Fight n Fuck Club

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Established: 2022-01-06
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A fight club exclusive for young, hot muscular fighters and wrestlers
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Justin vs the army

Boxxxer (deleted member)

17:28 <Boxxxer> Lunch period at my high school. I'm a senior this year and 18 years old. Last 3 years I've been on the wrestling team, football team and boxing team. I stand 18, 5'10, 150lbs lean but tough. Last year i won the state championship in boxing. Your at your table, pull up bar, Pamplets, keychain and the works. I walk up to your table looking you over. Noticing your lean but strong look. "I heard the military has gone soft bro" I say smiling trying to get a rise out of you. Yt
17:40 <submasterwyatt> I am at yet another high school recruiting for the Army. Not a bad gif overall but I much prefer to be in the field. Best perk is I get to see some hot studs working their way into the real world. My 6’0” 195 lb. Frame gets a lot of looks from both the girls and guys. One thing I don’t like is this younger group ( me being 25) seems to think they are entitled and tough. Can’t really blame them though I think I was that way too at 18. I am at the recruiting table when this hot young man comes up - has to be a mix of some ethnic background but it don’t matter makes him hot. He opens his smart mouth and I instantly see him for thinking he is something he is not. He says he heard the military has gone soft. I reply back - “ This look soft to you?” And I pump my 17 inch bicep. “You my man wouldn’t make it out of basic with that little attitude. Knock that from you in week one.”
17:40 <submasterwyatt> Yt
17:48 <Boxxxer> I smile n look at that arm. "That's impressive sir, not going to lie" I hold my hand out to shake your hand, "hey my name is justin" I start talking with you about my athletic accomplishments and background and if the military would have a spot for a tough guy like me. Going over that I wrestled but wasn't that great at it. Played football and was ok but boxing is where I excelled in sports. Then get a little cocky but with a tone of respect since your military. "I bet I could take a guy like you in a real fight though" I laugh n grin a little as I kind of just mess with you. Yt
17:58 <submasterwyatt> You shake my hand and I feel a nice firm grip. “ nice to meet you Justin, Wyatt.” You explain your athletic feats and I listen as you then banter about taking me in a real fight. I smile at your confidence then tell you I am a squad trainer for Army special forces and you have no idea what a real fight is, still don’t want to discourage you and say, maybe after school I could get in the ring with you and you could show me what you got.
17:58 <submasterwyatt> Yt
18:02 <Boxxxer> I smile real big "wait, really sir, you'd square up with me?!?!" I say excitedly always wanting to know what a real army guy has got. I tell you to wait a moment and I return with a piece of paper, slide it to you and say "see you at 5 sir" then shake your hand being respectful and seemingly excited at the chance to beat up a military guy. On the note as you unfold it, it says "You vs me, mma rules, wrestling mat room, 5pm, no spectators or ref" yt
18:14 <submasterwyatt> I look at the note and smile. This boy is like a kid in a candy store that was just told to take whatever he wanted. Again, eager to encourage and mold this dudes spunk I shut down my table at about 3:30. I go to the locker room and see they have a great weight system so I ask one of the coaches if I can workout with the boys. He agrees and I spend the next hour showing younger dudes how to build mass and keep the strength. Five o clock arrives before I know it and look up just in time. Tell the dudes I have to run and get to the ring about five after. My grey tank top and camo shorts are wet with sweat so as I walk in I pull off the top. In my sneakers and my grey compression waistband showing some looking around for some gloves. I say I am sorry I am a bit late and explain where I was. Yt
