Interracial Nude Boxing
Established: 2023-04-13
Chat room: #INB
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People from all over don the gloves to prove their superior to their opponents.
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Established: 2023-04-13
Chat room: #INB
People from all over don the gloves to prove their superior to their opponents.
Nothing here (deleted member)
2023-04-15 15:59How often has this happened to you? You are in the heat of the moment. You have found the perfect opponent. They tick all of your boxes! But there is a snag! They want to lose...and so do you! You are both jobbers, you have no mouth and you need to scream. Ok, well not that far but you both are very much still jobbers! So what do you do!? You can go your separate ways and never have what could be an amazing roleplay partnership develop for ages to come. You can try to have a match where you both try to lose in character and out of character you are ripping out your hair! Or you can have a Dice Match!
The last option is my go to when myself and someone match up well but we both want to lose in the end. The dice match allows both fighters a measure of luck in equal measure. You both rely on the dice to tell you if your attack hit and how hard. If you stand or stay down. It is actually quite thrilling when you get into it. There are several variations that people use across the site. My personal favorites are the ones that incorporate either one attack per fighter's turn or two attacks per fighter's turn. I have done another variation where one fighter attacks till they miss with the other fighter reacting to each subsequent hit accordingly till they, hopefully, get a turn.
That sounds all well and good but how the heck do you even set up a Dice Match!?!? Who is a Dice match!?!?! Why IS A DICE MATCH!?!?! Well calm down, allow me to explain further. Dice Matches have some very simple and universal elements to them. The Healh Bars. These start at a default of 100 health but can have variations on that amount. the command for this is: !set health . (The space is there so you know there is no need for a full stop) You can change the health amount by adding a number after the space, like !set health 50 . Like that, your health bar is set. You can reset or have it vanish so to speak by the command !reset .
Now for the options you have in a match! Those are, !Attack, !Punch, !Kick, !Clinch, !Stand and much more. You just need to use that exclamation mark first and it will actually show a menu of possible attacks you want to use or options you have. Then you may flip a coin to see who gets to attack first and let me tell you, this is perhaps the most important part because that coin can decide the path of the match. Just type !coin after one of you chooses their side. Now you are ready for a dice match!
BUT WAIT, THERE'S MORE! You see the dice can have you miss your attack or attacks depending on how many you have agreed on per turn but if you land there is a measuring stick of sorts to help the other person know how they react. 1-5 is a light hit to medium hit, 6-8 is a big hit that staggers you but you stay on your feet, 9 and above can be a knockdown or a hit that leave you massively open for the opponent to take advantage of. If you get the latter and fall to the canvas, the command of, ! stand is your friend. If you are stunned on your feet, !clinch is your friend. That is unless they fail then you remember dice and commands have no friends and you are in for a world of hurt since the person gets a free attack. Well, they get a free hit regardless as you spent your turn trying to stand up! UNLESS, you go for the two attack system and allow yourself double the chance to stand up or fail. But if the first one works, you can attack right after that! But if the second works and not the first you are still a bit screwed.
That is it really. You just do that back and forth till one of you is down for the count. There are sexual attack commands as well and more options for attacks but i'm not a wrestler so can not say I ever used them. However I hope this assists you in finding a solution for a problem that you may be facing! Good luck!