Evolved Fights MvsFPublic OpenEstablished: 2023-09-28Chat room: #EVFTMVSF2195 members0 stories19 photos0 files HubTournamentsMembersForumsStoriesChatPhotosFilesAsking females for matches this season. Steve Smith (deleted member)2024-01-02 18:45 It has come to my attention, that I may have an unfair advantage over other male members here. Because I am the founder of this fed, and I do recruit female members to come here, it does help me get matches. So this season I will not ask any females for matches at all! Female members will have to ask me for matches, or challenge me to matches, to get me on the mat with them. This should help and make it more of an even playing field. It has also been brought to my attention that I have been accused of booting females for not wrestling me. This is not true and I will NEVER force any female to wrestle me here if they do not want to. I have booted females for not communicating with me and that is different! If any female member ever has a question or a problem here please feel free to PM/DM me anytime! Thank you! You need to log in to post a comment.
Steve Smith (deleted member)
2024-01-02 18:45It has come to my attention, that I may have an unfair advantage over other male members here.
Because I am the founder of this fed, and I do recruit female members to come here, it does help me get matches.
So this season I will not ask any females for matches at all!
Female members will have to ask me for matches, or challenge me to matches, to get me on the mat with them.
This should help and make it more of an even playing field.
It has also been brought to my attention that I have been accused of booting females for not wrestling me.
This is not true and I will NEVER force any female to wrestle me here if they do not want to.
I have booted females for not communicating with me and that is different!
If any female member ever has a question or a problem here please feel free to PM/DM me anytime!
Thank you!