Lord ﹠ Lady Darcy's Fight Club

Public Restricted

Established: 2022-07-06

  • No holds barred
  • Pro wrestling
  • Bareknuckle/fistfight
  • Male / Male
  • Female / Female
A no holds barred underground fight club run by Lord & Lady Darcy
157 members
57 stories
2 photos
0 files

Bare Knuckle Boxing: Lady Darcy vs. Fire Cracker


Lady_Darcy: I am waiting backstage, in a surprisingly nervous state, for the announcer to call me out to the ring. It's not that I haven't fought bare knuckle before, this will be my 12th fight! No it is because I am planning to make a comeback. I took some savage beatings at the hands of the Japanese Destroyer Suki Squid and I haven't fought since. Now I am hoping to restart my career and get another shot at Suki Squid. To do that I have taken a fight against a woman making her debut at Lord & Lady Darcy's Fight Club... Fire Cracker... she's young, fast, and ambitious... she wants to make a name for herself by taking out a veteran and climb the ladder herself... I am substantially bigger than her, 4" taller and 80lbs heavier, but I have been vulnerable against women who are fast, and if I lose... I am done... I take a deep breath and wait for the announcer...

Announcer: "And now for tonight's MAIN EVENT... a Women’s Bare Knuckle Boxing Match..." The crowd whoops and cheers. "The match will be fought under the usual club rules... NO ROUNDS... FIGHT TO THE FINISH... WINNER BY KNOCK-OUT or TKO if one of the fighters quits..." Again the crowd squeals in anticipation. "Please welcome to the ring our first fighter... Making her return to the bare knuckle ring at Lord & Ladyy Darcy's Fight Club... she stands 5'4" tall and weighed in at 170lbs... with a record of 11 fights, 6 wins, and 5 losses... you know her well... she is the... BUSTY BRITISH BRUISER... LADY... DARCY!!!..." mtc

Lady_Darcy: Hearing my name announced I burst out from backstage with my arms thrust up into the air, banishing the nervousness, a huge confident grin on my face... looking for the support of my fans... I jog down towards the ring, slapping hands as I go, my thick body, 38DD tits and curvy ass, bouncing and wobbling as I job. When I get to the ring I thrust my fist in the air...

Lady_Darcy: "This ain't gonna take me long..." I squeal to the crowd... "This... Fire... Cracker... is just gonna be a damp squib!" I yell and then jog up the ring steps, my ass shaking as I jog, I climb through between the ropes and again hold up my fist in a salute to the crowd... before I make my way to my corner and state to hop from foot to foot to kep warm ready for the fight... mtc

Announcer: "And now please welcome her... OPPONENT... MAKING HER DEBUT at Lord & Lady Darcy's Fight Club... she stands 5'0" tall and weighed in at 92lbs... here is... FIRE... CRACKER!!!..."

Fire_Cracker: I’m waiting in the back, in my pink top and black shorts. Eager anticipation to make my bareknuckle boxing debut. I smile adorning my lips as I stretch, throwing a few shadow fists through the air as I await my turn. Now, to be fair, I didn’t typically relish and enjoy beating up old washed-up hags. But this fat old hag sure was one mouthy bitch. And what a better way to make my debut than to shut her up!

Fire_Cracker: I hear the crowd erupting into cheers and jeers, signalling you’ve been announced. I lick my lips. It was time. I grab a walking cane and begin to make my way towards the stage, waiting patiently, yet eagerly for the announcer to introduce me. I hear the announcer start to introduce me, a little flair in the voice … I couldn’t help but feel like the announcer was mocking me. Really making it a point to showcase the true size difference between you and I. Oh well, that didn’t matter. You might be bigger, but you were over twice my age, and rather…plump…to put it politely. Way past your prime, and I was just certain there was no chance in hell you could ever stand a chance against me or keep up with me.

