Fight n Fuck Club

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Established: 2022-01-06
Chat room: #FnF_Club

  • No holds barred
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  • Bareknuckle/fistfight
A fight club exclusive for young, hot muscular fighters and wrestlers
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Braveheart challenges the Brutal one......

Brutal Hercules (deleted member)

03:28 <BraydonJacobs> At the sexfight club, there is a fighter who has taken down opponents one after the next. Its become a game where a member at random is chosen to take him on. As we all hang in the club, we watch as the Brutal Hercules goes to the ring. As he heads in, our organizer pulls a card from a hat. "Braydon....your next" yt
03:31 <Brutal_Hercules> i lean in the corner as i wait for my opponent. standing 6'1 315lbs of burly muscle bulging out of my red trunks and black boots, i watch you make your way to the ring as you slide under the bottom ropes eyeing you up and down as i snicker to myself
03:31 <Brutal_Hercules> yt
03:33 <BraydonJacobs> i climb into the ring wearing my blue leather squares and matching harness and boots. 28, 6-0, 200 lbs. "I will take you down bigman!" i growl. yt
03:35 <Brutal_Hercules> i step out of the corner to meet you in the middle of the ring as i reach out grabbing your harness and pull you into me 'is that so boy?!
03:35 <Brutal_Hercules> i snarl as i push you back a couple steps then lunge forward and we lock up in the middle of the ring
03:35 <Brutal_Hercules> yt
03:39 <BraydonJacobs> We meet in the middle and you grab my harness, Yanking me in pec to pec as you try to intimidate me. "You know it" I snarl. you push me back then lunge forward to lockup with me. I let you push me backwards towards the corner, and at the last second, I twist my hips, sending you face first into the top turnbuckle. yt
03:41 <Brutal_Hercules> pushing you back using my size to dominate you! you slip under me as i stumble forward my head bouncing off the turnbuckle OOOFFFF i hold my head with one hand and use the other to guide myself out of the corner with the rope as i shake my head back and forth for a moment then turn back towards you and lunge forward lifting my leg and driving my heel against your chin in a big boot
03:41 <Brutal_Hercules> yt
03:42 <BraydonJacobs> Trying to use some speed as you come out of the corner. I move in on you when UGHHHH! Your boot slams into my jaw knocking me on my ass. FUCKKKK! yt
03:44 <Brutal_Hercules> i stand over your body bending down and place my hands on the side of your head i pull you up to your feet then cock back my right arm about to drive my massive fist against your chin
03:44 <Brutal_Hercules> You are not logged in.
03:44 <Brutal_Hercules> yt
03:48 <BraydonJacobs> You reach down, grabbing my head and yank me to my feet as you pull your fist back and BAMMMM! a hard punch into my jaw! GAHHHHHHH!
03:48 <BraydonJacobs> I stagger away into the ropes dazed. yt
03:49 <Brutal_Hercules> i turn to the crowd and flex my massive biceps as the roar and cheer. i begin to walk towards you with a swagger in my step as i reach out to grab your wrist
03:49 <Brutal_Hercules> yt
03:52 <BraydonJacobs> You banter to the crowd allowing me a moment to get some sense of where I am. you move in to grab me, and I grab your hand and drop to my ass, yanking you forward and slamming your thick throat over the top rope. yt
03:54 <Brutal_Hercules> AAAAGGHHHHH my neck snaps down across the top rope and bounce off as i stand back up straight hold my neck and gasping for air as i stumble back a couple of steps
03:54 <Brutal_Hercules> yt
03:56 <BraydonJacobs> I have the studman stunned. My cock growing in my trunks. I hit the ropes, bouncing off them and slam both feet into your kneecap, taking it out from under you. yt