18:19 <Boxxxer> I walk in pumped and ready to tangle with the army stud. No shirt on as I walk in the wrestling mat room and see you there. "Dude you came, hell yeah" I seem much nicer now than I did at your table. I throw you a pair of camo 4oz mma gloves, "here bro try these on" I say as i put in my blue mouthguard and slip on my red mma gloves then kick off my shoes. I step onto the mat and get to center mat. "Ok Wyatt, sir, you n me, no one else, show me what the army can teach you" I say as I get the gloves up ready to square off with you. Wearing my schools blue athletic trunks, white jockstrap underneath. Yt
18:26 <submasterwyatt> You get in the ring after tossing me some thin gloves. I put them on as I flip off my shoes and climb in the ring. See your body as it looks tight. Smaller frame but can tell you are working on it. You also sporting a jock strap, old school as more and more dudes prefer compression shorts. You put your hands up in guard and tell me to spar with you. Really don’t want to hurt you so I throw a couple punches pulling them so if they connect I won’t rock you too much. As I drill onto your left side making you focus there I swift kick up into the right leg. More up on the thigh so I don’t hurt u. If it were a real MMA fight I would aim for your knee to buckle you. But want to just show my sting leg power not incapacitate you
18:29 <Boxxxer> I circle with you an you give me a few nice shots to the head, body n leg. I grin n say "cmon army boy that all you got" then step in with a hard right hook to the jaw followed by a right uppercut to the chin followed by a right knee up into your abs then a left hook to the jaw as I step back. Putting power in those shots to see if I can drop the military stud. Yt
18:42 <submasterwyatt> Going half power you come in at me with a hard right hook that misses as I roll back but connect with an uppercut making my head fly back. Stunned that you are not sparing but seemingly going all out. Still wasn’t prepared and you hook your knee up into my abs of steel. Good thing I just finished my workout as they were solid but still felt it. More ready now as you try the left hook. You catch it some but not a full on hit. Damn this boy has some power, I think to my self. I op low and grab around your knees and lift and drop you pinning you in a top mount. Grab both your arms and. Slam them down on the mat over your head. Drops of sweat coming down on you. “You better be careful stud, I don’t want to hurt you but you are throwing like it’s lights out and I will hurt you if you keep that up.”
18:45 <Boxxxer> "Uhhnggfff uhhhffff" double legged and slammed to the mat as you get mount and pin me down. You sit on my hips and pin my arms down dripping sweat on me telling me to hold back. I smile "no, I want to fight you sir, I want to see what you can really do" I say as I lay there under you, in a very vulnerable position but still not willing to give up or back down. "Cmon fight me" i say as I bite down on my mouthguard. Yt
18:57 <submasterwyatt> You tell me you want to really fight me and I still don’t throw full on but not holding back much I start with a right as I slam down into your face one two three times then let up and let you guard if you know how. If you go up top as expected I ram two more jabs into your side. The roll off you and stand. Reach for your hand to get you standing. Watching your eye turn purple from the jabs. I step back, put up guard and say “can’t just beat the snot out alof a high school kid and not give him a chance,”. Hopping on my feet now letting you get your bearings after the face pound you just received yt
19:00 <Boxxxer> Hands to the mat above my head, pinned down and in a real open spot you give me what I ask for. "Uhmshh uhmshh uhmpssshh" my head jerking three times as you punch me in the face. You let my gloves go and I try to guard up. "Ngshh ngshh" I can feel some bruising on my eye as you help me up. I nod and touch gloves with you as we square up. I get my hands up to my jawline and throw a left hook to the jaw followed by a right uppercut to the abs. Yt
