Fem Pro Jobbers

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Established: 2021-11-02
Chat room: #fem_pro_jobbers

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This is a federation for NON-EROTIC female PRO_WRESTLING jobbers and the heels they face
255 members
14 stories
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John & "Grant" vs Angelica & Sanna - Beat the clock submission challenge

John Breaker (deleted member)
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13:10 <John_Breaker> Grant and I had been good friends since college. Our love of pro wrestling had been a common theme through our friendship. Grant and I were surprised at our shared interest in one unique aspect of pro wrestling. Pro mission. We loved seeing a hapless jobber screaming their submission or slapping the mat. Recently we had both meet a couple beautiful you ladies on chatfighters. Angelica and Sanna had an even greater love of pro mission. One day we challenge them to meet up in real life for a unique competition. A race to see who could submit the other faster. I would take on my favorite "tap out queen" Angelica and Grant would try to make Sanna submit as fast as he could. We would put 15 minutes on a timer. When we both get to the mat room in the basement of the gym Grant works out in. We setup a chalk board. We place a line down the middle and put Sanna and Angelica's names up at the top. Between each submission we will have to run to the board and mark a hash MTC
13:11 <John_Breaker> I wait and stretch standing in my black MMA style short. Grant does the same standing in his blue shorts. We both wait for the lovely ladies to enter. yt
13:15 <Angelica_the_ProJobber> Excited about being able to do this in real life, me and Sanna have both travelled to this small town in the U.S. where we have both agreed to meet up both John and Grant. Of course in our normal clothes on the way there, it doesn't take long for me and Sanna to head to the gym locker room the second our car is parked. it's after hours so the gym is completey empty. As we both get to the locker room, I quickly take out my gear and change into it. A pink lycra leotard with sheer hose and white calf high boots, as I set up my hair in a half ponytail You are not logged in. I look over at Sanna who is already getting changed also yt
13:18 <Sanna> As we are standing in the locker room I take out my gear, thinking to myself how I'm FINALLY going to be able to fullfill my dream of wearing it while being submitted. A silver metallic realise swimsuit, white knee pads and silver and white wrestling boots. I quickly change into the gear and it feels amazing, I look over at Angelica who is fixing her hair, she's already in her gear and ready to go. We both finish up and head to the now empty gym section, empty except for two people of course! We walk in and find John and Grant standing in a room that is fully covered with wrestling mats except for a small part where a chalkeboard is standing with all four of our names on it to keep track of how many times John and Grant have submitted us and how many times me and Angelica have submitted. We both step onto the mat and greet out "opponents" yt
13:24 <John_Breaker> Grant and I greet the two pro wrestling clad beauties with smiles. Its a very cordial meeting considering that Grant and I both plan to have them in pain and yelling or tapping their submissions shortly. "So just to go over the rules. Grant or I can go to either of you, whoever is available and lock you into a submission. the goal is to get you both to tap as quickly as possible. Winner for Grant and I is whoever can get the most submissions. We'll also keep track of who submits each time. Shall we begin? I wave an arm toward the blue mats spread out on the gym floor. yt
13:27 <Angelica_the_ProJobber> I look at Sanna and we both nod at eachother, it sounds fun that it's not just going to be a 1v1 on two fronts but that you both can change jobber and submit us both! I talk to Sanna for a quick second to see if there are any doubts or anything unclear before we start all while looking at the whiteboard. yt
13:31 <Sanna> After a quick chat me and Angelica turn to our two opponents and look at the white board. "Sounds great!" I say, giving extra compliment to the idea of you being able to change jobber as well. With that in mind though, after talking it over for a second with Angelica I suggest maybe putting some submission hold names attached to my and Angelica's names respectively on the board so not only will it be chalked up whenever we submit, but also to which hold. Finally I ask what John and Grant think about making it so the figure four leglock is worth two points rather than one seeing how it's both of my and Angelica's favorite hold to submit to. yt