03:57 <Brutal_Hercules> BAAMM my knees hit the canvas as you chip away at my legs not able to support my weight at the moment. i place one hand on the mat to regain my balance and bring one knee up as i start to push up to my feet
03:57 <Brutal_Hercules> yt
03:59 <BraydonJacobs> I grab your hair, pulling your head up as i launch my knee up into your chin. BAMMMM! knowing i have to stay on this muscled hunk. yt
04:01 <Brutal_Hercules> CCRRAAAACCCKK your knee hits my jaw as my back hits the mat with a thud. my thick hairy pecs moving up and down and breath deeply trying to get my bearings staring up at the lights on the ceiling
04:01 <Brutal_Hercules> yt
04:02 <BraydonJacobs> Knocking you backwards onto that broad back. I leap onto you, covering your face with my ass as I cross my ankles behind your back. I reach down, grabbing your abs and clawing into them. yt
04:04 <Brutal_Hercules> AAARRRGHHHH i roar into your ass as you quads squeeze around my neck and your fingers work into my abs. my hands grab your waist as i try to rock back and forth trying to get on top of you
04:04 <Brutal_Hercules> yt
04:10 <BraydonJacobs> You use your strength to grab and rock me back and forth until you are on top of me. I flex my legs around your head. as i try to twist you back over. yt
04:12 <Brutal_Hercules> my face turning red as you squeeze your legs tighter and tighter. i post my arms out to stop you from twisting me back over. i clench my fist and drive my knuckles into your ribs over and over 1,2,3,4 BAM BAM BAM BAM trying to make you loosen your grip
04:12 <Brutal_Hercules> yt
04:17 <BraydonJacobs> ARGHHHFUCKKK BITCHHHHH! I yell out as those thick fists drive into my ribs. My legs fall off your head as you lean over me. I lift a leg and slam a knee into your forehead before you can try anything yt
04:19 <Brutal_Hercules> FFUUUUCCCKK your knee knocks my head back as i swing my fist wildly trying to hit your head before i stand up and take few steps backwards resting against the ropes
04:19 <Brutal_Hercules> yt
04:22 <BraydonJacobs> your wild swings sail over my face as you stagger back into the ropes. i roll over to my hands and knees and charge out. My shoulder slamming into your bricks. the crowd of guys cheering as this is the most damage you have taken in a while. yt
04:24 <Brutal_Hercules> OOOOFFFF your spear pushes my gut back so my ass is pushed out over the 2nd rope. i raise my forearm and drive it down hard against your spine as your still pressed against my abs
04:24 <Brutal_Hercules> yt
04:25 <BraydonJacobs> ARGHH DAMNNNN! I yell out as i drop to my knees in front of you. my pec pressed against your bulge. yt
04:28 <Brutal_Hercules> i grab you by the hair as i pull your face into my musky bulge and bring you to your feet as i step out from the ropes. i duck down and shoot in on your legs wrapping my arms around your quads. i hoist you up high then drop you balls first on my knee in an atomic drop. i pull you up again and drop you for a 2nd atomic drop
04:28 <Brutal_Hercules>
04:28 <Brutal_Hercules> yt
04:31 <BraydonJacobs> you grab my mane and yank my face into your bulge making me groan. the you pull me from the ropes, grabbing my legs as you lift me up and ARGHHHHHH! my balls slammmed onto your thick thigh....ONCE....TWICCE!
04:31 <BraydonJacobs> FUCKKKKK! I yell in pain. yt
04:33 <Brutal_Hercules> you sit on my knee frozen in pain as i place my hand on your pec pushing you off me onto the mat and i stand up. i hack up some saliva and spit on your face 'you little shit' i mutter under my breath as i place my boot on your chest pinning you down the ref counts '1..'
04:33 <Brutal_Hercules> yt
04:35 <BraydonJacobs> You shove me backwards, hitting the mat as you stand. I look up as you spit on my face and place your boot on my chest. Your saliva spit onto my face pissing me off. I shove your foot off me as i roll away from you. yt
