OutDoor Championship Wrestling

Public Restricted

Established: 2023-01-25

  • No holds barred
  • Pro wrestling
  • Submission
  • Back and forth
  • Outdoors match
A Company built outside, from the "ground" up!
173 members
152 stories
267 photos
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01:02 QueenLola: I walk down to the ring wearing my black bikini as the sun hits my tan skin and I slide into the ring looking up at the beautiful shiny hardcore championship and bite my lip feeling an adrenaline rush threw me as I’m excited to take home the gold on the first show. My opponent isn’t gonna know what hit him.

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01:25 Zack_Davis: I wait for my opponent to make her entry into the ring before I get the nod from the event co-ordinator that I can now enter. I watched her the entire time, and not just because she has a great ass. I watched the way she moved, her balance, her grace, her poise. All valuable information as I tried to get a feel for what to expect from her. Anything goes ladder match for the Hardcore Championship! Yes, Please!!! I get that nod, my music begins to blast over the outdoors sound system and I break out into a jog for the ring, low fiving fans along the way. I glance up at that Hardcore Championship belt then focus on my opponent, not taking any liberties as I roll into the ring. Queen Lola, or as tonight she is known, The Queen of Mean, is hungry for that belt too. Not tonight, sweetie. I get quickly to my feet, tug on the top rope a few times, and test my barefooted traction on the mats. My red speedo compliments my surfers tan nicely and other than that speedo, I wear nothing. Yt

01:27 Zack_Davis: You are not logged in.

01:28 QueenLola: The bell is sounded and I immediately slide out under the bottom of the ring and to the floor. I lift up on one of the skirts on the apron and smirk as I begin to pull out a table and hoist it up and then proceed to slide it into the ring as I stare you down. “No mercy no holding back love.” I say and bite my lip as I climb the apron and step back into the ring. Cameras caught every angle as our match goes on.
01:28 QueenLola: Yt

01:45 Zack_Davis: I smile as you bite your lip looking at me. You little brat, you know that distracts me. "Ohhh, don't worry babe. I'll soak in the tub with you when we get home, but this is business. You're going down hard". I turn my back to you as you drag your table out and wrestle it into the ring, while I grab a few objects I had stashed in my corner beforehand. A kendo stick, a couple of 3 foot long pieces of rope, a folding chair. I set them up readily available in my corner, before stepping towards center ring to wait for you to meet me. Yt

01:48 QueenLola: I move my hair out of my face as I made my way to the middle of the ring and looked into your eyes with an innocent cute look and softly speaking. “You don’t wanna hurt me baby do you? You don’t wanna hurt me that badly do you?” I say and get close to you as I rub my hand along your cheek and look into your eyes trying to be all cute and innocent.
01:48 QueenLola: Yt

05:33 Zack_Davis: Your hand on my cheek feels so soft and gentle, our bellies touch sensually as you brush up against me with that cute and innocent look. Unghh! 🔥 Ohhh, You're good! I break our eye contact as I glance at the table that you've made a point of getting into the ring immediately. Yeah, cute and innocent my ass! Anything goes hardcore, for a title?!? My hand touches your hip gently as you rub my cheek, but then I let you know right here from the start how this was going to go down, meeting your gaze again as I draw my knee up sharply targeting your crotch... Yt

18:51 QueenLola: I gasp and drop to my knees holding my cunt as I looked up at you from the ground as I noticed playing the cute and innocent wasn’t gonna work anymore since I brought in the table. As I now look up at you and my face changed from cute and innocent to an devilish look as I speak. “Payback hurts worse!” I say and give you some payback with an uppercut between your legs.
18:51 QueenLola: Yt

19:20 Zack_Davis: I smirk as you sag to your knees, "nice try Blondie". Satisfied with the results of spoiling your rouse I reach down for a hand full of that blonde hair when your grimace turns to cold, sadistic menace. "Fuckkkk" is all I manage to utter as I see your arm flash upwards followed by the sick thud of fist slamming against body ... Anything in between fist and body instantly turned into a searing, white hot agony. My legs now too fail to support me as I clutch at my boys and sag to my knees also, almost on top of you. The Queen of Mean Lola has revealed herself. Yt

