Erotic Professional Intergender Club

Public Restricted

Established: 2022-11-18

  • Pro wrestling
  • Male / Male
  • Male / Female
  • Female / Female
  • Sex
Currently not accepting male or F/F only females.
148 members
177 stories
242 photos
0 files

EPICally Overwhelming!


Zack_Davis: On the outskirts of my hometown, removed from the scrutiny of judgemental eyes, is a small strip club. Small but by no means unsavory. The girls and occasional guys that pay their bills by entertaining the crowds there do quite well for themselves financially. As an added attraction, this club also offers a pro-style wrestling ring, with a random drawing of names from a hat every Saturday night to arrange the evenings wrestling match-ups. For $20.00, enter your name and wait for the drawing to see who you'll face. Winner makes $100.00, loser gets strapped to an x-cross for the winners amusement! I'm all in of course, I hear the name that's drawn as my opponent tonight. Jasmin. I have seen her hang several opponents to that cross over the past couple of months. Her sultry sexy good looks .. her body .. whew🥵!

Zack_Davis: The match in progress comes to an abrupt halt when some poor sap gets a facesit smother into la la land ... We're up! A surge of adrenaline surges through my body as I slip off my sweatpants and t-shirt, stripping down to only my Speedo that will be my attire for this evening. I climb into the ring with a little swagger that the crowd eats up! There's some strip club music blaring over the sound system as I wait in a corner for you to enter the ring as well ..


Jasmin_die_Tochter: I go to the club regularly and try to have fun. A while ago I also enjoyed the fights. At first I just watched but eventually I dared to do it and since it was going well I continued, not to earn money. No, I was just there for the fun and to kick other girls' asses. Of course I had to train a lot for that and so I was at the local gym almost every day. So I was asked if I wanted to fight a boy. A fight was arranged that same evening. I didn't believe it would be really drawn out, at least not in the boys against girls fights. So I had to fight against this Zack. I watched but never paid attention to the details of his fight. When I was called I went into the changing room to take off my leggings and top, put my sneakers in the closet and lock myself up with my other clothes.

Jasmin_die_Tochter: I come into the ring in a black bikini that doesn't cover much but rather emphasizes my femininity, my nails are painted black like the bikini. I wave to the fans, boys and girls, do a few exercises to convince them of my merits, then I lean in the red corner and wait for the fight to begin.


Zack_Davis: (Gawddamnnn 🥵!)

Zack_Davis: I lean in my own corner as you approach and enter the ring. Jesus, I don't remember ever seeing you wear that bikini before .. I can't deny I enjoy watching your warm up, admiring your merits and quite looking forward to getting my hands on them merits! No refs, no rules no holds barred .. without warning, the bell sounds to start the match. "Sure you want to do this, Jasmin?" flexing my pecs to make them bounce ..

Jasmin_die_Tochter: I'm a little impressed by you, you look really fit, but like every guy you're controlling and you can see that your swimming trunks are getting tighter. Then the gong sounds and I push myself off from the corner, come towards you 'yes, I dare, do you dare to hit such a sexy girl?' I grin at you cheekily, but immediately I swing my right fist and my right fist thunders into your lower abdomen just above your swimming shorts

Zack_Davis: I can't deny my Speedo is becoming somewhat uncomfortable .. I smile, about to answer you with a smart assed comment, but before I can utter a word your fist slams into my gut. Low. Real low 🤢! I put a lot of time into my ab workouts, they're pretty solid. Caught off guard, though .. fukkk that hurt! With a sharp "unghhhhhhh" I clutch my lower abdomen, hunching over a bit as I turn away from you to lean against the ropes.

Jasmin_die_Tochter: I smile and look at you: ‘There he goes, the strong man. I see you reach for the rope and I lift my leg up to tear your arm away upwards, and then I punch you in the right kidney with my right fist.

Zack_Davis: That kidney punch stands me straight up, arching my back as a lightning strike of pain flashes through my body .. turning to face you as I stand upright, I rake my fingers of both hands outwards across your eyes .. "little girl is a little full of herself" .. hoping to have gained some discomfort for you

Jasmin_die_Tochter: i hear your cry of pain, you stretch, bend your back, slowly you turn to me and grab my head, i feel your fingers on my skin. then i grab your shoulders and lift my knee to ram it into your stomach and push you backwards ‘i won't be shy,’ i hiss.

Zack_Davis: I'm about to rake your eyes, but I'm not moving too fast right now. Before I can cause any harm, your hands are on my shoulders, your knee slams my lower belly .. "UNGHHHHH!!!" My eyes widen, my guts on fire .. you shove me backwards, but I'm already at the ropes. I ricochet, helplessly, back into you.