04:37 <Brutal_Hercules> you push my foot off and roll away as i stalk you from behind. you roll onto your stomach and i grab the scruff of your neck and pull you to your knees forcing your head into my sweaty pit cranking your head in a dragon sleeper
04:37 <Brutal_Hercules> yt
04:39 <BraydonJacobs> You move in fast, grabbing my head and pull me up. My head yanked back and trapped into your musky pit. I moan out and start slamming elbows into your ribs and abs to try and break free. yt
04:40 <Brutal_Hercules> OOOFFFFF your elbows hitting my tender abs as i let go of your neck clutching my side as i take a step backwards
04:40 <Brutal_Hercules> yt
04:42 <BraydonJacobs> You release me and hold your side as you back up. I spin around, My elbow slamming across your jaw as i grab your hair and spit my own venom down into your
04:50 <Brutal_Hercules> CRRRRAAACCKKKK your fist snaps my head to the side as i fall to my knees you grab my hair looking down at me and spit into my mouth my cock starting to twitch as your saliva slides down my throat
04:50 <Brutal_Hercules> yt
04:52 <BraydonJacobs> I pull your head into my arm and run out and slam your face down into the mat with a bulldog, hoping to keep you on the mat. yt
04:53 <Brutal_Hercules> AARRGHHHH!!! my face is spiked into the canvas as my hands cover it trying to soothe the pain as i roll back and forth kicking the mat and air in pain as i howl
04:53 <Brutal_Hercules> yt
04:55 <BraydonJacobs> i reach down, grabbing your trunks and pull them down to your ankles, keeping them tangled. I leap up, aiming my knees for the small of your back. yt
04:58 <Brutal_Hercules> i feel you pawing at the waist of my trunks as you slide them down to my ankles exposing my tight muscled ass to the crowd, something they arnt use to seeing. you drive down against my spine as i arch up in pain and spit flying from my mouth AAAAHHHHHH
04:58 <Brutal_Hercules> yt
04:59 <BraydonJacobs> I grab your wrists as i stand on your back, pulling back in a modified surfboard as i yank on your arms, bending your spine. yt
05:01 <Brutal_Hercules> my wrists pulled back as you pull my upper body off the mat bending me in half AAARRRGHHHHHH FFUUUCCCKKK i roar as the veins in my arms begin to bulge through my skin as i try to pull free from your grip
05:01 <Brutal_Hercules> yt
05:02 <BraydonJacobs> I lean back as far as i can to add as much pressure as possible. you start pulling on your arms so I just release you and you slingshot your face down into the mat with a sick thud yt
05:04 <Brutal_Hercules> BBAAAAMMMMM my head drives into the canvas as my face flattens against it my nose bleeding profusely as i lay on the mat twitch every now and then from the pain groaning in agony
05:04 <Brutal_Hercules> yt
05:07 <BraydonJacobs> i have to take my chance now. I drive both knees onto your back. I drive 2 fingers into your muscled ass, hooking your hole as i reach down with my left hand under your throat and try to rock backwards for a bow and arrow. The guys going nuts to see if I can make you
05:10 <Brutal_Hercules> your fingers drive into my tight hole as my eyes bulge AAAAAWWWWWWW i moan out then you roll me back onto your knees in a bow and arrow cranking my neck down. my back on fire but mixed the pleasure of you rubbing against my prostate as my thick 10in cock stands straight up
05:10 <Brutal_Hercules> yt
05:12 <BraydonJacobs> i flex my legs, digging my knees into your spine as i pull on your throat and hole. the crowd cheering to see the brutal one in this position. "SUBMIT FUCKER SO I CAN BREED YOU!" I yell yt
05:16 <Brutal_Hercules> AAAARRRGHHHHH i squirm and buck in your grip hoping to roll off your knees body hurting bad not sure how much more it can take
05:16 <Brutal_Hercules> yt
05:18 <BraydonJacobs> my fingers dig into your windpipe as you buck on my knees. i press my fingers against your prostate before you buck and fall off my knees to the side making me lose my hold on you yt
