still draining juices, even squeezing a little your head with my thighs as we are into a 69 position, I can't keep pressure for long time though, too much excited

<Zack_Davis> My contribution to our new position is still hard and throbbing from the work of your hands .. now your assault is with your lips! Your firm thighs squeeze my head but for a moment .. your lips aren't hard, they're soft and enticing as you begin to suck 🥵! I'm all but paralyzed with pleasure .. except for my tongue .. I use it to press against your cunt, using my hands on your hips to help you rub against my face. "Jesus! We might both be in trouble" I manage to utter through my mouth full of your clit ❤️‍🔥!

<QueenLola> I grip Shady by his balls as I try to get him to follow me as I bite my lip looking over at the action between Kiara and Zack.

<Nathan_gingerbread> Finally feeling better i peek over the edge of the apron trying to understand the situation and know where everyone is ... I see lola doing more ball grabbing and my eyes narrow .. but i cant be hasty .

<shadyfighter07> grunting as Lola grips my balls "Please not so tight I take care of my jewels" I look at Kiara and Zack into a lovely 69 position

<QueenLola> I squeeze his balls tightly a bit “then follow me.” I say and move towards Zack and Kiara as I bite my lip.

<shadyfighter07> raise my arms like to say: I give up! smiling "I'll follow you even into the hell Lola"

<QueenLola> Shady follows me over to Zack and Kiara as I make him kneel in front of her and bite my lip as I look down at Zack “how close is she love?” I ask stroking Shady's cock with devious grin on my face.

<shadyfighter07> my cock soften a little after my cum but as Lola gently strokes my snake grows up and hardening again, tip almost smiling for happiness. I guess Kiara is very close to cum again I can feel that by pussy's scent coming out from her

<Zack_Davis> Hard to speak with my tongue excitedly licking at Kiara's intimate parts, but I manage to say something to the effect that she's probably about as close as I am!

<QueenLola> As the two of them were close to their second cum and orgasm, I bite my lip and try to line Shady's cock up with Kiara's pussy and have him thrust forward by his butt

<shadyfighter07> I know this is wrong, I am gonna help our opponents to win but I am too much aroused to struggle against a pussy and such pussy <3 as I feel tip of my cock meets wet and hot treasure of Kiara I instinctively thrust my cock inside her...

<QueenLola> I grin as he starts to thrust into her on his own and bite my lip as I massage his balls while Zack works Kiara's clit.

<Zack_Davis> Double trouble, toil and trouble! I back my head away, opting to tease Kiara's clitty with my fingers .. giving Shady all the room he needs to sink their ship 😈!

<shadyfighter07> My ship is going to navigate into hot waters....mmmh pussy is like a magnet for me, I can't say away so I pump into her pussy, faster and deeper, my abs slapping on her marble glutes, moaning

<QueenLola> I caress Shady's balls as Zack rubs Kiaras clit as I bite my lip “Mmmm fill her up Shady. You know your so close.” I taunt him and lean down dragging my tongue along his balls.

<shadyfighter07> mmmh Lola's tongue tickle my ball "ohh please stop!" I say moaning but I grab her head to keep her lips there, all my body flexing feeling I am so close to cum

<Zack_Davis> "Oh, Jesus!!! 😳" .. tucking my head, not really looking to wear Shady's seed 🤣 ... But I continue to caress Kiara relentlessly as she continues her efforts on my fat swollen cock 🥵

<Kiara_Wrestler> 😤😤😤

<Kiara_Wrestler> I was just in troubles handling Zack's tounge and lips licking and sucking my hyperexcited cunt but NOW!!! (GLARING TO MY TAG PARTNER EVEN THOUGH SHE CAN'T SEE MY FACE because HE IS BUSY TO FUCK ME) I feel something of very hard and tick invades my pussy as Zack leave mouth from there but put fingers on my engorged clit. That's too much, my body shaking like for an earthquake, I flex my vagina muscles to slower both the orgasm and the fucking but I can't! or maybe I don't want...that's so hot. I resist for 1....2....3 seconds before my TNT body explodes to a big orgasm. My moans echoes into the Arena, okay I've lost but I want keep it for long. Moving my body back&forth - up&down like if I was following a cumming wave

