Fem Pro Jobbers
Established: 2021-11-02
Chat room: #fem_pro_jobbers
- Pro wrestling
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- Squash match
- Male / Female
- Female / Female
This is a federation for NON-EROTIC female PRO_WRESTLING jobbers and the heels they face
256 members
14 stories
66 photos
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13:29 <Jazmin> Walks out through the curtains smiling hella big as i strut my hips as i take my walk down the ramp standing 5'2 118lbs in my green and silver crop top with a matching choker around my neck, white straps around my chest and hips to matching booty shorts that are tight and snug showin off a lil wedgie to knee pads and boots as i high five the fans and step up the steel steps walking on the apron winking to the fans "I'm gonna have a super cute ragdoll out cold in here for you guys soon!" as i stick my tongue out and step over the bottom rope getting into the ring as i back into my corner waiting for this jobber bish to get her ass out here!
13:29 <Jazmin> 

13:29 <Jazmin> 

13:31 <Jazmin>
13:51 <Santana-Garrett> After you are in the ring my music hits and I come through the curtain with a smile on my face standing 5'5 140lbs. I move down the ramp high firing the fans as I pass them then step up on the apron and look at Jazmin before stepping through the ropes and making my way to a corner where I step up on it and point toward the crowd with a wink. I then step back down and turn around facing my opponent ready for this match

13:56 <Jazmin> I take a look at you running my fingers up my smexy tanned legs and hips as i wink over at you, you're big mouth isn't gonna hold up and well know this.... I think even you know this deep down and i finally hear the dings of the bell as i lick my lips and crouch forward bouncing my way out towards the center of the ring as my thighs jiggle around with each bounce.
13:56 <Jazmin> 

13:57 <Santana-Garrett> "Pfft" I scoff at your words and move out toward you raising my arms up as I crouch slightly looking to press into you with the traditional collar and elbow tie up
14:00 <Jazmin> as you rush forward i just grin as i raise my arms and go forward into you to meet you but right before we meet i lift my knee up trying to raise my knee up to the center of your stomach trying to slam it into your stomach as hard as i can.
14:07 <Santana-Garrett> My eyes bulge open as I don't expect the knee to come up and the wind is knocked out of me as I double over gasping and holding my belly "UUUUGH!"
14:13 <Jazmin> as you double over "awww whats wrong??? did that hurt?" as i grip your head in a headlock in my arm and wiggle my hips against you rubbing my booty against your side as i stick my tongue out and attempt to rush forward with you trying to jump in the air and plant your face into the mat in a bulldog
14:13 <Jazmin> 

14:15 <Santana-Garrett> As I am trying to catch my breath from your knee I feel my head pulled into a headlock and I am yanked forward smashing face first into the mat with a bulldog "UUUF" I roll over rubbing my head as I look up

14:17 <Jazmin> as i plant your face into the mat i pat the back of your head "oh this is just the beginning.... ya talked a big game and are gonna pay for it" as i grip your hair tight and try to raise your weak ass off the mat with me to get us standing.
14:21 <Santana-Garrett> "Ow! Ow! My hair!" I shout as you start to yank me up and the ref intervenes telling you to watch the hair as I hold my head wile you have a grip on it
14:24 <Jazmin> I mock you "ow ow ow" as i laugh out in your face and i just roll my eyes at the stupid ass ref and grip around your head with both of my hands and drop to one knee trying to pull you down with my as i look to help your face meet my nicely tanned kneecap
14:24 <Jazmin> 

14:27 <Santana-Garrett> My head is pulled down and bounces right off your kneecap and I bounce up a little dizzy on my feet as my vision swims and I stumble around
14:33 <Jazmin> i see you dazed as i walk up to you pressing my finger on your lips "awww is somebody already dazed?" as i get on my tip toes laying a kiss on your lips and pull away pressing my hand down on your shoulder walking around you as i step up onto the ropes spinning around in the air using it for some momentum as i come back down in a sitting motion i grab your head pulling it down your chin onto my shoulder trying to nail you with a huge stunner
14:33 <Jazmin> 

14:36 <Santana-Garrett> I don't know what's going on and I turn just as you come down snatching my head down with a stunner from the heavens and I bounce up and flop down on my back having no clue what hit me as my eyes flutter

14:40 <Jazmin> as i nail you with the stunner i shrug my shoulders and grin as i crawl over you seductively pressing my breasts all up against yours and run my fingers down your sexy limp thighs as i i grip your thigh tight with my hand and use my other hand to press my palm against your face as i look up at the ref grinning as the ref comes in smacking the mat 1 time counting out a 1 as i run my hands over your face into your hair.
14:40 <Jazmin> 