05:21 <Brutal_Hercules> uugghhhh the relief on my back as i roll off your knees by your feet i grab your knees and pull them apart as i desperately drive forward driving my knee into your cock and balls then fall to my hands and knees trying to catch my breath
05:21 <Brutal_Hercules> yt
05:23 <BraydonJacobs> you turn and spread my knees to slam your thick knee into my cock. "FUCKKKKK!" I yell out as you release my legs and try to get your wits back.
05:24 <BraydonJacobs> my 9 incher stretching my squares out for the crowd as your trunks keep your ankles tangled. yt
05:28 <Brutal_Hercules> i begin to push up to my feet taking off my red trunks from my ankles. i bend over placing one hand on your tenting trunks the other in a tight pec claw as i let out a low groan pulling you up and press you over my head as i wobble trying to get my balance
05:28 <Brutal_Hercules> yt
05:30 <BraydonJacobs> I yell out as you claw my pec and pull me up to my feet then over your head. I swing my leg down and drill your head with my knee. "Fuckkkk" yt
05:31 <Brutal_Hercules> AARRGHHHHH!!!! i drop you onto the mat as i stumble over into the corner
05:31 <Brutal_Hercules> yt
05:33 <BraydonJacobs> You hit the corner and I decide to do something drastic. I charge at you, leaping up and slam my pecs to yours. My legs wrap your waist as i lock you in a front facing sleeper. My arms around your head as i cover your mouth and nose.
05:33 <BraydonJacobs> I start to grind my ass on your hard 10 incher as i flex my legs in the multi hold. yt
05:38 <Brutal_Hercules> AAAAARRRRRRGGGHHH i roar out as you cut off my airway your ass teasing my cock i start to leave a stain of precum on your turnks as begin to panic
05:38 <Brutal_Hercules> yt
05:39 <BraydonJacobs> flexing my arms on your head as i grind your cock. "Submit fucker or go out!" I growl "Your body is mine tonight!" yt
05:41 <Brutal_Hercules> my face turns bright red as i fall to my knees out of the corner as you tighten your grip around me. my eyes starting to get heavy as every thing gets blurry. 'i...... i gi...... i give!' i bellow out right before pass out falling forward on the mat in your grip
05:41 <Brutal_Hercules> yt
05:43 <BraydonJacobs> the crowd cheering as you pass out just before giving up. i roll us to the side so i am on top of you. I flex a double bi pose as i wait for you to wake up. yt
05:45 <Brutal_Hercules> you let go of my neck as air rushes back into my lungs as i slowly start to come to my vision blurred coming back into focus
05:45 <Brutal_Hercules> yt
05:46 <BraydonJacobs> i grind my ass on your cock as i flex over you. "i own you bitch!" i taunt yt
05:48 <Brutal_Hercules> your ass teasing my cock as my head leaks profusely moaning from pain and pleasure
05:48 <Brutal_Hercules> yt
05:49 <BraydonJacobs> i stand up, pushing my briefs down and kick them off. You are not logged in. You are not logged in. You are not logged in.
05:50 <BraydonJacobs> my 9 incher rock hard "i am using you all night big ready for that?" i growl yt

******The remainder of this match completed in private******

<Published> 2022-10-22, viewed 102 times.



Apollo Dante (deleted member)

2022-10-22 21:34

This newish addition to the HOTSHOTS roster Brutal Hercules has not had the best of things since he started fighting here but it is fair to say he has taken on some HUGE opponent tough opponents. In his latest bout he met up with Braveheart Braydon Jacobs who is more his size and has suffered the odd surprise loss recently.

So an intriguing match up that produced some great action with both sexy studs going all out for the win. Tough to call until Braydon turned up the heat with a mix of brutality and eroticism finally getting a submission from the big stud!

This was indeed a great bout and I am pretty sure the climax in private was HOT too . ..

fight stud (deleted member)

2022-10-22 03:48

Great match guys. Brutal and yet skilled. Thanks for posting