Jobbers Wrestling Arena

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Established: 2022-10-23

  • Pro wrestling
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  • Outdoors match
  • Female / Female
It's all about jobber vs jobber. Because a jobber always win at end.
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Paige Renee vs. LaceyP, with a special bonus match vs. ItsKass


05:48 Paige_Renee: I have created the private room #Paige_vs_LaceyP.
05:50 Paige_Renee: I have invited @LaceyP to join #Paige_vs_LaceyP.
05:57 LaceyP: I get changed in the back..checking myself on the mirror to make sure I look amazing. I am wearing my black one piece swimsuit. cut higher on the hips..Also in black knee high sock with white stripes..My hair in a bun and I make my way to the ring..high fiving my fans as I slip in under the bottom ropes..hopping back up to my feet and going to my corner..smiling and waving to my fans as I wait for this rookie wrestler who is awfully high about herself after only 3
05:57 LaceyP:
06:00 Paige_Renee: My music hits and I enter the arena in my white one piece, hips swaying as I blow kisses to the crowd, my long blond hair flowing behind me. I go up the steps and enter the ring and get to my corner, looking your sexy body up and down before blowing you a kiss, “mm this is gonna be fun!”, flexing my right bicep while eyeing your smaller body, licking my lips...
06:00 Paige_Renee: You are not logged in.
06:00 Paige_Renee: yt
06:02 LaceyP: I watch as my bigger opponent enters the ring. She is tall...long gorgeous legs..Your breasts way larger than my 32a blow me a kiss and I laugh..."your gonna have fun passed out bimbo?" giggling as I blow you a kiss of my own then ass facing you and i bend over and spank my ass at ya...then winking to my fans as i see them
06:05 Paige_Renee: The crowd cheers as you taunt me with your ass, I smirk watching you spank it..."that's right babe, your ass is mine!" *DING DING DING!* The bell rings as I approach the center of the ring, moving in to meet you going for a hard lockup, trying to intimidate my smaller opponent, my 34DDs pressed into your smaller 32As...
06:05 Paige_Renee: yt
06:08 LaceyP: I turn back around and smile at you as the bell rings...I watch you coming towards the middle of the ring and I follow suit and make my way towards you and I lunge hard and fast at you not wanting to be intimidated I lock up in a collar and elbow tieup but it was kind of dumb as you are stronger and taller than me. You have all the leverage and you easily force me to backpeddle to my corner...ugh..I raise my arms off you expecting a clean break from
06:12 Paige_Renee: I easily overpower you, driving your tiny body back to your corner. Our eyes meet as a smirk comes across my lips as I briefly press my body against yours, my breasts pressing yours down...the ref counts 1...2..I break clean holding up my hands. "Hope you have more than that, doll!" I taunt, backing up flexing at
06:15 LaceyP: You raise your arms and give me the clean break I smile and the taunt me. My eyes glare at you now as I move forwards and shove at your shoulders as hard as I can. "Oh I have way more than that bimbo" i then lunge in for another collar and elbow tieup with
06:17 Paige_Renee: "Well let's see it!" I go in and lock up hard with you in another collar and elbow...feeling much more strength from your smaller body this time. I stand my ground, pushing you back a step before attempting to wrap my arm around the back of your neck, trying to transition into a side
06:19 LaceyP: I am pushing into you as hard as I can and I actually feel like I am going to get you to backpeddle but instead you reverse that and it is me backpeddling again until you break the tie up and transition into a side headlock..aaggghhhh..i am bent over in your headlock now and slapping on your butt a bit before I try and push you off me towrads the
06:22 Paige_Renee: I squeeeeze your neck into the side of my breast, feeling you spank my ass... "so which do you like better, the girls or the booty?!" I taunt as you manage to push out, my body pushed into the ropes...
06:22 Paige_Renee: yt
06:23 LaceyP: I am able to get you off me and i get you to run to the ropes..I stand up as I wait for you to rebound back towards you rebound i have my arm out as I attempt to deliver a clothesline to you on your back towards me
