Martial Arts Dojo

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Established: 2021-01-17
Chat room: #the-dojo

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Karate vs Kung Fu on the Beach


15:43 <Fightqueen> The sun is bright as I enjoy the beach. After climbing a rocky plateau I found a more secluded part of the beach and enjoying the privacy I decide to go through my forms. My athletic body moves sharply as my kicks and punches cut through the air. Performing the form of the Changquan (long fist) I perform several acrobatic leaps and land in a perfect horse stance. My mind is so focussed on the form that I am not aware of a tanned woman in a white bikini having entered the secluded beach as well.... yt
15:45 <DaFoxyOne> *jogging along the beach I love running in the sand with the water as my own personal nature backdrop. Unfortunately, I ran a little too far today and come up to some rocks. Usually I'd turn around and leave but I hear something and I want to check it out. Climbng the rocks with very little difficulty I see you practising your forms and am quite impressed as i stand watching you for a moment. Once you finish I give a light applause* not bad! what form is that?
15:45 <DaFoxyOne> yt
15:47 <Fightqueen> I smile at her as she seems friendly. Changquan, one of the forms of Wushu, Chinese martial arts. I reply as I look her curiously up and down. She seems fit and her body is very beautifull and athletic.... yt
15:53 <DaFoxyOne> *Hopping down off of the rocks onto your part of the beach and nods* interesting, I always thought wushu was more of an exercise than a martial art. I practise shotokan karate myself, *eyes narrow mischievously* maybe we should test which one is the better?
15:53 <DaFoxyOne> yt
15:56 <Fightqueen> You clearly have no clue what Wushu is then. It is both a system of excercise as well as an amazing martial art. It was designed for all kinds of warfare as well as dueling both with and without weapons.... I lecutre, feeling a bit insulted by her remarks. I am more than happy to give you a demonstration of how it works in a fight. I say as I look at her. yt
15:59 <DaFoxyOne> *looking over her well trained and admittedly sexy body I give a curt nod and than bowing to her as is only proper I move back a bit and than stomp down good and hard into a stance eyes narrowed and guard up good and firm* HAAAAA *issuing a challenge*
15:59 <DaFoxyOne> yt
16:01 <Fightqueen> I greet by connecting a fist to my palm in front of my chest and then move in a supple fighting stance... ready to show this karate girl how wrong she is..... slowly and cautiously I move forward, then suddenly I leap forward, aiming a jumping front kick straight at her firm chest..... letting out a sharp hiss as I strike with the speed of a snake and the ferociousness of a tiger... yt
16:06 <DaFoxyOne> *eyes narrowed and watching her carefully seeing her leap forward I bring my guard up and scoot back blocking the kick and getting a feel for her strength definitely impressed with her speed and power and if I wasn't as trained as I was or was somebody else I would've definitely been floored by that. Grimaces a bit and than digs into the sand and tries to lunge back forward again with a righ tpalm strike for your chest* HAAAA
16:06 <DaFoxyOne> yt
16:08 <Fightqueen> The kick is blocked with a typical karate block... however I see her stumble for a moment.... I move forward with a hammering punch aimed at her temple but her palm strike intercepts me.... slamming hard into my right breast and making me back up.... I grimace for the briefest of moments, angry that you landed the first blow on me but then move in a side on horse stance... aiming a swift sidekick towards your belly button..... yt
16:10 <DaFoxyOne> *feeling satisfying thump of my palm strike smacking into your chest and making you move back I grin a bit and probably should've followed up but I take in the pride before coming at you as I see you alter your stance and I bring my arms down deflecting your kick but unable to counter as I move back or risk losing my balance*
16:10 <DaFoxyOne> yt
16:13 <Fightqueen> I move foward, subtly switching my stance towards the Southern fist.... a system designed for close quarters.... I aim a uppercut towards your toned abs and then try to hammer my elbow hard across your face, trying to hit your temple.... I let out a sharp shout as I perform the attacks.... yt