Jasmin_die_Tochter: I manage to push you away and you fall backwards into the ropes. I see you bounce back and I drop into a crouch and try to knock your legs away with a leg sweep

Zack_Davis: I stumble from the ropes .. I would simply ram my weight into you and let physics take care of the rest, but you're effective, efficient. You crouch down with a sweep of my legs ... "Fukkkkk!" I groan, then a loud SPLAT when I land face-first on the mat! A bright flash of white fills my vision while a buzzing fills my head .. "ti -ti ... time out"

Jasmin_die_Tochter: As hoped, you stumble forward and fall onto your stomach, the ring shakes. I get up and throw myself on you and try to sit firmly on your lower back, my knees to the right and left of your hips and look at your feet. I try to grab you by the ankles and roll you backwards, when I have them, I lean far back with my back almost on your

Zack_Davis: I can feel your butt settle onto my back, your hands grasping my ankles .. I instinctively elbow crawl forwards, keeping the pressure off my back, but that last knee hurt! I try to roll beneath you ..

Jasmin_die_Tochter: I get on your back and when I grab your legs and lift myself up slightly, you crawl away, I clamp your right leg under my armpit and throw myself backwards. I'm lying next to you but I've twisted your leg extremely to the side and stretched it backwards

Zack_Davis: I attempt to roll beneath you, bettering my position, but you switch to a sharpshooter - type hold .. screaming in agony, pounding my fist on the mat ..

Jasmin_die_Tochter: you are damn strong and I have a hard time holding you, I hear you scream and your thud on the floor, I reach out to clamp your foot even better under my armpit, press my knee into your inner thigh


Jasmin_die_Tochter: something like this, only that I am further down on the back

Zack_Davis: I reach for the ropes to gain some leverage, gritting my teeth feeling you STRETCH back, adding even more pressure to your hold .. hoping to use my leg strength to simply power my way out.

Jasmin_die_Tochter: I have a hard time holding you, it must be hurting and injuring you so much, then you reach what I don't see but hear, as the audience cheers, suddenly you develop an incredible strength in your leg, you manage to push me up, but I'm not ready to give up yet, but then I let go of your leg to throw myself onto your back and ram my elbow between your shoulder blades

Zack_Davis: I free my legs from your agonizing grip. I rest my head on the mat, mercifully free. But my respite is short lived! You use your petite body like a weapon, driving your sharp elbow into my back, the full weight of that sexy body driving it home! I've absorbed soo much punishment already, that elbow simply adds another layer of pain, so sharp it takes my breath away. In the meantime, I am quite aware of your body still atop of me. I open my mouth to protest, but no sound escapes through the grimace on my face.

Jasmin_die_Tochter: After the meeting, I roll to the side and slowly get up to my feet, 'Well, where is the strong man?' I mock, lean into the ropes and give you a few seconds to recover

Zack_Davis: Slowly, I pull myself up the ropes to my feet beside you, leaning heavily against the ropes to support myself. You mock me, igniting my temper, but nonetheless still a bit worse for wear. Holding the top rope, I lash out with a side kick, trying to catch you in the obliques off guard ..

Jasmin_die_Tochter: you slowly get to your feet, the rope helps you, I release myself from the ropes and take a step forward and as I turn to you your foot hits me, aaahhh... I bend over, my thigh gives way a little, I look at you but then I grin wickedly and let myself fall to hit you on your balls with my fist, I roll away sideways and try to get up before you can catch me again

Zack_Davis: I can't deny myself a little smile when my foot your belly, that tiny black bikini offers you no protection .. You fall, my confidence grows, until I realize too late your nefarious plan. Rather, I FEEL your plan, your fist slamming into my balls 🤢! You deftly roll away to the side while I clutch my balls, doubled over, sagging to my knees! "bitch!" I gasp out through waves of sheer agony

Jasmin_die_Tochter: I smile when I see you bending over, I slowly get back on my feet, you groan in pain as I consciously come towards you and swing my right hand and ram my fist into the side of your jaw

Zack_Davis: It's a small fist but well placed .. distracted by the white hot fire burning in my balls, your fist lands with a loud POP! Or did I only hear that in my head?!? Crumbling to the mat, my vision blurry, my equilibrium non-existent .. my momentum causes me to roll out under the bottom rope onto the ringside mat, now all kinds of disoriented!

Jasmin_die_Tochter: I'm a little surprised myself at how well I caught you, my petite figure and sexy outfit must have overwhelmed you. You collapse on the mat, I kick my foot against your shoulder and roll you onto your stomach, then sit on your back, I wrap my right arm around your neck and grab my left armpit, my hand presses on the back of your head 'sleep well, my sweetheart!' I whisper in your ear


Zack_Davis: I can feel your body pressing against my back, even as your arms snake around my neck. With educated efficiency, you lock in your sleeper hold .. fukkkkk!!! I try to pry your hands free, even as I begin to slip behind a veil of darkness

Jasmin_die_Tochter: you grab my arms, try to pull them away, even if you have more strength than me, the way I have you is a good, solid grip that is not so easy to break. And then you get tired, you notice how you lack oxygen. I lean towards you and blow in your ear, 'I think I know who will be tied to the cross'

Zack_Davis: As my world slips into darkness, the last thing that I'm aware of is your breath, which you blow erotically into my ear .. then .. nothingness

Jasmin_die_Tochter: Your strength wanes and then your arms fall to the ground, powerless. I wait a few seconds, but then I open the grip and roll away from you, stand up and stand next to you, one foot on your back. The audience is impressed and applauds me.

Published: 10 days ago, viewed 31 times.