Fire_Cracker: At the sound of “FIRE…CRACKER” I burst through to the top of the stage, a huge grin on my face as I lift the cane over my head and twirl it like a baton. Giggling to myself as I begin making my way towards the ring. Soaking in the lights, and the cheers, the crowd not quite sure what to expect of this very petite fiery red head strutting confidently towards her, by comparison, goliath sized opponent. But I didn’t show any fear, or hesitation. Smiling wide, proud. Confident. I get to the ring and slide under the bottom rope, jumping up to my feet spryly. Bouncing lightly as I give the cane another baton-like twirl in my hands before glancing over to you in your corner. I sneer. Taking the cane in one hand and holding it out to show you.

Fire_Cracker: “I don’t know how you managed to make it all the way down here without this” I snicker, taunting before tossing the cane straight down at your feet. “But you’re certainly going to need it to get back out when I’m done with you, SweetTart” I hiss, vitriol in my voice, but I smile on my face as I bring my hand up under my lips and blow you a mocking kiss before turning my back and making my way to the far corner. Pulling on the top ropes giving my body one final stretch before the fight was set to begin

Lady_Darcy: I stop bouncing on my feet and watch in disbelief as you make your way to the ring carrying a walking cane. I shake my head from side to side and my long brunette hair, done up in a high ponytail, swishes from side to side. I stand watching, with my hands on my thick, curvy, hips as you make your little show, holding out the cane to me and then tossing it down at my feet. I look down at it with contempt and then look back at you, glaring viciously, menacingly, at you as you make your little speech... “I don’t know how you managed to make it all the way down here without this... But you’re certainly going to need it to get back out when I’m done with you, SweetTart”... As you finish and turn away to stretch in your corner I bend down and pick up the cane, throwing it out of the ring. I drop my thumbs into the top of my high waist bikini bottom and hitch it up over my solid, hefty, belly and then turn to the crowd making a double bicep post, showing that for all my thick, curvy, voluptuous body I have some pretty impressive arm and leg muscles on me... The crowd let out whoops and cheers as I show off and I smile and grin at them, thinking that this little girlie doesn't know what's coming her way. I let down my double bicep pose and look across at you, stretching my arms out... "Hey sweetie.... I hope you don't think I am gonna go easy on you!..." I taunt as I wait for the referee to call us to the middle...

Suki_Squid: Go Darcy pound this slag back to her hole!

Valenzuela: I come rushing into Darcy's late as usual, but what do you expect, it is my cultural heritage to be late. And besides, the Darcy's contacted me last minute. As I approach the ring, I feel a wave of PTSD hit me, having been beaten to a bloody pulp twice by Suki in this very ring. I control my emotions, though, turning my thoughts to what I did to Beckie Keegan. Smiles. Now I step into the ring, not bothering to change into a ref outfit, shit, I'm already 10 minutes late. My top and blue jean cut offs are fine, and then I notice I forgot to take off one boxing glove when I left the gym, so I stick it under my arm pit and pull it off. 

I take the microphone..."Hola chicos! Como estas? ""Ladies and Gentlemen, and of course all of the rest of you who are neither, welcome to the BKB event at Darcy's underground!" "Now let's get this underway.....first fighter is the "FIRECRACKER", who looks like she could.....hmmm.....well and then across the ring from this 92 lbs wonder woman is Lady Darcy! weighing in at 170 lbs....ouch!" Come to ring centre fighters, because I got a few things to say...."

Lady_Darcy: I swagger out to the middle of the ring, standing with my hands on my hips, glaring across as I wait you to come to the centre...

Suki_Squid: Give up Karla you can't win!

Fire_Cracker: I finish my quick little stretch, putting on my own nice little show and view for the raucous crowd. My smile never wavering as I turn around and lean back in the corner. Casually. Foot on the bottom rope, one arm draped over the top, as I hold my hand and examine my nails, admiring myself and acting as if you didn’t even exist. When I hear your shrill haggy voice taunting from across the ring, I turn my eyes up and look back at you. “Oh, I don’t expect you to go easy on me, sweettart. I expect you to go DOWN easy FOR me” Letting a soft chuckle escape my lips as I glare across at my bigger, flabbier opponent.