19:11 <Santana-Garrett> I lay there groaning as you press your hand I my face and hook my leg up in the air, I feel the vibrations on the mat as the ref counts "1!....2!...."
19:28 <Jazmin> as the ref counts 2 i yank your hair off the mat and wiggle my finger side to side against the ref "omg she kicked out!!!!!" as i smirk while pulling you up off the mat by your hair as i lift us back up to our feet biting my bottom lip as i look you up and down.
19:30 <Santana-Garrett> I wince as you yank me up by my hair and I hear the crowd boo, I groan as you drag me to my feet holding me up by my hair as I stumble a bit trying to push you off of me
19:33 <Jazmin> as you push me off you i bounce back a few steps then turn to my side and try to fire out a side kick up and aimed right into your big mouth from all the trash you talked earlier!
19:33 <Jazmin> 

19:37 <Santana-Garrett> As I push you off I don't get the breathing room I needed and your foot catches me right in the mouth and everything goes darks as I fall backwards landing halfway under the ropes counting sheep
19:37 <Santana-Garrett> 

19:45 <Jazmin> as i hit you in the face i watch you fall straight to your back and walk over to you grabbing you by your legs and dragging you out to the center of the ring before i step over you a leg on each side as i bend over with my booty bouncing up and down as i reach under your arms grunting trying to get your jobber ass back up to your feet leaning your body against me.
19:47 <Santana-Garrett> A little drool leaves my mouth as you drag me up and I am still dreaming as you get me up against you with my arms still limp at my sides having no idea what's going on. I breath heavily against you
19:51 <Jazmin> as you lean against me "aww such a lil jobber bish with a big mouth" as i lick my lips and hug ya tight against me like i'm being supportive... but we all know better and i leap up off my feet spinning in the air while i make your limp body carry me a second and i fall backwards holding you as i try to slam your face into the canvas in a flatliner
19:51 <Jazmin> 

19:54 <Santana-Garrett> I don't even know what's going on and I am spun around and land flat on my face and I flop over to my back twitching slightly completely out of it as the fans boo
19:54 <Santana-Garrett> 

19:59 <Jazmin> feeling you go completely limp and flop off of me i look over sitting up to see you twitch as my face turns red... trying to hide how turned on i am and i bite my lip as i run my fingertips up your lifeless body and grab your head trying to pull you up with me as i attempt to press us into the corner turnbuckle.
20:01 <Santana-Garrett> I am practically lifeless as you drag me up and press me in the corner, my head hangs and my arms draped over the ropes as the ref starts to bitch at you for the hair pulling again
20:03 <Jazmin> as the ref starts getting on my nerves again "OMG LOOK AT HER SHE DOESN'T MIND!!! Do ya Santana?" as i grin pressing my hand on your jaw opening your mouth for you moving it up and down to taunt you "see she said its fine!" as i lick my hand and press your head backwards with one hand and send a huge front flap down to your exposed chest.
20:08 <Santana-Garrett> Your slap jolts me away as my hair covers my face and one hand holds my chest wile I stay in the corner wincing and breathing heavily with sweat shining off of me from the match
20:10 <Jazmin> presses my body into you my hard nipples pressing into you as i lean in whispering in your ear "wanna be a good girl and tell all these fans and this grumpy ass ref you're my lil ragdoll huh bish?" as i press my lips up to your cheek showing my teeth as i lightly bite on your cheek.
20:12 <Santana-Garrett> "Nuuuugh...." I groan weakly as you press against me and I do my best to try to fight you off "ugggh.....noooo" I say trying to push
20:13 <Jazmin> as you push me it just pisses me off....... "as i grit my teeth and come back holding the middle ropes on each side of you and scream out as i thrust my shoulder forward trying to slam it into your stomach.
20:19 <Santana-Garrett> Unprepared for what you had in store next I find your shoulder I'm my stomach forcing my hips and ass through the top and middle set of ropes as you knock the breath out of me "UUUUGH!"
20:19 <Santana-Garrett> 

20:24 <Jazmin> as i dive my shoulder into you i stick my tongue out at the crowd before pulling back "hmmm i always did wanna try this move my boo taught me...." as i lift your legs stuffing them on top of the middle rope and shoving your head down on the other side of the ropes nice and tight as i bounce my foot up on the bottom rope to bounce in the air and lift both my knees up looking to crush your tummy with a double knee strike.
20:24 <Jazmin> 