19:06 <submasterwyatt> You connect again with your combo left and uppercut to my abs. My head gets whipped some and my abs feeling the jab. Impressed by your skill and speed but I grab the back of your head as your leg comes down and knee up into your gut with two swift knee kicks. Showinwing you I have speed too, then I grab around your waist and carry you to the post and slam my elbow up into your neck, hold you with my body and and punch back into your side hitting your floating rib. This boy wants to know how a real fight hurts I will show him. Yt
20:10 <Boxxxer> "Aughhhhfff" i double over and you slam me into the corner pad. "Aughh Aughhh aughhhffff" getting worked to the body as you smash my side hurting my floating ribs. Pinned to the corner as your elbow is up in my neck. Wincing and grunting as i take the shots. Yt
20:15 <submasterwyatt> Slam into your side more then let my forearm off your neck to uppercut you and show you a real powerful hit. Slamming into your chin
20:17 <submasterwyatt> Yt
20:26 <Boxxxer> "Aughh aughh uhhmpfffff" my head jerks up as i fail to defend myself against you. I get my gloves up to cover up as i try to cover my face to defend. Yt
01:02 <submasterwyatt> you go up and try and protect your face leaving your abs open and I pummel them left, right, left, right, yt
01:12 <Boxxxer> "Uhhh uhgff ungff uhgffshh" I double over and rush into you trying to take you down to the mat. Yt
01:13 <submasterwyatt> you rush into me and I stumble back but I grab you around the waist as we fall and put my knees up so when we land your abs get a good slam yt
01:14 <Boxxxer> "Aughhhfff" I roll to the side off you and roll to my side giving you my back. Wincing n holding my abs. Yt
01:16 <submasterwyatt> duddeeee, i see your back and You are not logged in. latch on a rear naked choke, rolling you some to get my legs around your waist, then back up sideways, constricting my arms around your throat
01:20 <submasterwyatt> yt
01:21 <Boxxxer> I mess up bad and give up my back. You roll and latch on a rear naked choke fast. I pull at your strong arms and squirm but that choke is on super tight. I grunt n moan as struggle. Yt
01:23 <submasterwyatt> I whisper in your ear. "you will learn stud. now tap I don't want to put a high school kid out."
01:37 <Boxxxer> I know I'm finished and I reach out after i struggle a few moments more. I reach out n slap the mat 3 times tapping out to you. Submitting to the choke. Yt
01:39 <submasterwyatt> I immediately let you go, push you off, get up and reach down for your hand to pull you up. I pull you into me and give you a big man hug and slap the back of your head. "you did good kid, you got some skills and with time you will be a force to recon with."
01:39 <submasterwyatt> yt
01:43 <Boxxxer> I take a deep breath and accept the help up. I grin as we walk to the side of the ring and sit on the side outside the ropes. I grab 2 white towels outta my gym bag and toss you one. "Dude, you beat my ass in there" I say as I hold out my glove wanting to touch gloves with you, showing my respect. I wipe my face and clean up my bloody nose. "Army teach you to fight like that man?" I say being respectful but curious. Yt
01:46 <submasterwyatt> I grab the towel you throw at me as we sit outside the ring. You ask me about learning to fight. I say it was a couple things. I learned kickboxing on my own, MMA and the combat stuff the Army taught me in combat special forces training. "You would be a really good candidate for special forces man, but NEVER get your back exposed to a more experience fighter."
01:46 <submasterwyatt> yt
01:48 <Boxxxer> I stand up and turn to face you. "So, do we gotta do a round 2 for me to sign up" i say with a grin and wink at you. "Or do you just wanna tapout now and make me your superior" i say with a grin and slip my white slightly bloodstreaked mouthguard back in. Grinning big at you and messing eith the stud that just made me tapout. Yt
01:52 <submasterwyatt> you get back in the ring and I smile at your resolve like a pitbull pup not knowing when he is licked but not caring, gonna bring a fight even if the fight is over. It does make my cock stir and my compression shorts outline a big time boner. I get up just to avoid the embarrassing pouch sitting there legs spread. yt