Fire_Cracker: A quick bout of confusion as someone suddenly comes bursting through and rushing to the ring. I glance over and shake my head. Then return my gaze to Darcy. “Shoddy establishment you’re running here, sweettart. I’ll make sure to get things in proper working order when I take over” I grin back. Focused now. Ready to beat your old ass into a pulp. With the “formal” introductions complete, I push off from the corner, keeping my eyes locked on yours as we make our way towards the center. I roll my neck and shoulders a few times for good measure as we get closer and closer. The size difference becoming more apparent with each step. I grit my teeth and grin as meet in the center.

Valenzuela: I look over my shoulders, uggggg it's that damned jap again! She never get's anything right! I ignore the PUTA and turn my head to face the fighters. "Alright, listen up! This is a bareknuckle bout, and I expect you both to follow these rules! Keep it clean. Break on my command. Stay on your feet. Watch your knuckles. This is bareknuckle boxing, but you’re still aiming for clean hits—no elbows, no palm strikes, Protect yourselves at all times. Got it? Bueno! Touch fists if you want, I don’t care. You ready chicas?

Suki_Squid: Healed up enough to ref Karla? Check that double vision!

Lady_Darcy: The mouthy little runt comes out to meet me in teh middle, I give her a big smirking grin, glaring down at her, she's 4" shorter and must be almost half my weight, although her mouth seems to be twice as big as mine... I reach up with both hands to adjust the scrunchie holding up my ponytail, thrusting my 38DD breasts forward and pushing into my smaller opponent... As I hear Valenzuela droning on and on, I let out a couple of snorts and grin, "Yeah... yeah... whatever... I'm ready..." I ignore the fist bump option and instead take up my southpaw stance... fists up, leading with my right, my left protecting my chin... "Come on girlie, it's time for you to take the beating you're asking for!..." I snarl...

Valenzuela: I don't wait for a response; we could be here all day otherwise. “Step up to the scratch line chicas! When you hear a ding sound, you can box, Entiendes?" It's like talking to children in my village in Mexico. I now signal for the bell….DING!.....and step back….ay ya yi! So much work for only a lousy £10, those Darcys are cheap! Slave wages! Now turning to Suki, giving her the middle finger of each hand, and then pulls out me nail file for a self-manicure……

Suki_Squid: Returns the one finger salute.

Fire_Cracker: I glare up at you. A low rumbling hiss. Barely listening to the words of this absent-minded bobblehead of a “referee”. “Whatever” I say in response as I feel your body start to press into my little frame. I put my hands up and try to give you a little shove as I step back, clenching my fists. Eyes wide and focused on you. I bring my arms up into a protective guard, eyeing you up between them. “They don’t make stretchers big enough for you, sweettart. We’re gonna have to call a tow truck to haul the ring out of here with your flabby unconscious body lying in it” I grin back, bouncing lightly on my feet, beginning the dance as I start to circle around you.

Lady_Darcy: Again, you try and taunt me... "They don’t make stretchers big enough for you, sweettart. We’re gonna have to call a tow truck to haul the ring out of here with your flabby unconscious body lying in tow"... I snort derisively and take up my stance, DING, DING, DING... the bell rings and you start to bounce on your feet, circling to the side... I immediately dance forward, my right leg stepping out, my left following, my big body bouncing as I get onto my toes... I jab out my right fist three times towards the middle of your face, making short hissing sounds as I jab... "Come on girlie, time to take your medicine" I snarl...

Fire_Cracker: I keep my confident grin as I circle, watching you closely. Fists up. Circling around, wanting to see what, if any at all, speed you had left in your ancient body. Keeping light on my feet and bouncing, bobbing along, I watch as you send your first fist forward. Easily telegraphed, and I sway, dodging to my left swiftly, letting your fist jab into nothing but the air. Hearing you taunt afterwards, so amusing to hear someone who just struck out still taunting. I giggle. “Awww, just a little too slow. Gonna tire yourself out real quick like that, grandma!” I hiss back, arms up as I try to quickly step in, nice and low, planting my left foot firmly as I jut my right arm straight forward, trying to jab straight into your stomach

Valenzuela: I look up and see Lady D is doing some shadow boxing. NICE.

