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Hunter Productions LLC - Dream Breaker's Audition - Variations on a Training Session
For some time now, I've been getting to know a great guy. Not only is he hot as hell, incredibly beautiful with a body that makes me completely hard every time I look at him. But on top of that, he's super nice. We've been chatting for a while now and I'm excited to see what he's capable of in the ring. Not that I doubt his abilities, I know he is an extremely strong fighter and I know many who have had to recognize his strength despite themselves. He doesn't know prowrestling very well he told me. I offered him a training session. I'm in the studio of Hunter Production. The manager allowed me to audition this guy in the ring and I am grateful for that..
I'm waiting for this boy in the studios of Hunter Productions where he will do his audition today. I think I can say he's a friend now even though we've never met. I'm kind of looking forward to seeing him in person. I circle around by the front door waiting to see if he shows up.
I arrive to the studio and open the door . I must admit I am a bit nervous , but c´mon..who wouldn´t, I am going to meet the extremely famous and popular Nikkiman, receive his personal guidance. I hope he can´t see my state. I also must admit I have certain performance pressure or anxiety. But here I am. I open the door and find Nikkiman right front of me.
I see you in front of me. A smile lights up my face so happy to meet you and so your body looks as incredible as in the picture. I greet you "Nice to meet you. Come in quickly, it's cold outside". I take you into the main room and show you the changing rooms. "I haven't changed yet, if you want it will be more convenient to train". I notice that you look a little nervous, tense. I put my hand on your shoulder. "Hey, relax! We're here to have fun. No pressure! Just fun!" And I walk you past me into the locker room. When I see your ass, I can't help but put my hand on it and say "As you can see, I like to have fun."
Wow.. he is even more handsome face to face than in the movies. He is a also a bit taller than I which I didn´t know. I can´t be without admiring his greek god body, so refined, so sexy and so perfect. "Nice to meet Nikkiman too! " He puts his hand on my shoulder and I feel myself welcome. I follow him to the locker rooms wondering if I should have brought a fancier gear to wear. "Thanks Nikkiman.. I will chance and then we can start." I wear my sweater shorts and blue T shirt my name printed on it.
Your body is so sexy. I see your arms and I wonder how an opponent can resist. I can already see myself being crushed by your holds and I think that turns me on a little. I try to keep my composure despite the craving I have for you and your body. I undress quietly. "How do you want to fight! I traditionally fight in black boxers! For a training session, you don't have to have very complicated clothes. I put myself bare-chested in front of you, hoping that you do the same, so much I want to admire your dream body.
"Is this gear I wear suitable for the training? I didn´t know actually what to wear. I also prefer to train without shirt..bare chested. Hope you don´t mind. " My eyes run over your perfect body. I hope he doesn´t notice I am quite excited to feel him in my hands ...and more. But hey, we are he to train. "So how do we start man?"
"Let's go, buddy. But first tell me: What do you want to find out about prowrestling. I know you're a seasoned fighter and I'd just like to know what you'd like to learn with me."
"That is the tough part. I don´t even know what I should learn. Perhaps you could make somekind of valuation and see yourself where I need help. What do you say?"
"I am not a technical fighter. I am not into terms perhaps because I am a bit thick head or something but prefer to fight and have fun. I don´t know any moves, pinnings, locks, holds, hugs by their names." " Should I study the names first?"
"Very good idea.... Let's go to the ring and then I'll name the holds when we do them". I go ahead of you and start walking towards the room where the ring is located.
I get in the ring and start warming up. "Come on! Get in! Don't be afraid!" And in an attempt to relax, I start a little warm-up parade.
"Ok, that sounds good". I follow you to the private room and see the ring. "WOW! That is great!" . I cannot be without smiling seeing you doing your warm-up parade dance. I feel immediately more relaxed as I enter into the ring. I flex my muscles and stretch my arms and biceps. I look at your handsome face, those dark beautiful eyes and smile again. "I am ready. What do you want me to do?"
"What I suggest is a very classic trick to start with: a collar and elbow. It's an old hold that I like a lot because it allows you to feel quickly the opponent's body but also his strength. Do this hold with someone of your size. Here, since you are heavier than me, you can quickly outstrip me. But don't worry, I can defend myself. I position myself immediately to catch your neck with my arms and to try to measure a little your power that I imagine very big.