16:23 <DaFoxyOne> *not noticing the change in your stance as I see you move in closer I twist to the side to avoid the shot to my abs and I try to--UUGGHhh feeling your elbow is the follow up and slam into my cheek knocking it to the side a little dazed and stepping back a few steps*
16:23 <DaFoxyOne> yt
16:25 <Fightqueen> I grin as I landed a solid shot on the karate lady. I move forward again, trying to grab her throat with my right hand in a tiger claw, seeking to get my right leg behind hers and trip her to her back.... yt
16:28 <DaFoxyOne> *feeling her grab my throat and eyes widen instictively I grap for her wrist when I feel my leg get tangled up and I fall backwards hard onto my back on the sand with a groan* UUGGHHFFF
16:28 <DaFoxyOne> yt
16:31 <Fightqueen> Throwing you down I place my knee on your abs try to slide it over to straddle your stomach..... Still think it's just an excercise? I ask tauntingly.... I enjoy having this gorgeous opponent trapped underneath me.... yt
16:33 <DaFoxyOne> UUHHhhhh *body jerks a bit as I feel her knee on my abs and digging down into them as I feel her mount me concentrating and taking the moment you use to taunt me I let go of your wrist and blast both palms forward to try and ram them hard into her sternum*
16:33 <DaFoxyOne> yt
16:34 <Fightqueen> I gasp as your hit knocks me off balance.... I quickly roll off you.... regretting I took the moment to taunt you.... yt
16:36 <DaFoxyOne> *rolling to the side and pushing myself up seeing you and pushing myself up to my feet and I charge at you twisting my hips and trying to hammer a side kick for your chest my heel coming forward like a spear* HAAAAA
16:36 <DaFoxyOne> yt
16:38 <Fightqueen> UUGHH! I gasp as the kick strikes just below my left breast.... in pain I clutch my hurt side... trying to think of a way to turn the tide... my Southern style seems to work better against her Shotokan... yt
16:42 <DaFoxyOne> *my kick connects and I see you are hurt and I keep up the attacks with a hop step and attacking with my same leg firing it a little higher up for your chin wanting to hit you with another side kick* AYAH!!
16:42 <DaFoxyOne> yt
16:44 <Fightqueen> Before I can attack a second kick flies up.... I try to block but to late.... Uph! My head snaps back and my legs give out... I fall over and fall gracelessly on the sand on my side.... blinking my eyes I quickly try to roll back to my feet... yt
16:45 <DaFoxyOne> *seeing you go down to you side and I grin abit but unlike you I am not going to stop to take in the view or to taunt I instead using my kicking leg to step closer and bring my back leg up high and than down hard in an axe kick for your sternum* EYAAAAAAAH
16:45 <DaFoxyOne> yt
16:47 <Fightqueen> I roll away but the heel axes down hard on my hurt side.... OOGHH! I crawl back to my feet.... my side is hurt... I grimace as I try to move in a fighting stance... deep down knowing I have already lost.... yt
16:50 <DaFoxyOne> *seeing you are in pain as you try and get into stance but I move quicker, relentless and not wanting to give you an inch of ground to recover firing a right palm strike for your face to make you flinch and step in close with my knee coming up hard for your body* HA...HAAAAAA
16:50 <DaFoxyOne> yt
16:51 <Fightqueen> I try to block the attack.... but it's fake... I gasp and my eyes nearly bulge out as you slam a hard knee into my stomach... in pain I clutch my stomach, collapsing to my knees.... yt
16:53 <DaFoxyOne> *as you bend over clutching your abs in pain I take the opportunity when you go down to your knees to bring up my arm high and than down like an executioners axe with a brutal chop to the back of your neck* HEYAAAAAAH
16:53 <DaFoxyOne> yt
16:54 <Fightqueen> I am on my knees as the world explodes. The blow to the base of my neck sends my senses in a twirl.... I fall forward and land face first into the sand.... my limp body motionless....... yt
16:57 <DaFoxyOne> *rolling you over with my foot to your back I am ready with a punch in case you are still conscious and if you are I'll kneel down and slam my punch in a finish shot to your face with all the speed of a bullet racing forward if you are not conscious I will take a step back and keep my stance in place as I watch you*
16:57 <DaFoxyOne> yt
16:58 <Fightqueen> I am barely conscious as I get rolled over to my back.... the last thing I see is you standing over me... then a punch flies at my face and darkness.

<Published> 2021-09-20, viewed 134 times.




2021-09-21 14:22

nice fight girls