Lady_Darcy: I come forward jabbing and, perhaps unsurprisingly, you skip and sway away to your left... firing back with your mouth... “Awww, just a little too slow. Gonna tire yourself out real quick like that, grandma!”... again, I snort derisively, what a cocky little bitch I think to myself... Then you follow up your mouth with action, launching in at me, dropping down, planting your feet and firing your right into my well-padded gut.. Uff... I let out a small grunt, but at 90lbs you've hardly got much behind the blow... and you've stepped in close to me, oh sweetie, you want to mix it up close with me?... I loop out my right arm to wrap it around the back of your neck and across your shoulders, pulling your head into my hefty upper body and start to swing my left fist in shovelling uppercuts at your right side, belly, ribs, breasts, whatever I can work... "It ain't gonna take me that long bitch!..." I snarl at you...

Valenzuela: I've got my back to the fight, chatting up some plain looking dude, trying to get him to go get me a bag of chips, who would not want to do so, I am so sexy in cutoffs. The crowd is animated, that something is going on, but getting the chip and burger order right is the priority.

Suki_Squid: “Pound the lightweight Darcy pretend it’s me.” giggles

Fire_Cracker: I throw my fist hard into your stomach, and smirk, feeling confident as I hear that little “uff”. Grinning as I start to step back, but seems my little fist barely had any impact on your ample frame, and before I can pull back, your arm is already there, wrapping around my neck and pulling me in closer. I grunt, eyes widening as you drag me into you before you start wailing. My hands go up, trying to push you back when I let out a little shriek as I feel your fist smash straight into my ribs, then my side, several quick pounding fists battering away at my body as you hold me there, desperately, as my body contorts with each blow trying to shove you back and create space

Valenzuela: I hear this shrieking noise, and turn to see.....eyes now widen as I see Darcy pounding the fuck out of this mousy gal...."Holy fuck! Break!"

Suki_Squid: “Break? Let them fight, you Mexican puta!”

Lady_Darcy: The referee seems to be totally distracted, well I guess I get what I pay for, and I can take advantage, clinching you into me and working your body... you're grunting with each blow... I snort, "You asked for it bitch!" I snarl... you're trying to push me off with your hands, pressing on my 38DD chest... Behind me I hear that Mexican slut yelling "holy fuck! Break!" and I let out a gloating laugh... "Sure!" I hiss... bringing my right arm up from around your shoulders I grab the back of your long, loose, red hair with my right hand and yank your head backwards and upwards, looping round my left fist towards your jaw as I pull you backwards, rotating my hefty 170lbs body into the blow...

Suki_Squid: DAMN making notes as this big bimbo will be after me in future

Valenzuela: Uggg... closing my eyes... violence is so disturbing. "No holding Darcy!"

Fire_Cracker: I grunt and groan with each powerful impact. Feeling a deep sigh of relief when I hear ref call for the break. Much to my dismay, however, you’ve other plans. And as I push weakly against your chest, unable to do anything about the massive 170lb frame holding me captive, I feel your hand take to my hair. Yanking. I let out a squeal as you tug at my locks, eyes wide and watering as you pull, forcing me to look up at you as you glare down at me snarling. Gripped tight in my hair, leaving me utterly exposed as your left comes flying forward without warning or remorse, bashing straight into my cheek and jaw. My scream echoes through the venue as my head snaps to the side, my hair whipping around haphazardly as my body spins with the blast, staggering and stumbling until my legs give out, in dizzying confusion, dropping me down to one knee. Gasping and heaving. I plant my hands on the canvas to brace myself, chest rising and falling. I can feel the bruises forming in my side as I bring hand to my lips, wiping away the saliva that collected and dribbled. Bracing myself on my knee a moment. “You…fucking….hagrag bitch!” I shout angrily towards you as I try to shake the cobwebs ringing through my head and get myself back together

Valenzuela: Wow! Gonna be a short fight, I think. I now rush across the ring and try to push Darcy back, not an easy feat given my mere 120 lbs, but she will kill this mouse if I don't try. I turn my back on Darcy, trying to shield this tiny creature, but I need to do something else...oh yeah.. count. UNO...DOS....TRES...CUATRO...