I catch your neck too with my arms trying to push you downward on your knees. I am surprised it isn´t that easy as I thought. "Wow.. you are strong".
I see that you are surprised by the speed of the hold "Come on, plant your feet on the ground and push as hard as you can", I tell you while I am contracting my muscles as much as possible to try to make you move back towards the ropes. "You have to resist and if you see that you can't, find a feint".
"OK man!" I do as Nikkiman tells me, I plant my feet tighter on the ground a little bit more behind their original place to get a firmer position and strength to my push. "Hey this works!" I can see the difference right away as I start to push Nikkiman backwards. I add more pressure on my muscles trying to push Nikkiman on his knees. "How am I doing?"
I wince a little under your strength and see that I am forced to bend my knees under your pressure. "Bravo! That's exactly what I expected from you! You are progressing very fast". I quickly find myself in difficulty against you. I push strongly on my legs to straighten up and find my balance. Then, I slide my right leg behind your left leg and start to rotate my pelvis to unbalance you and try to make you fall by surprise.
I am proud I manage to get the famous Nikkiman on his knees. He is struggling strongly but I keep on pushing him down. He didn´t tell me to stop so I continue. I see him doing something down there.. and suddenly I feel his leg behind my left leg.. "Whaaat...!" I lose the balance and fall heavily on the mat on my back. I am a bit confused.. didn´t see it coming.
I'm reaching out to you to help you up. "You need two things to fight, in my opinion: strength and surprise. That's why you can be beaten by a guy who's much lighter than you are. Be careful, the surprise should not prevent fair play. I could very well knee you in the face when I get up... But that would not be fair play and we are not in a game". As I stand up, I can smell you and I can see the sweat starting to run down your body. I really want to hug you and caress you but we are here to train.
“Right, so strength and surprise, I like surprises! I know what you mean fighting fair. I have lost against much smaller fighter getting surprised, off guard. “ I try to concentrate on your words but feeling you that close to me makes it difficult. I watch you as you stand up and would like to grab you on top of me... but I came to learn here.
You get back on your feet. "Shall we continue or do you want a little break? Honestly, you'd better keep going. In prowrestling, I think you also have to learn how to manage pain. Are you ready?"
“No man, no breaks.. I want to continue. I would love to learn about pain and how to manage it. . I am ready.. bring it on, handsome!”
I'm smiling because I like a guy who won't give up. I smile at you and my face beams. "That's good, handsome, that's good". I walk over to you, put one of my arms around your neck and start to lift you up and over me with a suplex. The pleasure of feeling your skin against mine, your sweat mixed with mine, your smell so exciting. If we were not fighting, I would keep you like this and start kissing you fiercely. But I have to teach you and I know that fighting is also about overcoming your passions.
I feel your arm going around my neck and you lift me up. He is strong. I feel his body tightly against mine. Feel his sweaty, warm skin and I start to feel too comfortable. “What happens next? “For how long are you going to hang me up here? “
I hold you up a bit and let go without rushing. The goal is not to hurt you, but to show you different moves you could do in a fight. Again, I bend over and reach out to you to help you stand up. "Everything okay, buddy?"
This is a bit embarrasing. You throw me to the canvas, and that´s not the embarrasing part. As you help me to stand up from the mat I try to cover the reason for my real embarrassment
As I lift you up, I realize that your bulge is huge and very hard. I begin to understand that the effect you are having on me is mutual. You are in front of me and I think that I don't want to control myself really... I put my hand on your massive pecs and start caressing your nipples. I don't know if you'll like it but I'm sure it will be a pleasure for me.
I watch you turning back to me. "Fuck he must have seen my boner, shit!" I say in my mind and suddenly you place your hands on my pecs. I feel your body against mine so close. My boner is no more a secret. My cock tries to break the fabric of my shorts when you start to caress my nipples. I put my hands behind you and place them on your perfect butt. I squeeze your ass cheeks softly and close my eyes in pleasure. I can feel your boner now against mine. Your hands are very skillfulls and makes my nipples hard. I open my eyes and look at you.. I smile.. and say: "uups.. I think I like this training"
I feel like I'm going to lose control of this workout and move on to another type of exercise. I feel like my dick is getting huge and might stick out of my boxers. As your hands begin to feel my buttocks, my body arches and I move closer to you to begin kissing your neck, then behind your ears. I don't want to work out with you but basically enjoy this body that makes me want it so much. I want to see the pleasure in your eyes and the excitement.