01:53 <Boxxxer> I bounce around on my feet. Im busted up but determined. I wave you in at me "cmon lets wrestle bro" i say as I take off the sweaty mma gloves and throw them off to the side. Clearly wanting to prove myself to the bigger older stronger fighter. Yt
01:55 <submasterwyatt> wrestle now is it, I smirk. sliding into the ring and say. OK stud but I have almost 40 bls and 2 inches on you. sliding off my mma gloves and start to circle with you. yt
01:56 <Boxxxer> I grin "so give me an advantage bro, let me throw punches to the body" I say to you as I hold out my hand to slap hands to start the wrestling match. Yt
01:57 <submasterwyatt> I grab both your hands and yank you in, turning you and slide a foot under yours and drop you to the mat, me on top. "punches won't help you stud." yt
01:59 <Boxxxer> You yank me to you and "aughhff" I hit the mat on my back as you go down on top of me. I wrap my arms around your body and wrestle trying to get to my side so i dont get pinned right away. Wanting to prove I'm man enough to this tough, attractive military stud. Yt
02:03 <submasterwyatt>
02:03 <submasterwyatt> you go to the side and I yank your hands from me and turn you more, then sit on top of you. My crotch presses into your ass as my hand dominately holds your face down on the mat
02:03 <submasterwyatt> yt
02:09 <Boxxxer> Face to the mat as you press your crotch to my ass. I struggle but you hold me down to the mat. Trying to wrestle but your weight n power are just too much for me as I squirm under you. Yt
02:12 <submasterwyatt> I slap the back of your head as i thrust my crotch over your ass crack. I realize what I am doing and get up, not sure what you make of the sexual advance. I grab for your hand again and tell you to take my leg and lift it, then when I say go, I will give you a little advantage and see what you can make of it. my legs will be spread wide again and i want to see if you watch my crotch, if you don't, it's all good and i will move forward with the match
02:12 <submasterwyatt>
02:12 <submasterwyatt> yt
02:15 <Boxxxer> I'm down and then "uhngshh" you slap the back of my head and hump that nice package into my ass a bit. You get up and I do too. Knowing your showing me mercy i do as you ask. I take one leg in my arm but can't help but notice that impressive bulge as i try to kick your other leg out from underneath yiu for the takedown. Admittedly a bit distracted by not only your power but your body and that good bulge. Yt
02:18 <submasterwyatt> see this little man looking at my bulge as he takes my leg and so i let him keep going see what he can do. he starts to sweep my standing leg and even though I can hold him off, i don't and let him take me down to my back. yt
02:24 <Boxxxer> I take you to your back and go for side control. I get to my side high up on your chest. My left arm under your right armpit and behind your head. My left leg under your left arm as i try to control you and wrestle for the pinfall. Yt
02:29 <submasterwyatt> you go for the sideways pin with a half nelson, leg to body control. I have my full lower body open so i bridge and twist fast to keep from getting pinned. my one arm I power over and out of your half nelson and slide it up and over the back of your neck, then i push your your waist and see if I can get that leg off my other arm as I try to work out of your hold yt
02:32 <Boxxxer> My hold is no match for your raw power and I not only lose my pinfall hold but succumb to being in your control as we wrestle and my neck is under your right arm. "Aghff fuck ngfff" I grunt out as you escape and wrestle. Yt
02:35 <submasterwyatt> I flip over you and cover your face with my crotch and rub it in your face as i let my bodyweight just pin you to the mat
02:35 <submasterwyatt>
02:35 <submasterwyatt> yt
02:37 <Boxxxer> Sweaty balls and cock straight to the face as I struggle n try to bridge up to get outta the pin but I'm stuck. The intoxicating smell of your sweaty package filling my nostrils n getting my dick bulging too. I squirm and wrestle but have to admit I'm pinned. I reach out and slap the mat once hard, signaling I'm pinned. Yt
02:37 <Boxxxer> You are not logged in.
02:37 <Boxxxer> Yt