Lady_Darcy: This is underground, unlicensed, bareknuckle boxing and a bit of hair-pulling... what is this dumb referee getting so upset about... it served its purpose for me, exposing your face and jaw to my left fist... and after all those grandma, sweet tart and weight jibes you've been making at me it felt good to give you a brutal punch in the face... let you know that I am a dangerous grandma... and you got the message, you scream in pain, shock, and disorientation, spinning around and stumbling, falling down onto one knee on the canvas... I look at you with a gloating grin on my face... "Watch your mouth girlie... that's just for starters!..." I snarl... but before I can come after you that Mexican cow is between us, pushing me back... "Stay out of this Latina whore!..." I snarl... but also, I back off, letting Valenzuela do her job of counting you... I turn around and strut and swagger for the crowd, wiggling my curvy ass... I see Suki and salute her with my fist in the air, making sure she knows I am thinking of doing the same to her... 

Suki_Squid: Waves at Lady Darcy with the right, draws the thumb of my left hand across my throat in a cutting throat movement.

Valenzuela: I'm nervous as hell with Darcy behind me, thinking I might have got a punch in the kidney, but I feel her backing away. Mama told me, never get between two female dogs fighting, yet here I am, and for only 10 quid.

Suki_Squid: A cheap puta at that.

Fire_Cracker: It takes a few moments, but I collect myself. The dizziness waning as I catch my breath. One hand soothing my jaw. I hear the bobble-head start counting and shake my head. A ref who doesn’t even know the rules, KO or quit. What’s she counting for? Oh well, it’s no matter. This was a bad start. Real bad. And I couldn’t let that happen. The old hag has some power left in her yet, it seems. I grunt. “CUATRO” I glare up, and shake my head, waving my hand dismissively to signal I’m fine and stop the count. Staying on my knee, angry. Face reddening, as my eyes wander, seeing the fat bitch strutting and flaunting, not even bothering to pay me any mind as you taunt the other old jap whore in the crowd. I snarl, thinking to myself, “Fine, you wanna play dirty, I can play dirty”. With your back turned and focus on Suki, I maneuver myself swiftly, low, right behind you. I rear my arm straight back, then with all the force I can muster I swing my arm forward and up, as hard as I can straight between your legs as I try to bash your cobwebbed lady parts with my arm

Suki_Squid: Oh fuck, another effing Frog!

Lady_Darcy: I sneer at Suki as she draws her thumb across her throat, imagining that the yells of the crowd are because of the exchange between the champion and myself. But it only takes a moment for me to discover that they were yelling a warning as your arm comes flying up between my thick thighs and your fist into my pussy... UFFFF... I grunt loudly and double forward, my head and upper body dropping down, my arms flail out in front of me and my hands grab the top rope to keep me upright, for a moment I hang there, leaning on the rope, my knees together... I drop my head and take a deep, deep, breath and rear my head up, rolling around, leaning on the ropes on my back I glare over at the ref... "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING??!!..." I squeal at the ref. "THAT'S ILLEGAL..." I yell, but the referee just smiles and mutters something about "underground, unlicensed", signalling for us to fight on... I give my pussy area a rub with my hands, trying to somehow relieve the soreness... then I bring my arms and fists up into my southpaw stance again, my face red, short, snorting breaths as I glare at you with a vicious intent...

Valenzuela: I've already gone back to placing my burger and chips order, mouth now salivating as I think about food. ... looking over the ropes at my dude...