13:38 <John_Breaker> Grant and I nod our agreement. I move back to the whiteboard. I start to list various hold on the horizontal access with a X2 next to the figure four. Then I move to the kitchen clock sitting on a chair. I wind it to 15 minutes. "Ladies can you please take your positions on the mat". I watch as you both move to positions on the mat, still standing. I ask Grant if he is ready. He gives me a nod. I nod back and hit the start button. I rush toward Angelica, "sorry" I say "not a lot of time to be really gentle." I reach down and grab both your legs and pull them up which drops you back to the mat. My strategy is clear. Focus on the figure four, its worth the most points. I see Grant out of the corner of my eye as he approaches Sanna, he has the same idea. Both your shoulder land on the mat at almost the same time. We both place a knee behind your left legs as we hold your feet. We make the rapid, signature spinning toe hold that is the hallmark of the figure 4. MTC
13:41 <John_Breaker> In my haste and excitement to get you into the hold I am a little awkward and fumble with Angelica's foot. I put the foot above the knee I drop back and drape my leg over Angelica's ankle locking it in. I look to see if the hold is having the desired effect. I can see out of the corner of my eye that Grant has locked his hold in slightly faster. yt
13:46 <Angelica_the_ProJobber> As soon as the timer starts and me and Sanna have barely made it onto the mat, I see John rushing towards me, appologizing quickly before taking me down, as my shoulders hit the mat I look up, seeing John holding both my legs up my sheer hose glistening in the gym lights. "oh no, here we go!" I think to myself looking to my left and seeing Grant and Sanna in the same position, I see grant starting to do the spinning toe hold motion on Sanna. At the same time my attention is drawn back to myself and my own legs as I feel and see John doing the same. Spinning around my left leg, wrapping it around his own before placing my foot firmly over my outstretched right knee. "oh god I'm going to tap" I think to myself seeing my legs being primed and placed for the figure four. As John drops down to the mat my upper body jolts up slightly, I grimace as he hits the mat before he drapes his free leg over my foot. "Aaaaaawwwwnnnn!!" I moan loudly as the figure four is aplied and the pressure starts
13:46 <Angelica_the_ProJobber> yt
13:49 <Sanna> "Wow!" i call out being taken down straight away! If John is fumbling a bit with Angelica's foot Grant is doing the opposite. Holding my egs up before spinning around my left leg, the entire application in one smooth motion. As he places my foot over my knee and drops down, we both roll slightly to the side. Us being slightly ahead of ANgelica and John, but just as Angelica would soon be, as soon as the hold is finished I moan while we slightly roll the the side "ooowwwwnnn!!" yt
13:53 <John_Breaker> Grant might have beaten me to the hold but he and I both know that I have more leg strength and can be a little more brutal with my figure four. I flex my leg which elevates both Angelica and my legs. I drop back hard slapping my arms to the mat. Come on Angelica! Give it up!" I yell. as I crank on the pressure. I see Grant also arch his back and hold it in place. I see Sanna's face. It's a mask of pain as she desperately tries to hold on. Angelica is the same. It's a race now to see who will get the first submission. yt
13:59 <Angelica_the_ProJobber> Aaaaawwwwnnnn!!! I continue screaming and groaning, both John and Grant can see straight away that the figure four is extremelly effective against both me and Sanna. I arch my back, leaning my head away while closing my eyes, giving John a perfet view of me in the hold, my boots firmly placed under his leg and in his lap, my sheer hose clad legs entangled with his own and finally seeing my pink lycra leotard glistening in the lights. The pain and the pressure is building more and more "oh god, i'm gonna submit!" I think to myself. After only a second more I start to tap the mat, "aaaahhhh..! I submit!" I call out yt
14:01 <Sanna> Grant has taken a slightly different approach, instead of laying firmly on the mat, he has rolled us slightly to the side as he uses his hips to flex and tighten the hold with both of us directed at John and Angelica. "AAAAAAHHHH!!" I Scream and groan each time he flexes his legs and thrust his hips forward, my face riddled with pain. I amnage to see Angelica struggling in her figure four as well, but just a few seconds before she starts to submit, Grants figure four forces me to submit. "Oh god I give!" I scream while tapping the mat yt