<shadyfighter07> gulping as I see some smoke winding up where Kiara's face is! I know I'll have a bad night after the match but it's my fault if my tag partner is so hot and Lola so good in diplomacy, convincing me to fuck her. I feel my python throbbling as I am pistoning Kiara going to cum but blocked as she squeezes her vagina's muscles, grinding my teeth I try to hold but Kiara's cum, as I feel her juices squirts on me I can't hold anymore. I slide off from her and direct jet upward, it would be nice soak Zack's face...a kind of white rain falls on the mat

<Nathan_gingerbread> Well i have to applaud the devilry to get shady to help and it seems everyone is very focussed on there immediate tasks . As i slip quietly back in the ring under the ropes and crouch down trying my best to go un noticed .

<Zack_Davis> My partner is just as devious as she is sexy! On my back, looking down towards where Kiara has focused her attentions (🥵🔥!), I swear I see smoke coming from her nose as she, well .. cums 😤😁

<Zack_Davis> It's her own fault, really. You can't work your body into that kind of a physique and not expect others to find it quite yummy 😋. This is happening fast, however .. realizing Shady is about to bust a nut .. "EWWWW!!!" ... I tell myself, "self ... Tuck and roll, tuck and roll!". Scrambling out from beneath the pile of delights, I get to my feet, finding myself face to face with Nathan .. "sneaky bugger"!

<QueenLola> Shady and Kiara out, Janet is out as I watch Zack roll and get face to face with Nathan as I grin and move to the other side of Nathan surrounding him like a wounded prey to Zack and I.

<Nathan_gingerbread> .. Unsure if i am sans partner ... But like any cornered animal very very dangerous . I know going after one will leave the other a free shot and its time to get my head on straight and think this through backing myself to a corner i at least can can watch them both and force them to turn there back on kiara and shady .. perhaps a vain hope given there current state. Buying myself a little time if i can .. " now guys .. i did find somthing under the apron ... " Holding my closed fist out infront of me.

<QueenLola> “You do know, Your partner was eliminated, shady and Kiara were eliminated. It’s just you Vs us right now. Now what’d you find under the ring apron?” I ask as Nathan backs himself into a corner.

<Nathan_gingerbread> " well i kinda thought that might be be the case " so i guess it doesnt matter if i show you then what i found under the apron .. turning my fist over and smiling ..

<QueenLola> I move in closer as I attempt to try and open his fist to see what he found under the ring apron.


<QueenLola> I grin and move to my knees in front of you “all you need to do is cum once more and we win.” I say rubbing my hand against your covered crotch.

<Nathan_gingerbread> swatting hands away remembering how " grabby" they can be .. but left in a conundrum ..feeling combative but not wanting to hit lola while she is on her knees.. .. !coin

<Nathan_gingerbread> !coin
Flip the coin.... tails!

<Zack_Davis> I chuckle while Nathan backs into the corner .. Lola is like an apex predator moving in for the kill. "He THINKS he can watch us both, babe" ... Rolling onto the apron and out of the ring, moving in behind Nathan in an attempt to secure his ankles ...

<Zack_Davis> !flip
Flip the coin.... heads!

<Nathan_gingerbread> Well i had thoughts of other things but zack forces my hand and its not his smartest move as i see him roll out and am forced to go after lola while zack is at least not inside ... Lunging forward and trying to knock her over onto her back with a simple boot to the chest and if i do i will grab her arm and start dragging her toward the center of the ring .

<shadyfighter07> Moving on the corner to recover, I am out like Kiara and Janet. Narrowing my eyes as Nathan says he got something under the apron but laughing as I see he shows a middle finger ahah

<Zack_Davis> Glaring as the boot to the chest knocks my partner over .. "rude!". With a three step running start and a belly slide back into the ring, I thrust my fist upwards from behind between Nathan's legs ... hoping for the best. Or worst, as the case may be!

<Nathan_gingerbread> Forcing lola over i bend over and grab her wrist ready to drag start dragging but suddenly a clubbing fist thrusts up between my legs and i drop like a stone my instinct to get away kicking in as i roll over and over trying to put some distance between us ...