20:26 <Santana-Garrett> Laying on the ropes trying to catch my breath I feel a pair of knees come crashing down across my chest and belly and I collapse to the mat and lay there for a moment under the ropes breathing heavily as my whole body aches
20:30 <Jazmin> reaches down as i grab you by your hair again and yank you up to your feet as i press you against the turnbuckle again grinning as i reach back with my right arm and try to send a uppercut aimed under your jaw.
20:32 <Santana-Garrett> I groan as you grab my hair again and push me against the corner and I see you wind your fist up "Ugh nooo" I groan out right before you slam your fist under my chin and spittle Flys from my lips and I go limp in the corner with my arms hanging over the ropes
20:39 <Jazmin> as i see your spittle go in the air i laugh out "shoulda just been my ragdoll... ya loser" as i press my shoulder down into your tummy smacking your ass with both hands to make you fall over onto me and i begin climbing up the ropes with you draped over my shoulder as i get to the middle rope i sit you down on the top turnbuckle placing my arm across your chest as i stick my tongue out licking up your lips "ready to go for a ride weak bish?".
20:50 <Santana-Garrett> I sit on the top rope swaying a bit until you hold me in place when you put your arms around me, I groan out weakly not even hearing what you say to me as my brain is scrambled from the uppercut
20:53 <Jazmin> gives ya a big smooch on your lips as i bite down on your bottom lip stretching it out some and slowly let go before i shake my head around and take a big deep breath in as i launch us backwards in a moonsault trying to slam you down in the center of the ring with a spanish fly from the top rope.
20:53 <Jazmin> 

21:02 <Santana-Garrett> I land flat on my back and a gasp leaves my body as I lay spread eagle breathing heavily unconcious again 

21:09 <Jazmin> you lay out cold in my favorite pose... i hate to even get ya up from this beautiful sight.... as i crawl over on top of you and run my hands up your thighs to your hips as i slowly bring my soft hands up your tummy and place them on your breasts squeezing them as i press my lips on your sucking your breath away as i moan in your lips then i slowly bring my hands up to your hair trying to bring your sexy ass up to your feet with me so i can set you up for a big night sleep.
21:09 <Jazmin> 

21:11 <Santana-Garrett> I'm already out cold as you press your lips into mine and my eyes start to flutter as you drag my limp form up to my feet where my only support is you. My arms hang at my sides giving you no resistance at all
21:13 <Jazmin> tucks your arms under mine as i turn my back and press my fat latina ass into you as i shake it side to side on your limp body as i stand up straight after press your limp head on my shoulder "you like this ass baby?" as i smirk and grab your thigh lifting it up shaking you around on my back as i wink out at the crowd and turn ina cartwheel trying to bounce your head like a basketball off the canvas in a teardrop attempt
21:13 <Jazmin> 

21:14 <Santana-Garrett> "Wha?" Is all I manage to get out as I have no clue where i am then *BAM* my head bounces viciously off the mat and my eyes roll back as I twitch slightly laying spread eagle again
21:16 <Jazmin> as we land i scoot back on you smacking my hand on your sexy ass thigh watching it jiggle and run my fingertips around your inner thigh as i bite my bottom lip then i lift both your legs up high in the air for the fans to get a nice view of your bouncy booty as the ref comes in smacking the mat counting out 1!!!! 2!!!!
21:16 <Jazmin> 

21:16 <Jazmin> 

21:24 <Santana-Garrett> 3! You could have counted all night and it wouldn't have mattered because I was out of it. I entered the match thinking it was gonna be easy but instead was on the receiving end of a one sided beat down
21:28 <Jazmin> as the count hits 3 i drop your legs and pat your thighs as im announced the winner as as im layed over you i pull your head up giving you a big fat french kiss rolling my tongue all around in your mouth before i lean back getting some of your drool on my lips and laugh out as i roll you towards the edge of the ring and exit as i pull you by your legs out from under the ropes sit you up and toss you up and over my shoulder as i smack you right on the ass as i strut up the steps with my sexy ragdoll prize with me before we exit the curtains i hold you with one arm on my shoulder and use my other hand to smack my own ass as we leave out the curtains on my way home with her.
21:30 <Jazmin> 

21:41 <Santana-Garrett> End
<Published> 2024-12-17, viewed 116 times.
Jenna Max
13 days agoYou looked great in this match Jazmin. But let's face it. I look better!
Dazzling Diana
2025-01-06 19:39I know Santana ain't exactly a winner, but I'm seriously surprised a loser like Jazmin beat her so easily lol (Great match you two!)
2024-12-19 14:09Its always great to watch tiny Jazmin's acrobatic moves.
2024-12-18 17:50Great fight girls and congratulations to Jazmin
2024-12-18 14:35OMG Jazmin was amazing in this match. Utter domination!
2024-12-18 00:17Thanks!!! Santana is always super fun for me and I had a great time during this match. I love all the matches that we have together it is a blast!
2024-12-17 23:11Very impressive Jasmin!
Summer loves slams
2024-12-17 22:51Wow Jasmin is seriously impressive and so brutal ouch!!!