14:07 <John_Breaker> Grant gets up quickly and runs to the board. He marks off two points next to his name and one submission for Sanna next to figure. four. I am up a second after he is and quickly do the same. This time Grant sprints back to Angelica which forces me to go for Sanna...though to be clear, I wanted to go to her next anyway. I immediately go back to the figure four well, as does Grant on Angelica. We both spin and complete the toe hold. This time, i am slightly faster. I throw the foot over the knee, drop back and lock it in. I arch up instantly and begin to pound our legs up and down. I see Grant flex his legs incredible hard on Angelica after he locks his in. We both grunt with the pressure and wait for the inevitable tap out.yt
14:13 <Angelica_the_ProJobber> I lay on my back breathing heavily after beign released from the figure four leglock, arms and legs out spread eagle, I roll my head to me left and see Sanna collapsed on her side as both John and Grant mark up two points each and one on the figure four list for both me and Sanna. But the rest isn't long lived. Soon affter I see Grant this time come rushinh back to me and heading straight to my legs. "uhhnn.." I moan softly, my arms still spread out as he picks up my legs and quickly applied his figure four on them. Once again I feel my ankle firmly placed over my outstraighted right knee as Grant drops down. I sit up, groaning loudly "AAAAAWWWNNNN!!" I throw my head back and feel my submission comming in seconds again: But suddently I'm forced to the side as Grant takes the same position as he had Sanna in, rolling slightly to the side and thrusting his hips forward. "AAAAAAAHHHH!!!!" I scream throwing my head back and forth yt
14:15 <Sanna> "Oh god.." I call out as John gets back to me and starts applying his figure four. Unlike the figure four he applied on Angelica, this doesn't have a trace of nervousness as he expertly applies it, spinning around my leg, placing my ankle over my knee and drops down before starting to thrust his hips up and down. "OH GOD!!! I SUBMIT!!!" I start to scream almost instantly, throwing my head back and forth with my eyes shut tightly yt
14:20 <John_Breaker> I drop Sanna out of the hold instantly and sprint for the board. I mark off two more points for me and a Fig 4 submission for Sanna. I sprint back to her and grab both her legs. I want to switch it up occasionally. The figure four is obviously the key to the match but it isn't everything. I turn Sanna over in a terrible boston crab. After I do I move my foot so it is on the same side as the other. I drive a knee into her back. I have her locked in a wicked, modified boston crab. I look to the side and see Grant with the figure four still locked in. Fighting frantically to get Angelica to tap and earn his second submission.yt
14:25 <Angelica_the_ProJobber> It doesn't take long after for me to submit, both me and Grant leaning to the side and him thrusting frantically on the figure four. "Ooooooohhh!!" I scream as I start to tap the mat over and over while Grant gives my legs a few last intense thrusts of pressure, as soon as he releases me I drop to the mat, collapsing on my side the same way as Sanna did after experincing grant's figure four. meanwhile I hear Sanna screaming in main behind me yt
14:27 <Sanna> "AAAAHHHH!!! I scream as loud as I can, my back being arched back, my feet almost being in the same position as my head up above me as my body is being bent mercilessly by John's modified Boston crab. "Oh my god!!" I scream, my eyes wide open as I feel my body almost being bent in two. yt
14:30 <John_Breaker> I see Grant get his submission. He sprints to the board to tally his points. He is fast, he runs and slides back to Angelica who is laying on her side. He shoves her fully to her stomach, grabs her left arm and traps it between his legs. He reaches forward with both hands and interlocks them in front of her face. I hear Angelica scream instantly as the cruel crippler crossface is applied. He arches her back terrible. I see her legs kick. I drive my knee harder into Sanna's back. "Come on! tap!" I yell yt
14:32 <Angelica_the_ProJobber> "aaarrgghhh!!" I groan as grant runs back and quickly puts me in a cross face, wrenching back on my neck and my shoulder. "aaahhh, I submit!" I quickly tell him as I can't take much of the hold. yt
14:33 <Sanna> "Ok! I submit!! AAAAAHHH!!!" I scream tappin out furiously in John's modified Boston Crab. Tapping over and over while screaming at the same time, feeling my back being about to break from the pressure. yt
