Fem Pro Jobbers

Public Restricted

Established: 2021-11-02
Chat room: #fem_pro_jobbers

  • Pro wrestling
  • Submission
  • Squash match
  • Male / Female
  • Female / Female
This is a federation for NON-EROTIC female PRO_WRESTLING jobbers and the heels they face
255 members
14 stories
66 photos
0 files



The big screen bursts into life showing the logo for the OPCW Ladies tournament qualification match...


<Announcer> "Please welcome to the ring... from London, England, standing 5'4" tall, weighing in at 170lbs... she is the BUSTY BRUISER... LADY.... NICOLA... DARCY!!!..."

<Lady_Darcy> I burst out through the curtains into the arena... my thick body, wobbling and shaking as I run...


<Carolsingapore76> Stands up cheering for Lady Darcy.

<The_Bratty_Princess> *giggles* OOOOOH Alisa is gonna get her tiny little butt KICKED

<The_Mangler> I stand beside Carol and whistle loudly for Lady Darcy. Brings out a cooler of beer, hands one to Carol.


<Lady_Darcy> I slap hands with my fans as I run to the ring... I grab the bottom rope and pull myself up onto the apron, ducking between the middle and bottom ropes... I make my way to my corner and start bouncing up and down, my 38DD tits wobbling in my top, my thick, curvy, ass shaking... as I wait for my opponent to be announced...

<Carolsingapore76> "Lets go Darcy!, Let's go!" (clap, clap)... "Lets go Darcy!, Let's go!" (clap, clap)... "Lets go Darcy!, Let's go!" (clap, clap)... "Lets go Darcy!, Let's go!" (clap, clap)... pauses for beer.

<Announcer> "And her opponent standing at 5'3" tall and weighing 125 pounds... HERE IS... ALISSA KISS!!"


<Alisa_Kiss> I stand at the curtain, feeling excited.... It's been a long time since I was in an arena match... my choice of music plays, and I burst out...and walk confidently focusing on the ring... fuck the crowd... the big screen shows a series of images of me...

[IMAGE:https://venus.chatfighters.com/Content/profile/jm/yngzdxgydksxvdjmipwr_3184269050.jpg] [IMAGE:https://venus.chatfighters.com/Content/Attachments/Qn/QnQ35S2bu7sRvF4yu92m2f0sS_U.jpeg] [IMAGE:https://venus.chatfighters.com/Content/profile/rj/yspirhljfnedsnrjzycg_434820689.jpg]

Alisa_Kiss: I hop up on the apron and shrug at my opponent and climb in the ring and pose and flex and look extra sexy!.... I head to the corner and wait for the bell.

<Lady_Darcy> I watch you skip out to the ring and hop up onto the apron, shaking my head in disbelief, I draw my thumb across my throat and then as you pose and flex I make my way across the ring to your corner... getting up into your face... chest to chest, pressing my 38DD breasts into yours, face to face... "You may be a former OPCW World Champion sweetie... but I'm gonna squash you like a bug!..." I snarl at you...

<Alisa_Kiss> I lean in the corner... looking oh so carefree... as you stick your huge knockers in my face... and tease me... I get a look on my face...."This is as close as you'll get to gold honey!"... and try to make you pay... I send a forearm at your cheek to open the match before the bell...

<Lady_Darcy> As I push into you and taunt you, you fire back, first with a taunt, "This is as close as you get to gold honey!", and then with a forearm smash into my face...


... OOFF!!... I grunt as I take a stumble backwards... "Why you little bitch!..." I snarl and fire back with a big chop across your chest...


... DING!!... DING!!... DING!!... the bell rings...

<Alisa_Kiss> You stagger backward.... with my blow... then chop against my chest... I bounce back into the corner.... so grew so pissed... I grab your hair and try to twist you around into the corner and lift my thigh up to pound into your gut...


<Carolsingapore76> "Get her back Darcy!!!"


<Lady_Darcy> I smack you hard in the tits and send you reeling back into the corner, but you immediately bounce out of the corner, grabbing my thick, long, brunette, hair and whipping me into the corner... Uff!... my back hits the turnbuckles and my arms flop over the top rope... and like lightning you are on me... URGH... URGH.. URGH... I grunt as you knee me hard in my thick belly, my heavy body, tits and belly, jiggling and wobbling with each blow... my head drooping down...

<Alisa_Kiss> All business... I grab behind your head and kick my leg up and press my converse boots to your chest and fall back and press up and try to monkey flip you over to your back....in the middle of the ring...

<Lady_Darcy> As I double forward from your knees into my belly you again move quickly, wrapping your hands up behind my neck, falling backwards, bringing your boots up into my belly... WHOAAA... I squeal as you monkey flip me over you... my big, thick, curvy body flying through the air... and landing with a loud THUD!... as my back hits the canvas, the ring vibrates and my big tits and belly wobble and shake with the aftershock... Urrr... I let out a moan and roll onto my side to get up, pushing myself up to my feet, wobbling a little on slightly unstable legs, looking a little dazed and confused...

