Forced Cum Federation
Established: 2022-06-25
Chat room: #Forcedcumfed
- No holds barred
- Pro wrestling
- Submission
- Sex
- Forced cum
For those that love a good forced match orgasm
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Established: 2022-06-25
Chat room: #Forcedcumfed
For those that love a good forced match orgasm
Dutch Breaker (deleted member)
2022-06-26 22:25So one match format that I love to use with forced cum incorporated, is what I call a “pain and pleasure” match. Rules are pretty simple:
-Win by submission or KO
-Winner has to both make the loser cum and submit (or get knocked out) while trapped in a hold.
-Winner has their way with the loser at the end of the match
I find this format to be a lot of fun for a few reasons. To start with, getting your opponent weak enough that you can trap them in a submission while still leaving your hands, mouth or other body part free to force them to cum is pretty challenging…it requires a lot of creativity. Second a combination forced orgasm/submission might be one of the hottest, most dominate, most humiliating ways to end a match.
Rolling right into fucking your “cum drunk” opponents brains out, only seems natural.
This isn’t for everyone. For many, trying to write ways to force your opponent to climax in a match is either too unrealistic or to complicated.
But if you put on your willing suspension of disbelief, this match can be a blast.