Monsters Fight Girls
Established: 2022-11-02
Chat room: #MVG
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A place for cute girls to be overwhelmed by monsters
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Aoens ago, in an age long forgotten to history and legends, at a forbodding hour on a choosen day, each of the worlds volcannos errupt with angry molten fire and ask so black it would black out the Celestial light that nourished this rich world that had long been persearved for mortals to live and thrive. With the Hellfire came the horde spewing down the montains with a joyous roar for they're were rich lands for the taking. An adundance of mortal souls to ravage and pillage and feast upon! Cries of agony to seranade and blood to bathe in!
The 6th Rebellion of the nether-realms, places so cold the they burned or so hot only the truly wicked could endure while the innocent.. They're are only hushed rumours lost on the breeze about what happen to those tragic cases.
The Celestial Heavens were'nt about to let this masacre sweep across they're blue jewel turning all to vapour and dust. The darkness broke in brilliant golden beams of light and the Angels descended in all their brilliant glory. Each Army was lead by a brave and pure battle-princess crowned with a brilliant midas halo.
And so battles raged across the continents for 40 days and nights. The fury and lust of the hell spawn smashing with the controlled temperance of the Angels. Each a victory in the end but none of them so costly as one the Angel's leader earned.
15:30 <Sailor_Scouts> Maxima met the largest, most ravenous of the horde's on and above the eastern plains. Obsidian and Celestial steal clashed blood was spilled and her numbers were dwindling too quickly. So the Battle-Angel commanded all her troops retreat and let the demons crash and buckle against their shields. All except for the Battle Angel herself fought on the defensive. Her Majestic wings proppelled her over the choas and straight toward the General's themselves, un-namable demons that even terrorised the dreams of the heavens themselves. All six powerful, terrible servants to their destructiveness, lust, sadism and greed.
Maxima too was powerful. The only Angel with full mastery of all the elements even the hellfire flickered under her will. Yet mastering these forces meant neglecting sword and shield. So she deflected with her wand and when that was knocked from her hand, with her gaunlets. The fight was long and hard, but the Angel knew the further the horde pushed forward from the lords and ladies of darkness, the more disorganised they became. The more they succumbed to their nature and became easy for her remaining heroines to scythe down.
She managed to thin the numbers of the 6 generals to four. But the longer the struggle raged on the more her righteous anger gave in fatigue as each little nick of obsiden ripped through her virgin white uniform. Those little nicks gave way to solid blows that shock her to her core and buckled her body before the hungry, hatefilled gaze of the dark ones and the serenity that allowed her to battle gave way to fear and panic. Panic with only grew more crippling when the ground opened up into firey lava and she sunk to her knee before the lave frozen with a loud crack and a scream that pierced the heavens! It seemed like even earth she came to protect had foresaken her, but she still had the wisdom to know the longer she kept her foes occupied, the more of their beasts would fall. Even as they Ripped off her wings and took the winds needed to carry her soul back to her sisters when the death she was almost praying for after such unending torture finally came. If only it came.
17:21 <Sailor_Scouts> Today, though some mortals still prey to the "Chained Goddess" as she's become known to a few, theAngels old enough to remember the Angel Maxima though are fewer still. Yet centuries later and she continues to live and breathe, suspended in a mortal coil by dark magics almost as tightly as the hooked chains hold her prisoner is fiery depths of the netherworld. For their was malice in the defilements she suffered as well as lust. In turn the took her innocense and purity so she could survive down in the depths of hell, where the dark ones had all the tools to extract her very and break it apart into the 4 natural elements and two celestial ones. Fire, Water, Wind, Earth, Wisdom and Hope.
Cruelly, they allowed her to keep her hope and so with generation she's allowed to appear to the choosen five purest of heart and inbue each with the crystalised remants of her soul. It's a revenge, it's punishment and most of all, it's a wicked game for the beings that still prowl our streets at night, sowing terror at every turn... To allow the once hailed angel to watch her princess heir's fight to rid the world of evil and demonspawn and eventually only to each inevitably fail and join her! That's what turns hope into a barbed dagger and leave her broken by agonising dispair over and over again!
17:30 <Sailor_Scouts>
<Published> 2025-02-17, viewed 26 times.