<Alisa_Kiss> I turn and get up before you... and look ready... turning side way.... and just waiting... and you stand up wobbly... and I step and send a monster super kick at your chin...

<Lady_Darcy> As I get almost up to my feet you step in and send a kick towards my head...


... I get my arms up to protect my head but... UFFF!... the impact knocks me back down onto the canvas on my fat ass...


... I gasp and puff, shake my head to clear it and again roll to my side and start to get up...

<Alisa_Kiss> I smirk at you as go down... flipping the crowd the one finger salute... I walk over and stomp on your back to flatten you to your belly... and I sit down on your back... and lift your arms over my knees and try to reach down and cup your chin for a nasty CAMEL CLUTCH...


<Lady_Darcy> As I roll onto my hands and knees to get up you jump onto my back and grab my arms, pulling them up over your knees, then hook your hands under my chin and yank back, pulling on a camel clutch... ARRGH... I grunt as you lean back and pull...

<Eden_eve> "Team SKW!! Let's go Alisa! Bend that Bitch!"

<Alisa_Kiss> I lean back and pull hard...lifting your chest off the mat and arching your back under me......pulling back to torture you...."You're no match for me......none!" ...

<Lady_Darcy> ARRGHH!... I scream as you pull back on the camel clutch... "You're no match for me......none!" you gloat... ARGHH!... I scream again both in pain and anger at your taunt... I start to work my right leg to pull it up under me, then my left leg, getting them under my body, using my powerful legs and back to lift us up off the canvas and onto my knees... then I let out a... ROOAAARR... and start to stand up with you in a piggyback position on me... getting ready to fall down backwards and crush you under me...

<Alisa_Kiss> My eyes widen in terror as you start to lift us up and I hold on for life... looking scared to death.... till you stand up... and dump me to the canvas on my back... I'm seeing stars as I get crushed under your weight... I groan in pain... laid out... eyes rolling...


<Carolsingapore76> "That's better Darcy!"

<Eden_eve> "Ugh! Alissa, get up!!"

<The_Mangler> "WOOOHOOO DARCY!!!!!" *Takes a swig of my beer* "DONT LET THE BITCH UP!"

<Eden_eve> Looks at Mangler "Last thing you need is beer!"

<Mangler> *Tosses a popcorn at Eden_eve*

<Lady_Darcy> I fall backwards and we land with a THUD!, your slender body crushed under mine... I gasp for some air after the exertion of such a power move and then again roll to my side, but now up onto my knees... I lean over to where you are laying and grab your long blonde hair with one hand to haul your head up and then send a hard forearm smash at your jaw... "Eat this bitch!..." I snarl at you...


<Alisa_Kiss> I shake my head and breath heavy to try to recover... I whimper as you yank on my hair..."Bitch!" I scream out as you stand me up....and then I get smashed in the mouth by your forearm... I stagger back into the nearest corner and hang by my arms over the top ropes... my head bobbing...


<The_Mangler> YEAHHHHHH!!!!

<Lady_Darcy> I lean all of my 170lbs of thick, heavy, body into the forearm smash, my tits and belly swaying with the blow... and it hits you like a sledgehammer... sending you stumbling backwards at speed into the corner, where you hang with your arms draped over the top ropes, your head wobbling from side to side... I sneer at you and launch myself forward into a run, my big, curvy, body, wobbling and shaking as my boots pound on the canvas... when I get close to you, I jump into the air... 170lbs of big tits, belly and ass, flying through the air looking to splash down on you as you hang in the corner...

<Alisa_Kiss> I hang in the corner... after getting clobbered... hair in my face... clearing my head... and then I get hit by a tank as I get splashed in the corner by the bigger women... my lungs empty and my eyes roll and my face goes blank as I slump to the bottom of the corner on my back...

<Eden_eve> "UGH!!"

<Lady_Darcy> "YESSS!!!"... I squeal as I jump into the splash, my big 170lbs body hurtling through the air, and crashing down onto your smaller 125lbs body, my 38DD tits crashing into yours, my rounded thick belly squashing into your trim belly... I can hear the wind being driven out of you by the impact... I pull back again from you and admire my handiwork, your eyes roll up and you have a blank look on your face as you slide down the turnbuckles, sitting slumped on your ass in the corner... I turn and look at the crowd with a big grin on my face... some of them know what is coming next... I show them my ass and slap my butt cheeks, then turn back to you and back up my ass towards your face, looking to smother you in the corner...



