Lord ﹠ Lady Darcy's Fight Club

Public Restricted

Established: 2022-07-06

  • No holds barred
  • Pro wrestling
  • Bareknuckle/fistfight
  • Male / Male
  • Female / Female
A no holds barred underground fight club run by Lord & Lady Darcy
157 members
57 stories
2 photos
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Brutal Women's Bare-Knuckle Title Match: Suki Squid (c) vs. Karla Valenzuela


Valenzuela: The air inside Lady Darcy's exclusive underground fight club is thick with tension and anticipation. The notorious venue, hidden away from the public eye, is buzzing once again for a highly anticipated rematch for the prized BKB Women’s Championship. Tonight, two fierce warriors are set to collide in a brutal battle for redemption and dominance in the world of women’s bare-knuckle boxing. The last encounter between these fighters was nothing short of a spectacle, and this rematch promises to be even more intense.

Valenzuela: As I shadow box in my small changing room, my fists wrapped tightly with white gauze, I think about the road that lead me to this current fight. The first fight with Suki, where she took me down with a brutal and devasting left hook to my liver and a right uppercut to my chin, leaving me kissing the canvass. Then there was the match with Becky Keegan that I won in order to get the title rematch with Suki, and now I’m here, wearing my yellow hot pants, red boxing boots, and standing here topless ready for my bare-knuckle boxing rematch with the Jap destroyer Suki. But I’m the Mexicana La Princesa, proud, confident, determined to take that bitch’s title belt from her, and make her eat my feasts. This time, I’m gonna fuck her up bad! GRRRRRRRRRRR!

Valenzuela: Suddenly I hear the book maker walking past my door with his son, giving advice "Listen, son, if you're thinking of placing a bet on the Valenzuela vs. Suki rematch, put your money on Suki. She's got 2:1 odds as the favorite, and for good reason—she completely dominated the last fight, using her experience and power to break Valenzuela down. Suki's heavier, stronger, and has over 300 fights under her belt, which makes her a dangerous opponent, especially since she knows how to exploit weaknesses with those brutal body shots. Valenzuela is a tough fighter, sure, but she's the underdog at 1:2 for this match. She’s got a lot to prove after getting beaten up last time, and unless she’s made some serious adjustments, it’s going to be another uphill battle for her." I can’t help but smile. He does not know how determined I am, my bruised ego and battered body from the last fight are only fuelling my will to win and bust up this Jap tonight; I’m here to show that I can overcome any odds.

Valenzuela: I now here a buzz of excitement from the crowd as Suki must have entered the building and is making her way to her larger changing room, the reigning champion. I know that as challenger, I will be introduced and called to enter the ring first.

Suki_Squid: As I enter the building, shabby, seedy, run down as the Darcys are not known for spending a groat that could remain in their collective pockets. My high heels making tock, tock, echoing sounds as I walk down the halls guided by a scruffy urchin of indeterminate age hidden under a heavy coat of grime. I strip down and hang my street clothes in a locker. Then slip on a white Gee string and carefully exchange high heels for white boxing boots not trusting the grimy floor. Then I do my warmup routine shifting shadow boxing until I have a nice coat of sweat. My long-time trainer Tiger Tanaka wraps my hard scarred knuckles after putting on a light coat of Vaseline. I have fought this girl before and taken her down, but Mexicans are tough, and she wants what I have. At 5'2" and 125 or so pounds we are close in size so I could dance, and box as opposed to my usual style of staying close and putting on pressure. That is not likely as once the first blow lands it will be toe to toe slugging it out.

Suki_Squid: The French demon they slipped in on me was a hard fight mainly due to the repeated low blows and fouls that the wide load Lady Dary played Lord Nelson and turned a blind eye to. Knowing I have no friends once I enter the ring is a given. It is up to me to carve out a victory and victory shall be mine! Now it is a waiting game until the Darcy gang gets the ball rolling.

Lady_Darcy: With a big grin on my face, I have finally finished counting the takings for tonight's fight. It took me longer than usual, this is a very popular match-up, the crowd are expecting a lot from these two. And so am I, I have put a lot of my renowned managerial skills into arranging this fight, their first meeting was... grade-A pugilistic entertainment, so engineering a re-match with even higher takings has required some ingenuity on my part... a match-up between Suki and the French Championess, Patricia, while on paper a champion v champion match, Suki's brutal technique would always overwhelm poor Patricia... and putting Valenzuela up against a viable contender, Busty Beckie Keegan, was a stroke of genius, Beckie is nowadays too out of shape, a big hitter, yes, but Valenzuela was too young and fast for her... "Ah..." I sigh as I hear the noise of the crowd growing and growing... the time is near, I heard they are both in the building and changed up for the fight... I stand up, look in the mirror, and admire myself in my referee's uniform...

