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The Kumite: Kim (Kickboxing) vs Peter (Kyokushin-Karate)

Kim Dupree (deleted member)
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So its the first day of the kumite, the board shows both out names and fighting styles Kim (Kickboxing) vs Peter (Karate).
<10>54 Kim Dupree I step up from the benches and remove my flip flos as well as my Jacket
<10>55 Kim Dupree Im wearing red muay thai briefs a black sports bra, taped hands and i'm barefoot, i approach the left correr of the mat.
<10>57 Peter Karateka I step out of my sandals and step on the mat from the right corner. I am wearing a white karate gi and blackbelt. My hands and feet are bare, the knuckles on my hands being scarred from constant practice. I enter the mat center together with you and we both bow to the asian woman in black gi, who acts as the referee.
<11>01 Kim Dupree We both bow as well as we bow each other, i use both my palms in a prayer like pose and step my left foot slighty in front, i then begin to bounce and loosen myself.
<11>04 Peter Karateka I hold my fists out to my sides as we bow, a signature of the kyokushin style I practice. As the sharp "hajime" sounds, I lift my fists up and move towards you as you start to bounce on your feet. I dont intend to take it easy and start right away with a sharp lowkick to your left leg.
02:14 <Kim_Dupree> As the refeere shouts haijme! You beging with a sharp low kick, i quickly counter it and respond with a right kick to your ribs
02:15 <Kim_Dupree> The audience of competidors as well as the three masters in the front all dressed in red and white gi's witness our match but they give no visible answer.
21:00 <Peter_Karateka> I tuck my elbow to my side and take your kick on my biceps, then quickly launch a thrust kick from my front leg, seeking to bury the ball of my foot in your bare abs. Except for our grunts of effort, the sounds of impact on flesh and our feet on the mat, the big room is eerily silent, everyone focused on our match.
21:00 <Peter_Karateka> yt
21:18 <Kim_Dupree> the impact of the kick was absorbed and this caught Kim slightly off-guard, so much so that she didn't see her opponents foot coming at her, she tried to avoided it but it was too late, ''ughh' she goes ast he hit takes some air out of her and drops her to her knees, she rolls away and tried to regain her footing,
21:20 <Kim_Dupree> Iget up and take a fighting stance again, slowly approaching you i then try to faint you with a quick left/right elbow combo to knock you off balance.
21:29 <Peter_Karateka> I move in and we quickly exchange a flurry of hard punches to the face and body. I am hoping to get advantage here, as kyokushing is practiced barehanded where as most kickboxer are used to wear boxing gloves. I throw a knee into her left side, showing of that kyokushin has it all. After all, its the karate style created to fight and win agains muay thai.
21:44 <Kim_Dupree> both elbows are countered and with the third and fourth punch i stumble backwards, each hit feels like a wooden bat to the face and chest, the final stroke, the knee knocks the air out again out of me as i fall to the mat again this time backwards, im holding both my mouth and left side in pain and some blood starts to gush, the refeere comes to my side while separating you from me, she wants to make sure im still able to continue.
21:46 <Kim_Dupree> i brush her aside and i step up once again spitting a wad of blood on the mat, it looks like im almost at my limit, i try to regain some stamina and analuyze if there's an opening available, both my legs and arms shake from the adrenaine and pain.
21:50 <Peter_Karateka> I frown as you spit on the mat, the disrespect of the act driving my bloodpressure high. I notice the expression of disdain that quickly passes the refs face, settling on neutral again. She gives a hand sign for the match to continue. I move in quickly with another sharp low kick, trying not to give you time to recover. I take a half step back after the low kick, rising my leading legs knee to my chest and then with a thrust of my hips I fire a front kick again, this time the ball of my foot sailing directly at your face.
21:57 <Kim_Dupree> i realized i shouldn't have done that but im too furious to focus, before i finnish my stategy you are aldready a meter in front of me, the low kick conects making me jump on place from the hit, as you regain the momentum for the kick i barely stand dizzy and awake.
22:07 <Kim_Dupree> You give a furious KIYAH! shout as you unleash a devastasting front kick to my face, making me spin in the air from the impact, while im at the air i shout cry of pain, i drop to my left side and roll over my front.
22:10 <Kim_Dupree> my arms and legs are extended in defeat and my dirty soles are slighty wrinkled from the agle they are in, the refeere approaches me and declares me out of combat while moving both arms to her sides, she then approaches you and lifst your left arm in victory.
22:11 <Kim_Dupree> a couple of men in red gi's step into the ring and remove my uncounsious body from the mat and my name gets taken out of the tournament board.

<Published> 2022-01-20, viewed 0 times.

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