Oh.. I like this trainer.. I feel his huge cock agains mine when he moves closer to me. He is kissing my neck. I feel his warm scent as I softly bite his shoulder and kiss it. I rub his buttocks harder .. feel his muscled ass in my hands. I move my hands on his waist and push him few inches away from me. I look at him in the eyes and then pull his close to me again kissing his sensual mouth. I drive my tongue in his warm mouth
When your tongue enters my mouth, it feels like an electric shock. I tell myself that I must resume the fight, continue to train you but you are driving me crazy with your sensuality, your body of gods and your expert hands to give me pleasure. I try to control myself but nothing does. I go down your torso and with my tongue start to lick your abs and then go up to your tees.
I cannot believe this is happening. Among all the guys it´s THE Nikkiman himself who is running his soft tongue around my abs, pecs and nipples. My hands wonder all around his body as if I was trying to feel he is real. His Greek God body is criving me crazy. I close my eyes due the pleasure he is giving to me. I feel my hard cock starts to leak precum and I moan quietly.
I am now at the level of your huge bulge. A smile crosses my mind. I don't smile in pleasure but in a curious way, as if an idea had just crossed my mind. I crouch down to lick you clean and I know my fighting spirit will never let go. I put my hand around your waist and say "Don't forget! From the surprise!" And I begin to carry you to rest on my shoulders in an attitude adjustment. I tell you "Surprise your opponent" and I smile. But I don't want to let go of you, or hurt you. Just to show you that you should always be on your guard.
I feel you licking the head of my cock clean. "This man is so gentle" I say to myself when suddenly I feel your hands around my waist. You lift me on your shoulders carrying me around the ring. I am surprised even confused. Should I stay there and enjoy the ride or is he expecting me to get myself down from here. He isn´t hurting me and as a matter of fact I kind of enjoy being on his strong shoulders. "You want I fight myself down from here Nikkiman?"
"Of course. We're too attracted to each other to just indulge in sexual training. I think the fucking will only be better if we confront each other a little" And as I say that, I throw you against the mast rather violently.
Suddenly I feel my body approaching the mat with high speed. He threw me there hard! I land on my back on the mat. The impact is hard enough to force all the air out of my lungs. That´s what is needed to wake up the “Hulk” inside me. As soon as I recover my breathing I turn on and get up. I look at you and don´t hesitate a second. I rush forward and jump forward hitting my fist in your iron hard abs while my other hand grabs you by your waist. Using the weight of my body I push you down with me on the mat. As we land there I hit my elbow to your ribs. Then I remember this was supposed to be a training session. I hide the “hulk” again and say: “Oh man.. sorry about that”
When I fall to the ground and see the rage in your eyes, I understand the fighter you are. I like this kind of fighter even if the blows you are hitting me in the ribs are very painful. But at the same time, I know the pleasure of feeling your body against mine and it is very pleasant. I blow to try to get over it. I have to get out of this canva very quickly. I know that you are likely to have the upper hand and I must be quick. I bend my knees and try to hit you in the back to try to make you stop hitting.
I feel your knees hitting hard in my back. I understand my reaction was perhaps too much and you need to defend yourself. I stop hitting you and let you get up. I look at you trying to find out if I made you angry. I get up on my feet too. I look at the man in front of me. Is he still my trainer or did I wake up the fighter in him.
We are both face to face. I breathe with difficulty and I understand that you make your opponents suffer. I also see that the desire I feel for your body is mixing with another feeling: the competitive spirit. I believe that our training is turning into a fight. My eyes are changing: I'm still excited, but no longer only by the idea of enjoying your incredible body. The desire to compete with you is growing. I step back a little to gain momentum in the ropes and quickly approach you. Coming to your level, I don't look at this body that is driving me crazy but I jump in the air by bending my knee and trying to send you a knee drop in the face so that this time it's you who goes to the mat.
He is mad.. he is furios .. no doubt about that anymore. So I think the training session is over and I am back in usual business.. fighting. I don´t know what the hell are you doing around the ropes.. but I have decided this time you are not going to take me off guard. Not anymore. Then I see you coming, coming really fast .. fuck´s sake .. I see you jump as you lift up your knee. I duck fast and manage to dodge your knee. I send an upper cut to your abs and step a side.