21:14 QueenLola: I see you now on your knees though your taller stature made you tower over me and nearly on top of me. I was no longer the sweet innocent girl who put you in Zack mode, I was here to win a championship and unlike you I’ve had plenty of experience being in an ladder match before. I slowly stand to my feet one hand on my cunt as I let you hold your balls while on the ground and set up the table in front of the corner using only one hand with the other occasionally holding myself. I then take a minute to walk back to you and try to deliver an kick to the back of your head.
21:14 QueenLola: Yt

21:43 Zack_Davis: When you stand, I lose what support I had leaning against you. You recover much quicker than I could ever hope ... having balls can suck at times as a mixed wrestler, simple fact. As you get up to tend to your nefarious business, I double all the way over without your support, my forehead rests on the mat. I hear you rustling around and know it's pretty much fight hurt or get beaten senseless at this point. Gritting my teeth with a groan as this produces a fresh wave of hell, I I lean back up to see what you've set up in the corner, and I see you about to play football 🏈 with my head..."ohh, fuck no sweetie!" Slamming my forehead back to the mat to allow your wicked little kick to sail over my head...yt

21:47 QueenLola: I go for the kick and watch you completely lay down on your back and smirk as I miss the kick landing ass facing you and standing on the side of you. I try to use this miss to my advantage and do an back flip double knee down to your abdomen like WWE superstar Alexa bliss.
21:47 QueenLola: Yt

22:00 Zack_Davis: "Jesus" I shriek as your kick still brushes my hair. "Witch!" Fearing another head shot is probably pretty much at the front of your mind, I figure it might be size to do something crazy ... Like move it! I half roll, half collapse to my back. Gaining my bearings, locating your position relative to me ... Well, Damn! Mid air doing some flippy jumpy what the heck, quickly realizing what the heck when both of your knees slam into my unsuspecting six pack abs. Okay, that sucked, half folding up around your knees, before dropping again to my back trying to twist free. I inadvertently get a hand on your bikini bottoms as I writhe about, your ass becomes exposed to the delight of the fans. Yt

05:02 QueenLola: I squirm as you manage to grab my bottoms and the crowd gets an great view of my ass as I try to pull myself free from you and gain some space as it seems neither of us are gonna back down from this.
05:02 QueenLola: Yt

01:37 Zack_Davis: I grit my teeth as I grasp your bottoms, trying to keep you near. My advantage is on the ground, where I can use my size and weight advantage to simply maul you. A nut shot and a pair of knees to the stomach takes a little fight out of a guy, but I didn't expect any less, and I came here to win a championship tonight! I wiggle closer to you while still pulling you towards me by your bottoms, full buttock exposure as I get close enough to you for an attempt at drilling an elbow into your lower back. The movements send a fresh wave of agony coursing through my balls, and my breath is coming in gasps. Need to slow you down for a moment ... Yt

21:24 QueenLola: I take the elbow to my back and groan as I bend forward holding my lower back while on my knees as you still had an pretty good tight hold on my bottoms. I knew there was only one way and one way only I was gonna escape this and be able to recover with separation. I take my hand off my back wincing as I moved and quickly pulled the string on my bottoms making it pull off into your hands and allowing me to move few inches forward.
21:24 QueenLola: Yt

00:16 Zack_Davis: "Fuck!" I mutter as your bottoms are suddenly all that I'm holding with my left hand, my right arm resting across your back supporting me as much as anything following my sharp elbow strike. "Crafty little bitch!", Your ass now bare, but you're free to move enough to avoid another elbow. I remove my right arm from across your back, wind up and try to land a looping uppercut into your belly as you squirm away on your hands and knees slightly ahead of me. Yt

00:21 QueenLola: I take the swinging right arm to my midsection and groan as I drop to my side and hold my stomach as we both seem to be trying to regain our own control. “Better bare than struggling.” I smirk and try to fully turn over onto my back and slowly scoot myself back from you.
00:21 QueenLola: Yt

00:34 Zack_Davis: I smile as I'm able to land a little bit lof pain as a parting shot, as you groan and roll to your side. You manage your way to your back, you're a tough chick, I'll give you that. You scoot backwards away from me, your naked pussy now teasing me as you smirk in making your retreat. I smirk back at you, both of us knowing full well that I'm growing a bulge. I can't help it, that's what you do to me. You can help it, your smirk clearly is evidence that you know exactly what you do to me, even in a brutal match like this. Always a brat! I take a swipe at your bare pussy withy fist as you scoot away, missing miserably.
00:34 Zack_Davis: Yt

