OutDoor Championship Wrestling

Public Restricted

Established: 2023-01-25

  • No holds barred
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  • Outdoors match
A Company built outside, from the "ground" up!
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Plot twist in this heated battle! 😲🔥🔥

Carmella (deleted member)

22:51 QueenLola: I walked out to the ring and decided enough was enough as I wore my black bikini as I held a mic and climbed into the ring. “Emily! Enough is Enough, no more jumping each other backstage and beating the crap out of each other! I want you to come out here and face me one on one!” You are not logged in.
22:51 QueenLola: Yt
23:05 Emily_Dawnson: Soon after, I stride out towards the ring, having accepted your challenge. Sporting a purple bikini myself, I flick my hair back with a smirk as I approach the ring. "Finally, took you long enough you pussy~ Let's do it!" I shout out back at you, sliding into the ring
23:16 QueenLola: Yt
23:18 Carmella: All going to plan...hell of a way to make my debut, but hey? Who really cares? Right as Lola's attention is keyed in on Emily I slip right around the outside of the ring, staying low and making sure i'm not seen until I reach her side of the ring...almost...my hand hooks around her ankle and yanks hard to pull her out of the ring!
23:19 Carmella: yt
23:20 QueenLola: I land face first onto the mat and yanked out of the ring by someone and lay on the floor as I groan and begin to crawl towards the ring steps.
23:20 QueenLola: Yt
23:23 Emily_Dawnson: All according to plan~ "Oh? You really thought i'd come here alone? Pathetic, you should know me better by now bitch!" I laugh with an evil grin, as Carmella grips you by the hair and tosses you right back down hard onto the ringsteps!
23:23 Emily_Dawnson: yt
23:25 Carmella: BANG! Lola goes face first and soon body second right into the cold stairs up to the ring, her body slamming against it with a sickening clang! Looking up and over to Emily with a wink and a nod
23:25 Carmella: yt
23:27 QueenLola: My face bounces off of the stairs as I crawl up them and slide into the ring and slowly begin to pull myself up to my feet and holding my face. I should of known better that this bitch wouldn’t come out alone.
23:27 QueenLola: Yt
23:28 Emily_Dawnson: The bell officially rings, and I charge in forward, looking for a sharp and fast clothsline right across your chest to try and bring you down again fast!
23:28 Emily_Dawnson: yt
23:29 QueenLola: I take the clothesline hard and land on my back as I groan out and lay looking up at the sky as she takes full advantage of this opportunity as Carmella lingers on the outside.
23:29 QueenLola: Yt
23:31 Carmella: Feeling the thud even from ringside, I cheer on to Emily as she brings Lola down right down to the ground
23:31 Carmella: yt
23:32 Emily_Dawnson: Lola hits the deck, and I cover, raising your leg up to try for a fast and humiliating pin! 1...2...
23:32 Emily_Dawnson: yt
23:33 QueenLola: I hear the count and manage to just barely get the kick out at 2 and a half. I lay there on the mat and pant as I growl as this just adds to our rivalry.
23:33 QueenLola: Yt
23:35 Emily_Dawnson: My eyes widen as she manages to kick out?! Growling in frustration, I get back to my knee's and send a sharp slap right across your face. "Why can't you just lose already, you stupid slut?!"
23:35 Emily_Dawnson: yt
23:36 QueenLola: I take the slap across the face and roll away and try to slowly pull myself up to my feet as I groan and look at her trying to charge her and give her an clothesline back.
23:37 QueenLola: Yt
23:43 Carmella: Deciding that my work may not be done just yet, I call out over to the referee as I climb up on ringside. As she comes on over to see what's wrong I drag her into a kiss, not letting her go despite her her efforts to resist!
23:43 Carmella: yt
23:45 QueenLola: I turn my attention to the ref being brought into a kiss by Carmella and growl as I yell at her to let the ref go with Emily down behind me.
23:45 QueenLola: Yt
23:46 Emily_Dawnson: Coughing from the clothsline, I slowly start to get to all fours...then my knee's...looking around I see that all eyes are away from me...perfect~ Moving just a little closer, I lower my fist, before shooting it high for an uppercut right into your crotch!
23:46 Emily_Dawnson: yt
23:48 QueenLola: I gasp taking an low blow and dropping to my knees and then down to my side as I hold my crotch and lay on the mat. ‘Mmmm this bitch is not gonna get away with this I think to myself.’
23:48 QueenLola: Yt
23:50 Emily_Dawnson: Nodding over to Carmella as I suddenly drop down, covering Lola and lifting her leg for another pin attempt...
23:51 QueenLola: Yt
23:51 QueenLola: She covers me into another pin and the ref comes back slamming her hand down on the mat. “1…2….”
23:52 QueenLola: Yt
23:53 Emily_Dawnson: "3!" The bell dings again and I shove off Lola with a wide smirk. This couldn't have gone more perfect~ Standing up again as the ref raises my arm up with a wide smirk.
23:53 Emily_Dawnson: yt
23:54 QueenLola: I lay on the mat and hold my crotch as the two girls celebrate over me and extend this rivalry some more.
23:54 QueenLola: Yt
23:55 Carmella: Slipping into the ring myself, I run over and drag Emily into a hug, cheering as I raise her arm up as well, signalling the victor of another rivalry brawl...with a little extra help~
23:55 Carmella: yt
23:55 QueenLola: {End}

Published: 2023-04-20, viewed 69 times.



Zack Davis

2023-04-20 01:22

That! Was! Awesome! Things are heating up 🔥