You are not only a fast fighter because you manage to dodge my knee but powerful because you hit my abs. Even though I contracted them to make my move, I can feel the power of your arms. This does not surprise me and from the beginning of our encounter I knew they were going to be my worst enemies. I grunt as I receive the blow and move away from you and into the ropes. I know now that this fight is no longer a prowrestling training but just a confrontation between two fighters of different style but with the same desire: to give pleasure to the other. I catch my breath as I reach the ropes. I have to show you the way wrestlers fight. I approach you, a little out of breath but happy with this match, and quickly try to send a superkick in your chin hoping to send you to the ground.
I can see you feel the same way the time of the training is over. But then, I enjoy fighting this handsome guy with such a great body. I want to get you locked and to study inch by inch what are you having under those shorts. My day dreaming ends fast when I see you approaching with such speed I hardly have time to react. You look at me in the eyes.. very serious as you approach and send a superkick in my chin. It all happened so fast I didn´t have time to dodge or duck.. All I did was to take few steps backwards and gain some distance. Your kick lands on my chin but not that hard you were planning. The impact is hard enough though to send me down on the mat.
I see you on your butt and I know I missed but I have to move fast to try to weaken you again. I quickly go behind you. I put one of my knees on the ground and bend my other leg. I put one of your arms between my bent leg and my arm to trap you. I put my other arm around your neck and start squeezing to try to cut off your breath. I enjoy the beautiful sight of your body looking down on you and I know that the pleasure we are going to have will be intense no matter what the outcome of the fight.
I am surprised how fast you move. I don´t understand much about the position you put me, how you did it or how you call it. What I understand that I don´t have many options here. And the other thing I understand is that if I don´t act fast, and I mean really fast, you are going to cut off my breath. And that is not a good thing. But at the same time I recognize that I enjoy feeling you touching my body. I still can remember your kisses and licks. I realize my other hand is still free. I used it first to keep me in balance but I noticed my butt is wide enough to stay me sitting firmly on the mat. I can´t reach your face or throat with that, it´s useless to grab your arm that is squeezing my throat. I know this is not well seen in wre circles but I am fighting with me style now. I move my hand behind my back and feel your kneeing leg right against my back. I follow kneed leg higher and find your lowhanging gonads. Congratulation man it wasn´t difficult to find them. With my large hand I
With my large hand I grab them tight in my solid hand and start to twist and squeeze them good.
I let out a scream while you're tweaking my balls. I see what separates us in the way of fighting and I feel the superiority of your technique. This feeling of being totally at your mercy is both pleasant and unpleasant. I scream and my face grimaces. I have to keep fighting, though. By letting go, I try to elbow you violently in the jaw, hoping that you let me breathe
I noticed my little grip did the job. You stopped squeezing my throat that hard. I expect you to ask me to release my hold but you don´t. Then you release your hold but just to replace it with an evil elbow hit in my jaw. It lands on my jaw hard and I have time to twist your nuts once more until I release my hold of them. I scream out in pain and fall to my side.
We are both on the ground and screaming in pain. Two fucking fighters in a totally opposite style who confront each other without mercy when we were supposed to do a simple training. I could laugh about it if my balls didn't hurt so much. Fuck, I have to get up, I have to get past the pain and I think my move paid off. The tears are in the corner of my eyes, not because I'm scared but just mechanically. This excruciating pain that you have created in me is driving me totally crazy. I kneel down and see one of your legs in front of me. I grab it from you and start twisting it violently, as violently as the pain you have done to my balls. I sit on your back and start twisting your leg furiously. I'm so angry I think I might break it.
I am so furious. Move after move you come with something new. Once again you have put me in difficult situation. “Is he going to break my leg?” I ask myself. I know you can finally do it. I look around to find away to escape from this. You are sitting on my back twisting my leg with rage. And then I see my only chance. I need to count on my strong arms again. Your right ankle is right on the level of y armpits. I grab you from your ankle and wrap my arm around it. I yank your ankle upwards, closer to my head. That makes you to lean forward. I start to increase pressure in your ankle. “You don´t have muscles in your ankle handsome!” I shout to you and start to twist it hard. “I will break your ankle!”
Your fucking arms. When I remember how thick they are I'm torn between dread and the pleasure I would get from them being used in something other than a fight. You're trying to break my ankle and I clap my hands on the canvas to try to channel the pain. I know the debates anklelock can cause and I have submitted several of my fighters like this. But I have to keep fighting. My movements are less aerial, less technical, but I hope they will be powerful. I start by trying to deliver a blow with my other leg on your arms. As I try to straighten up, I try to get close to you to explode the body parts I can reach with my fists.
