Fight n Fuck Club
Established: 2022-01-06
Chat room: #FnF_Club
- No holds barred
- Pro wrestling
- Submission
- Bareknuckle/fistfight
A fight club exclusive for young, hot muscular fighters and wrestlers
03:25 <BraydonJacobs> I sent an email to my long time rival Tim Jenkins. Tonight at the Eagle, they have an evening of Sexfight matches open. I have organized a Dog Collar Sexfight match for us. If you are up for the challenge meet me there. I head to the club, wearing my blue briefs and wait to see if you show up. You are not logged in. yt
03:27 <timjenkins1990> I get the email from Braydon Jacobs and going to accept this challenge as I head to the Eagle. I wear my black speedo as I enter and see you standing there and spin you around. Here I am Sexy Boy You are not logged in. yt
03:29 <BraydonJacobs> you come up behind me, spinning me around to face you. "Surprised you showed fucker" i growl. giving you a kiss as the current match finishes up.
03:29 <BraydonJacobs> yt
03:31 <timjenkins1990> Hear the bell ring as last match finishes up as you kiss me. then grab your speedo and pull you into me and kiss you back. "Yeah going to enjoy working you over stud. Good and hard" yt
03:37 <BraydonJacobs> I grab your black speedo in front, pulling you to the organizer to tell him we are ready. I slide into the ring, grabbing 2 leather collars, a 8 foot chain connecting them together. "You wont be able to stay far from me with this fucker!" i growl as i throw a collar towards you. yt
03:39 <timjenkins1990> Grab the collar as you do and place it on with the 8 foot chain. I smile your way as the bell rings as I grab that chain and pull hard on it. Use my strength and catch you off guard as you come stumbling towards me and bring foot up hard into your gut as hard as I can BAM yt
03:42 <BraydonJacobs> I clamp the collar onto my neck and as the bell rings, you yank the chain, pulling me towards you. I raise my arm and as your foot slams my abs I drive a forearm into your pecs UGHHHH! yt
03:44 <timjenkins1990> UMPH caught in my hard pecs from your forearm as I step back some rubbing them as my foot his hard into your abs. I then step forward and slam another fist into your gut to keep you breathing hard to start yt
03:47 <BraydonJacobs> You move in, driving a fist into my abs UGHH! I wrap the chain around my fist, driving an uppercut into your jaw to force you into a corner. yt
03:48 <timjenkins1990> OH FUCK rocked by that uppercut to the jaw as I fall back into the corner shaking my head back and forth arms over top ropes stunned from that shot yt
03:50 <BraydonJacobs> I grin as i stun my sexy muscleboy as i rub my sore bricks. Keeping the chain around my fist, i move in and slam my chained fist into your sexy abs. "You arent the only one to gutpunch fucker!" yt
03:51 <timjenkins1990> UGH try to move but damn fisted chain to my abs as I double over and then fall to my knees as I try to catch my breather as I try to move away from you yt
03:57 <BraydonJacobs> Releasing the chain when you fall to your knees. You try to get away, but i grab the chain and yank you back towards me. My arms wrap around you as i lift and slam you under me in a belly to belly slam. yt
03:59 <timjenkins1990> SHIT Braydon taken the control as he belly to belly me hard into the mats as his hard bod lands on top of me. Trying to catch my breathe as our already sweaty bods are into each other. Need to do something as I lean up some as our face our near then slam face forward into yours in a headbutt. Trying to catch breathe yt
04:03 <BraydonJacobs> Grinding my cock against yours as i focus on your body....then UGHHHH! Your head slams mine making me roll off you. yt
04:05 <timjenkins1990> roll over as I get on knees as I wrap the chain around my hand and then fall down and drop that chain into the top of your head hard. Let you feel how that chain feels on your bod now fucker yt
04:07 <BraydonJacobs> CRACKKK! your wrapped fist slams into my head. UGHHH! I roll, kicking my feet in pain. yt
04:09 <timjenkins1990> get back up as I hold that chain and bring my fist up and under your speedo when all sudden pull that chain straight up into your package hard as I hear the guys grimace as I hit the right spot. My package growing bigger in my speedo yt
04:12 <BraydonJacobs> You pull the chain and yank it into my bulge. ARGHHFUCKKK! I yell out. The steel driving into my balls. I roll over to my back holding my bulge. yt
04:14 <timjenkins1990> look down at you as I sit you up and then grab both sides of the chains with my hands and bring them around and wrap them around your chest hard and squeeze hard and at same time wrap my legs around your abs and pull you back into me hard. Feel the power in my legs bitch yt
04:18 <BraydonJacobs> You hold me against your chest as the chain digs into my pecs. Your legs around me making me groan out. I whip my head back and drive it into your face. THUDDDD yt
04:20 <timjenkins1990> FUCK smacked into my face as legs loosen but fall back but still hold onto chain as it presses into your bod har as I try to shake cobwebs out yt