Fire_Cracker: The attack lands and gives me the time I need to recompose myself. I sneer and smirk as you double over, feeling the impact of the blow. Taking the moment to get myself back up to my feet with an, albeit achy, grin. My eyes glaring straight back into yours as you turn around, with your back on the ropes. Hearing you whine and bitch to the ref. “Awww, not so sweet now, are we tart?” I hiss back to you. “Don’t worry, you won’t feel all that pain anymore once I’ve finished laying you out” my confidence growing again seeing that you can be hurt, and no longer trapped in your clutches. Your back to the rope, I can’t waste the opportunity. “Time to play knockout!” I jeer as I dance in close, spring back in my step as I bounce and bob, left and right, trying to keep you disoriented as you bounce back and forth before stepping forward again and shooting out a straight right jab, feigning for your guard at your chin, hoping you take the bait as my left arm starts to swing out, aiming a wide hook as I try to bash my little left fist into your liver if I can

Lady_Darcy: While I have been recovering from your low blow you have taken the time to do some recovery yourself... especially your ego... “Awww, not so sweet now, are we tart?” you hiss at me... Again, I let out a snort of derision in response... As I raise my guard you start to bounce on your toes, dancing in towards me, bobbing left and right... I twist my thick frame, left, right, in response to your bobs, keeping my guard up... your right flashes out and I raise my fists tight in front of my face, dropping my head... only for nothing to arrive and as I start to loosen my guard... UFFF... your left fist slams into my body again... my belly fat wobbles and shakes as I grunt, but I can take a lot of punishment in my thick belly and since you stepped in and are up close I try to catch you before you can run away... dropping my fists down I loop a left hook in at the right side of your head and then an overarm left towards the middle of your face, leaning my thick body behind the blow, my 38DD tits swaying from side to side in my top as I hurl the punches...

Suki_Squid: Look at those tits bounce.

Fire_Cracker: You fall for it, exposing your…well I suppose something that big is ALWAYS exposed in some capacity…stomach and my left hooks around hitting you with all my feisty and fiery little power I can put behind the punch. Smashing into your stomach, I hear that generous “uff” thinking this time for sure I hurt you! My right arm rearing back to follow up and unleash a flurry of fists to turn those jello rolls into pudding. But my punch isn’t as hard as I think, and besides the “uff” barely seems to faze you, which I find out the hard way as I arrogantly rear my right arm back, but before I can press forward and launch the assault, you’re on the offensive. And my hubris is greeted with a swift fist to the side of my head. I growl out as my head rocks to the side, but before I can move out of the way another full forced fist comes smashing square into the center of my face. I scream out a guttural howl as your heavy fist slams into my nose. I can instantly feel the warm droplets of blood that start dribbling out as my head snaps straight back while you put your whole body into the blow. My arms flail up haplessly, twirling as I stumble backwards trying to keep my balance.

Lady_Darcy: Your punch slapped hard into my gut, but after my many bare knuckle fights, I have long ago learned that I have to take the pain, and the route to winning is by hitting back... harder... than I have been hit. My counter punches strike home, my left hook clatters brutally into the side of your head, rocking your head violently to the side... dazed and stunned you are a sitting target for my overarm left into the middle of your cute face... again your head rocks back, and now blood comes running out of your nose... the impact is devastating on your stance and composure, your arms flailing around at your side, leaving you defenseless... the noise of the crowd rises dramatically, screaming for me to put you down... I don't need their encouragement, all those jibes, that low blow, I have all the motivation I need... as you wobble in front of me your arms flailing I hurl a looping right hook at the left side your head and then a big left uppercut up at your chin, again my whole body swaying and wobbling, tits, belly and ass , as I launch my haymakers to put you down...