06:25 Paige_Renee: My back turns to the ropes as I rebound back towards you...before I can try to attempt a clothesline, my eyes widen as I see your clothesline, connecting me hard sending me CRASHHHing to the mat... "ugh..." I cough out on my
06:26 LaceyP: My clothesline lands and you crash down to the mat....I look down at you and i run back into the ropes..building up momentum and rebounding back at you I jump up and attempt to drop my right leg across your
06:28 Paige_Renee: I moan on my back, "this little bitch really just put me on my back!" I think to myself recovering...thinking I have time to get up, but I look up to see your leg falling down towards my neck, connecting hard! Your speed shocks me, coughing out as your leg lands on my
06:30 LaceyP: My leg lands on your throat and I lean over and grab one of your jacknifing legs..hooking it as I go for a quick
06:32 Paige_Renee: I feel you hook my powerful, thick thigh as the ref gets into position to count. My eyes widen as the ref slaps the mat and I kick out shortly after
06:33 LaceyP: You are quick to kick out and i figured that would be the case but I wanted to try anyway...i get back up and I grab your hair and use it to yank you back up to your feet..."cmon get up ya amazon bimbo" i giggle as i tease you
06:33 LaceyP: (ugh..rl just happened..I have to go...I hope we can finish this soon..this is fun already..hehe)
06:33 LaceyP: (so sorry I have to go)
06:34 Paige_Renee: (it's ok babe, love it so far! Just wait till you get back ;) )
06:34 LaceyP: (will you be around tomorrow at all?)
06:34 Paige_Renee: (Yes!)
06:34 LaceyP: (me too....we finish this tomorrow then..night)
06:35 LaceyP: (i will be around around 12 noon or so..i am est time
06:35 Paige_Renee: (I'll be around a little after that)
06:35 LaceyP: (in around 12 noon that
06:35 LaceyP: ok hopefully see ya around 1 then..hehe
06:35 LaceyP: bye for now
06:35 Paige_Renee: Night babe xoxo
03:17 LaceyP: Its yt..hehe
02:14 Paige_Renee: I growl as you pull me up by my hair, gritting my teeth before lifting a hard knee to your abs to try and break your
02:16 LaceyP: I am pulling you up to your feet and as i get you standing you grab me and pull me into your knee...OOOFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF my cheeks blow out as i lose my air for a moment...i let go of you and double over grabbing at my
02:19 Paige_Renee: My lips curving into a grin as my knee bends you over and you cough out…I grab your wrists with both hands, throwing your tiny body hard into the corner with an Irish whip…yt
02:20 LaceyP: I am doubled over from your knee when you grab my wrists and whhoooaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa you spin me around throw me towards the corner in an irish whip...i tune at last moment so my back takes the hit instead of my face or chest...uugghhhhh my arms drape over the top rope as the impact hurts a bit for
02:30 Paige_Renee: I hear your body CRASH into the corner as I back into my corner, seeing your body limp in your corner. I pump my fist up and down before running at you, going for a big splash! yt
02:31 LaceyP: I have invited @ItsKass to join #Paige_vs_LaceyP.
02:32 LaceyP: I hit hard backfirst in the arms draped over the top chin hangs in my chest I lift my head in time to see you airborne..i try and move but I am too late for that and OOOOOOOOOOFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF i get pancaked by you in the corner...more air leaves me as i sag a bit in the
02:34 Paige_Renee: Looking at your body almost left breathless in the corner, I stare in satisfaction before pushing my palm against your head bending it back smiling at you..."you liked that babes?!" I taunt before sloooowwwlllyyy licking my right hand, sending a big chop to your chest! yt
02:36 LaceyP: I am leaning back in the corner..saggin a bit from the splash...then you press my palm to my head and force me to look up at you...ugh i moan as you taunt me..then AAAIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE your palm slaps my chest so hard the sound can be heard throughout the eyes go wide as I grab my chest and stumble away from you out of the
02:40 Paige_Renee: I raise my arms, waving to the crowd , backing up as you stumble away...running the opposite rope, I rebound against it aiming a big boot, trying to send you to your ass back in your corner! yt
