Interracial Nude Boxing
Established: 2023-04-13
Chat room: #INB
- Boxing
- Descriptive writing
- Trash talking
- Naked
- Blood
People from all over don the gloves to prove their superior to their opponents.
50 members
1 stories
25 photos
0 files
Established: 2023-04-13
Chat room: #INB
People from all over don the gloves to prove their superior to their opponents.
2023-04-25 22:51Sign me up!!!
Adrija Megre (deleted member)
2023-04-24 09:56Ready for the tournament
Jack The Hammerer (deleted member)
2023-04-23 18:34I’m here for it.
Nothing here (deleted member)
2023-04-23 16:32Our first ever tournament is coming up and to keep things fair it will be a dice match format. If you are unsure of how dice matches work and want to learn we have a forum post and the site itself goes into greater detail. The tournament itself will be very basic in the approach to that concept with each person having two attacks and one hundred health to work with.
As for how to sign up. Just post your reply beneath this message and we can start getting the brackets ready! These wins will go to our standings...of course I am entering as well but again with the dice match format it will be fair with no bias. Look forward to seeing your replies or facing off against you in the tournament.
If we fail to get at least 6 people however the tournament will have to be cancelled or postponed.
Boxer jess19 (deleted member)
2023-04-25 15:52(In reply to this)
im up for it