<Alisa_Kiss> I sit in the corner... woozy.....sweaty....and bobbing around in the well of the corner... back leaning on the bottom pad... I hear a bunch of... "Oh no's.... Oh Gods... how humiliating..." and I look up finally... just to be smothered in the face by your huge ass... in a stink face... grinding all over my face... me coughing and squirming... arms and legs flailing around helplessly...


<Lady_Darcy> I lean back into the corner, squashing my big ass into your face, grabbing hold of the top ropes as I lean back to get extra pressure...


... wiggling my ass from side to side to make sure that you get the full treatment... I look at the crowd with a big smirk on my face... "What ya all think, I should I give Alissa a chance or put her out like this??..." I cry out to the audience...

<The_Mangler> "PUT HER OUT, PUT HER OUT!"

<Alisa_Kiss> I cry out getting full stink face treatment... and crowd loves it, it breaks my spirit... I lay there... covered by your ass... my legs and arms try to kick... but soon I am trapped under your power....in big trouble now....in the most humiliating move ever...

<Lady_Darcy> I can hear the crowd urging me on as I grind my ass into your face, your spirited kicking and slapping when I first backed into you has fallen flat, the kicking of your legs and flapping of your arms has stopped... I look at the crowd and sigh... "Fun time is over..." I gloat to the crowd, and I pull off of you and turn around, looking down at the red faced, sweaty, mess that lies slumped in the corner... I reach down and grab your hair to pull you up to your wobbly feet, I grab you around the waist and lift your limp body up onto the top turnbuckle and then start to climb the turnbuckles...


... getting myself positioned to superplex you off the top turnbuckle into the middle of the ring...

<Alisa_Kiss> I almost pass out from the face smothering stink face... I breath after you get off... but its left me broken... a hot mess... sweaty... and hair matted... I get pulled up onto my wobbly, jello, legs... and then planted up on the top turnbuckle... drooling... and helpless...


<Lady_Darcy> I plant you on the top turnbuckle, you look done... hot, sweaty, breathing desperate gasps of air, drooling from your mouth as your head hangs down... I climb the turnbuckle ropes and wrap my left arm around your neck, squeezing your face into my 38DD tits, I grab the bottom of your costume with my right hand... "You're done sweetie..." I taunt... "Time for you to go flying..." I gloat as I heave with my big, thick, powerful body and lift you up off the turnbuckle, throwing your petite, trim, body over my head and shoulders... sending you flying towards a splashdown in the middle of the ring...


<Alisa_Kiss> I sit on the top turnbuckle... dizzy and dazed... i know what is coming... as you tease me and set me up... yanking on my suit and time slows as I fly through the air... and all the way down to hit on my back and head... I hit and the ring jolts and I lay out... spread out... whimpering as I lose accounting of my status...

<Lady_Darcy> I fall onto the canvas on my back with a thump... but you land on your back in the middle of the ring with a CRASH!... I roll over onto my belly and look over to see you laying there, arms and legs spreadeagled, whimpering, your head gently lolling from side to side, your body soaked in sweating, drool dribbling from your mouth and your costume soaked... I get onto my hands and knees and quickly scrabble over to you, falling down on top of you, squashing my big 38DD chest onto yours for the pin... I look up... "COUNT REF!!... THIS BITCH IS DONE!!..." I snarl...


<Alisa_Kiss> I whimper as i lay on my back...defeated.....bodying shaking...and feel you go for the pin.....i never move....1...2...3


<The_Mangler> *Standing and clapping* "Yeahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!"

<Lady_Darcy> The referee slaps the canvas 3 times in quick succession... and then signals for the bell... DING!!... DING!!... DING!!... exultant, gloating, I roll off of you and let the referee hold up my arm in victory...


<Lady_Darcy> I smirk a wide grin... "This is just the first victim!..." I squeal as I turn and deliver a gratuitous kick into your downed, whimpering, body... "THERE'S GOING TO BE MANY MORE!!..." I shout...

<Alisa_Kiss> I groan as I get kicked... and I try to roll out of the ring...

<Published> 2023-07-09, viewed 78 times.




2023-07-10 19:47

Amazing match. Great win for her ladyship, I’m not gonna lie!

Lady Darcy

2023-07-11 18:02

(In reply to this)

Thank you sweetie, Alissa made the mistake of getting in my way, I hope you're not going to make the same mistake?

Kara Anne (deleted member)

2023-07-09 23:57

Great win!!

Lady Darcy

2023-07-10 08:01

(In reply to this)

Thanks sweetie, you're a champion! :)

Miss Celeste Bonin

2023-07-09 21:38

An impressive win Miss Darcy. Enjoy it while you can, your fate will be completely different once we meet

Lady Darcy

2023-07-09 23:41

(In reply to this)

If you get in my way Celeste Bonin then I'll run over you just like I ran over Alissa! You can't stop me and you know it!

Miss Celeste Bonin

2023-07-10 01:58

(In reply to this)

I’m going to make you scream just like I did to your little friend Anastasia