Lady_Darcy: I strut down the corridor from my office into the warehouse where the ring is situated, bursting through the curtain and saluting the raucous crowd... they burst into a cheer, why wouldn't they, I am, after all, the best thing about this club!... I strut to the ring and climb the steps into the ring, swaying my curvy hips and ass as I swagger...

Lady_Darcy: I walk to the middle of the ring with my microphone and wait for the crowd to settle down, then start my announcement... "Welcome to Lord & Lady Darcy's Fight Club and to tonight's... MAIN EVENT..." The crowd let out an enormous cheer and I smile at them... "As you know this fight is for the title of... the Lord & Lady Darcy's Fight Club... WOMEN'S BARE-KNUCKLE BOXING CHAMPION... and is between... the CHALLENGER, hailing from MEXICO, weighing in at 118lbs and standing 5'3" tall... KARLA VALENZUELA... and the reigning CHAMPION, hailing from YOKOHAMA, JAPAN, weighing in at 125lbs and standing 5'2" tall... SUKI SQUID..." The crowd cheers again. "Now you all know the rules, there are... no rounds... it's a... FIGHT TO A FINISH... IT AIN'T OVER 'TIL IT'S OVER... when one fighter has been KO-ed or quits because she can't take anymore..." Again the crowd cheer... I turn to look to the backstage area... "So let's get this fight going... Introducing first... the CHALLENGER... the self-proclaimed... LA PRINCESA DEL BOXEO... please welcome to the ring... KARLA VALENZUELA!!!..."

Valenzuela: The buzz of the crowd reaches a fever pitch as Lady Darcy whips them into a frenzy. I step out from my changing room and start making my way toward the ring and I can feel the electricity in the air, the anticipation of a brutal rematch hanging thick over Lady Darcy’s underground fight club. The hallway is dimly lit, shadows dancing on the walls from the few flickering lights overhead, and the smell of sweat, smoke, and anticipation fills my nostrils. I hear Lady Darcy introduce me, and I push through the thick greasy curtains, the bright lights of the ring momentarily blinding me, but I blink and refocus, feeling the adrenaline start to course through my veins. I walk confidently toward the ring, wearing my yellow hot pants and red boxing boots, feeling the cool air against my bare chest. My fists, tightly wrapped in white gauze, are already clenched, ready to do battle. Each step I take is deliberate and measured, the sound of my boots hitting the worn-out floor almost drowned out by the crowd’s roar. They’re here for a fight, and that’s exactly what I’m going to give them. As I approach the ropes, I can’t help but glance over to the other side where I know Suki will enter. The Jap Destroyer is the reigning champion, and she’s got the experience and the power that make her a formidable opponent. But this isn’t about respect—it’s about revenge and national pride! I’m here to reclaim what’s should be mine and to prove that I’m not just some cutie Mexicana underdog here to make up the numbers. I’m here to win, to take that title belt from the Jap by force and show everyone that I’m a true champion.

I step into the ring, ducking under the ropes and bouncing lightly on the balls of my feet. The canvas beneath me feels familiar, almost like an old friend. I raise my fists to the crowd, giving them a quick nod before I retreat to my corner. The noise is deafening, but it fuels me. I know they’ve got me pegged as the underdog after the last fight, but they don’t know how hard I’ve trained, how much I’ve pushed myself to get back here. They don’t know the fire that’s burning inside me. I begin to shadow box, my movements fluid and sharp. I can feel my muscles working, each punch slicing through the air with precision. Left jab, right cross, left hook, right uppercut—I go through my combinations, each punch thrown with intent, each movement deliberate. My fists cut through the smoke-filled air like knives, each punch a promise of what’s to come. I focus on my breathing, keeping it steady and controlled, even as my heart races with the thrill of what’s to come. I shift my weight, throwing a few more quick punches, each one with a little more force, a little more aggression. I can see Suki in my mind's eye, but I’m not afraid. I’m ready. I’m going to fuck her up tonight.

Lady_Darcy: I smile as Karla makes her entrance, she looks in good shape... she'll need to be... the crowd give her a big cheer and I wait for them to settle down before I continue... "And now, please welcome to the ring your... REIGNING CHAMPION... she is known as... THE JAPANESE DESTROYER... and is... UNDEFEATED... at Lord & Lady Darcy's Fight Club... here is.... SUKI SQUID!!!..."

