OutDoor Championship Wrestling

Public Restricted

Established: 2023-01-25

  • No holds barred
  • Pro wrestling
  • Submission
  • Back and forth
  • Outdoors match
A Company built outside, from the "ground" up!
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OCW Greets Kitty

Queen Olivia (deleted member)
Princess Kitty (deleted member)

16:03 weakkittyfights: hugs zaccky

16:04 Zack_Davis: Hello Alaina 😊

16:04 weakkittyfights: how is the hottest guy on chatfighters today ?

16:05 Zack_Davis: Chillin 😎

16:05 weakkittyfights: nice

16:06 weakkittyfights: what have you been up too zacky?

16:08 weakkittyfights: can i sit on your lap ?

16:08 Zack_Davis: Kicking Lolas ass around 😜

16:08 weakkittyfights: ohh good she deserves it lol

16:08 Zack_Davis: 😁

16:09 QueenLola: Stands behind Kitty

16:09 Zack_Davis: It might be a tie

16:09 weakkittyfights: feeling nervous as she stands behind me

16:11 QueenLola: “Oh I’m not hiding but it seems someone wants to talk smack”

16:11 weakkittyfights: ohhh

16:11 weakkittyfights: i back off in fear

16:11 weakkittyfights: checking out Lola

16:12 QueenLola: “What’s the matter kitty?” I place my hand on my hips and step towards her

16:12 weakkittyfights: i move behind zack

16:12 weakkittyfights: back off i dont want to fight you

16:13 Zack_Davis: *kisses Lola, steps aside*

16:14 QueenLola: I kiss him back and grin “Oh did think he was gonna help you?”

16:14 weakkittyfights: i watch zack kiss you in jealousy but in fear

16:14 Zack_Davis: You are not logged in.

16:15 weakkittyfights: HISSSSS

16:15 Zack_Davis: That doesn't sound good

16:16 weakkittyfights: i i thought you liked me zacky

16:16 QueenLola: I step to her and try to grab the back of her head and pull her into my knee to her stomach

16:17 Zack_Davis: Get her baby!

16:18 weakkittyfights: my eyes open wide as she pulls my hair as i scream and reach for her hair as i pull on it but she pulls me toward her kneeing me in my tummy as i moan in pain letting go holding my tummy

16:18 Zack_Davis: Of course I do! But shes crazy!

16:20 QueenLola: I pull her head back to make her look at me as she holds her stomach “plus if I deserve to get my ass kicked, why don’t you step up?”

16:20 weakkittyfights: noooo im sorry i take it back pleasee dont hurt me

16:21 weakkittyfights: Zackkk stoppp her

16:21 QueenLola: I look at Zack and hold the grip

16:22 Zack_Davis: *shrugs*

16:23 weakkittyfights: i let go of my nauseated tummy as i raise up my arms to grab her arms sinking my nails into her arms trying to make her let go of my hair

16:23 Zack_Davis: Last time I pissed her off, she put me through a table

16:24 QueenLola: “Off a ladder.” I grin and gasp as she digs her nails into my arm

16:24 Zack_Davis: *nods*

16:25 weakkittyfights: then i swing my right fist to her belly as i let go of her arm with my right hand

16:26 QueenLola: I grunt and groan taking the punch to my stomach as I let her hair go and look at her “Kittys finally coming to play huh?”

16:28 weakkittyfights: i yell in a fearful jealous rage YOU BITCHHHH as you let go of me and come at you swinging my right anf left fists toward your face yt

16:29 QueenLola: I put my arms up to block her fist that are flying

16:32 weakkittyfights: then i reach out my hands to your neck as i try choking you

16:33 Zack_Davis: Oh boy

16:33 QueenLola: I gasp as she tries choking me and groan as I try to get her off of me with an kick between the legs

16:33 Zack_Davis: Ouch!

16:34 weakkittyfights: OYEEEEEEEEEEEEE i moan as i let go of her neck falling to my knees holding my painful kitty looking up at you in tears

16:35 Zack_Davis: Sweet dreams, Kitty sweetie

16:36 QueenLola: I grin and waste zero to little time kneeling down and trying to lock her into my infamous Guillotine submission

16:36 weakkittyfights: pleaseee zack tell your gf to stoppp I GIVEE I GIVEE

16:36 QueenLola:


16:36 Zack_Davis: I know my baby, perfect set up

16:37 Zack_Davis: *Looks to see if Alaina is
tapping out* ...

16:39 Queen_Olivia: you shouldn't mess with a queen :-) Congratulations Lola

16:40 QueenLola: I stand after she goes out and smiles and stands before Olivia and Zack

16:41 Queen_Olivia: Lola in her sweaty body looks hot enough to eat

16:42 Zack_Davis: That she does

16:42 Zack_Davis: Don't mess with that Guillotine though 😳

16:43 Queen_Olivia: better I do it with Lola ;-)

16:43 QueenLola: I raise my brow and smirk at the idea

16:43 Zack_Davis: *Bows to the Queens* ... And steps waaay back

16:44 QueenLola: Holds out my hand for an handshake

16:44 Queen_Olivia: now no one dares to say anything

16:45 Zack_Davis: Ohh, I dare 😉

16:45 Queen_Olivia: Handshake ... pull Lola to me to kiss this horny woman

16:45 QueenLola: I kiss her back

17:39 weakkittyfights: omg i did not know she was the queen

17:39 weakkittyfights: she is brutal

17:39 weakkittyfights: she could have killed me

17:42 Queen_Olivia: if she had and that she is queen is in her name :-), be her slave and make up for your shame

17:47 weakkittyfights: or ?

17:50 Queen_Olivia: well, if you dare, you fight them again maybe you win and make up for the first defeat, otherwise it looks bad for you ;-)

Outdoor Championship Wrestling: OCW


Published: 2023-05-10, viewed 32 times.