00:42 QueenLola: I smirk as I can tell seeing my bare pussy is making you rock hard as I manage to move away from another blow to my pussy. I scoot back enough to the ropes and pull myself up as I step out of the ring and grab a ladder, pushing it into the ring and bite my lip and climb back in as well. I pick up the ladder and set it up then walk to you and smirk standing over you.
00:42 QueenLola: Yt

01:37 Zack_Davis: You manage to go about your task, dragging the ladder out and setting it up on the ring. You stand over me smirking as you look down at me. Your efforts took some time allowing me to regain some ability to function, as I look over your shoulder at the belt hanging above us. I managed my way to my knees while you were setting up the ladder, and now as you stand above me looking down smirking, I swear you use again your nudity to further affect me. Love to wipe that smirk off your face 😈. I lunge at you, hooking at your knees, tying to yank your legs to me, knocking you to your ass. Yt

09:46 QueenLola: Show boating definitely was not the smartest idea as I soon land on my ass and groan as you yanked my legs out from under me and put yourself back on the offensive position. While sitting on my ass facing you, I try to use my legs which are held by you from the take down to wrap around your abdomen for an laying down body scissors. If I couldn’t climb the ladder at this moment I was definitely gonna inflict some pain to your ribs first.
09:46 QueenLola: Yt

01:42 Zack_Davis: Those sexy legs, I've been between them sooo many times, but as we agreed business is business and damn my girl has strong legs! Your grip was tight, then you hooked your ankles! DAMN! I feel joints crack I didn't know I had as your legs slowly squeeze me breathless. Your bare crotch pressing against my abs firmly, this needs to change quick. You're sitting on your ass, but your entire front is exposed. This fact not lost on me, I grab a 34-D in each hand and SQUEEZE my fingertips into to delicate flesh... I have other plans if that doesn't work out ... Yt

20:31 QueenLola: I squeeze tighter and squeal as you decide to fight dirty and grab my breast over my top. Even though you were manhandling my breast I was determined to keep your body squeezed between my legs, ankles hooked as I groan and grunt trying to cause as much pain to your ribs as I possibly could, my crotch rubbing against your abdomen making me nearly wanna moan but I hold back and cover it with grunts as the heat seemed to rise out here.
20:31 QueenLola: Yt

20:40 Zack_Davis: Each of us trapped in the others torturous grasp, we both groan as our punishment takes it's toll. This stalemate has to break or I figure I have a problem, your hooked ankles and powerful thighs are not only sucking the breath out of me, but I'm pretty sure I felt a rib or two crack. Releasing my grip from your already bruising breasts, I aim a driving fist down at your lower belly, below your navel, hoping to stun your lower core muscles. It IS getting hot in here, as even in agony, a hard on brushes against your butt. Your pussy presses noticably against my abs , pain mingling with pleasure. Yt

20:44 QueenLola: I feel the heat between our bodies as this was intense. I had him slowly wearing down as he let go of my now sore breast only to slam his muscle backed fist into my stomach right below my navel causing me to relax not entirely let go of the hold as I was still wrapped around him, but it wasn’t tight, he had room to breath as I rested on his lap with my lower back and groan from the pain now in my lower abdomen. I unhook my ankles and roll to the side as I take a minute to try and catch my breath, his punches especially from short range take nearly my breath completely out of my body.
20:44 QueenLola: Yt

20:55 Zack_Davis: My fist to your belly had it's desired effect, breaking our stalemate although I'm not sure who made it out worse for wear. My arms wrap around my waist as sharp pain meets every gulp of air. 'My bitch broke my rib!' I think to myself. You on the other hand roll to the side with troubles of your own, gasping to gain your ability to breathe freely as well. I glance to my well stocked corner of toys, dropping from my knees to all fours, making my way over to a folding chair that happened to be closest to me. I turn, pushing the chair ahead of me as I crawl my way towards you. Yt