04:29 <BraydonJacobs> I start to rock and roll over to my hands and knees with you on my back. I grab your hair as i stand and whip you over my head onto the pile of chain under us on the mat. yt
04:31 <timjenkins1990> Feel you show off your power as I am on your back when you stand up and all sudden flipped over and land on the pile of chains back first. OH SHIT scream out as I roll on mats grabbing back at my back as I try to roll away as far as I can but not far enough with the collars and chains locked on us yt
04:34 <BraydonJacobs> I reach down, grabbing your speedo and yank it down your legs, freeing your hardon. My foot stomping down on your abs. yt
04:35 <timjenkins1990> fuck my speedo down my legs as my cock is straight up when you stomp down on my abs as I curl up holding my abs. Need to get back in this soon yt
04:36 <BraydonJacobs> I double up the chain between us, as you curl up, i whip the chain down onto your bare ass. THWACKKK yt
04:38 <timjenkins1990> AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW scream out as I know my ass is turning red from that chain shot. Hear the guys Smile over that as I kick my foot back blindly hoping to catch your leg or something hard to catch you off guard yt
04:39 <BraydonJacobs> Your foot slams into my knee, I fall forward, slamming my elbow down into the back of your head. yt
04:41 <timjenkins1990> feel elbow to back of my head and yell out as I turn head to see you grab at your knee. I grab the chain and bring it back around my fist and slam it into your knee hard and raise it and do it again yt
04:42 <BraydonJacobs> ARHGGGGGFUKKKKK! I yell as you slam the steel into my knee, not once but twice. I grab my leg in pain. FUCKKINN BITCHHHH yt
04:44 <timjenkins1990> both us hurting as I reach out and grab your speedo and pull it down to around your knees . I then wrap the chain around your knees and speedo as I start to stand up and lift you up off mats and then slam your knees into the mats hard with the chain wrapped around them yt
04:45 <BraydonJacobs> the crowd goes nuts as my knee slam into the steel as it hits the mat. My 9 incher slapping my abs as i roll in pain trying to get my legs free. yt
04:47 <timjenkins1990> grab my speedo and pull it all off my bod my hard cock out in front of me as I still have your legs tied up. I then twist us over and put my foot in your back hard and twist those legs back hard together in that wrapped chain as I sneer big yt
04:47 <timjenkins1990> (oh fuck man so hard)
04:48 <BraydonJacobs> ARGHHFUCKKK!
04:48 <BraydonJacobs> I slam my elbow back into your knee. trying to get free. yt
04:51 <timjenkins1990> UGH feel elbow to my knee as I let go but your legs still wrapped up as I turn and fall down on top of you and rub my bod hard into yours as I grab your face and rake it back and forth into the mats as I smile more yt
04:54 <BraydonJacobs> you drop onto my back, grabbing my head as you grind my face into the mat. your cock grinding into my ass. I reach up to claw your face. yt
04:55 <timjenkins1990> oh fuck fall off of you as you rake my eyes. rubbing them as they water big time. dirty fucker. Trying to get vision back before you can untie your legs damn you yt
05:01 <BraydonJacobs> I roll on the mat away from you to free my legs. Kicking my speedo off, my knees sore from the attacks. I grab the chain, yanking you towards me as i slam a fist into your cock. yt
05:02 <timjenkins1990> FUCKER grabbing my cock as I fall into you and hold onto you with one hand and my other holding my package. You dirty fucker I scream out as I try to get my feeling back into my hard cock SHIT yt
05:07 <BraydonJacobs> I reach up, grabbing your pec and claw into it with my left hand. My right hand grabs your hair and I slam your face down into the mat. yt
05:09 <timjenkins1990> UGH claw my pecs as you lift my face up and smash it into the mats hard. my ass up in the air as I kick my feet into the mats over and over. Trying to get away from you as we both sweat big time for these guys yt
05:10 <BraydonJacobs> Your feet kicking the mats. I have to take you....and do it now!
05:11 <BraydonJacobs> I leap onto your back. slamming you flat under me. I pull the chain over your throat as i grind my cock to your ass. "ready bitch?" I growl. I yank your head up by choking you with the chain. i hump into your ass and start to stab my cock at your hole. yt
05:12 <timjenkins1990> FUCK feel you choking me with that chain as I can feel you cock nearing my hole as I grab at the chain trying to pull it off of me before you can put me out oh fuck no yt
05:14 <BraydonJacobs> My cock grinding against your muscled ass. My cockhead pokes and then sinks into that muscled ass. "FUCKKKKK You are tight bitch!" I yell as i twist the chain to choke you more. yt
05:15 <timjenkins1990> oh you fuck plant your cock in my ass. not many get in there as I keep trying to pull at chain but you get choking me more as I gag on it big time damn it yt
05:15 <BraydonJacobs> I start to thrust deep into you. forcing you to take all 9 inches....the crowd going nuts.