02:43 LaceyP: I am stumbling out of the corner holding my chest...I turn back to face you before i get myself into trouble and you are already moving at me...OOOOOOOOOOOFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF your boot drills my chest and i literally fly backwards and hit the corner HARD...oh gawd i moan as i sag to the 2nd are suddenly taking it to me..I gotta do something but I am badly winded right
02:50 Paige_Renee: I send a quick stomp in, sending you down to your ass in the corner before backing up I get to my corner, I notice Kass in the front row. "Aww is that your gf babe?" I say, before running at you, jumping at you with a bronco buster! yt
02:53 LaceyP: UUUGGGHHHHHHH you boot drives me to my ass in the corner..leaning back against the corner my head resting on the 2nd turnbuckle...I feel the ring shaking and i look up to see you airborne again..I tell my brain to move but I cant from the recent moves hurting me and aaagggggggghhhhhhhhhhhh your crotch lands on my neck in a bronco buster as you now keep bucking up and down on legs and arms flail as i sit on my ass in the
03:10 LaceyP: yr Paige
03:59 Paige_Renee: I land holding the ropes, my crotch slamming into your face over and over and over until I PRESSSSSS my covered pussy into your face, looking over to Kass, blowing her a kiss before I pull back one more time, and thrust my hips forward, striking your face one more time! I walk to the center of the ring, holding my hand in the air making a V with my fingers, pulling it down to my mouth flicking my tongue between it as the crowd
04:02 LaceyP: You just pound my face with your pussy over and over again...each blow takes more and more out of me...we are a long way from me being in control of the match at this point...You pull back and deliver another blow to my face with your pussy......UUUGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHH you finally get off me and i am badly dazed in the corner....oh gawd I legs spread wide as i can only sit there..trying to get some air back in my lungs.,
04:06 Paige_Renee: My eyes lock on you like a lioness staring at her wounded hips sway as I walk towards you in the corner, grabbing a handful of your long brown hair, pulling you up to your feet..."Ready to get up close and personal with the girls?!" I tease, shaking my breasts before wrapping my arms around your neck, trying to lock your face inside my cleavage in a standing breast
04:10 LaceyP: I am almost limp in the corner as you grab my hair and use it to yank me back up to my feet...i am slow to get up from the beating I have taken...i am on wobbly legs..they feel like spaghetti as i can barely stand. I would probably fall back down if you werent holding me up by my hair...then you pull my face between your girls and start to smother me arms start to flail wildly as i try and pull back away from
04:14 Paige_Renee: My arms tighten like a python tightening around it's prey, SQUEEEEEZING you between my breasts...feeling your tiny body flailing in my grip, I arch my back LIFFFTTTing you off your feet, your face trapped between my 34DD cannons. "Whaddaya say girlie, enjoying the view???"
04:14 Paige_Renee: yt
04:17 LaceyP: (shoot rl..brb)
17:27 LaceyP: I am pulled into you and my face is surrounded by your DD's...mmmppppppphhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh you then arch back and lift my feet off the feet start to kick a bit as I am getting weaker and weaker between your breasts...unable to flailing begins to get
17:29 Paige_Renee: Pulling back as your struggle weakens, keeping you locked in my massive tits, your body beginning to go limp…I smirk as I slide your head over, wrapping my arm around your neck as I set up a ddt! Yt
17:30 LaceyP: I am getting weaker and feet barely kicking now and my arms starting to go limp you shift position and I am in your front facelock but you are still arched back and my feet dangle above the BIG trouble as I hang there hangman style by your arm as you set me up for
17:31 ItsKass: Oh noo babyyy fight it!!!
17:33 Paige_Renee: I look over at Kass with an evil grin, blowing her a kiss with my free arm before dropping you with a MASSIVE ddt! Driving your head into the mat with a CRASH…I roll your body over and crawl seductively over to you, planting my ass on your face and hooking your right leg as I flex my left bicep…ONE…yt
17:35 ItsKass: I look worred as my eyes go wide "LACEYYYYYYY" I cry out