21:08 QueenLola: I roll to my knees and slowly begin to catch my breath, getting up to all fours looking down at the mat. The sun was beating down on our sweaty bodies, we were leaving it all in the ring right now. I look to my left as I watch you crawl towards me and pushing a chair ahead of you. I see it’s a bit hard for you to stand as your ribs must have clearly been aching, so I try to crawl on basically one arm grasping my stomach as I get occasional shots of pain in my lower abdomen from your punch. I get close and place my hand on one end of the chair as I look you dead in the eyes and grip the chair with both hands as I move to an seated position and try to pull it away.
21:08 QueenLola: Yt

21:16 Zack_Davis: You smartly meet me as I stalk you with my weapon of choice, good move. You get your hands on the chair from your end, pulling hard as you fall back to your bare ass. I don't quite have the leverage that you do at the moment, and I could see this maybe going very wrong. I resist as hard as I can, hoping you counter by pulling even harder. Without warning, I stop pulling and shove the chair instead at you, hoping to drive the cold steel frame anywhere into your upper body that might cause harm. Yt

21:20 QueenLola: I give an sly smirk as I feel you resist the tugging on the chair, but I wasn’t born yesterday as I can feel you not truly trying to keep this weapon in your hand. My tugging stops as you release the chair leaving it in my hands as I look at you and bite my lip with an devilish grin on my face. “Did you really think I was gonna fall for that trick? I’m blonde, but I’m no dumb blonde.” I say and from my seated position I turn the chair to an proper holding position and raise it above my head ready to crash it down over your head.
21:20 QueenLola: Yt

21:29 Zack_Davis: "ohhh SHIT!!!" I mouth, obviously not the Queen of Mean's first rodeo. My little trick fails, and things go from bad to worse when you grab the chair like you've done this before (🤔) and swing the damn thing like a pro right at the top of my head. Block with my arms? No fukkin ways am I getting my arms broken! Next best move, faceplant damn near into your lap, preferring to suffer the blow across my broad back instead of my head. Yt

21:33 QueenLola: My eyes widen as I gasp feeling you dive face first into my lap causing the chair to slam directly into your back. I smirk and toss the chair aside and realize the dumb position you put yourself in as I try to quickly follow up and lock you in an headscissors before you can fully scramble from the painful shot to your back by the chair. That will sting in the morning but now you’ll know not to underestimate me again like that.
21:33 QueenLola: Yt

22:09 Zack_Davis: I suddenly find myself in a familiar yet unfamiliar position. My face in your bare pussy? One of the best things in life. Your legs squeezing around my head in the process? Problem. Your sweet, delicious flesh presses against my mouth and my nose, creating a definite difficulty breathing. Even with your 34-d breasts, you're a petite little morsel compared to me, but at a solid almost 130 pounds of sex appeal and muscle you're no joke with a headscissor. I paw in futility at your ass before attempting to pull your knees open. Nope, not happening. I need air, fast! I slip my hand down along your butt crack, following the contour of your body upwards until my palm covers your butt pucker and my fingers slip between my mouth and your crotch. Hooking a finger into your vagina to latch hold. Yt

22:38 QueenLola: I gasp and squeal as you push your fingers into me and my ass hole as I don’t take a weaken chance and break the hold as I try to slide back letting out an slight moan. I struggle to scoot away as you have me held on both sides and glare at you as the intensity of the match rises even though the sun began to set and our arena lights pop on.
22:38 QueenLola: Yt

22:47 Zack_Davis: My face is flushed from exertion and from the squeeze you had my head in. I push through the fogginess in my mind while you scoot backwards. For the first time it seems like since the match started I'm able to get to my feet. You managed the ground and pound I had envisioned pretty well, my baby can fight. So can I. I stagger to my feet after you, reaching for your hair to try to bring this fight to our feet. Yt

22:52 QueenLola: My eyes widen as you get back to your feet and grip my hair yanking me back up to my feet. On the ground we were nearly similar height, though standing you were clearly an skyscraper compared to me, though an muscular skyscraper compared to me. I grip your wrist and struggle as I look up and try to make eye contact as you have some control on the match at this moment. “We are fighting through sundown.”
22:52 QueenLola: Yt

23:09 Zack_Davis: "Your sundown might come early, baby* I smirk, bending down to give you a short, passionate lip lock. With your arms around my waist you are pretty much supporting yourself. Slipping an arm between your legs, the other supporting you under your neck, I lift you into a position across my chest facing me. The table that you sat up so painstakingly after your opening nut crusher still sits untouched. I shift your weight, intending to put that table to use as I head across the ring, the only thought in my mind is my intention to smash you through that table. Yt