Fire_Cracker: I stagger back, struggling to orient myself. My vision getting blurry as I try to straighten myself. Chest heaving. Panting in desperation as I see a blurry blob moving towards me, and the roars of the crowd jarring. In desperation I flail an arm out trying to strike at the mass moving towards me, missing wildly and left utterly defenseless in dazed confusion. When it hits me. Well, you hit me. Hard. There’s nothing I can do to stop it as your right hooks and bashes into the left side of my face. I screech out in agony as my head snaps to the side and hair flips, flailing over my face as I bend down from the blow. Leaving me in a very unfortunate predicament as a furious 170lb uppercut comes careening into my blurred field of view before crashing directly up and into my chin. The crowd gasps at the brutality of the blow as my head whips straight back from the blast. The shot straightening my body back upright from the sheer power and force as you put your full body into the haymaker. Two quick stumbles, not like I know where I am, and my back hits the ropes, catching me, and keeping me from falling out of the ring, but not from falling down as my back hits the ropes then bounces me forward on my wobbling feet before crashing straight down into a canvas faceplant

Valenzuela: I turn to watch the fight again... looks like just good clean bareknuckle boxing going on... but holy fuck... she's down again! So I shrug my shoulders and step forward...."Back off Darcy... she's fuckin down!" I snarl. I look over this tiny gal, and just shake my head. "Honey, I'll give you boxing lessons sometime, but for a small fee" "UNO! DOS! TRES! CUATRO!... ugggg

Lady_Darcy: As you go stumbling backwards into the ropes and then collapse in a faceplant down onto the canvas I let out a roaring... “YESSSS!!!”... and pump both of my fists into the air... I snort and I snarl as I stand over your limp body down on the canvas... the Mexican slut of a referee moves in and orders me back... I look at her for a moment and then back down at your body on the canvas... "Hey bitch!... You go tell your grandma what happened to you... You got your ass whupped by a woman twice your age!..." I turn and stride away from your prone body, a flounce in my step, my thick body bouncing and wobbling as I swagger across the ring to the far corner...

Valenzuela: She don't look like she is gonna get up, but I've been told to count anyway... these Gringa are always counting something... CINCO!... SEIS!...

Nathan_gingerbread: Starts to unfold the union jack in preparation thinking this Fire Cracker is cream crackered

Suki_Squid: Gets out a trumpet to play Taps

Fire_Cracker: Lying prone on the canvas, a gasping cough, and blood drips from my lips and nose, pooling onto the mat slightly as the bobblehead counts. It’s your jeering taunts the bring me back, my eyes opening weakly at the sound of your old shrill voice taunting, mocking. I wanted to hurt you with every fiber of my being. Every fiber of my extremely aching being. I was clearly outmatched and outclassed by this hefty bitch. And I knew it. You made sure I knew it. But we feisty redheads aren’t exactly known for our sense, especially when it comes to being humiliated and disrespected. At the sound of SEIS, I start coming round a little more. I spit, more blood and saliva spews from my stubborn lips. “NO” I hiss with a heaving breath as I put my palms to the canvas, my mind still racing, the venue somewhat twirling around me. But I just COULDN’T let you get away with this as I start pushing on the canvas trying to get myself up. Another heaving breath as I reach for the ropes, grasping at the middle rope with both hands, slumped over in a heap. I grit my bloodied teeth and bare down, using all the remaining strength I can surface to tug on the rope and pull my petite little battered frame back up to my wobbling feet. Quickly turning, my back pressing against the ropes for leverage, holding me up as I take another deep breath, turning my head side to side looking for the behemoth bitch as I get my feet under me, still swaying slightly as I take a wobbly step forward. Clenching my little fists in pure unintelligible rage. I knew I shouldn’t have gotten back up, but I just couldn’t help myself. “We’re not done, blubbertits” I hiss in no particular direction as I wipe the blood and spit from my chin

Lady_Darcy: As I lean back in the far corner of the ring, I question how slowly that Mexican tart of a referee is counting... and what language is she counting in anyway?... It’s so slow that you are starting to get up, reaching out to the ropes, pulling on them... I shake my head and step out from the corner, rolling my shoulders as I walk across the ring. As I get closer to you, I clench my fists and raise them in front of me in my southpaw stance... as I get closer to you I can hear you hiss... “We’re not done, blubbertits”... I shake my head, "Sweetie,... I am not done... but you are done... give it up now before I really hurt you... tell the referee that you've had enough..."