17:37 LaceyP: YOu are just holding me body dangling almost totally limp...drool begins to seep out of the corner of my mouth before you fall back FAST and my head hits HARD into the entire body bounces up and lands back on the mat face down...twitching from the ass jiggling as i roll my twitching body over and the drool pours out of my mouth as i continue to twitch as you sit on my face and hook a twitching leg as you can count to 100 at this
17:41 Paige_Renee: I turn to look at Kass as the count continues…TWO…THREE!!! *DING DING DING!* I blow a kiss to Kass before releasing your leg, my ass still planted on your face before I get on my hands and knees, beginning to shake my ass and twerk on your face! The ring announcer belts out, “the winner of this match by a humiliating facesit pinfall…PAIGE!!!” Yt
17:42 LaceyP: You drop my leg and start to twitch over my drooling body continuing to twitch uncontrollably as you show off over me
17:43 ItsKass: I watch on in horror as you twerk over my Lacey. My blood boils as you stay on top of her and twerk "STOPPP IT SHE NEEDS TO BREATHHEE" I say as I rush into the ring and push you off of my twitching Lacey as I craddle her head on my lap and kiss her forehead "Babyy are you okayyyy babyyy please" I say as I hold her head tight. yt
17:44 LaceyP: I dont even feel Kass grabbing me as i continue to twitch in her grasp...I finally start to slowly open my eyes but they are still rolled back in my head as i continue to twitch in her
17:44 Paige_Renee: I parade around the ring, arms raised in victory as you tend to her, soaking in the cheers of the crowd before looking back over at you, “awww poor girl!” Yt
17:46 ItsKass: I growl at you as I hold my Lacey and craddle her on my lap as I kiss her forehead tears streaming from my eyes "You crazy sadistic bitch!!! I'll kill you!!!" I scream at you as I keep kissing my babys forehead as I rub her cheeks to make sure she's okay as she twitches in my arms. yt
17:47 LaceyP: I finally begin to regain my consiciousness as my eyes open and i stop twitching and i slowly wipe the drool from the corner of my mouth..."oh gawd...wha...what..happened"
17:49 Paige_Renee: I stand in my corner resting my arms on the ropes, giggling as you cry tears over your defeated gf, “what happened was you got pinned babe! …now your little girl is sad!” I tease, twerking towards you as I hold the top rope…yt
17:50 ItsKass: I growl at you as I turn my attention back to my Lacey as I hug her tightly. "Shh shh youu're okay baby I love you you're okay" I say as I coo into her ear and try to soothe her "You just stepped iinto the ring with a crazy bitch" I spit out the last part twoard you. yt
17:54 LaceyP: "ugh...did I win?" i say with a grin as I obviously know that isnt the case..."can you help me out of here baby?"
17:58 ItsKass: I giggle through tears "Your soo cute baby" I say as I give you a kiss on yoru drooling lips and I help take you to the corner to rest. "Just one sec baby I gotta deal with something" I say as I turn around and glar at Paige as I lung at her. yt
20:38 LaceyP: (is everyone back?)
20:39 Paige_Renee: (Yes!)
20:39 ItsKass: (Yep!)
20:39 LaceyP: (continue?)
20:41 Paige_Renee: Seeing Kass glare at me as she tends to Lacey, I let out a big laugh, “you don’t know how crazy this bitch can get girlie!” Seeing you lunge at me, I meet you, locking up trying to push you back… yt
20:44 ItsKass: I grunt as I lung at you and we lock up, my eyes full of tears and hatred as I try to avenge my Lacey "You'll pay for what you did!" I say gritting through my teeth at you as I struggle against your push back as you force me onto the back foot as I try to send a knee up to your belly. yt
20:45 Paige_Renee: “OOF…your knee rams into my abs, bending me over in the middle of the ring…I growl catching my breath as you stand tall…yt
20:46 LaceyP: sitting in the corner head resting on my chest
20:49 ItsKass: I turn around to check on my Lacey as my knee rams into your abs and I blow her a kiss "Look baby I'm going to beat her ass for what she did!" I tell her as I reach over and try to grab you by the hair to force you to stand back up. yt
20:51 Paige_Renee: You grab my hair forcing me back to my feet, your moment you took to blow your kiss giving me the opening I need to ram my shoulder into your abs, driving you back into the corner! Yt
20:54 ItsKass: I turn around as I pick you back up by the hair only for your shoudler to ram into my abs as you drive my back into the conrer as my ass hits laceys face and I cough and wheeze as I spit out and gasp for air. yt