02:39 <submasterwyatt> you slap the mat and I first kind of slide back stuffing my nuts in your mouth, then slide over you. "fuck dude, I don't know about you, but wrestling always bone me big time. sorry about that." damn, you got me sweating too, think we can hit the showers? yt
02:43 <Boxxxer> Your big bulge grinding on my lips n nose. I know what your doing and i lay there taking it. I grin as you get up. "Don't apologize bro, it's natural, besides that's a nice package man" I say as I get up and point to your sweaty crotch. I get up n walk with you to the showers. My arm over your shoulder. New respect gained from this tough military stud that proved im not as tough as him. We get to the locker room and I shut n lock the door behind us. It smells like sweaty balls and athletic equipment in here and I look at you. Yt
02:47 <submasterwyatt> you lock the door and I turn and say, "you want to worship this body boy? Grab you by your shorts and lead you to the shower. "you can lather me up and give me a tongue bath you hot bitch."
02:47 <submasterwyatt> yt
02:50 <Boxxxer> You grab me by the waistband of my shorts n lead me to the showers calling me boy and hot bitch. I'm not prepared for this as I get apprehensive about the situation. But knowing I wanna satisfy the army stud I go along with it. Letting you pull me into the showers. As soon as we're in there I just hug you. I start to kiss your neck a bit. None of the water even on yet as I taste your manly sweaty neck as I kiss it. Yt
02:51 <submasterwyatt> as you start to hug me and kiss me, I tell you to lick off all that sweat. put up a pit and tell you to start there. yt
02:52 <Boxxxer> I do as im told and sniff that pit then lick it showing you that im willing to do as I'm told. Yt
02:53 <submasterwyatt>
02:53 <submasterwyatt> now go for my 17 bi's BOY
02:55 <Boxxxer> I move to the biceps, kissing each one and licking it. "You like that sir" I say as I try to be a good submissive boy to the man that just beat the snot outta me on the mat. Yt
02:57 <submasterwyatt> yeah i do. grab your chin and say. "you did real good kid, not many would even get in the ring with me, you did and got a couple good shots." plant a big kiss on you, tonguing you and forcing it down your throat. "now be a good soldier and pull out my dick and show it some attention" yt
02:58 <Boxxxer> You tounge kiss me but so agressivly that im intimidated and do as you say. "Sir, yes sir" I say timidly as I go to my knees and take a breath. I pull down your compression shorts and free that meaty cock as it slaps my face. Yt
03:00 <submasterwyatt> I swing my hips and slap your cheeks with my dick. "take it soldier"
03:00 <submasterwyatt> yt
03:01 <Boxxxer> "Uhh uhh" getting slapped as you cockslap me. I open my mouth and hold your dick by the base of the shaft as i slowly take some of it in. Struggling but trying to suck cock. The sweaty musky taste n smell of your junk filling my nostrils. Yt
03:02 <submasterwyatt> lube it up good buddy, it's going in that ass next hole
03:02 <submasterwyatt> yt
03:04 <Boxxxer> I get a little worried and I spit n suck on your cock. Licking the shaft n kissing the tip. Striggling to take more than 4 inches of it in my mouth, choking and gagging every time I try to suck more. Yt
03:06 <submasterwyatt> that's ok buddy, just shows me you aint a full on cock sucker. we can work on that too..Wink. keep trying. stud
03:07 <Boxxxer> I keep trying but keep choking on that powerful army dick. I look up at you. "You like that sir, am I a soldier boy yet" womdering if ive done enough to be signed to your unit when I graduate. Yt
03:07 <submasterwyatt> dude you ARE my man! I would recommend you in a heartbeat.
03:09 <submasterwyatt> pushing my dick deeper down your throat
03:09 <submasterwyatt> yt
03:10 <Boxxxer> I choke and gag as you force me to take more cock in my throat. Holding onto your strong bare ass cheeks even though I pull my head back and close my eyes as I struggle. Yt
03:12 <submasterwyatt> I pull off and lift you up and yank your shorts down, looking at your hot rod. I pull on it a couple times and then smile drop to my knees and lick your head. swirl your helmet and then stand. "bend over stud" yt