Suki_Squid: Should have hired the Pole at least she can count fast.

Fire_Cracker: I shake my head back and forth, opening and closing my eyes rapidly trying to get my vision unblurred. I turn towards you when I hear those heavy footsteps trudging and clomping across the canvas towards me. And it’s your voice, the bane of my present existing sending an annoyed chill down my spine as you approach. “Give up?” I hiss, “To an old fat bitch like you? Not gonna happen” Snarling angrily as I get my feet under me, knowing you’re right in front of me. Clenching my fists and desperately throwing two straight punches straight for your chest, left-right.

Lady_Darcy: Despite the torrent of insults and jibes I have received I feel some sympathy for you, you're much smaller than me, much less experienced than me, and you obviously came to fight. As you sway in front of me on your legs you still spit out bravado... “To an old fat bitch like you? Not gonna happen”... I shake my head, if you could look in a mirror, you'd perhaps realise that it clearly is gonna happen... but you're determined to fight on and you know how to provoke me... Arrrgh... I let out a squeal as you send a limp left jab into my big right tit, it bounces in my top... "Stop that!" I snap... but no, your right snaps out into my left tit, squashing it my top... You didn't have a lot of punching power to start with, in your current state you're not going to be putting me down with those jabs... but you can make me angry again... "You dumb bitch!" I snarl and drop my right fist, swing it up in a looping low uppercut aimed at your belly, aiming to double your over sending your head down into... my left fist as it comes swinging up in an uppercut for your chin... leaning my 170lbs of voluptuous body into the two knockout blows...

Suki_Squid: Wow!

Fire_Cracker: My left fist bounces off your tit followed by right. I heave deep breaths as I throw both fists at your chest. Knowing full well it likely did nothing but anger the beast. But I was stubborn and determined as my right arm comes back, rallying to thrust a third fist into your body, yours rocks into mine instead. Demonstrating what a true power punch is as it rocks straight into my stomach. I cough out, blood and saliva, spraying from my lips with a heavy squeal as I double over, keeled, but not for long before your left comes flying up with 170lbs of angry vicious momentum. My howling scream sends a short echo through the venue as my head flails back. I wasn’t going to be able to see straight for weeks. Not that that mattered in this moment as I fell back, unconscious before my back even finished crashing onto the canvas. Blood and drool dripping from my lips as my little frame involuntarily twitched a few times on the mat before going completely limp, out cold

Suki_Squid: “Damn the bitch is out colder than Darcy's heart!”

Lady_Darcy: You try and hit me again, but my blows put a stop to your resistance, the right uppercut into your belly folds you over, blood and saliva coming out of your mouth as you double over... and then my left sends what is left of your senses into la-la land... smacking hard into your head, sending it flying upwards, sweat, blood and saliva spraying out as your body arches and falls backwards onto the canvas... I stand over you, my arms and fists down at my side, as your body twitches and spasms on the canvas... I smile and then raise my arms and fists up over my head in a victory salute... wondering where that Mexican slut is when she is needed to declare me the winner and get you some medical help...

Suki_Squid: Slips over to the timekeepers table, as he is busy wanking, to ring the bell DING DING

Valenzuela: Oh fuck! Something important just happened. Maybe if the Darcys fed me, I could focus... who rang that fucking bell? I rush over and officially waive my arms over the so-called Fire Cracker, and then rush over and raise Darcy's beefy arm, giving her a wink. "YOUR WINNER, BY KO, THE ONE, AND ONLY, LADY NICOLA DARCY!"

Suki_Squid: Smirks from ringside.

Lady_Darcy: I smirk at Valenzuela as I show off my victory, then turn and look gloatingly at Suki...

Published: 2024-09-08, viewed 41 times.



Anastasia the brawler

2024-09-11 04:47

Nice match... hey miss Darcy don't you want a stronger opponent ?