AnneR: “Fuck the illegal immigrant, Karla Valenzuela! Wait … they’re both illegal aliens!”

Suki_Squid: I hear Lady Darcy announce me the reigning and defending champion place my hands on my trainer's shoulders and let him lead me to the ring. I look at the back of his head, but my focus is on the upstart Mexican who wants to come into my ring and try to take my belt. The fire burns deep inside as my chocolate tipped breasts sway and bounce on the way to the ring. I hear nothing but the blood roaring in my ears totally focused of destruction of the Mexican. Tiger Tanaka holds the top and middle ropes apart for me to step into the ring. My golden skin glistens under a light coat of sweat. He unbuckles and hands my belt over to Lady Darcy who is grinning like the cheshire cat no doubt getting a butt load of cash for this match. The he takes out a small bag of salt and goes to each corner tossing a pinch up in the air as he chants purifying the ring.

Valenzuela: I smirk as I see this Jap guy spreading salt around the corners of the ring. "C'mon, give me a break chico!"

Lady_Darcy: I watch with a slightly bemused look as the ring is "purified", wondering if this guy really thinks that a couple of pinches of salt can counteract some of the dodgy goings on that have happened in this ring... When he has finished, I turn and beckon Karla and Suki to the middle of the ring for the instructions... "Okay, ya both know the rules... and if not, well, just rely on me to apply them fairly... after all I made them up... Are you both ready?..."

Valenzuela: I nod affirmative, not taking my eyes off the Jap.

Suki_Squid: “Ready here” boring holes through the Mexican

Mixtko8910: Taking a seat near the ring … excited to see this go down.

Lady_Darcy: I raise my arm and take a step backwards... look around at the timekeeper... "RIng the bell!!..."... DING!!... DING!!... DING!!... I drop my arm and yell "FIGHT!!"

Valenzuela: The sound of the bell reverberates through the underground fight club, and the crowd erupts into a frenzy. I waste no time, springing into an orthodox stance, bouncing and bobbing side to side, with the intensity of a lioness on the hunt. My eyes are locked on Suki, who stands in her corner, her stance solid and prepared. I know she’s expecting me to come out swinging, but I’m not going to be reckless. I move in quickly, staying light on my feet, my fists up and ready. I start with a rapid series of feints—left shoulder, right shoulder, my gloves twitching as if I’m about to throw a jab. I want to keep her guessing, keep her on her toes. I see her eyes narrow, her body shifting slightly as she tries to read my movements. Without warning, I explode forward, closing the gap between us in an instant. I fire off a quick left jab aimed straight at your nose, trying to slice it between your guard, looking to disrupt rhythm and test defense. I don’t put my full power into it; it’s just a setup, a distraction, as I next try to swing a wicked power right hook towards your lower floating ribs wanting to crush them. I then weave low and dance back a couple of steps.

AnneR: Puts my life savings on Karla Venezuela (or is it Valenzuela?) in spite of Maduro losing the elections. “Send Kabuki Suki back to Okinawa!” (which is not where she came from) but who cares?

Suki_Squid: The bell rings and I slip into my southpaw stance beginning my head and upper body movement automatically as you never forget what bring you to the dance. She does a fancy two step left and right and I mirror her just to see if it confuses her. Catching the step forward I shift a step to my right your left and see if I can catch you coming it while making you miss since your target shifted. Our reach is the same but since I have always been a pressure fighter against bigger fighters it is now my habit to stick close and bang away. It is her opening gambit, and I think she will step back after a couple shots so keep stepping forward seeing if I can't shoot the straight left into her navel.

Valenzuela: I see you mirror my movements, shifting with me, and I know you’re trying to throw me off, but I’m not backing down. As I step in with my jab and feel it miss as you slip to your right. I notice your quick sidestep to my left, moving out of range of my right hook aimed at your ribs. You’re fast, and you’re reading me well, but I’ve come prepared for a war. I see you advancing, trying to close the distance, and I know you're looking to fight inside, where your experience gives you an edge. But I’m not going to let you have it that easy. As you step in closer, aiming that straight left at my navel, I twist my body to my right just in time, feeling the breeze of your punch as it barely grazes my side. I use that momentum to spin out to my left, creating just a bit of space. As I reset my stance, I quickly fire off a sharp right cross, aimed high at your cheek, hoping to catch you off guard while you’re pressing in. Immediately, I follow up with a left hook to your side, aiming once again for those floating ribs.