03:14 <Boxxxer> You pull me up as I just look into your eyes, it's clear im pretty new to all this as you yank my shorts down and give my hard throbbing cockhead a lick n kiss. Im told to bend over and i trust you. I bend forward a bit and put my hands on the shower wall for support. Yt
03:17 <submasterwyatt> as you bend over. I spit into your hole and poke a finger in and slide it in and out in and out, then put two in and roll them in your ass opening it so my thick dick doesn't tear you in two yt
03:21 <Boxxxer> I jump a bit n wince as I whimper. Surrendering to you completely as I let you prep my hole but flinching with each movement. Yt
03:22 <submasterwyatt> I slap your ass to open you up further then I put my dickhead into your hole and PUSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSHHHHHHHH it until it pops in through the ring. I can then slide up inside you about half way, then I pull out and redo the whole thing again to open the little man up
03:24 <Boxxxer> My head hangs as i let the real alpha male take me. Whimpering and jerking a bit as you fuck me. Feeling that hard raw cock lubed up by me forced up in my ass as you claim me after such a big victory
03:24 <Boxxxer> Yt
03:27 <submasterwyatt> I start to work your hole as I pump into you harder and faster. Yeah little man, take that soldier dick, I know you want it. tell me how bad. yt
03:28 <Boxxxer> I whimper n wince, taking that soldier boy cock. Teeth grit and eyes closed as my face turns red and I struggle with it all as you pump that cock up into me. Not amswering you as I struggle to relax and get used to the feeling. Yt
03:29 <submasterwyatt> breeding that hot little ass I show him what it's like to serve a soldier. gonna have to take more than this in the army stud. show me you can handle it. and I pump hard and deep slapping your ass with my balls
03:29 <submasterwyatt> yt
03:31 <Boxxxer> I do the best that I can as you tell me I'm gonna have to take more than that. I hold the wall, struggling hard, your balls slapping up against me as I stay up on my feet just getting plowed by you. It hurts but it feels kind of good. I look down and notice my cock leaking precum a bit. Yt
03:32 <submasterwyatt> I punch deep into you and swivel my hips to find your prostate and watch your dick to see when I hit it. working my dick deep as you start to leak yt
03:33 <Boxxxer> My prostate getting beat up like you did with me on the mats. My cock leaking alot of precum as you use me hard and rough. Still whimpering a bit as i get pounded. Yt
03:35 <submasterwyatt> let you whimper but find your sweet spot and target it. slamming into it and watching your dick pulse with each punch. gonna knock your dick out like I almost put you out
03:35 <submasterwyatt> yt
03:37 <Boxxxer> I wince n grunt, then my balls tighten up. My body tenses up hard, all my sore beaten soft abs flex, the veins in my neck swell and I moan out "uhhhgg uhhgff aughhhhh uhhngfffshhh mmmmmmm" as i start to shoot ropes onto the wall in a massive cum load that drains my nuts. Yt
03:40 <submasterwyatt> yeah boy let it go. I watch as the young stud blows his load and my cock rocks hard within your ass and explodes. spurting rope after rope after rope inside you. fuckkkk take my jizz, I holler out as I pump my balls free of the contents. mmmmmm slamming my dick into you hard. I pull out and say. Come here stud." I get on my back. you pin me for three seconds and i will lick your dick clean, I escape you lick me off yt
03:43 <Boxxxer> I feel that alpha power cock pump me full of your cum, showing me that your the alpha male. As you pull out you tell me to come try and pin you. I look down at you. Exhausted and mentally broke. I lay on you in side control and try to go for the pin just laying on you chest to chest. Yt
03:48 <submasterwyatt> come on stud show me you won't stop till you got nothing in the tank. flip my legs up and tell you to spladle me. hold it for ten seconds and i will suck you dry
03:48 <submasterwyatt>
03:50 <Boxxxer> I slip my leg in to hold the leg, then grab the other, putting your head on my worn out sweaty abs. I pull and try to hold the spladle best I can as my body is tired, weak and the fucking broke me physically and mentally. Yt
03:52 <submasterwyatt> you like that ass there boy? see it spread out wide, a man would take it, are you a man? pushing at your arms and legs trying to break the hold. one....two...three...four yt