05:16 <BraydonJacobs> Watching you trying to yank at the chain to get air. "Submit and take my cock bitch!" yt
05:17 <timjenkins1990> hands slip off as the choke is locked on as I can't talk. start tapping mats hoping that show my submission before I sleep yt
05:18 <BraydonJacobs> the crowd yells as you slap the mat!
05:20 <BraydonJacobs> i release the chain, letting you breathe as i slam my hands on your back and start to slowfuck you open for me. yt
05:20 <timjenkins1990> fuck take your cock all the way into my ass as I moan out. start to squeeze my ass cheeks around your hard cock as I moan out. slap hand on mats because you got me good yt
05:21 <BraydonJacobs> i lean over, grabbing your hair. I pull you up, and turn your head as i kiss you and start to fuck into your hole. slowly speeding up. yt
05:23 <timjenkins1990> kiss you back hard as you start to fuck my ass. "you better enjoy this. will pay you back for this fucker" yt
05:23 <BraydonJacobs> "I own you Tim!" I growl
05:24 <BraydonJacobs> You are not logged in. You are not logged in. You are not logged in. You are not logged in.
05:24 <BraydonJacobs> I grab your leg as i sit up, twisting you onto your back as i stay buried into your hole.
05:25 <BraydonJacobs> Your leg on my shoulder as i fuck your hole. I lean over and plant my hand on your pec twisting your nipple. yt
05:25 <timjenkins1990> You are not logged in. You are not logged in.
05:26 <timjenkins1990> UGH as you twist my nips my cock so hard between us as I reach down and start to stroke it for you as I look up at you yt
05:26 <BraydonJacobs> "yeah my bitch needs to cum? Spray all over me!" i growl
05:27 <BraydonJacobs> i start to punch my cock into your prostate, forcing all 9 inches deep in you.
05:27 <BraydonJacobs> yt
05:28 <timjenkins1990> pointing my cock up to you as I work it faster and all sudden shoot all over your sexy bod as the guys cheer us on yt
05:29 <BraydonJacobs> your ass clamps on my cock as you spray your cum on my body.
05:29 <BraydonJacobs> "FUCKKKYESSS!" I yell as i unload deep into your ass. Marking you as my bitch! yt
05:30 <timjenkins1990> FUCK take your CUM in my ass as I look up at you. "You will so pay for this Braydon and you know it" yt
05:31 <BraydonJacobs> "maybe so...but you are mine to own all night bitch!" I growl. I grab the collar, unlocking it off my neck and removing yours.
05:31 <BraydonJacobs> i grab your hair, yanking you up as i kiss you deep. yt
05:33 <timjenkins1990> kiss you back deep as the guys watch but then bring hand up and in between us and push it onto your mouth in a kiss of death sleeper. "you won the war. I will win putting you out stud" see your eyes go wide yt
05:34 <BraydonJacobs> you bring your hand up and into my mouth, trying to put me out. I grab your cock and squeeze your crotch yt
05:36 <timjenkins1990> eyes go wide FUCK. as my hands come off your mouth as I try to pull your hand off my package yt
05:38 <BraydonJacobs> I grab your hair, yanking you with me as i pull you out of the ring.
05:38 <BraydonJacobs> "I own you tonight bitch!" i growl as i slam your forehead into the post
05:39 <timjenkins1990> SHIT pulled out of the ring and then slammed into the ring post hard as I fall to my knees almost out of it. Braydon so will pay for this yt
05:41 <BraydonJacobs> i grab you and pull you up onto my shoulder in a firemans carry. i ram 3 fingers into your cumfilled hole as i carry you to the back.
<Published> 2022-07-16, viewed 195 times.
2022-09-21 16:20Lots of hot moves with the chain. WOOF.
2022-07-17 08:52Great match. Love this done to me
Apollo Dante (deleted member)
2022-07-16 23:41Seems sexy Braydon Jacobs is getting into collar matches. But I feared the worst here for him. Having lost and been collared recently by Alpha Adam recently as well as losing a couple of bouts before that facing the tough Tim Jenkins is never easy!
But Braydon was back to his best here and he had to be for sure. It seemed his opponent Tim was stunned by the outcome of this one as Braydon showed us what he is capable of when in the mood.
Loved the action and outcum…great bout from both these studs!
Noah Wright (deleted member)
2022-07-16 06:32Nice job braydon
Dave Squeezemaster
2022-07-16 06:23What an awesome match these two buddies of mine put on,, I aint seen
Tim handled like this in a long time, and well Braydon is always "up" for a
tough battle and knows how to use that sexy body of his,,
Congrats to both of you,,
S Howard (deleted member)
2022-07-16 05:58Hot match, I would say poor Tim, but I think he might of enjoyed it.