AnneR: Did you mean floating ribs or floating tits?

Suki_Squid: She is quick I will give her that as I try the old veteran trick of stepping on her lead foot to pin it to the canvas. Head move slightly to let the right turn into a glancing blow. Drop the right elbow to block the left hook then attempt a left hook over the extended right aimed at the chin to see if I can't rattle her cage. Otherwise, I go to plan B and dance with her.

AnneR: Plan B From Outer Space?

Valenzuela: I feel my right cross glance off your cheek as you shift your head slightly, and I know I didn’t get all of it. You’re slick, always a step ahead, but I’m not letting up. I see your right elbow drop just in time to block my left hook aimed at your ribs, stopping me from delivering a solid blow. Damn, you’re good at reading my moves, but I’m not backing down. Just as I start to pull my right hand back, I see your left hook coming fast, aiming right for my chin. I must react quickly—there’s no time to think. I snap my head back, trying to dodge it, but it’s too late. Your hook lands with a sharp crack against my chin, and I feel my head twist to the side. My vision blurs for a split second, and I can feel the sting spread through my jaw. I stumble back a step, pulling my lead foot back from under your foot pinning it to the mat, trying to shake off the blow. I can’t let you take control. I tighten my guard, bringing my gloves up to protect my face as I backpedal slightly, trying to create some distance. I need to regroup, to keep you from pressing your advantage. As I regain my footing, I decide to change my tactics. I lower my stance slightly, keeping my guard high, and move in again, this time throwing a quick left jab aimed at your right tit to throw off your timing. Then, I immediately shift my weight and fire a powerful right uppercut toward your solar plexus, hoping to drive my fist between your guard and knock the fucking wind out of you and force you to step out of my personal space!

Suki_Squid: I manage to pin her in place for a moment long enough to tag her with a left hook that snaps her head around in a spray of sweat. But she is fresh and has a good beard and manages to shake it off. I can see the dazed fleeting look in her eyes, but it passes too fast otherwise I would jump on her like a hound dog on a pork chop. She is strong and back pedals but no matter I step back myself and shift into a right-hand stance resuming my head and upper body movement before stepping back in firing two lefts at her face as soon as I see her hands move. I take a punch to my right breast and fire the right hook at the side of her left breast. Tightening my abs by shouting HAI to take the body shot.

Lady_Darcy: I note that Suki is using her notorious foot work, and consider giving her a warning but decide it is too much effort...

AnneR: “HI!!!” Back at ya, Suki_Squid.

Valenzuela: I watch as you shift into a right-hand stance, your head and upper body weaving with practiced ease, keeping me guessing. I see your two lefts coming at my face, quick and precise. I bring my fists up, feeling the sting as your bare knuckles glance off my forearms, leaving red marks, pushing me back a step. The crowd's energy surges as our fists fly, but I’m determined to stay in this fight. My jab finds its mark on your right breast, and I hear a grunt escape your lips. But you immediately counter with a bare-knuckled right hook to the side of my left breast. The sharp pain shoots through me, and I feel my chest tighten. I grit my teeth, refusing to show any sign of weakness. You tense your abs with a fierce “HAI!” as my body shot lands, which hardly phases you because of your developed musculature. I step in close, throwing a rapid left-right hook combination toward your ribs, aiming to disrupt your rhythm and maybe make you lower your guard, and then I follow up with a straight right punch aimed directly at your chin, hoping to rattle you and push you back, as my left tit burns from taking the hook to its side. I can feel the sweat dripping down my face now.

Suki_Squid: Standing in the pocket and refusing to take a step back after I managed to tag the breast. Again, the straight left flashes out at the first hint of movement of your hands looking to go to the nose which is a nice tender target. Thinking she will again go for my body I again scream HAI to tighten the abs and twist my hips as I swing a right hook aiming for that hard chin. If all goes as planned the head shots should at least throw off your aim. Keeping up the head movement to try to avoid the uppercut that I noted was a favorite weapon. Then twist the hips back to get the weight of my body behind the left hook seeking your liver. She is young and hungry, but I have ring savvy and hard hands.