14:38 <John_Breaker> Grant and I both get up. We sprint to the whiteboard and almost collide. We mark off a single point each for these submissions. We are now all tied up. I run back to Angelica this time. I grab the same leg as before and this time quickly execute the spinning toe hold. I place the foot on the knee and slam my back to the ground. It hurts, but speed is essential at this point. I throw my foot over Angelica's ankle and crank down. I lift our legs and role from side to side, trying to break Angelica quickly. I see Grant, a hairs breath behind me, lock a figure four on Sanna. I watch him rock to the side and flex his legs. "TAAAAPPPPP!!!" He yells.yt
14:44 <Angelica_the_ProJobber> After Grant is done and I'l laying face down on the mat, I see Sanna in that same position after being released from her Boston crab. Both John and Grant are scrambling to the board to mark up their submissions before it's John this time heading back to me, grabbing right leg to turn me over to my back again. My arms limp to spread out to my side as I'm turned over, my head looking to the side, exhausted. Again though, I feel John grabbing hold of my left boot as he starts to apply another figure four, only a second later I again feel my ankle placed over my right knee as we drop down and John drapes his free leg over my trapped left ankle. The figure four is one of pure desperation and it's extremelly intense, as we roll back and forth I start to submit quickly feeling the pressure on my legs becomming to much instantly "Aaaaaaahhhhh!!!! I tap!! I submit!!" I start to call out to John while we roll back and forth. yt
14:46 <Sanna> Same as Angelica I feel Grant grab a hold of me and turning me over to my back before he also starts to quickly apply the figure four on me again. Just a few seconds later I find myself in that same positon laying to the side with Grant's legs locked up with mine in his figure four leglock. He his flexing and thrusting his legs like crazy over and over to make me submit. However already after the first flex I'm submitting "OOOOOOOWWWW!!!" I scream while I start to tap the mat over and over to signal my submission yt
14:53 <John_Breaker> I finish a second before Grant. Before I leave Angelica, I flip her to her stomach, trying to use some strategy to conserve time. I sprint to tally two more points. John is right behind me. I run back to Angelica and drop onto her back I grab her chin and wrench back in a terrible camel clutch. I don't even take the time to trap her arms in my hips. I am going for speed and brutality as I wrench back in the hold. I see Grant sprint back to Sanna. He grabs one of her legs, drapes it over the back of his neck and locks the top of the foot under the bend of his elbow. He stands up and she hangs from him in a brutal stretch muffler. He swings her trying to add to the pain. yt
14:56 <Angelica_the_ProJobber> Both of you run to the board at the same time chalking up your points and adding one more to the figure four leglock list for both me and Sanna. I'm again finding myself face down and watching the whiteboard as John comes running back putting me in the Camel clutch. "arrrghhh.." I groan as I'm being bent back trying to claw Johns hands away from my chin. Meanwhile I glance over to see Sanna being put in a new submission hold. yt
14:58 <Sanna> Just like Angelica I'm waiting to be put in another grueling submission hold, having been forced to tap several times already. This time, as Grant returns he grabs my leg, putting it over his own neck in a stretch muffler before standing up. I dangle in the air screaming wildly and submitting instantly, just groans moans and screams with my eyes shut tight and my mouth wide open as I scream, throwing my head abck adn forth and side to side as Grant starts to go up and down to add to the pressure of the hold, all while I'm submitting like crazy yt
15:05 <John_Breaker> Grants brutal stretch muffler earns him a rapid submission. He sets Sanna down, runs and marks his points and immediately goes back to her. This time he picks her up with a hand between her legs and under her neck. I suddenly see him drop her across his knee in a brutal over the knee back breaker. I wrench back harder and finally hear Angelica scream her surrender. I am falling behind and need to catch up. I run back to Angelica. I grab the legs again. "sorry...time for another one..." I say as Angelica feels the all too familiar knee pressed against her leg...then the spin of the toehold...then the locking in of the ankle over the knee. Sweat flies off of me as i buck up and down fighting for the submission. yt