You release your hold of my leg when you got something else to think about. You kick my arms with your foot and I release your ankle finally. I see you changed your technic and started to use your arms to punch me. I decided to get some distance to you and crawl backwards. I get up on my feet again. My leg is sore. No wonder after your evil twist. I see you getting up from the mat and rising on your knees. I approach fast to you and shout: "HEY NIKKI!" You look at me and I hit your chin with my knee.
I am fast but I see that I have in front of me a fighter as fast and technical as me. I get on my knees to try to weaken you again. But you manage to raise your knee so you can hit my chin. I see that you insisted on applying my holds. But I have practiced enough to try to avoid them. I lay down jumping towards the ground to dodge your knee strike and come to drop to hold you so that my feet can catch your legs and make you fall.
I am each time so surprised about your skills. My knee landed in air.. you just disappeared from it´s path. Next thing I realize is feeling your feet among my legs. I stumble and lose my balance falling down forward on my stomach right next to you.
We find ourselves next to each other. Both of us on the ground. We both start to be exhausted. I know this fight is going in all directions. We started with a vulgar training then an erotic drift, a complicated fight where nobody can really win. I start to get on my side, I start to rip your trunks off. I spread your ass lobes and start working your asshole with my tongue, telling you, "I don't know if I can beat you, but I'll know how to make you cum before I do."
I was prepared to punch you when I feel you are not going to hurt me. Your touch is totally different. I don´t resist or fight back but let you rip off my trunks. I feel your strong hands separating my ass cheeks and your warm big tongue starting to work with my asshole. My cock gets hard, fully hard immediately. All the fight is gone and I just enjoy your skillfull job with your tongue. You tamed me with one lick. I moan softly. I move my hand and slide it under your trunks and take that huge cock in my hand. I stoke it softly and it keeps growing. "HOW FUCKING BIG IS THIS"-
I feel your body changing. Your skin becomes rougher as if the effect of my tongue on the round of your ass is doing you good. Your muscles relax a little and you are no longer the angry fighter. I have to say that I feel better, less tense, more at peace with you and your beautiful body. When I feel you grabbing my cock, I start to get scared. I know the way you fight and my balls are still sore from your attack. I can't stop you from harming me by fighting me. On the other hand, I can try to turn your anger into desire, into lust. I attack your asshole in a tender way so that you feel all the desire I have for your body and my licks try to make you moan.
I can feel you getting alarmed when I touch your dick. You don´t push my hand away but instead start to lick my asshole with more intense way. You make my body to vibe and a deep moaning sound escapes from my mouth. I want to show you my intentions too and caress your huge cock softly. Which is difficult when your tongue is entering into my ass. I start to breathe faster and deeper.
As my tongue work intensifies, I see that your intentions towards my cock are not bad. You try to stroke the glans of my cock and I see that my stroking is making it difficult for you. I have not been able to dominate you in the ring and you have not been able to totally control me. This new round must be the one of victory and I want it. My cock is trapped in your hands. Your asshole is captivated by my tongue. I have to get you to let go of my cock. I want you to give your hot juice first, before me. I start sucking your asshole like you've never been sucked before.
I want to make you feel good but I am very sorry.. the way you suck and lick my asshole is just too powerful thing. I cannot do anything. I am totally surrended to your skillfull mouth. I bend my hips giving you my ass closer to your face.. I feel my cock leaking precum. My breathing is getting deeper and faster and every now and then I make low moans of pleasure
I believe that I am not far from my objective: to make you flee as quickly as possible and if I succeed without hands my victory will be total. I resume the work of my tongue and try to insert it in your asshole. During this time, one of my hands tries to caress you this so sensitive part between the end of the lobe of the buttocks and the beginning of the balls and I pass delicately my fingers on it.
I am close to the edge and I don´t want to cum yet. I feel how your fingers gently starts to caress my taint.. It makes my whole body shiver.. Man let me be good to you too.. I moan and hardly can get a word pronunced. I can´t fight back it.. I moan loud.. very loud and my cock starts to cum.. HANDSFREE!
I feel that I am close to victory. I feel that your body is losing control. I see your body tensing up as if rarely and a loud moan coming out of your body. Damn! I smile. I managed to make you spit without hands. I'm proud of myself but I know I still want to enjoy your body. I let go of that oh so pleasurable part of you and ask you "Dream Breaker, can I get a reward for my victory?"