Valenzuela: I see your straight left coming at my face again, and I brace myself, like a deer caught in the headlights of a truck, and your fist slams right into my nose, sending a jolt of pain through my face. I feel a trickle of blood running onto my lips, but I can’t focus on that now. My hooks only connect with a solid wall of muscle, and as I start to bring my guard up, trying to block any more head shots, your right hook is already on its way. I try to duck, but you again catch me on the chin, snapping my head to the side. My vision blurs momentarily, and I stumble back a step, the pain radiating through my jaw. You avoid my shot at your chin with head movement. As you twist your hips to fire that left hook toward my liver, I see it coming, just in time. I tighten my core and drop my right elbow, catching some of the impact, but your punch still lands hard, making me wince. The pain spreads across my side, but I deflected enough of it so that its not the KO body blow you wanted. I need to make my move now. With a surge of adrenaline, I force myself forward, using the pain of rage to fuel my attack. I step in close, aiming a sharp left uppercut toward your chin, hoping to surprise you and break your rhythm. Immediately, I follow with a right overhand punch aimed at the side of your head, putting all my strength into it, trying to knock you off balance.

Suki_Squid: I see her rocked by my shots blood coming from her nose should have impaired her vision by her eyes tearing up. Shifting my attack as I bend my knees and crouch lower as I don't want to hurt my hands hitting bone. and figuring her to head hunt I am rewarded by slipping the uppercut by head movement and crouching lets her right graze my hair. Down low I am presented with busy hands upstairs and an open body. I must use speed to do the shave and a haircut for two bits, left-right-left aimed slightly below the navel which should keep Lady Darcy from opening her trap. After letting the shots go to step forward and crowd the tough Mexican. Breathing good, no major damage sweating as the fight heats up.

Valenzuela: I feel my uppercut swing through the air, missing its mark as you deftly dodge with a slick head movement. Damn it! My right overhand punch only grazes the top of your head as you crouch low, avoiding the blow. I’m frustrated, getting outclassed as you read my moves like an open book. I’m off balance and wide open when you slip inside my guard, and I suddenly feel your toughened fists drilling into my exposed belly. Your left-right-left combination lands just below my navel, and it feels like a sledgehammer smashing into my gut. My tits bouncing with each punch! I gasp, the breath leaving my lungs in a sharp exhale, and my vision narrows for a split second as I feel the sting of each hit. The crowd roars, but their voices blur into a distant hum as I try to regain my breath. As you step forward, trying to crowd me and take advantage of my pain, I grit my teeth and step back towards the ropes, pivot to my right and throw a right haymaker at your temple, wanting to take you down with a surprise punch!

Suki_Squid: I feel the body shots land as the shock goes up my arms to the shoulders. Better yet is the gasp as her wind hisses out of her mouth. Those were telling shots and we both know it. Boosted by the thrill I crowd forward pressuring the Mexican back towards the ropes. She is still dangerous no doubt but seriously weakened by the body shots. I can sense the right coming as I do the Philadelphia shoulder roll used by Floyd Mayweather so often. She wings in the right and I take it, but her power is not what it was at the start and my head snaps to the side. Fresh she would have got me. The right hand busy upstairs my left hook comes around as I twist my body looking to nail her liver. Twisting the other way to try for her side under the ribs with the right hook.

Valenzuela: I see my right haymaker coming in strong, but you read it perfectly, slipping it with a shoulder roll like some kind of bare-knuckle Mayweather. Damn, this isn't going well. My fist hits only lightly, and before I can recover, your counterattack comes in hard and fast. I feel your left hook slam into my liver, and my whole body jolts with a sharp, excruciating pain. It feels like fire ripping through my side, my knees wobbling. I’m gasping now, desperate for air, and trying to keep my guard up, but my ribs scream in agony with every breath. Before I can even blink, your right hook comes around, nailing me right under the ribs on my other side. The force of your punch nearly lifts me off my feet, and I feel my legs wobble as I stumble back into the ropes, using them to prop myself up. I know I can't let you keep pressuring me like this. I need to change the tempo and get you off me. Gritting my teeth against the pain, I dig my toes into the canvas and push off the ropes with everything I've got left. I spring forward with a sudden burst of energy, opening my arms to try to wrap them around your body for a clinch.

Suki_Squid: I see and feel the liver shot hit home like a guided missile and so does the right. I can hear her almost scream if it didn't hurt so bad. Her legs treble and she bounces into the ropes. She is Mexican and tough as nails, so I expect her to grab and hold. So again, I bend my legs and crouch down before firing a straight left aimed just below her navel and hoping she spears herself on it. The lioness scents blood and her mouth waters as I want to punish this youngster for daring to come for my belt.