15:10 <Angelica_the_ProJobber> After finally submitting in the camel clutch I know that John is trailing and needing to catch up after grant managed to submit Sanna instantly with the stretch muffler. of course I know what this means, once gain I feel the knee pressed against my left leg, the spinning to hold and the feeling of the fabric of my white boot pressing against my right knee before dropping down. "Aaaaawwwwnnn!!" I moan again as both me and and John roll slightly to the side as he drops down before draping his free leg over my left fot once again. "Aaaaahhh!!" I groan as I arch my back the figure four being to much and just like Sanna in the stretch muffler I start to submit instantly as John starts to buck his hips, but truth be told, I was submitting the moment the figue four was locked in, both giving my submission verbally as well as tapping out yt
15:12 <Sanna> "Arrrghhh!" Gritting my teeth while I'm being bent over Grant's knee, him pressing down on my chin and holding me in place. My eyes are shut tight again as I try to hold on for as long as I can. But I'm too exhausted and beaten up already, I manage to hold on for a little while longer before I start to submit, tapping my stomach onto my metallic silver swimsuit to show grant that I've had enough of the hold yt
15:15 <John_Breaker> Grant none to gently shoves Sanna off of him. We both get up at practically the same time. We are both winded. Locking in this many submissions is tough work. I look at the clock and there are only a couple minutes left. MTC
15:21 <John_Breaker> We tally down our points. we are all tied up. I run back to Sanna this time. If I only have time for a few more points, I want them to be brutal. I know her back is already in bad shape from the over the knee backbreaker. Might as well target that again. I pull Sanna up on wobbly legs. Put her back to my side. I crouch down and put a hand under her chin and between her legs. I press my shoulders into her back. I shift her upwards onto my back in an over the shoulder back breaker. I see Grant spring to Angela. I watch him grab her legs again. I'm worried he is going for more points with the figure 4 but instead he crosses her legs in front of him, pins on his foot turning away from her and leans back as he lock her into a terrible sharpshooter. I can see Sanna's legs and arms dangle around me. I see Angelicas desperate expression as her face is pressed to the mat. yt
15:26 <Angelica_the_ProJobber> Grant tangles up my legs in the sharpshooter with me being completely spent. He steps me over and squats down on my lower back "Oooooowwwww....! I submit...!" I say straight away as I start to tap with a look of defeat on my face as he bents my body and puts pressure on my lower back and legs to make me submit again. I start to tap over and over in the hold laying my head down on the mat. yt
15:28 <Sanna> "oh god!! aaahhh..." I moan as John picks me up in the torture rack and starts to bounce up and down with me on his shoulders, my arms and legs limp in the hold. "Ohhhhh.... I give.... aaahhhh my back!" I call call out to give my submission again while the gym lights reflects on my silver metallic swimsuit. yt
15:42 <John_Breaker> i dump Sanna off my back. I hear Grant drop Angelica's legs. We both walk, exhausted to the board. It again...is all tied up. We mark our points. I look at the clock. Less then a minute left. I run back grab Angelica's legs "what do you say to one more time?" I yell...not really caring about the answer. I press knee into the back of your leg, complete the spin. press the ankle up above knee. I drop back and lock it in. Grant does the same thing. We are almost perfectly matched in our movements. "Give it up Angelica!:" I yell. "Tap out!!!!" Grant yells at Sanna. We wait to see who will tap out first. yt
15:46 <Angelica_the_ProJobber> One final figure four dual to finish the competition of. I feel John wrapping my left leg around his own once again, placing my ankle ove rmy knee and dropping down, I look to my side, my upperbody flinging up from the mat as John drops down and locks it in "ahh.." i moan quickly, seeing Sanna getting put in the figure four as well. "uhhhhnnn... oh god!" I moan as I start to submit, "Aaaaaaahhhh!... I submit! Oh god!" Meanwhile I hear the same to my left. yt
15:48 <Sanna> Grant wrapps my legs up in a final figure four as well and I submit as soon as he drops down, hearing Angelica do the same. I roll to my side with Grants motions follwing with me, facing Angelica and John while I submit. Tapping the mat and giving my verba submission at the same time. Now it'sa question of who of me and Angelica who submitted first? yt
15:50 <John_Breaker> The clock goes off. Grant and I look to each other with a sigh. "I think it was a tie. I say." Grant nods his head. We both have this conversation with you both trapped in the hold still. We eventually release you both and go to our knees. "Well ladies...its a tie. Guess we'll have to have a rematch someday.


<Published> 2022-06-04, viewed 72 times.

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