I am exhausted from your tongue work. Noone ever made me cum handsfree without prostate stimulation. Never. It was amazing feeling. Man you are the champion! You deserve any reward you wish for your victory. Name it and it´s your´s!
I look at you and see the massive nature of your body. I crave a sexual feat. I don't know if I'll be able to do it but I'm a fighter even sexually. I put you in front of me, your back against my back and sit on the second rope of the ring. "Get on my dick, Dream Breaker, please" and as you come up to me I start to prep your ass with my fingers.
"You want to impale me with your sword?" I look at that huge cock and wonder if it could enter into my ass. "Nikkiman, you are allowed to get your reward." I want you to do it.. I owe you this!
My cock enters with difficulty in your tight ass. I spread your legs and hold them with my arms while my thighs are on the floor. I try to lift your body with my arms. Fucking hard, Fucking heavy and massive but I love seeing your dream body move forward and backward at the end of my cock. I love to hear your breathing quicken and I'm sure you love my hot breath on your neck.
I have never recieved a cock like this in my ass. I have a feeling it´s head is coming out from my mouth. I love the way you use it, how you use it to explore my deepest places. You are turning me on again. My cock gets hard. I want to take your cock all the way in until I feel your balls slapping against my butt. "Yes Nikki! you feel so good inside me"
Your encouragement gives me strength and I want you to be happy about this training with me. I'm going to try something crazy and I don't know how long I can keep it up but I want to lift your 240+ lbs of muscle. I'm starting to get up while carrying you. When I'm up I start some pelvic thrusts so you can feel my cock the deepest. The pleasure I get from feeling my body stuck to yours is immense and I know I won't have the strength to carry you for long, nor to hold back again, so I take advantage of it. I enjoy it as if this moment of pleasure was the last one of my life. As if it was the last time I would take pleasure with a man. I moan more and more and my body is covered with sweat.
"Oh Nikki, oh, oh," I have never been fucked like that. It´s amazing to be lifted by your strong arms. I know I am heavy so that is alone an awesome achievement. You impale my asshole with your huge cock and I nail it deeper than ever with my weight. "OOOOH" Your cock is rubbing rough my prostate forcing me to cum for the second time handsfree.
The pleasure is visible in my eyes. I have just achieved a feat: I managed to make you spit without hands twice, I managed to lift your weight, I managed not to get beaten by you and above all the most beautiful feat, I have just met an incredible guy who will remain one of my friends, I am sure. When I see you jumping, I fall to my knees trying to put you on the ground gently to continue fucking your ass. I feel like I'm not far from the explosion and I know it's going to be huge, intense, orgasmic. My moans turn into screams. I feel my cock emptying into you intensely. This moment is so pleasant, so intense. I wish it would never end... It's such a pleasure and I stay inside you as long as my cock is hard.
"I remember when I entered here this morning I was nervous to meet you. But now I have seen you are such a great guy, incredible fighter, excellent love maker and I am sure it too, exceptional friend. I have a been a lucky guy to know you. But I want to give you your reward. your huge orgasm inside my muscular body. Give me your alpha seed Nikkiman!" I feel you deep inside of me.. don´t fight back.. take your victory!
I scream with happiness and I feel all my muscles contracted by the blows relax. I feel a jolt run through my body as I fill your ass totally relaxed without any discomfort or strain. When I am drained, I pull my still hard cock out of your ass and see my cum coming out of your tight hole.
It is incredible to feel you feeding my ass with your alpha seed. Loads after loads are entering into my dark tunnel of lust. Your body is shaking violently when you stop fucking my ass. I can feel all that sperm running out from my tight ass when you finally pull out your huge cock. I turn to you and look at that cock. It´s so delicious and big. I want to take it in my throat and clean it from the rest of your seed. This alpha seed cannot be wasted. I guide your cock between my lips and with one single thrust take it all into my throat.
You fucking clean my dick with eagerness. I feel like you can't get enough of my cum. My cock gets big again pretty quickly while you're cleaning it but it's still very sensitive. I'm screaming with pleasure as you make me feel good. But I want to give you pleasure and take it with you too. I pull my cock out of your mouth and while your lips are covered with my cum.
Published: 2022-12-14, viewed 60 times.