Valenzuela: I lunge forward, trying to close the distance and wrap you up in a clinch, desperate to stop your assault and buy myself some time to recover. But you’re ready for it—you crouch low, your movements smooth and controlled, and before I can close the gap, you fire off a straight left punch aimed right at my gut. I’m already moving forward, and there’s no way to dodge or block in time. Your fist slams into me just below the navel with brutal precision, and I feel like I’ve been hit by a battering ram. The pain is blinding, your punches cumulative, my breath catches in my throat, and I double over, instinctively clutching my stomach. My vision blurs, and I can feel my legs shaking, struggling to keep me upright. I try to gasp for air, but every breath feels like a knife twisting in my belly. I know I’m in trouble, but I can’t let you see me break. With you crouched low too, I try to change tactics and try to shoot my right arm around the back of your neck, to try to pull you into me for a side headlock, if I get you there, I'll pump some left shovel hooks into your face, my body slick with sweat, and trembling with pain.

Suki_Squid: I felt that one clear up my arm to my shoulder the power of the shot multiplied by you running into it. I see the bend forward more involuntary than not and it’s an opening. I step to my right your left to clear my left hand so I can try a left uppercut to the face then shoot a straight right at your ear to hopefully upset your balance and perhaps send you sprawling. Then try to step around you perhaps to give you a shove if you fail to fall. Worst case force you to reset in your weakened hurt condition.

Valenzuela: I feel your left uppercut crash into my face as I move forward, my head snapping back from the impact, blood spraying from my nose and mouth. A sharp pain radiates from my jaw up to my temple, and I can barely see straight. My mind is spinning, but I force myself to stay focused, knowing I can’t afford to go down now. Before I can react, your straight right slams into my ear with a brutal force. I feel my balance falter, the world tilting as I stagger to my left. My legs are unsteady, wobbling beneath me as I try to stay upright. I see you stepping around, trying to position yourself for another attack, and I know I must act fast. I’m desperate and try to send a backward elbow strike with my left, hoping to hit you square in the face, as I teeter on the brink of collapse.

Suki_Squid: Growling as I see you swing the elbow really pissed as this rather blatant foul. Trying to shove the arm up with my right hand and bare the armpit with its rich bundle of nerves so I can fire a left uppercut in there and perhaps make you a one-armed fighter. The nose is bloodied and leaking, the legs are shot, and now I am mad trying to shove you into the ropes to hold you up as I fire a fast one two aimed at those hanging dark nippled breasts. I have a deep burning desire to hurt you not just KO you. I want to pound you into mush. I don't know where Darcy is, but she best not get in the way.

Valenzuela: I feel you shove my left arm up, exposing my armpit and leaving me vulnerable. Before I can react, your left uppercut drives into my exposed nerves, sending a sharp, electrifying pain shooting down my arm. My left side goes numb, and I can barely move my fist, the arm hanging uselessly at my side. I'm trying to blink through the blood dripping from my nose, my vision blurred and my head spinning. I sense my own desperation setting in; I’m losing and fast. Not just loosing, but getting fucked up, like the way I wanted to fuck the Jap up. Before I can regain my footing, you shove me into the ropes, pinning me there with your body weight. My back hits the ropes, and I can feel the coarse fibres biting into my skin, barely holding me up as I gasp for breath. Then, without warning, you unload a vicious one-two combo into my chest, each punch smashing into my dark nipples with brutal precision. The pain is immediate and intense, radiating through my breasts and making me wince with every hit. I feel the crowd's roar, their cheers deafening, and I know they’re seeing me get dismantled here. I know I must do something, anything, to get out of this. Gritting my teeth, I muster what strength I have left, using the ropes for leverage, and swing a wild right hook aimed at your jaw, hoping to catch you off guard and buy myself just a few precious seconds to regroup.

Lady_Darcy: I ignore Karla's attempted elbow, yes, it's illegal, but she is clearly desperate, being outboxed and demolished by Suki, what else can she try but some illegal moves...

Suki_Squid: My blood is up, and she is badly hurt but that is not enough for me. I want to punish her badly hurt her. Crushed breasts are simply not enough. The punch comes in but there is nothing on it as my head snaps to the side and hair and sweat fly. Shoving her into the rope as I start punching simply lefts and right hooks aimed at her chin. Just punching in a frenzy, a long flurry of punches with bad intentions. I want to break her jaw even. I have lost control and just keep punching. Raining punch after punch after punch.