20:56 LaceyP: I lift my head up to see Kass's ass coming at me fast. Unable to move my entire body bounces in the corner before my head drops as I go limp again and just sit there out cold in the corner due to my fiances perfect ass
20:57 Paige_Renee: I drive my shoulder into your abs three more times, your ass pressed into Lacey’s face as the crowd roars. I pull you out by your hair, dragging you to the center of the ring as I aim a big knee to your abs…yt
21:01 ItsKass: I grunt as your shoulder drives into my abs three more times, forcing my ass further into laceys face as the last shoudler barge bascially pushes her nose into my ass before you drage my by the hair as I yelp and your knee to my abs makes me spit out as I heeave and drop to my knees. yt
21:03 Paige_Renee: I lock eyes with Lacey as I put your head between my legs, setting you up for my big finish. “Ready to watch your bae get destroyed?!??” I yell towards you, the crowd going crazy! Yt
21:03 LaceyP: Paige looks over at me and probably sees me drooling and twitching again at this point as my own partners ass has taken me out again
21:04 ItsKass: My head goes between your legs as I panick while wheezing as my hands try to pull your thighs apart as I struggle against you trying to get ree. yt
21:06 Paige_Renee: Feeling your hands on my thighs, I hoist your body up in position for a powerbomb…marching you around the ring before I bring you back to the center, your back turned to Lacey… “any last words doll?” I tease…yt
21:08 ItsKass: I yelp out as you hoist me up to your shoulder in a postiion for a powerbomb as my groaning bopdy is marched around the ring and your bring me to center my back turned to Lacey as my eyes go wide "no nononon please not on her she's had enough pleaes please plaeseee" I squal out as i plead. yt
21:12 Paige_Renee: I jump up and bring your body CRASHING DOWN HARD to the mat, sitting down into a powerbomb! I fold your body over, bending your legs all the way down, making you wear your own feet as earrings as I get on top of you, thrusting my hips into your ass, my breasts lightly on your face as I lock eyes with Lacey, smiling ear to ear as the ref counts…ONE…TWO…yt
21:14 ItsKass: I scream as you lift me up and creash my down on the mat, landing iwth a loud thump that makes the whole ring shake as you fold my body over, making me legs bend bake like a prestzel as I drool and twich while your hips thrust into my twitching ass as Idrool out onot the ring. yt
21:16 Paige_Renee: I keep thrusting until the ref finally brings his hand down to the mat…THREE!!! I keep you held in position as I blow a kiss to Lacey…the ring announcer getting back on the mic, “and you’re winner once again by a DOMINANT pinfall, PAIGE!!!” The crowd going crazy for my second victory tonight! Yt
21:17 ItsKass: I twitch and drool beneath you as teh count hits three as you keep my bent over like a pretzel, my body shaking and twtiching uncrollably beneath my compromised position as the crowd goes wild. yt
21:18 LaceyP: I start to wake up and I see Kass twitching and drooling now too...she has just been counted out and i try to slowly crawl over to her
21:20 Paige_Renee: As I see you crawling over to her, I get up letting her legs fall to the mat. I grab you by the hair and throw your body over hers, crossing you both with your abs touching as I put my foot on Lacey’s back and flex, my smile beaming as cameras flash, capturing the moment…yt
21:22 LaceyP: aaaggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I feel you grab my hair and I cant even grab onto your wrists as you drag my mostly limp body over to Kass and place my own twitching and drooling body on top of my fiances twitching and drooling
21:23 ItsKass: I lay there and twitch and rool as my soon to b wifey is palced over my abs, as the wait of your foot adds more pressure onto me, my body twiching vioilently beneath both of you yt
21:25 Paige_Renee: I let my foot off your back and go to the corner, posing on the ropes as I soak in the adulation of the crowd, savoring my massive victory…yt

Published: 2023-05-30, viewed 94 times.




2023-08-17 18:13

Those girls were foolish for thinking they could beat you Paige!

Miss Mandy

2023-07-05 02:52

That's how a real woman handles a pair of creampuffs! Go girl!

Zack Davis

2023-05-30 14:31

Cool story