12:21 QueenLola: I feel you pick me up sideways and I begin to kick and squirm as I know what side of the ring we are walking to and what your intentions are. You plan on putting me through my own table as I groan and kick harder struggling. “No No No! Don’t you even dare! This is my table! No!” I scream and shout as you hover me over it.
12:21 QueenLola: Yt

12:32 Zack_Davis: Your kicking, squirming and pleading are just adding fuel to my fire. I love ya, but like we've always said business is business. And I dooo enjoy my business! Your screams bring a sadistic smile to my lips, swinging your hips and legs up to my shoulder only to follow through all in one motion with a bodyslam onto the table that you introduced to the ring. "THAT. Was a really good idea, baby" I tease. I can't help myself, I'm kind of a brat too.
12:33 Zack_Davis: Yt

14:45 QueenLola: My eyes widen and heart races as he sends me crashing through the table. I hit the wood then the mat and groan as I lay there laying out of it for now. You definitely have been putting up an pretty good fight. The ladder was set up and I was down this was not looking good for my chance of winning the OCW Hardcore championship. I begin to roll to the left and roll out of the ring feeling the scrap on my back from the jagged wood pieces as I lay on the outside of the ring.
14:45 QueenLola: Yt

17:21 Zack_Davis: I glance up at the championship belt hanging above the ladder, then I glance down at you writhing on the mats just outside the ring. Decesions, decesions! Better safe than sorry, you've been through too many of these to take chances! I slip quickly under the bottom rope, pulling my self out by it and kipping upright at your feet. I grin down at you, grasping your ankles to spread your legs wide. If all goes as I intend, your ability and even desire to attempt a re-entry into the ring will be greatly diminished. I spread your legs wide and lift my foot high! Yt

17:34 QueenLola: My head moves left to right as I groan and look up seeing you standing above me and holding my legs up. I shake my head immediately No over and over hoping, I wasn’t wearing any bottoms and was already on the outside of the ring. When you said no mercy you really meant it and this was just business as we had agreed upon. You were destined to take the title and I was destined as well no matter what it means.
17:34 QueenLola: Yt

17:40 Zack_Davis: I drive my bare heel home into your bare crotch with a satisfying this, and a hint of a squish. I toss your legs aside, convinced your not gonna feel like getting up anytime soon, rolling back into the ring, quickly to the ladder. A final look down at you, and I take my first, then second, then third step up the stepladder...yt

17:49 QueenLola: I gasp and groan as I bunch up feeling the pain in my crotch as you slam your heel goes crushing down on my cunt. I curl up and lay on my side after you push my legs aside and ride out the pain in my crotch from your naughty attack. I look into the ring and watch you begin to ascend the ladder and getting closer towards the gold.
17:49 QueenLola: Yt

18:27 Zack_Davis: I reach the top of the ladder and take one last look down at you to ensure my safety. I have mixed feelings, I know how bad you wanted this too. Meh, business. Our eyes meet, I give you a sincere smile and a wink as I reach for the belt. Either way, it comes home with us tonight. Should make for some interesting bragging rights 😈. My fingers touch it. Yt

19:14 QueenLola: I lock eyes with you and by the time I crawled into the ring the belt would be yours. I give an smile back and just nod and accept my defeat kneeling at the edge of ring looking up at you.
19:14 QueenLola: Yt

19:35 Zack_Davis: You are not logged in.

I grasp the belt and pull, the championship is mine! I hold the belt briefly high in the air for the fans to see, the glint of the stadium lights reflecting off the shiny alloy. I don't pause long, however. Business is over for the day, and the sun has long since set. I hop the last three steps off the ladder and step through the ropes, hitting the floor with you already in an embrace. Our eyes meet again, with weary, broken body strains on our faces, but we smile. This is what we do. I grin at you "Bitch!". I'm not quite sure what you said back, sounded something like "dickhead", but I could be wrong. I hold the belt up in both of our hands to the roaring approval of a sentimental crowd. I lean down and whisper into your ear, "let's hit the shower". You are not logged in.

19:36 QueenLola: End
19:37 Zack_Davis: End

Published: 2023-02-03, viewed 71 times.