Lady_Darcy: Ugh... this is brutal... maybe I should do something, but the club rules are clear... it ain't over until it's over... until a fighter is KO-ed or quits

Valenzuela: I watch as my right hook barely makes contact, my fist grazing your face with hardly any power behind it. My muscles scream in protest, my body beyond exhausted, as the punch lands with a disappointing thud. The crowd’s roar intensifies, feeding off the brutality of what they witness. You shove me back into the ropes, your fury palpable as you unleash a storm of lefts and rights aimed directly at my chin. Each punch lands harder than the last, snapping my head from side to side. I can taste the blood in my mouth, my lip splits, my jaw throbbing with every blow. The pain is overwhelming, each strike sending shockwaves through my skull, making my vision blur and darken at the edges. I feel like I’m trapped in a nightmare I can’t wake up from, pinned against the ropes, my right fist drops, my body slowly giving out under the barrage, but the force of each punch keeps me pushed into the ropes, until my face, stunned, goes blank, and my knees buckle. I begin to fall face forward into Suki.

AnneR: Go low Suki_Squid, remember DA LABONZA!!!!!

Suki_Squid: I rain punches on her until my hands hurt with each one. I hear Lady Darcy nearby, muttering, so I am aware of her. She finally topples forward the light going out in her eyes. I could stand aside and let her fall, but my blood is up now, so I grab her and hang her arms over the top rope. The with malice afore thought as they say. I begin to swing punches at her belly much softer and easier on my sore hands. Left-right-left-right like a garden sprinkler. Sinking the shots into that slack belly.

Lady_Darcy: "Okay... THAT'S ENOUGH!!" I yell and launch myself forward to pull Suki off of Karla and give Karla a chance to fall down in the corner....

Valenzuela: I feel myself falling, but then fall into Suki's waiting arms, and again get propped up into the ropes, my arms draped over them, as Suki starts to use my body as a heavy punching bag......uggggg......and as she is pulled away.....my knees buckle and I slide down the ropes, my knees hitting the canvass.....and then my face hitting the canvass hard, for the final blow.....my mouth guard popping out and bouncing along the canvass until it slides into Anne's lap....and here I lay, my lips split, nose bleeding, one eye now swollen closed.....tits banged up.....

Suki_Squid: "Puta no finished yet!" I yell as I am grabbed by Lady Darcy and spun away from the Mexican whore. Twisting right and left trying to escape her grasp. "And let go of my tits!"

Lady_Darcy: "SUKI... THAT'S ENOUGH... I told you... back off... OR ELSE!!"

Valenzuela: Lying face down on the canvas, I can barely register what's happening around me. My body is numb from the pain, every inch of me throbbing and aching. I can taste blood in my mouth, mixed with the bitterness of defeat. My breath comes in ragged gasps, each inhale sending sharp pains through my ribs. I can hear Lady Darcy's voice somewhere in the fog, yelling at Suki, but it feels distant, like I’m underwater. I try to push myself up, but my arms won’t respond, trembling under the strain. I know this fight is over. The humiliation of it all stings more than the bruises and cuts on my body. I wanted to prove myself, but tonight wasn’t my night. All I can do is lay here, my cheek pressed against the cool canvas, waiting for someone to help me up, and out of this nightmare.

Suki_Squid: Growling as I back away rubbing my bare sweaty breasts recently woman handled by Darcy. Drinking in the sight of the battered broken Mexican laying on the canvas bleeding and drooling as I raise my hands above my head in sweet victory. Waiting to hear the… AND STILL BARE-KNUCKLE CHAMPION OF THE DARCY FIGHT CLUB

Lady_Darcy: I glare at Suki for a moment and then turn back to Karla and drop down onto one knee to check on her... it's obvious she's out cold... "IT'S OVER... SHE'S OUT!!..." I yell and then turn and point at Suki... "THE WINNER... AND... STILL... WOMENS BARE-KNUCKLE CHAMPION... AND... STILL... UNDEFEATED... THE JAPANESE DESTROYER... SUKI.... SQUID!!!!..."

The Fighters Gazette is a high-octane sports journal dedicated to the untamed action of the Darcy Underground Fight Club, providiing analyses of fights, and critiques of fighters.

Underground Boxing World:

A Brutal Display of Dominance in the Suki Squid vs. Karla Valenzuela Rematch

By Underground Boxing World Staff Writer

The underground fight club at Lady Darcy’s was buzzing with excitement last night as Karla Valenzuela and Suki Squid stepped into the ring for a highly anticipated rematch. The tension was palpable, with both fighters eager to prove themselves and claim the title. However, what unfolded was a lopsided bout that starkly displayed the gap in skill, experience, and endurance between the two fighters.