03:54 <Boxxxer> I look at that muscled butt and can only dream of getting the right to take it one day. I don't answer as I just struggle to hold you still. Tensing up what i still can as I've got hardly anything left in the tank. Yt
03:55 <submasterwyatt> "oh man you're strong buddy, fuck, you wore me out." grit my teeth and push my legs. wanting you to give it your all. five, six,
03:57 <Boxxxer> I grin my teeth too but I feel my grip slipping at 7. Trying to hold out but losing the hold as your stronger more powerful frame presses out slowly. Yt
03:58 <submasterwyatt> I push, and hopefully haven't broken the man spirit in this stud but feel his grip slide and my legs pop free. I roll over to him and say. "stud, fuck you held me to 7, no one has ever got past five. and with that I dive down on your dick. "you deserve it my little man." I take your cock fully to the balls and slurp up your coated cock yt
04:06 <Boxxxer> I lay back and take it, shuddering at the feeling that this stud tuff army guy is giving me head now. Calling me your little man. I feel like im about to pass out right there on the shower floor freshly beaten up, buttfucked and sucked dry
04:06 <Boxxxer> Yt
04:08 <submasterwyatt> I slurp on your dick and lick it clean, showing you how proud I am of the little man. then slide over and say, "still my cock needs cleaned to, you aint' getting out of it." and i push my dick back into your face. yt
04:09 <Boxxxer> My cock licked clean then you shove your dick back in my face. I open up and struggle yet again as I lick, kiss and suck at your coated cock. Trying to do a good job. Yt
04:10 <submasterwyatt> I keep my dick in your face and then after a few minutes I say. "don't forget my balls, they still sweaty and have some cum there as well." yt
04:11 <Boxxxer> I reposition and lick your balls, taking them in my mouth one at a time as I suck on them individually. Yt
04:13 <submasterwyatt> yeah the boy learns quickly another good sign. I let you swallow my nuts each at a time then pull off you. and say. "wow stud, you really impress me man. I think it's really time for that shower, then I gotta head out for another school tomorrow."
04:13 <submasterwyatt> yt
04:15 <Boxxxer> I get up slowly with your assistance and turn on the steamy showers. As we clean off I look over at you. "You got any papers that I can sign sir, I think I want alot more of this" I say submissivley to you. Yt
04:18 <submasterwyatt> You ask if I have any papers to sign and i say. "I do" but I tell you what I can swing bye on my way back in about three days and we can "ah discuss" and sign papers then. How about that?" yt
04:19 <Boxxxer> I smile and nod yes. Then turn to you and give you a really shitty salute as I don't know how to properly do it. "I look forward to our discussion and service under you sir" yt
04:22 <submasterwyatt> "oh you will learn how to service under me for sure stud." I come over to you and take your hand and move it into the proper salute position. then lean down and kiss your neck. biting it to leave a little mark. "say you got it from your girl friend and no one will be the wiser. Wink at you, grab my clothes dress and walk out. Yes sir, I will be back three days will not come soon enough. yt
04:25 <Boxxxer> I smile as I watch you walk away and I clean myself up more.

<Published> 2022-10-12, viewed 217 times.



Vlad gold

2022-10-27 20:01

Wow... That's fantastic!!!


2022-10-27 22:36

(In reply to this)

Thanks for the comment

Apollo Dante (deleted member)

2022-10-14 04:59

Great bout…whenever Wyatt is in action you know it will be HOT…and this sure was! Boxxxer learned the HARD word what its like to be dominated by a total Alpha…awesome read!


2022-10-14 14:13

(In reply to this)

Appreciate your comments Apollo


2022-10-12 14:15

thanks for the read and comment

European Muscle (deleted member)

2022-10-12 09:47

Sensual and i am pretty sure the young one learned a few things, nice guys, really nice.


2022-10-12 14:14

(In reply to this)

thanks for the comment


2022-10-12 05:15

Excellent fucking good creative storyline and good solid action!!