<Zack_Davis> Giving Lola a quick glance to see if she's ok, not that it matters at the moment. We have an advantage that I want to keep! I don't have an elbow sleeve to dramatically peel off, but scrambling to my feet, I do a damn good rendition of the Peoples Elbow if I do say so myself, complete with a raised eyebrow directed towards your partner! Sprinting across the ring, springing off of the far ropes. Aiming for whatever part of your torso is exposed in your process of rolling away ..

<Nathan_gingerbread> Rolling and rolling one hand clutching my jewels not in any condition to pay attention to anything else really - coming to a pause on my back , frustration lurking behind the pain as i open my eyes expecting to see the ring lights ...instead there blotted out by the big lummox bearing down on me from above. I have but a moment to try and brace but still my groin hurts so much i cant . And zack lands his full weight across my belly driving the wind from my body air and spit shooting into the air as my free arm leaps into the air.

<Zack_Davis> I look to the left, then to the right in an over-exaggerated impersonation of the Peoples Eyebrow! I roll onto my hands and knees, throwing a leg over Nathan's chest in a straddle, pinning his arms down with my knees!

<Nathan_gingerbread> Way to busy trying to manage my pain and do other other important things like breath to do anything about zack ... Just sucking in air and trying to get my strength back made all the harder by zacks big frame resting his weight on my chest and pinning down arms with ease.

<QueenLola> I grin as Zack pins Nathan down and I bite my lip grabbing his bottoms and sliding them down enough for his cock to pop out of them as I begin to softly stroke his cock at first.

<Nathan_gingerbread> Frustrated as i try and get some leverage planting my feet but then i feel another pair of hands pulling down and i know its hopeless. Zack sat on my chest his erection waving about as he just applies his weight. I could kick my legs but i know it's too late to fight my way out .. breathing out and trying to be graceful in defeat i stop struggling ...knowing lola can make me cum the easy way or the hard way.

<QueenLola> I bite my lip as I move to sliding his shaft inside of me as I wrap my arms around Zack and begin to ride Nathan’s shaft.

<Nathan_gingerbread> I can do very little seeing her arms wrap around zack i feel her take me in and settle her hips down. its surprising that despite the testicular abuse my base drives still work all to well and i feel myself responding my hips come up and inch or two as i meet her even though i can feel my cheeks colouring

<QueenLola> I ride his shaft as I caress my hands along my man’s chest as he keeps Nathan in place “Mmmm we win this tag match now.”

<Zack_Davis> As Lola takes her position, she puts her arms around me, caressing my chest. I lean my head back onto her shoulder as her hands roam and she rides Nathan like a cowgirl 🤠 .. I feel her breath in my ear, causing goosebumps to run down my back ... "Go babe!"

<Nathan_gingerbread> Having decided to take my defeat whether at least the appearance of good grace. I cooperate meeting lola's hips with mine as the pace quickens and i make a small note to buy Zach some nasal clippers. I do try to surreptitiously test how well I am pinned. But the answer is to well.

<QueenLola> I bite my lip and ride him faster as I can feel him surrendering “Mmmm I think he’s about to fill me up love and cement our victory.” I moan out and dig my nails against Zacks chest.

<Zack_Davis> Those fingernails dig into my chest! I wince but don't protest .. pleasure is pain! I let out a moan ...

<Nathan_gingerbread> A tiny flicker of a smile crosses my face i wont deny them there victory. Planting my feet to help me as i feel my orgasm rising i having recovered a little i match her pace knowing i am climbing fast the press of bodies on me helping as well as watching the intimacy between zack and lola. Then it comes quicker than i expect perhaps becouse i worn down. But i finish my face red and panting looking up at zack and over his shoulder lola.

<QueenLola> I feel him explode his load into me and bite my lip as I stand to my feet and look for Zack to stand and pick me up as our victory pose.

<Zack_Davis> We pose for a few pics, then make our way out of the ring to hit the showers, shouting over my shoulder as we head for the locker room .. "let's all meet up at the Private Beach in a little while .. drinks on the house!".

Published: 2024-09-23, viewed 57 times.