From the opening bell, it was clear that Suki Squid was in a league of her own. Utilizing her vast experience and tactical prowess, she took immediate control of the match, dictating the pace and positioning from the center of the ring. Valenzuela, despite her fiery determination and aggressive start, quickly found herself outmatched. Each attempt to break through Suki’s guard was met with swift and punishing counterattacks, showcasing Suki’s ability to read her opponent and exploit weaknesses with clinical precision.

As the fight progressed, Suki’s dominance became more pronounced. She delivered a series of devastating body shots that targeted Valenzuela’s ribs and liver, effectively draining the challenger’s stamina and leaving her gasping for air. The sound of each blow echoed through the underground club, a testament to the power behind Suki’s fists. Valenzuela’s attempts to fight back grew increasingly desperate, her punches wild and unfocused, contrasting sharply with the calculated efficiency of Suki’s offense.

By the midpoint of the fight, the disparity between the two fighters was undeniable. Valenzuela’s face bore the brunt of Suki’s relentless assault, with her nose bloodied, her lip split and bleeding, dark bruising on her face, body and arms. Each punch she absorbed seemed to sap more of her strength, and her movements became sluggish and unsteady. In stark contrast, Suki remained virtually unscathed, her defensive skills minimizing the impact of the few blows Valenzuela managed to land. The reigning champion's calm demeanour and unwavering focus only served to highlight Valenzuela's increasing distress. A desperate illegal back elbow strike backfired on Valenzuela as Suki landed an uppercut to her armpit, leaving her opponent defenseless.

Valenzuela's final attempt at retaliation—a wild, desperate right hook—was effortlessly dodged by Suki, who countered with a bone-crushing left to the liver and a right hook to the floating ribs, devastating her opponent. Suki, sensing her opponent's mounting fatigue, unleashed a barrage of head and body shots, pinning Valenzuela against the ropes. The crowd, sensing an imminent finish, erupted as Suki snapped Valenzuela’s head back and forth, each impact met with a sickening thud.

The end came swiftly and mercilessly. As Valenzuela draped against the ropes, Suki continued her relentless assault, using Valenzuela’s untensed abs as heavy punching bag. Lady Darcy herself had to intervene, pulling Suki away to prevent further damage. Valenzuela, barely conscious, collapsed to the canvas, her body a canvas of cuts and bruises, her spirit broken. Suki Squid’s victory was not just a win but a statement. Her near-flawless performance left her title intact and her reputation as a formidable force in the underground boxing world even stronger. For Valenzuela, the night was a harsh reminder of the gap between her and the reigning champion. While her courage and tenacity were commendable, they were simply not enough against Suki’s skill, experience, and raw power. As the crowd dispersed, it was clear to all that Suki Squid had not only defended her title but had done so with an ease that underscored the vast chasm that separated the two fighters. The question on everyone's mind now is: Who, if anyone, can challenge the reign of the Japanese Destroyer?

Published: 2024-09-01, viewed 71 times.




2024-09-02 10:03

nice fight, I noted the blow to the armpit, I could deprive Suky of one of her arms if I manage to qualify against her again, I take the newspaper and make a ball of paper, I throw it angrily on the ground after reading Lady Darcy's words: Patricia was overwhelmed by Suky

Robert Conway

2024-09-01 15:52


Suki Squid

2024-09-01 20:05

(In reply to this)

Thanks Bobby

Bob Rock

2024-09-01 13:30

Wow. That was one savage beating that Suki gave Valenzuela. She started out holding her own, but Suki just could read her moves until it was bedtime for Karla! Real good BKB action, sometimes fights go this way.

Suki Squid

2024-09-01 14:05

(In reply to this)

Thanks Bob, 300 fights will hone your skills.

Bob Rock

2024-09-01 14:12

(In reply to this)

That definitely explains why you're the champ and just demolished a less experienced gal so decisively! Love the way you handle yourself in the ring! ❤️

Suki Squid

2024-09-01 12:29

The outstanding press release was simply put out of this world. Written by an obvious lover of the sweet science. The tough gutsy Mexican warrior gave her all.

Lady Darcy

2024-09-01 12:33

(In reply to this)

Absolutely! Tremendous fight, it was an honour to promote and referee it. Although, having been on the receiving end of your fists myself, I know how Karla felt afterwards!

Suki Squid

2024-09-01 12:40

(In reply to this)

Good thing the medical staff at Cyber General are top notch. They will have her back in shape in no time.